VB.NET Keybord tracker - vb.net

Hello I have a VB NET application and I would like to add it a keybord key pressed catching system so I can track any keybord key that is pressed on any application that is running on my computer and uses keybord.
If someone has any idea thanks for sharing it.
I Hope my question was clear.

You will need to use a Global KeyBoard hook, look at this CodePlex Project. It will allow you to intercept the Global Keyboard events.
From Link:
This library allows you to tap keyboard and mouse and to detect and
record their activity even when an application is inactive and runs in
This library attaches to windows global hooks, tracks keyboard and
mouse clicks and movement and raises common .NET events with
KeyEventArgs and MouseEventArgs, so you can easily retrieve any
information you need:


display a popup inside external application

I'm developing an application in which, if I press a combination of keys shows me a popup inside the form of another external application, I mean something like the "windows game menu", but I have no idea how to show the popup in the external application. I leave you an image to make you understand what I mean as a popup. sorry for my english but I do not speak.
Thanks in advance
You cannot control one application form of another application without having access to its code or knowing if a queue messaging command has been set for doing it.
It is possible to program a window of your application to be shown over any other , likely this will not be working over a Directx - OpenGL full-area, i.e. when you are playing a videogame that is using the same functionality because the last one is winning.
In this case your popup will be visible barely as a flick, but considering standard form application you can make it to stand over by working with userd32.dll method
"SetWindowPos" with the flag HWND_TOPMOST.
You will need first to detect the position of the application window, or if it is a fullscreen one you can simply detect the size of the screen and consider to place it in the center, then you can set the position of your application form "pop-up".
Details about the SetWindowPos , which is among windwows base dll but can be invoked from .net here below:
Make a window topmost using a window handle

Cocoa global hotkey consume key event

I've been trying for hours to use global hotkeys and "consume" the key event so it is not forwarded any more to the application where the key event is originally coming from.
So what I want to do is:
- a user presses a shortcut with application A in front, e.g. Cmd+F3
- my application (application B) receives this shortcut through the global event handler and sends mouse and keyboard events to application A
It's probably easiest to think of it as a macro.
I'm using DDHotkey and it works quite fine. The problem I have is that DDHotkey doesn't "consume" the key events and modifiers. That means that when my application starts sending mouse and keyboard events, the Cmd key from the actual global shortcut is still pressed.
This leads to erroneous behavior in my case (I'm double-clicking a textfield programmatically and that doesn't open when Cmd is pressed for example).
So what I'd like to do is really consume the key event and the modifier keys so that they are not forwarded to application A. Alternatively, I would "flush" the event queue before sending the key events to application A.
Is there any way to achieve this easily?
An even more reliable approach if it works for your use case would likely be to not script the UI by triggering mouse events and key presses, and instead use the Accessibility API to trigger the more high-level actions (like using Accessibility to tell a button it has been pressed). Unless the app contains some unfortunate code, that should not look at the modifier keys.
Telling the OS from an event monitor to remove key states would probably cause lots of issues: It would be confusing if the user then actually released the physical keys and a second keyUp came in. Even if the OS tries to avoid that, it is just asking for other edge case bugs - what if the user pressed a modifier key while your code is scripting the UI?
But if the applications you are scripting do not support Accessibility, nor AppleScript, nor any other more high level approach to automation, what you could do is wait for the user to release your hotkey (i.e. wait for keyUp events) and only then trigger your scripted actions. Might be necessary to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:0.0 to get out of the keyUp handler before you do that.

Mac development, objective-c: can I detect when user switch tasks like closing a window, activating to another window?

I am developing a desktop application that capture computer activities on mac osx using objective-c. I know it's possible to capture it when user presses on the keyboard and mouse position. But I don't know how to detect when user switches tasks on computer, like closing a window (of other applications), activating another window (of other applications)?
Does anyone have any experience in that?
Yes, via the Accessibility system. For example the NSAccessibilityMainWindowChangedNotification.

Disable On-Screen-Keyboard

I'm developing a Windows Store app for an embedded application where the only input device is a small touchscreen. For this reason I'm developing my own number and text entry controls that match the visual look of the application and work better on the small screen. Is it possible to prevent the Windows 8 on-screen keyboard from appearing when a textbox gets focus?
You can't, it's a user preference as of now.
Similar question is found here
From Hanselman
Unfortunately there is no checkbox or "just turn it off" way to
disable the keyboard with a supported option.
However, there is a way to effectively disable the keyboard by
stopping the service that controls it.
Press the Windows key + W Type "services," and press Enter Scroll down
to "Touch screen keyboard and handwriting panel" You can either right
click and "Stop" or you can double-click and change it from
"Automatic" startup to "Manual."

Binding key combinations to your application

How can I bind a key combination to my vb.net application? I know it has SOMETHING to do with the registry, but I have no earthly idea what or how to go about doing this. I want the user to be able to hit those keys when the app is open and have it execute my function, but not while the app is closed.
Thanks for the help!
If you are using a dialog, then you can put '&' into the text for some controls (buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) and this will cause Alt plus the next character in the text to be used as an accelerator/shortcut. i.e. "&Open" would activate the Open button if you press Alt+O. "Op&en" would activate if for Alt+e.
Beyond that, as Jason Irwin said, you need to add an event handler to your Form for KeyDown or KeyPress events, and then check if the keypress is the key combination you are interested in. This will only work if the user activates your form (clicks in it to give it the input focus. If they put it behind another window, it will not react to the key presses)
If you don't want to show a form, or want to react to keypresses when you're not the input-focus application, then it gets a bit more complicated (you either need to use a hidden form or a keyboard hook)
OK, it looks like you want a keyboard hook. This looks like a good article.
It depends on what you are trying to do:
If you have a gui application and you want to handle key events then you can do that in a keydown eventhandler
If you want to do more low-level stuff and have an application that will intercept all key strokes (regardless of whether or not the application has focus/is visible) then you need to use pinvoke to hit the win32 apis. I suggest you read the following:
link text
Please let us know what you are trying to do so we can provide better feedback.
Using Google, I found this Keyhook example.
I've worked with keyhooks before, in Delphi WIN32, so I am a bit familiar with them. (Just not in C#.) If you add one to a DLL, all Hell might break loose since most virus scanners will recognise this as malware behaviour. (Especially if you use them in the wrong way, causing them to be injected in each and every process that's running on your system.)
A keyhook will allow key combinations to be captured from other processes, though.
For a solution without programming requirements: Drop a shortcut for the application on your desktop. Edit it, assign a shortcut, close it. Press shortcut to test...