Flexslider, show next slide - flexslider

I am using a nice slider found at http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
I want to change to the 2nd slide when you click a link which I positioned below the slider but not sure how this can be achieved & there is nothing on their site, does anyone have any idea how I can achieve this?

In your flexslider js, you will come across a function for animation.
slider.flexAnimate = function(target, pause)
This is the function that will help you achieve what you wish to do.
After the function ends, you can write:
yourFuntionName = slider.flexAnimate;
Call this function on clicking the link as yourFuntionName(1);
or simply call
or for version 1.8 onwards:
*Note that slide 1 = target 0, slide 2 = target 1 and so on. Hope this helps :)


Start a Powerpoint slideshow from a slide without showing the first slide for a brief moment

I think the title is self - explanatory.
I want to use a VBA macro to start the slideshow from a specific slide, for example the 5th one.
If i use
ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings.Run.View.GotoSlide 5
it flashes the first slide for a brief moment. I want to get rid of that.
I'm thinking that it might be possible to show the slideshow with a black screen only, change the slide and then show the slideshow correctly, but I don't know how to start it as a black screen.
Try this:
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
.RangeType = ppShowSlideRange
.StartingSlide = 5
End With
edit: .RangeType = ppShowSlideRange was missing.

PowerPoint 2010 - VBA to replace figures

I have a slide that we use in my department to provide an overview of the progress regarding project document deliverables. It is shown in a graphic manner, and therefore a simple table view or similar cannot be used. Each of the document deliverables mentioned on the slide can have 3 different legends (figures), a square, triangle and arrow. These are color coded according to stakeholder responsibility of the deliverable. Right now we are changing each one of them manually during the project
What I am looking for:
Is there a VBA code that can easily be used to replace these figures according to project status?
I imagine each Project deliverable needs to be tagged with a position on the slide, and then a userform can be used to select which type of figure there should be assigned?
Anyone who can help me or point me in a direction to something that might help me is highly appreciated!
Thank you
Here's one approach in rough outline ...
Instead of individual shapes, use a square, triangle and arrow grouped. The user selects the group they want to work with then launches your dialog box where they choose the project status for that item. Your dialog box assigns a value from 1 to 3 to the status then calls SetVisibility like so:
Sub MakeItSo()
Call SetVisibility(2)
End Sub
SetVisibility first makes all of the shapes in the group invisible, then sets the appropriate shape to be visible:
Sub SetVisibility(lStatus As Long)
Dim x As Long
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
For x = 1 To .GroupItems.Count
.GroupItems(x).Visible = False
.GroupItems(lStatus).Visible = True
End With
End Sub

In Microsoft Publisher VBA, how to access selected page?

In Publisher, not VBA, I use the navigation pane to select page 5. Now, the work I do manually will apply to page 5. However, now I want to run a macro I wrote which will import, resize, label, etc. a batch of images. How do I make my macro recognize that I want those images imported onto page 5 (my current working page)?
I wrote my macro hardwired to page 2 (because I couldn't answer the above question):
set pg = activedocument.pages(2)
I envisioned something like (but this doesn't work, of course):
set pg = activedocument.selected.page
Similarly, after my macro runs, and it adds three new pages, I want the selected/active page to be the last page I added (e.g., page 9). How to do that? Again, I envisioned something like:
Much thanks.
The property that you found (helping me out, so thanks!) is for both getting and setting, but the trick is that you have to set it to a page, rather than trying to set it to a PageIndex ("ActivePage = 2")
ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage = yourPage;
For instance, you could go to the next page with:
pubApp.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage = pubApp.ActiveDocument.Pages[pubApp.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage.PageIndex+1];
...Just realised that you're asking about VBA rather than C#, so here are some VBA examples just for you:
ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage = ActiveDocument.Pages(ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage.PageIndex + 1)
End Sub
ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage = ActiveDocument.Pages(2)
End Sub
Question 1 is answered:
Set p = ActiveDocument.ActiveView.ActivePage
Question 2 remains:
How do I use vba to make active a new particular page?
(i.e., i could use VBA such that the above would return to me a different page for "p"?)
For a shape, I can say: "my_shape.select"; how do I do that for a page?

how to offset form in vb

the question is rather simple, but what I am working on is not..
this is a marker from a control called GMaps.NET
the next picture is a form, that follows the marker when I drag the map, something like the InfoWindow on google maps API.
only problem is that, it covers the marker, and I can't offset it no matter how hard I think.
this is my current code..
Private Sub map_OnMapDrag() Handles map.OnMapDrag
Form2.Location = camera1.LocalPosition
End Sub
please list some ways on how I can offset it so we can see the marker.. thanks!
Reminder : you can't directly use camera1.LocalPosition's Point because its coordinates are inside the map. whilst Form2.Location is on the form. though the same value, they are worlds apart :)
so give different options that I can try TIA
Try out Form2.Location.Offset(dx, dy)

Powepoint VBA. Slide startup event

I need help. Please explain to me if i can add a load event to my slides (using VBA). Example: When i load slide 3, a macro to be executed.
Is that possible? If yes, how to do that? Thanks.
Do you want this to happen in slideshow view or in normal editing view?
If in slide show view, the simplest thing might be to add your own navigation buttons that trigger a macro like:
Sub NextSlide()
' go to the next slide
ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide (SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide(SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.SlideIndex))
' and insert whatever code you like here:
End Sub