YII session not working in Chrome Browser - yii

I am unable to login using chrome browser but it works perfectly in Firefox. I guess yii session is not working in chrome? may be?

Sessions are independent from browser - they are stored on server. Browser has access only to session id which he gets from server trough cookie or as link parameter


how to make headless chrome to work using protractor for window authentication pop up

I want to support window authentication pop up for login to the application using Protractor using chrome headless browser. Is there any way in which I can make it work?
I have already tried:
Chrome authentication extensions - https://www.npmjs.com/package/authenticator-browser-extension
Loading URL in the below format:
http://username:password#url.com which did not work out.

Change WebDriver from GUI to Headless

I want to automate an application for an upload process with selenium.Therefore I am using geckodriver. Right now I am doing the login site headless but I want to do the login by the user and then change to headless. Is there a way to do that or at least a work around?
There is no way to do that using the same browser instance... The headless flag is a setting passed to the browser on startup and there is no way to dynamically change that.
If the site uses cookie-based authentication, here is an alternate approach:
login with browser in normal (GUI) mode
export saved cookies
instantiate a new browser in headless mode
navigate to the site again with the headless driver
add saved cookies to the new headless driver
... at that point, you can navigate to an authenticated page. You should be "logged in" since you are re-using the cookies from the original browser session.

Vaadin "Cookies Disabled" Message in Chrome

I created a Vaadin (8.2.0) web app in Netbeans and uploaded it on a Glassfish (4.1) server. I can access the app's home page in Edge and Firefox, however in Chrome I get this message:
Cookies disabled
This application requires cookies to function. Please
enable cookies in your browser and click here or press ESC to try
I double checked my chrome settings and know that cookies are allowed. I even added the server specifically in the allowed list.
What do think is missing?
As Artur Signell mentioned in the comments, the solution was to simply clear all the cached cookies in the Chrome web browser. After that, the app just worked fine and I didn't get that error.
I was having the same problem. I noticed that switching to HTTPS lead to these errors not occurring. The same site would throw this error when I accessed it via HTTP, but if I went to the site via HTTPS, then the problem did not occur.

handle windows login pop-up using selenium web driver for https website

My scenario:
I am opening a https website, I get a login pop-up that is not identified by selenium webdriver. I have searched and found the below link which had similar question.
How to handle login pop up window using Selenium WebDriver?
I tried he solution given by #Pavel Janicek to pass the credentials via URL
It does not working for me, I mean after the browser is opened it keeps processing nothing happens after that.
In my case, it is a https site,i need to give username#domainname & password to login, giving only username will not work
my url looks like this
Has anyone faced this kind of problem?
You can NOT auth with this window(in selenium without any additional framework as Robot). But you can auth without getting this window. Try change URL to: http://user:password#www.yourserveradress.com
if this will not help, you need to create separated profile in browser, pass authentication on this server and remember password and use this profile in selenium. Also I think its possible to use Windows active directory authentication, but cannot sure about details.

When should the authenticated user be reset?

In my web application, I have used the asp Login control to facilitate the login process. I have noticed that if I open the site in a browser and log in, and then open another browser and go to the site, then the second browser shows that I am already logged in, even though I didn't log in using that browser. I have noticed that some other sites (such as my bank's web access) work this way, but it still seems odd to me. I'm not sure if it's bad or not, but it is strange.
Is this behavior bad?
I have also noticed that if I close all of my browsers and then open a new one up and go to the site, I am NOT logged in.
This is because those sites use session cookies. If you open different brwosers at the same time, such as FireFox, Opera, Chrome and IE, you'll have to log in in all of the browsers independently. However, when re-using the same browser application, this usually does not spawn a new process with its own session data but rather re-uses the already open browser.
If you are using a browser that supports multi-tabbed sessions e.g. IE7+, Firefox etc, you will find that, if you have the same ASP.NET website open in multiple tabs, each tab will share the same authentication credentials. This is because the session ID applies to the browser instance, not the tab instance, so if a user logs in on 1 tab, then opens up another tab to the website, they won't have to provide their credentials twice.
I don't think there's an easy way around this behaviour. You could choose employ cookie 'munging', storing the forms authentication ticket on the URL, but this seems like a bad idea from a security POV.
Lucero and pmarflee are both correct.
To provide a bit more information though:
Firefox will share session between tabs and all browser instances
IE 8 will also share session between tabs and all browser instances
IE 7 shares session between tabs, but not across instances
IE 6 does not share session across instances
I'm not sure how Opera, Chrome, or Safari handle sessions.