I need to edit the footer links in my Prestashop template ( just to add a wrapper). That's the link list that comes afterthe block-contact. This is the block that shows links to special offers, product categories, best sales...and then comes another block of links related to CMS pages.
Do you know which files i have to edit?
Well finally i got it, for anyone who had the same issue, here's the correct .tpl :
I am using StencilJS powered template for BigCommerce store and am having trouble editing the thank you text on order confirmation page.
The checkout.html and order_confirmation.html pages use {{checkout.order_confirmation_content}} to display the content which also includes a heading and a few buttons.
I think I might be missing something essential.
I might have asked this question in a hurry, I stumbled onto the following link :
So, there is a JSON file that they have with what they call "hidden translation keys".
So those keys or key-value pairs need to be copied into the main JSON file and that's the solution.
How can I manage the content on the homepage in prestashop? Foe example I put a special product on popular tab?
This can be solved through various ways,
One option is to custimize your product page from back office. That should be found in "theme module".
Another way you can try is to use third-party add-ons, that may not be costless.
Or you can edidt your source code, for example, your .tpl file.
Hope these can do some help.
I have a Joomla website with virtuemart. The front page has featured products. Now I want to be able to show more at my front page. I made an article with a picture in it. I want it also to display at the homepage at the same time as the featured products module, say above it. So basically multiple things at the front page. Now I could hardcode it in, but I want to be able to make it as article as it is easier and faster editable.
The solution is Module,
Just create a module , with params as article id options.
Means create a module with parameter option that you can set the article Id, then simply assign that module to the Home Page.
Inside your module Just read the article id and fetch those article details.
For the module development tutorial you can check this.
Hope its helps..
A default Trac installation will display the WikiStart page as its home page. I'd like it to display another page. How do I do that? I was unable to find anything with Google, as any request with "Trac" in it will return links to every opensource project that uses Trac.
If you want to keep the "Welcome to Trac" page, have you considered simply migrating that content to a new page and then editing WikiStart? Trac documentation upgrades leave the WikiStart page unchanged (as documented here), so you aren't making trouble for yourself in that regard.
Are you wanting to display a different wiki page, or a different kind of page? I don't know of a config option for the former, but you can use [trac] default_handler in your trac.ini to make, say, the custom query page be the default page.
Edit: Taking a quick glance over the sources, WikiStart is pretty well hard-coded as the start page for the wiki. So, short of patching Trac, I don't think you can do what you're after.
It seems there's no hope in overriding /wiki URL path to render a wiki page other than WikiStart. That's hardcoded by design (maybe for a very good reason).
On the other hand you can use configuration options in [mainnav] section to override Wiki link in main navigation area and make it point at a custom wiki page e.g.
wiki.label = Home
wiki.href = /wiki/HomePage
see details in trac:wiki:TracInterfaceCustomization#CustomNavigationEntries
If your Trac installation is behind Apache, then you can use an Apache configuration directive to redirect or rename the "home page" url. For example, look at the "Alias" directive.
My solution to the same problem was to use the [[Include]] macro (http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/IncludeMacro), and have the WikiStart page contain a single include statement.
I wanted a different page name than WikiStart so I could use the page name prefixes to categorize sets of pages, e.g., MyToolNameIntroduction is my start page.
This trac ticket suggests it is not directly possible: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/9012