Buddypress: Modifying BP-Default - buddypress

I have a task, remove all modifications directly to the buddypress plugin, I started by replacing bp-default, with a new fresh downloaded copy, and the site stopped working.
Clearly, the site was dependent on something in that dir
So my question is:
Is modifying the bp-default dir consider acceptable?

Its suggested, and is a good practice to not modify anything inside the bp-default theme. So as of your question, 'no its not considered acceptable'.
That is because a future update of buddypress will replace everything you've changed. So its better to create your own child theme and do all the editing there.


Customize anchor-sections.css with blogdown

I saw in the html_document help page an easy-way to customize the anchor style by adapting the anchor-section class. This works well for individual Rmd documents.
I would like to know how to achieve the same thing within blogdown. I thought that I could simply customize the static/rmarkdown-libs/anchor-sections/anchor-sections.css file.
This actually work temporarily, but is not working properly since this file is automatically regenerated every time any Rmd file is rendered.
I'm sorry I did not include a reprex, this is more of a technical question.

Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

How to make Bootstrap 3 and Ant Design 3 live together

We are working on a React application (using Create React App without ejecting it) and we decided to use Ant as our base component library.
Now that we are near the end of the project, we discover that the application will be integrated into a corporate portal (WebSphere) as a "portlet", so we inherit all the CSS files from the main page.
Both frameworks seem to have their own reset styles, but they use different values.
So far, I have not been able to find a LESS variable in Ant that can be used for prefix all Ant's CSS rules.
Has anyone ever tried to make them live together?
We don't own the parent development, we can only make change on the React part, so only things related to Ant.
We finally go with a specific CSS patch file, and we add rules when needed.
Not really perfect, but none of the suggested path did the job we expected.
Here you can see some of the default antd variables.
One of them is #ant-prefix: ant;. I think you can change it and apply different styles.
That is a tough one, and at the end of development no less!
As #froston mentions, and which you seem to have tried the #ant-prefix: ant; in addition to this you will need to se prefixCls as a prop on every component instance you create, which will definitely be an exercise in self-flagellation.
Even if you set a global CONSTANT and import and use this with your components, you still have to thread it through to all the places, and will need to be appended with the component name.
By way of example, the defaultProps for an anchor is prefixCls: 'ant-anchor'.
Hope this helps and good luck!

FIXED IT! Type 'ASP._Page__ViewStart_cshtml' does not inherit from 'System.Web.WebPages.StartPage'

Moving and copying some files, now I have this exception on my project, used to work fine.
The thing is that this failing project is a copy of another one, that is working fine, so every critical file inside i´m sure it´s ok.
web.config --> from solution is ok.
web.config --> from views is ok.
viewStart --> ok.
I found out the fix for this, so if you have the same problem than me even if you did what other posts said about adding razor sections to the config, check this solution.
Ok. So I´m assuming that you have all your configs ok, and all of the DLLs ok and updated.
If you did all of that and still having the exception, try to check and DOUBLE check if you don´t have any undesired "_viewStart" files placed somewhere wrong, and also check if is not excluded from solution.
In my case, this was the problem: I removed wrong "_viewStart" that I copied by mistake and the web start working again.
I´m sure that most of scenarios that everybody has this exception is caused by moving this file to another folder or creating a new one.
try it!
hope it helps.

Visual Basic 2010- Retrieving images using code

I am making a card game. I have 53 images for the cards and one for the back of the cards. Is there a way I can use the resource file or is there a way I can reference the folder where the program is being held with it still being relatively portable so I can move the folder and the program will still work perfectly. I thought about using a case statement and using the
My.Resources._8Hearts 'For Example
but that would take up a lot of space that I am sure can be avoided. I know this can be used to grab an image:
card1.image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:\" & variable_so_I_can_get_multiple_cards & ".png")
And using a 'for' statement to place each card in a different slot on the form
Thank you for the help
PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(picPath) can retrieve an image for you,no need to add to resources in VB,and im sure u have worked with Strings so you can dynamically attach the name of each picture name (and I think also extension,.PNG seems to work best for me).
If you need it to move with the installation folder find out what your application path is using MessageBox.Show(Application.StartupPath) and then place a folder of your pictures in there and when publishing don't forget to include the folder yah? And Inno Setup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php) is a good publishing tool...so I hear,never used it before.
If this answer works for you please dont forget to accept it as the right answer