NSThread halting when lost focus - objective-c

I have a a few threads that needs to run constantly or be locked at my disposal. When I lock the phone or swap applications the thread seems to halt until the application is back in focus.
I have a class Worker that is a sub class of NSThread. There is a method called start which is called by the firstViewController that creates the Worker object.
//method start
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(run) withObject:self];
What do I need to do to make my thread run all the time, rather than only running while in focus?
Thanks :)

When your app enters the background, all threads as suspended - unless you've configured your application to use multi-tasking, and your work is being done using the multi-tasking methods. This is detailed at Apple developer.
In short, you basically can't have a thread running constantly in the background on iOS if you want to be accepted in the App store, unless you're a navigation or VOIP application. You can have a thread continue to run for around 10 minutes after you enter the background, but that's it.


Cancel Local Notification When app goes to Suspended state.(removed from background)

I am using Local notification in my application.it is working fine in foreground and background.
Now, What i need,if i remove my app from background then i want to cancel all notification
before that.
so , there are not any method are calling in appdelegate when i am going to remove my app from background, obviously it is going to Suspended state so no method is going to called.
so is there any other way to do this ?
Thanks in advance...
Considering your app is not one of the supported background execution modes, like audio, VoIP, or navigation,
Your app will generally never see willTerminate, because the system generally only terminates your app once it's already suspended (in the background). Once your app is suspended, it gets no further chance to act, so there's no callback for that.
The didEnterBackground delegate message or notification should be considered your last chance to clean things up or save state before possible termination.
Here and here are good overview of the application lifecycle notifications & delegate messages on iOS 4.0 and later.

applicationWillTerminate not getting called on force quit of iOS app

Does anyone have any insights into when/under what conditions applicationWillTerminate is called in iOS 5/6?
I've got some logic i'd like to execute whenever the application terminates (not moves to the background), for example if the user navigates to the application bar at the bottom of the screen by double tapping the home button and force quits the app.
when i try to do this on a test device, applicationWillTerminate does not seem to get called. Is there a reason for this?
My plan B is to tie that logic to some persistent object like a singleton or a static that is automatically destroyed when the app quits.
Any suggestions?
Have you read the documentation for applicationWillTerminate:,
It says,
For applications that do not support background execution or are linked against iOS 3.x or earlier, this method is always called when the user quits the application. For applications that support background execution, this method is generally not called when the user quits the application because the application simply moves to the background in that case. However, this method may be called in situations where the application is running in the background (not suspended) and the system needs to terminate it for some reason.
There is a "maybe" mentioned there. Probably that answers your question. So it is not necessary that this will get called when you quit the app. Probably you might have to use UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to disable multitasking and then it might get called while putting in background. But that again depends on your app requirement. If you cannot disable multitasking, you might have consider doing that in applicationDidEnterBackground method or so. I am not sure if there are any other delegate methods which will help in identifying the force quit.

When app returns to foreground async main_queue calls not performed until after expiration handler

I've a task that renders e.g. 50 objects and saves each one as a file. It's set up to continue running in the background and notify the user when the task is completed. While in the foreground, there's a progress bar, that shows the user how far along everything is.
The rendering & writing of files are all done on custom background threads, using GCD. In order to update the progress bar, dispatch_async on the main_queue is called.
Here's my problem...
When the user enters the background, the task continues as planned and, if let alone and still in the background, notifies the user when it's complete. But if the user returns sooner, and the app is still rendering/writing, I/the user would expect to see the progress and all >>> That does not happen. Even though my method to update the progress bar is sent off via dispatch_async on main_queue, the task isn't executed (or the main_queue received if you will), until the 'renter/writing' task I sent in the background is completed and the ExpirationHandler performed.
In the 'applicationWillEnterForeground:' method I tell the app, that it should 'endBackgroundTask:' and set the instance (=self.backgroundTask) to 'UIBackgroundTaskInvalid', but that doesn't make a difference
My question...
Is there a way for me to get back control of a task (running on a GCD-custom background thread) that I sent into the background (beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:) when the app closed?
Do I not specifically have to get back control, but do/set something differently?

Cocoa - NSThread and First Responder

When I start a 2nd background thread and pause the main thread, will my First Responder still be in action? For example I have an overwriting method called -flagsChanged and was wondering if it would still be active if the main thread is offline.
Don’t pause the main thread since the main thread is responsible for handling events and your application UI will become irresponsive. If the main thread is paused, it won’t handle events, hence it won’t dispatch key events to the first responder.
If you think you need to pause the main thread, you probably need to redesign your program so that the behaviour that requires sleeping (if it does require sleeping) is offset to a secondary thread. If you need to update the user interface from a secondary thread, you should use -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:.

Show app running time in iPhone

I would like to write a counter that shows how many seconds an app has be running for. (textView) and the counter should be cumulative and starts from where it left off. Im new to iphone sdk.
you are going to have to do these things:
get the time when the app starts in applicationDidFinishLaunching: in your application delegate
check if you have an old time using NSUserDefaults
have a thread that updates the ui (your textView display, may i suggest using a label instead) with the ever increasing time using NSThread or NSTimer - i recommend NSThread. you will also need to perform your updates on your ui thread as updating your ui from a background thread can just get lost in the post.
store the end time in applicationWillTerminate: in your application delegate using NSUserDefaults
lots of googling ahead of you, have fun!