Error in UIAlertView - objective-c

Do you know why it's happening?

easy, use [EnterPhoneNumber text] instead!

"EnterPhoneNumber" appears to be a "UITextField" object.
To get at the actual string, you need to do "EnterPhoneNumber.stringValue" in that "initWithFormat" method call.
Also, just a F.Y.I.: if you want to follow best practices in Objective C, variables should start with lower case letters (i.e. change "EnterPhoneNumber" to be "enterPhoneNumber").

You should use EnterPhoneNumber.stringValue, not that textfield itself.


Why do I use "parse"

What is the reasoning for parsing an integer? For instance, Integer.Parse('variable'.text)
I see this a lot and while manipulating data for a calculator I am building I found that Val('variable'.text) was all I need to use "numeric" values.
So, my question is how does Integer.Parse() help me with regards to calculators?
I found that "Val('variable'.text)" was all I need
If that's the case then go ahead and use Val(). But be aware that it behaves differently than .Parse() (or, often preferably, .TryParse()) methods.
For example, what do you want to do if the user inputs "123 isn't 456"? Val() will (I think) return:
123 As Double
Or how about the input "123 456"? That would be:
123456 As Double
Do you want it to be a Double? Do you want it to throw an error because it's not purely numeric? Something else? The behavior you want should be reflected in the code you write. Use Val() for one set of behaviors, .Parse() for another.

Objective-C, Expression result unused, from some old code?

I've getting the following warning Expression result unused
I've inherited the code from my predecessor and I've no idea how to fix this?
Obviously syntax has changed, any ideas ?
static float lowValue;
static float highValue;
- (void) calculateHighLow{
highValue; //here
lowValue; // and here
Simply delete those two lines, they have no purpose.
Obviously those two lines don't do anything so you can just remove them.
If they aren't being used anywhere you can just delete the lines, or you can simply just decide to deal with the warning (though not a good idea). You can also comment out the code, in case you figure out that might need them someday.

What is the correct name for this data format?

I am a perfectionist and need a good name for a function that parses data that has this type of format:
Maybe perhaps
I'm not sure what the correct name for this type of data format is. Please advise! Thanks for your time.
parse_dict or parse_map
Except for the lack of braces and the quotes around the keys, it looks like either JSON or a Python dict.
parse csvattr()
If it’s a proprietary data format, you can name it whatever you want. But it would be good to use a common term like serialized data or mapping list.
If it's just a list of simple items, each of which has a name and a value, then "key-value pairs" is probably the right term.
I would go with:
From the one line you gave, ParseJson() seems appropriate

Something really dumb with return values

I'm doing something really dumb, and I don't see it.
I've got an object doc with a method:
-(float) currentOrient
return 50.5;
In another object, I call:
-(void) showPage
float rot2=0;
rot2 = [doc currentOrient] ;
NSLog(#"SP rotation is %.2f", rot2);
However, the output is :
SP rotation is 1112145920.000000
No, one question is "Why is the %2f not formatting correctly?" But the more confusing question is "Where is that number coming from?" Yes, I've walked through it with a debugger, the value of rot DOES change from the garbage it starts with. and that number DOES appear to be consistent.
Clearly something really dumb is going on...
It sounds like the showPage method doesn't know right return type for currentOrient, so it's interpreting the value returned as an int and casting that nonsensical int to a float. Are you getting any warnings? Are you sure you're importing the header for currentOrient correctly? Is the currentOrient method declared correctly?
I can answer the first question:
Why is the %2f not formatting correctly?
Because it ought to be %1.2f to round to two decimal places (which I believe is what you're trying to achieve?)
And guess at the second:
Do you have a property named rot in the code? Other than that... shrug... I don't know - I'm assuming you've simplified the example to post on SO, have you taken out other code that may be relevant? Based on the information you've provided everything should be ducky.
On a side note: When I hit bugs like this I go do something physical. Usually when I come back my head is clear and I find the problem immediately. You might want to give that a try too! :D

Simple String Manipulation in VB.NET

This is probably quite a simple question, but I can't remember how to do it off hand.
I have an e-mail address of "".
I want to grab the # and everything after it and then I'll be adding a prefix to the front of the address as I go.
I'm just wonderng how I get hold of the from the string?
I know I should know how to do this as this is a really simple operation.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You can use simple string operations for this: