How can I retrieve all the forms that are present on the given website. Specifically the id and name of a form.
Simply with something like that
var page = require('webpage').create();'yoursitehere', function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('unable to access network');
} else {
var forms = page.evaluate(function(){
//best way here
return document.forms;
//some stuff here
also, note that can't pass a non-primitive object through evaluate. You will have to do your work in the evaluate.
Note: The arguments and the return value to the evaluate function must be a simple primitive object. The rule of thumb: if it can be serialized via JSON, then it is fine. Closures, functions, DOM nodes, etc. will not work!
I am a Python developer and I have been working on Vuejs app.
If have function that is equivalent of a() in python that takes iterables. and if all items in iterable are true than all([...]) returns true
methods: {
all: function(iterable) {
for (var index = 0; index < iterable.length; ++index) {
if (!iterable[index]) return false;
return true;
and here is how I validate.
if (this.all([
) {
window.location = "#slip"
this.displayState = 'block';
alert("Please fill all required fields.");
but this is not working.
Even if I fill all the mandatory fields I have the values in all the this.* attributes still I get alert saying "Please fill all required fields."
In JS, empty string values will return false on your IF statement.
You should check this point first.
(Maybe you have to check this topic)
Other thing : Make sure your "" variable is assigned. Vuejs is not reactive with sub-properties in objects.
Reactivity In Depth (Vue.js)
I need to check variable rasters_previews_list for changing. Here is my code:
var userContent = Vue.extend({
template: '<p>Some template</p>',
data: function () {
return {
rasters_previews_list: []
watch: {
'rasters_previews_list': function(value, mutation) {
console.log("Value changed");
But In console I do not see Value changed when it got new data.
Data changing function:
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
//...'/dbdata', DataBody).then((response) => {
userContent.rasters_previews_list = response; // putting JSON answer to Component data in userContent
}, (response) => {
console.log("Can't get list rasters metadata from DB. Server error: ", response.status)
I change value in map.on('draw:created', function (e) (Leaflet JS). I see console.log output, so seems data is changing.
If you want to change the value of an array you will have to use the special Array extension methods Vue.set and Vue.delete.
Due to limitations of JavaScript, Vue cannot detect the following changes to an Array:
When you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[0] = {};
When you modify the length of the Array, e.g. vm.items.length = 0.
This problem is also mentioned in the common gotchas
When you modify an Array by directly setting an index (e.g. arr[0] = val) or modifying its length property. Similarly, Vue.js cannot pickup these changes. Always modify arrays by using an Array instance method, or replacing it entirely. Vue provides a convenience method arr.$set(index, value) which is just syntax sugar for arr.splice(index, 1, value).
I'm writing an Odoo v9 widget, which renders a URL, based on concatenation of a setting in the database, and the actual form fields.
The setting in the database I figure should live in ir_config_parameter. I'm inserting a default value with my module.
What's the best way to get this value when rendering the widget? Doing an async ajax call using
new Model("ir.config_parameter")
seems a little heavy handed. Is there a better way to be doing this?
Widget code:
var UrlWidget2 = form_common.FormWidget.extend({
start: function() {
this.field_manager.on("field_changed:ref", this, this.display_result);
display_result: function() {
var ref = this.field_manager.get_field_value("ref");
if (!ref) return;
var baseUrl = ''; //this is the value I want to get from the setting in the database.
var url = baseUrl + '/foo/' + ref;
this.$el.html('View Externally<br /><br/>');
You can use RPC for this. This is example which work for me:
var Model = require('web.DataModel');
var UrlWidget2 = form_common.FormWidget.extend({
// just example how to get parameter from backend
display_result: function() {
var parameter = new Model('ir.config_parameter');
// get fields value, key
parameter.query(['value', 'key'])
// criteria of search - record with id = 1
.filter([['id', '=', 1]])
// only one record
.then(function (parameter) {
// here data from server
// ...
Hope this helps you.
I currently have an issue with a file read in a Windows 8/WinRT application. I have a simple navigation style app, several pages have access to the same data and I have a data.js file that defines a namespace (Data) with a number of members. One part of the application saves items to a txt file stored in the applications local data folder. But on some of the other pages I need to read this in or check for the existence of an item within the list of previously saved items. To do this I added another method into the data.js file. The trouble is, when I call this method to check for the existence of an item, it doesn't return the value straight away due to the async nature, but the rest of code in the page specific js file still seems to execute before it jumps back into the parsing. This means that the logic to check for an item doesn't seem to work. I have a feeling it's down to my use of either .done or .then but my code is as follows:
var doesItemExist= function(item_id){
var appFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
//note I've tried this with and without the first "return" statement
return appFolder.getFileAsync(dataFile).then(function (file) {
Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file).done(function (text) {
try {
var json = JSON.parse(text);
if (json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.items.length; i++) {
var temp_item = json.items[i];
if ( === item_id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, function (e) { return false;console.log(e); });
}, function (e) { // error handling
return false;
WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
doesItemExist: doesItemExist
}); //all of the above is wrapped in a self executing function
Then on Page.js I have the following:
var add = document.getElementById('add');
if (Data.doesItemExist( { = 'block';
} else { = 'none';
All the variables here are assigned and debugging doesn't produce any errors, control just appears to go back to the if/else statement after it hits the getFileAsync but before it even goes through the for loop. But subsequently it does go in to the for loop but after the if statement has finished. I'm guessing this is down to the async nature of it all, but I'm not sure how to get around it. Any ideas?
