SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 only on solution rebuild - sql

I have a site built using MVC4 which is getting content out of a database and it all works fine.
If I then rebuild the solution and try to refresh the page to check my changes, I will always get the SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 saying that I cannot connect to the server.
However, if I then browse to my homepage and then back to the page I was looking at it will work fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem as it is really annoying
Further to this I have found it is when the AuthorizationContext filterContext is being loaded after the rebuild that it cannot connect to the db
As with neil below I have found that I only get the problem if I try to access a page that has had a role assigned to it

I'm seeing the exact same problem and can trace it to the .ASPXAUTH session cookie in the browser. Delete that cookie and the database error goes away until the next rebuild.
The error occurs regularly if you are authenticated and then rebuild the project and try to browse any page that either:
Requires authentication
Makes a call to the User object (e.g. #if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")))
If you have the AuthorizeAttribute filter set in App_Start/FilterConfig.cs you'll get this on every page.
This seems to be new behavior following the most recent Patch Tuesday updates. Previously, I was seeing weird behavior where I would remain logged in but I would loose my roll membership. After the most recent patches, it seems Simple Membership chokes when it gets a bad .ASPXAUTH cookie (invalid because of the rebuild).
I've got the correct connection string in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs but it's like Simple Membership is defaulting to something else in this one instance.
Note that I've moved the Simple Membership databases from the original (localDb) to a full-fledged (local) SQL Server instance. Don't know why that would matter, and it works fine in all other cases.
I've also tried making the connection string name the same as the EF context name (e.g. "ProjectContext") on the theory that it is defaulting to the standard convention, but that made no difference. I am explicitly identifying the connection string name in all my context class constructors (using the : base("connectionString") syntax) and Simple Membership is able to find the right connection string all other times.
Update 2:
The problem only occurs after rebuild when accessing a page protected by role. A simple [Authorize] won't trigger it. You need something like [Authorize(Role="Admin")]. I've replicated this on a new MVC 4 project with no other modifications, using the default (localDb) database. Clear the cookie and that same user can access the protected content w/o any problems. I believe this is a core .NET or MVC bug and needs to be reported as such.

This happened to me while rebuilding the application when I was logged in the browser.
Deleting cookies fixed the problem for me.

When using SimpleMembership, this bug occurs with any use of Roles-not just in the controller, but also when I use:
I am late to the game with this answer, but I added [InitializeSimpleMembership] to my home controller and I think that fixed it.


Redis-backed session state not saving everything

We are trying to move from server session (IIS) to Redis-backed session. I updated my web.config with the custom sessionState configuration. I'm finding that only SOME of my key/value pairs are being saved. Of the 5 I expect to be in there, there are only 2. I verified all my code is ultimately hitting HttpContext.Current.Session.Add. I verified that my POCOs are marked as serializable. Looking at monitoring, I see that it adds the first two pairs, then everything after that just doesn't make it. No hit, no rejection, no exceptions. Nothing.
Anyone ever see this? Know where I could start to look to resolve?
Update 1: I've switched to using a JSON serializer to store my data. Same thing. Doesn't seem to be a serialization issue.
Update 2: I've now downloaded the source code, compiled and am debugging it. The method SetAndReleaseItemExclusive, which seems to send the session items to Redis, is only hit once, though it should be hit more than once as my web site handle SSO and bounces from page to page to load the user and such. Have to investigate why it's only firing once...
Figured it out. Turns out that my AJAX request to an "API" endpoint without my MVC app did not have the appropriate session state attached. Therefore, the SetAndReleaseItemExclusive was never called. Adding this fixed it:
protected void Application_PostAuthorizeRequest()
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath == "/api/user/load")

ApplePayJS InvalidAccessError

Trying to integrate ApplePayJS into my website and getting this annoying message::
InvalidAccessError Code 15
"The object does not support the operation or argument"
Everything seems to have been going well and now nothing works.
If you get this error, in my experience Safari is now dead to ApplePayJS and you must start by force quitting and reopening it again.
Turns out the reason for me what that the ApplePay API completely craps out if you pass a string instead of an object into the completeMerchantValidation.
If what you return from your server is not JSON object, but a string instead then you can do this:
Or better still - fix your server to return a JSON object instead of a string.
Update 4 years later:
I just saw this again today for a real customer as opposed to during my own testing. In this instance the order had succeeded and the customer thought it had failed so attempted to go through the process again.
Oddly it was on this call with the same error "The object does not support the operation or argument."
Since the payment succeeded I've changed my logic to just ignore the exception (for STATUS_SUCCESS only) and proceed to the final page. I don't even know if the ApplePay sheet was still open but even if it was at least when it cancels it will be on the receipt page.
I have also had this issue but with a different reason
Your domain name in the session needs to equal the domain name of your browser. you set the domain name in the backend during in the initiativeContext

