cmake - set default command line options - cmake

I would like that when I run cmake for a certain CMakeLists.txt the "--warn-uninitialized" and "--warn-unused-vars" options are automatically turned on without actually typing those options.
How could I do that?
Thank you a lot!

I think your best bet would be to create an alias:
alias mycmake='cmake --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars'


Can NOT find defined MACRO in cmake-3.16 [duplicate]

I'm building a large library using CMake, and I would like users to be able to selectively enable/disable certain parts of my build process.
How can I add command-line options to my CMake build, e.g. so that users may type something like cmake --build-partone --nobuild-parttwo --dothis=true --dothat=false ..?
Apparently the OPTION keyword will create variables that can be set from the CMake GUI, but I can't figure out how to do this from the command line.
Yeah, you should use the option command. You can set options from the command line this way:
option(MyOption "MyOption" OFF)
//Command line
cmake -DMyOption=ON MyProjectFolder
Note that -DMyOption must come before the path.
Just a little correction:
If you have other variables to pass, it is recommended to indicate the type of these:
option(MyOption "MyOption" OFF)
//Command line
cmake -DMyOption:BOOL=ON -D... MyProjectFolder

is there any way to splitting Variables in VSCode?

I wonder there is any way to splitting some variables in VSCode?
my example will explain my question better:
I have an exe file in such path C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\project.exe
my cpp source path that will create exe file is this C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\test.cpp
I want to create a task in tasks.json but my oder of variables does not give me the right path
as you understand:
${workspaceFolder} is C:\path\to\workspace
${fileDirname} returns C:\path\to\workspace\main\project
and ${relativeFileDirname}.exe returns main\project.exe
and combination of "${fileDirname}\\${relativeFileDirname}.exe" as a command will return C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\main\project.exe that is wrong.
so I wanted to know there is any other variable that just return the parent of current file or not?
if not can we split variables with \ ?
I hope it makes some sense
Add new fileDirnameBasename variable
${fileDirnameBasename} is being added to vscode v1.52 which I believe is what you are looking for.
You can use the extension Command Variable
Use the commands:
btw, as an workaround, this worked for me
but need a variable for getting parent folder of current open file
any idea?

Makefile and variable target from command line

Newbie question for Makefiles... why doesn't this work?
$(TARGET): * **/*
#echo "TARGET=$(TARGET)"
Where this does?
$(TARGET): * **/*
#echo "TARGET=$(TARGET)"
When started with make my_target?
Result of the former is, "no rule to make target `my_target'."
In addition to the question "why this doesn't work," is there a workaround? I'd like to be able to specify an arbitrary target from the command line. I suppose I could react to an env var, but that makes the CLI clunky, e.g., make target=my_target build or similar.
I've searched, but I'm not getting the right hits to solve this. GNU make 3.81. Thanks!
The automatic variable $# is defined in the context of a pattern rule; outside of any rule it has no value.
If you want Make to do the same thing to whatever target you name, you can use a match-anything rule:
#echo TARGET=$#

Use environment variables as default for cmake options

I would like to set up a cmake script with some options (flags and strings). For some of the options I would like to use environment variables as a default. Basically, I'm trying to emulate something like MY_OPTION ?= default in a Makefile. I tried the following:
project (Optiontest)
message("value: ${MY_OPTION}")
I called this in the following way:
$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=ON .
value: ON
$ cmake -DMY_OPTION=OFF .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=OFF cmake .
value: OFF
$ MY_OPTION=ON cmake .
value: OFF
My problem is that the last line should be ON as well.
For bonus karma: I would actually prefer three levels of preference. The value of -DMY_OPTION should be used if given. If not, the value of a set environment variable MY_OPTION should be used. If this is also not set, a constant should be used. I guess, I could use a bunch of nested if statements and somehow check if the variables are set, but I don't know how and I hope there is a better way.
FORCE is (as of CMake 3.0.2) not a valid parameter for option.
This is the primary source of problems. CMake will interpret the string FORCE as the desired initial value of the option in absence of an environment variable. The usual contrived rules for string-to-truth-value-conversion apply, resulting in the option being set to OFF by this call.
Second, you need to account for the fact that the environment variable is not set. Your current code misses to handle that case properly. $ENV{MY_OPTION} will evaluate to the empty string in that case. If you evaluate the set values in both the cache and the environment, you can enforce any behavior that you want.
In general, you should think about what you actually want here. Usually, FORCE setting a cached variable is a bad idea and I would not be surprised if you found your initial argument for doing this flawed after some careful reevaluation.
Maybe value of MY_OPTION cached in CMake cache? Do you try to clean cmake cache after third call MY_OPTION=OFF cmake .?

Error when compiling nettle-2.7.1

When I try to compile nettle-2.7.1, I get the following:
root#tcx2270-19:~/nettle-2.7.1# make
make: Warning: Can't find aes-decrypt-internal.o.d': No such file or directory
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 594: Read of include fileaes-decrypt-internal.o.d' failed
Has anyone seen this issue? Thanks.
I also had the exact same problem. It has nothing to do with gmp. The ./configure script generates a broken Makefile. After doing some analyzation of the generated Makefile I figured out a solution.
On the very bottom of the generated Makefile search for the line that looks like the following:
DEP_FILES = $(SOURCES:.c=.$(OBJEXT).d) $(SOURCES:.c=.p$(OBJEXT).d) asm.d
You can fix the build by changing it to the following line:
DEP_FILES = $(SOURCES:.c=.c.$(OBJEXT).d) $(SOURCES:.c=.c.p$(OBJEXT).d) asm.d
Additionally, we have to fix the Makefiles in all sub-directories.
For ./tools/Makefile, on the very bottom, find the line that looks like:
include $(SOURCES:.c=.$(OBJEXT).d)
and change it to
include $(SOURCES:.c=.c.$(OBJEXT).d)
Furthermore, you need to add the following two build-targets:
$(MAKE) -C .. libnettle.a
$(MAKE) -C .. libhogweed.a
For ./testsuite/Makefile, on the very bottom, find the line that looks like this:
and change it to:
DEP_FILES = $(SOURCES:.c=.c.$(OBJEXT).d) $(CXX_SOURCES:.cxx=.cxx.$(OBJEXT).d)
Finally, in ./examples/Makefile, again on the very bottom, search for the line that looks like:
include $(SOURCES:.c=.$(OBJEXT).d)
and change it to
include $(SOURCES:.c=.c.$(OBJEXT).d)
Phew, at least for me, that makes the build work. Of course, this is an ugly solution but it gets the job done. A better solution would be to fix the configure-script but I did not have the time to do it yet. It is also worth noting that nettle 3.0 does not have this issue. Too bad gnutls does not work with that newer version.
UPDATE: I created a patch which does all the above fixes in the files. As a result, you don't have to fix them yourselfs. Optimally, just unpack the source, apply the patch and proceed the way you normally would by continuing with the ./configure.
Get it from here: