Authentication via OAuth 2.0 with YouTube - api

I've been struggling for some time now, trying to figure out how to make a button that redirects to a page asking for permission and then sending the partial information of their accounts to my database or email address and give other actions such as subscribing.
An example of who is doing this is socialblade and fullscreen, they're using it quite nicely and I would love to use this in the future.


Correct way to ask for chatbot verification

I want to 1) be able to receive updates about the activity in the comments on my instagram page and then 2) to be able to leave a reply.
I far as I understand the products, 1) can be made using Webhooks and 2) requires Instagram Graph API.
My app is intended to be used only by me. However, when I try to go through verification process, the form requires me to show how users can log into the app and so on. This does not apply to me.
The app is really simple: the comment is posted -> Webhook sends an update -> a reply is generated (this is out of the scope of this question) -> a reply is posted using Instagram Graph API from my page. You can see that the app does not have or require any additional UI.
The owner/developer of this chatbot is business, however it does not provide any servicies to other businesses. When applying for verification, I am only requesting 'instagram_manage_comments', however even there they ask me about the user log in (see the attached screenshot).
The account went through business verification already.
I was not able to find the information that is 100% relevant to my case.
The question is: what is the correct way to ask for the verification? Does Instagram support apps without additional UI and logging in? And basically what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Login Via Twitter

It has been almost a month and I couldn't figure this out.
I am developing a social network application and I want the users to be able to log in via their Twitter and Facebook account Like the screenshot below:
The Facebook is done, and I am stock with the twitter, Note that these pictures are actually set as a buttons.
What I want exactly is:
The user can be able to login (sign up) on the application using their Twitter and I will retrieve the basic information from Twitter API "Name,Username,Profile picture" in my application and store them in my database.
Note: I am using Parse and I already have a table call user.
Please help me :'(
It sounds like you haven't tried anything with Twitter yet.
If this were my code, I'd probably use the Twitter API to login, which they introduce you to here.
Or you can use one of the handy Objective-C libraries they've listed here

Google Tasks API authorization

I can see many related questions on SO, but none that answers exactly what I'm confused with.
I'm using Google Calendar API in a .NET desktop application that allows user to provide his/her username/password, logs in on his behalf and adds some events to the calendar. Now I want to do exactly the same thing for Tasks feature. I'm trying to use Google Tasks API for this, but have been told that I need to do some OAuth kind of authentication, and even before that, I need to go to my gmail account and set permissions and get my project "key" to enable it.
Now does every user of my application need to do these steps in their Gmail account? Or do I need to do this in MY gmail account once and then my application code will be able to use the generated project "key" to enable my users to add tasks to THEIR gmail tasks list?
Figured it out. For anyone having a hard time understanding this, here it is:
The "key" generation step needs to be done only once per application, not for each user who's going to use your application. To generate a key, login to your Google Account and go to Google APIs Console page. Click API Access button and that's where you can generate keys for different kinds of applications like browser apps, desktop apps, Android apps etc. After registration, you'll need to take Client ID, Client secret and API key from this page and put them into the code. Sample code (.NET) for task creation and several other Google features is available here.
Once your user runs your application, he'll be taken to his Google account in his default browser where he'll be asked if he wants to allow this application to write to his calendar/tasks list. This page will display your logo and description text too that you can provide at registration time. Once allowed, this step won't be required again in the next one hour (this may be adjustable, i don't know yet).

Using Input Box to Post onto Twitter

Is it possible to post onto Twitter using the sharing URL, for example: Status Update
But, instead of creating a link for a user to click, I want to have an input box that will post the content of the input box as the status. So, whatever the user types into the input box would replace My Status Update.
I'm thinking there should be a way to use the form to post onto this URL hxxp:// where XXXX is the input value. Is this possible?
UPDATE: I realize I described this wrong - it doesn't have to ACTUALLY POST the status, it can take them to Twitter, ask them to logged in (if not, skip), and then put the status update inside the Tweet Box and require the user to press Tweet to send it
No, Twitter require the status to be sent from it's interface.
You can provide the user an option to send status from your site only with twitter application and only after the user authorized your application to sends twits in his account.
Sadly, the solution to this may be more complicated then you think.
Twitter recently switched to full OAuth authentication to interact with their api and to post status updates etc.
In short, to do what you suggest above will require your visitors to log in.
To simplify this, on my websites I use the Official Twitter Tweet Button because I feel that my visitors will trust it the most and will enter in their username/pass without worry.
The Official Twitter Tweet Button page has a builder where you can select various options to change the look and content of the tweet itself.
Be sure to checkout the full documentation for the advanced usage examples and the full reference of properties that can be used with the javascript tweet button
On my site I registered for an app so I could include the following js file:
<script src=""></script>
And my links look something like this:

Using the twitter API for background processing

'Background processing' is a terrible term, but I can't think of a better one at this time on a Friday!
I need a specific part of my web app to communicate with twitter - post a status using a single, fixed account. Every twitter oauth tutorial I've seen talks about applications in the general sense - those with multiple users. Does anyone have an example of basic twitter status updating via a non-interactive process?
OK, after a lot of searching and hair-pulling, the answer seems to be:
Go to your app settings page on twitter
Click the 'My Access Token' button in the right hand column
Take a note of the sccess token details on this page
Follow these instructions to use the single-use token details