Unable to locate persister for the entity, no code has changed

I am suddenly getting the error: "Unable to locate persister for the entity named 'MyLib.Project'."
I did not make any code changes to this project since the last time I published it. The reason I went into the code to look at it is because a user reported that the web page that utilizes this library was giving an error. I have also checked the eager loading of the provider as per (NHibernate - Random occurrences of "Unable to locate persister") but I am already eagerly loading.
Furthermore, I even changed my data provider configuration to:
.Mappings(Function(x) x.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf(Of Project)())
I stepped through the code and actually saw it find the Project mapping and step through it. There are no exceptions thrown while building the provider, but yet the web app still fails when I try to fetch a Project from the DB.
I have tested this same exact code with a desktop application and it works perfectly fine. It seems to me the problem must be with NHibernate and the Web Application. Does anyone have any ideas about this specifically?
The answer to this, of course, is that I made a mistake.
I had two session factories in use in the same program and I passed a session from the wrong factory to one of my functions. So the error is correct, because the session it was passed was unaware of the Project type. I found this out eventually by looking at the Connection property of the session I was querying through.
Hopefully this helps someone else who may have made the same mistake.

form_for doesn't save to db

I have a very basic Rails application that has some standard scaffolded CRUD resources that worked just fine. All of a sudden, and I can't figure out why, the "form_for"s are no longer saving or updating the DB. However, everything works just fine in console. I am getting no errors -- just a redirect back to the 'new' page because of an unsuccessful save attempt. I've restarted servers, restarted everything, bundled again, migrated, etc. Nothing seems to work. How can I debug this issue?
Try temporarily changing #model.save to #model.save! in one of the relevant controllers.
This tells Rails to throw an exception if saving fails, instead of it's usual approach (redirecting to new, usually). Most likely you have a validation error, but whether or not that's the case, if you do this, you'll get an actual description of the error that occurred when the controller tried to save your updated model. That should give you somewhere to start debugging.

Undefined method stdClass::user() error when using CakePHP Auth

I'm fairly new to CakePHPand am building a site using the Auth component. A couple of times I have tried to do things with this component which have caused the error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::user() in /ftphome/site/app/controllers/users_controller.php on line 395
The line it refers to in this case is
$this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
This error does not disappear when I revert the code back to how it was before the error and I only seem to be able to get rid of it by removing some files on the server (I'm not sure which files, when I tried removing all files in the tmp directory the error persisted so I removed the entire site and restored from the latest svn revesion.
In this particular case I think I caused the error by putting the following code in app_controller
class AppController extends Controller {
function beforeRender() {
$this->set('test', $this->Auth->user());
Which I copied from this thread http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/ee9456de93d2eece/cff6fe580d13622b?lnk=gst&q=auth
A previous time I caused the issue by attempting to update the Auth user details after updating the user in the database.
I can see I'm somehow removing the user object from the Auth object but I can't understand why I need to delete files in the site to get it back or how the code above removes it - any help would be much appreciated.
It looks like in the case I mentioned above, the problem was the app_controller.php file which I'd copied into my app/controllers directory. Just having the file with an empty class declaration causes this error - can anyone provide further insight?
Further edit
I've realised I've been a bit silly and the problem was caused by me putting app_controller.php in /app/controllers/app_controller.php when there was already one in /app/app_controller.php - thanks for the input though Andy, it helps me understand a bit more what was happening.
This error is normally thrown when a class instance (in your case an instance of Auth) has been serialised to disk, then re-read/deserialised in another request but the class definition (i.e. Auth) has not been loaded yet, so PHP creates it as an "stdClass" (standard class.)
When you remove your site files, you're removing the session storage (IIRC it's the Cache folder in a CakePHP app) so at the next request, a new session is created from scratch.
It's been a while since I last used CakePHP (I switched to Zend) so I cannot remember if Cake includes files it requires using an __autoload function or not.
On that mailing list post, someone says that you can this $this->Auth->user() in a view, but in the controller, you can use $session->read('Auth.User') to get the user component. Not sure what the difference is, maybe $this->Auth is a view helper, so isn't available in the controller?