Windows 8 Metro style App installation - windows-8

I have x86 tablet running Windows 8 Pro and i am trying to install appx package created in RTM on it , i ran as administrator everything
but application is not getting installed and I am getting error
"The term "Add-AppxPackage"is not recognized as a name of cmdlet , function script file or operable program"
Is there nay solution to above problem ?

Have you installed a Windows Store developer license on the target machine? See this link:
After that you should be able to install your package. I've never done my installs with the appx binary. When you do a build of your app, the output should contain an appx file plus a folder with the name of your app. The way I do my installs is to copy the folder to the target machine. Inside the folder is a powershell script that you can run to install the app. The script is called 'Add-AppDevPackage.ps1' and I believe you need to run it from an elevated (admin) Powershell console.
Edit: are you running the command like this:
(or use whatever name you script is, and note the dot slash in front)


Install ASP.NET Core Runtime using PowerShell without internet access

I would like to be able to install ASP.NET Core runtime during a release in Azure DevOps (if its missing om the target machine), however My remote machines does not have internet access.
This appears to be the "official" way of doing this, but it from the look of it this requires an internet access till be able to download the .exe from the Azure Feed(?).
Has anyone been able to modify this so it downloads the file from a place located on the local network path/url?
I succeeded to install .Net Core SDK when I have the .exe in my local drive, I assuming it's the same thing for the .Net Core runtime file.
Just not use the PowerShell installation script and install the .exe in the Command Line. in .yaml pipeline:
- script: |
"D:\dotnet-runtime.exe" /s
TIMEOUT /T 500 /nobreak
"D:\dotnet-runtime.exe" start to install the .exe file (replace it with your .exe path).
/s - Silent mode (no popup and "next" buttons).
TIMEOUT /T 500 /nobreak - To make the CMD waiting until the installation will be finished (without it the pipeline move on and the installation cancelled).

clickonce deployment with prerequisites

We have an application that we deploy to a website. User goes to the website and downloads the application to their machine.
There are a few prerequisites such as .net and sql server 2012 express that we just click in the "prereqs" to install. But we also have another executable file syncronization which is an exe that the user needs to install before loading the application. How can we also include that so before the app runs it loads this as well. because i don't see an option to include it, it just has the standard default microsoft ones.
So basically you want to run a .exe file along with your main app???
Or it is like the .exe file should load before when you start the main app????

Firebreath plugin installation available for all users

i have a problem with the installation of a Firebreath plugin on Windows XP machine.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 setup project to place generated plugin dll in program folder to get the plugin work but when i run the installer the plugin is usable only by the user who install the plugin and if i log in the machine with another user with limited privileges Firefox cannot see the plugin.
What i'm doing wrong with this process?
Should i use Wix installer instead of Visual studio 2008 setup project to get the plugin work for all users in the machine ?
What is the correct "Firebreath" way to install a plugin and to make it visible to all users in the machine?
Thank for your time!
1) Nothing. This is as designed; FireBreath installs per-user by default, always has. This is a feature, since it means you don't have to have administrator privileges to install.
2) Not by default, no.
3) Uncomment the following line in your PluginConfig.cmake file and rerun the prep script:
# If you want to register per-machine on Windows, uncomment this line

Qt application is not installed on other system, except the system where build was made

I have made an application using Qt 5.0.2 and made its build using inno setup. The application is successfully installed and launched at my system and worked fine.But when i installed it on other system, application is not installing or launching also no error showing. Please help me guys... What to do
If you are using visual studio to build your application you will probably need to install vcredist_sp1_x86.exe on the destination machine. You can find it somewhere in the installation folder of Qt. You can add it to the list of files in the Inno script, and add entry in the [Run] section. Also make sure you have included in your setup script:
plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll ->should be installed in platforms/qwindows.dll in the destination folder. The same applies to imageformats plugins if you use them.
If you think there are too much dlls you will need to rebuild Qt with other configuration options, but that's another story...

How to deploy my program into a CD?

I am trying to deploy my program using vb 2008 express edition into the CD but it has no progress at all and will take a long time when you run the setup.exe to another computer and in the end it will just pops-up an error. I have followed the proper setup procedure on how to publish the program into the CD and was able to successfully published it along with all necessary prerequisites and supporting files.But when you open the setup.exe from the CD using other computer,it won't deploy the program into that computer and will just display a window which gives you 3 buttons saying Details,Retry,Cancel saying such error after downloading the required files.Does it matter if my OS is Vista and the computer where I'm deploying the program is using XP?What could have been the possible cause for this problem?
How could I possibly resolve this issue?
A possible solution:
Clean the Debug folder of your project.
Compile/Test your project again in Debug mode.
Burn a cd with the content of your Debug folder.