A Promise should work here.
I created a new Navigation app, and added a Data.js file containing the following code:
(function () {
var appData = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData;
function doesItemExist(item_id) {
return new WinJS.Promise(
function (completed, error, progress) {
var exists = false;
appData.current.localFolder.createFileAsync("data.txt", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).then(
function (file) {
function (fileContents) {
if (fileContents) {
if (fileContents = "foo!") {
else {
else {
function (e) {
WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
doesItemExist: doesItemExist
Note that I've simplified the code for retrieving and parsing the file, since that's not really relevant to the problem. The important part is that once you've determined whether the item exists, you call completed(exists) which triggers the .then or .done of the Promise you're returning. Note that you'd call error(e) if an exception occurs, as I'm doing if there's an exception from the call to createFileAsync (I use this call rather than getFileAsync when I want to be able to either create a file if it does not exist, or return the existing file if it does, using the openIfExists option).
Then, in Home.js, I added the following code to the ready handler:
var itemExists;
var itemExistsPromise = Data.doesItemExist(42);
itemExistsPromise = itemExistsPromise.then(function (exists) {
itemExists = exists;
var content = document.getElementById("content");
content.innerText = "ItemExists is " + itemExists;
itemExistsPromise.done(function () {
var a = 42;
var b = 0;
The code above sets the variable itemExistsPromise to the returned promise from the function in Data.js, and then uses an anonymous function in the .then function of the Promise to set the variable itemExists to the Boolean value returned from the doesItemExist Promise, and grabs the <p> tag from Home.html (I added an id so I could get to it from code) and sets its text to indicate whether the item exists or not). Because I'm calling .then rather than .done, the call returns another promise, which is passed into the itemExistsPromise variable.
Next, I call itemExistsPromise.done to do any work that has to wait until after the work performed in the .then above it.
If you set a breakpoint on the lines "var a = 42" and "var b = 0" (only included for the purpose of setting breakpoints) as well as on the line "itemExists = exists", you should find that this gives you the control you need over when the various parts are executed.
Hope that helps!
In my ExtJS 4.0.7 app I have some 3rd party javascripts that I need to dynamically load to render certain panel contents (some fancy charting/visualization widgets).
I run in to the age-old problem that the script doesn't finish loading before I try to use it. I thought ExtJS might have an elegant solution for this (much like the class loader: Ext.Loader).
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither seem to provide what I'm looking for. Do I have to just "roll my own" and setup a timer to wait for a marker variable to exist?
Here's an example of how it's done in ExtJS 4.1.x:
url: '...', // URL of script
scope: this, // scope of callbacks
onLoad: function() { // callback fn when script is loaded
// ...
onError: function() { // callback fn if load fails
// ...
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither
seem to provide what I'm looking for
Really looks like it's true. The only thing that can help you here, I think, is Loader's injectScriptElement method (which, however, is private):
var onError = function() {
// run this code on error
var onLoad = function() {
// run this code when script is loaded
Ext.Loader.injectScriptElement('/path/to/file.js', onLoad, onError);
Seems like this method would do what you want (here is example). But the only problem is that , ... you know, the method is marked as private.
This is exactly what newest Ext.Loader.loadScript from Ext.4-1 can be used for.
For all you googlers out there, I ended up rolling my own by borrowing some Ext code:
var injectScriptElement = function(id, url, onLoad, onError, scope) {
var script = document.createElement('script'),
documentHead = typeof document !== 'undefined' && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]),
cleanupScriptElement = function(script) { = id;
script.onload = null;
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script.onerror = null;
return this;
onLoadFn = function() {
onErrorFn = function() {
// if the script is already loaded, don't load it again
if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url;
script.onload = onLoadFn;
script.onerror = onErrorFn;
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') {
return script;
var error = function() {
console.log('error occurred');
var init = function() {
console.log('should not get run till the script is fully loaded');
injectScriptElement('myScriptElem', '', init, error, this);
From looking at the source it seems to me that you could do it in a bit of a hackish way. Try using Ext.Loader.setPath() to map a bogus namespace to your third party javascript files, and then use Ext.Loader.require() to try to load them. It doesn't look like ExtJS actually checks if required class is defined in the file included.