Documentation confusion: what version of Firefox does Selenium support? - selenium

Looking at Platforms Supported by Selenium the highest version of selenium supported is v 10. I am assuming this is in line with 10 being the current extended support release, v17 is the next ESF, due out on 20 Nov 2012
Firefox extended suport
Firefox release calendar
However looking at the release notes for the Selenium client driver 2.25 (18 July 12) it says "Updated supported versions of Firefox to 17"
Which page should we read? How does the Platforms Supported by Selenium page relate to the 2.2.5 release?

You should refer to CHANGELOG. Thats always the latest. gets updated by someone manually... Which is not happening regularly I guess.

I use selenium 2.25 and I had to download to Firefox version 14 in order to get selenium to work correctly.
Other people have documented this issue but I haven't found any resources that say what versions of Firefox are supported for each version of selenium.
selenium-firefox-driver 2.25.0 not working correctly with Firefox 15
Also if you are using selenium with your web browser you are going to have to turn off automatic updates on your browser to prevent it from updating.


How to setup Selenium 4 for old Chrome version?

By some project reasons I have to use Selenium 4 (4.0.0-rc3) and Chrome version 71.
Of course the current chromedriver (version 94) doesn't work with old chrome.
I have downloaded the source code of chromium project for debugging and try to understand how actually driver works with selenium. Probably I will try to make my own driver version but at this moment it seems like an inefficient solution.
I am really stuck with this and will be happy to get any advice.
Is it possible just to configure driver by capabilities (or any parameters) for working with old chrome?
The Chrome version you're targeting Chrome 71 is already deprecated. Using Selenium 4 with this much obsolete version of Chrome will not work and I think apart from creating your own code piece, there is nothing much you can do.
Using such an obsolete piece of software, in this age of internet, will open a pot of bugs for you, and if you use this to connect to internet, then chances are people may exploit any hidden security vulnerabilities to attack your application.
I would strongly suggest you to talk within your project team to use an updated version of Chrome.
ChromeDriver 2.46 will work with Chrome 71.

Version compatibility of Firefox and the latest Selenium IDE (

I visited
to install the latest Selenium IDE (v 2.9.1) in Firefox.
My Firefox version is 54 (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393)
But unfortunately "Add to Firefox" button was shown disabled on the site
On that site NOTE was found as:
Note: Selenium IDE will NOT work on Firefox version 55 onwards. Please stay on Firefox version 54 or older.
What can I do to install Selenium IDE on FF 54?
Sad but true, It is no secret by now that Selenium IDE will be deprecated. In fact, it has already stopped working since Firefox 55. Here are some potential replacements that you may consider applying to your project:
Robot Framework
Katalon Studio
Good luck and Good bye Legend.
I think Firefox is not supported Selenium IDE after 53 or 54 version, I have read that blog
Firefox 55 doesn't support Selenium IDE 2.9.1. FF 54 and less are OK.
Installation Selenium IDE on FF 54:
1. Open Firefox 54 and visit
2. Click "Download Anyway" link to download (In my case, it was selenium_ide-2.9.1-fx.xpi)
Open .xpi file you download in Firefox 54 -> Click Install and then Restart Now according to following interface:
I faced the similar issues few weeks ago.Firefox version 55 doesn't support Selenium IDE. You need to downgrade your Firefox browser to Firefox version 54, 53 or below.
For doing so, please refer the link below
Also, you need to delete all your old firefox data before installing older version because it might not work if you don't do so.
Then finally you can add Selenium IDE and it works fine.
I need to run Firefox 54 with Selenium but, like the others on this question, wasn't able to easily install Selenium. I did find a way to do this without going to a 3rd party site by copying the XPI download link (just right click on the disabled Add to Firefox button in the Firefox Add-ons page and copy the location), downloading it within Chrome or another browser, and finally just drag and drop the XPI into Firefox. That worked for me, hope this helps someone else.
Ironically, the best versions of selenium and Firefox that work better, powerful and with more options (according to my experience), are those, Firefox 54.0.1 and selenium 2.9.1. Despite they are deprecated. So I understand well your question and need.
Here you have a trick to install that Selenium version in that Firefox version, getting away the inactive add-on button:
Download manually the selenium version 2.9.1 (as a file) and then add it manually through "Install Add-on from file" in Firefox in the section "Extensions".
This is the link to download selenium 2.9.1:

Use most recent browser version with JMeter Selenium Webdriver

Im trying to use JMeter with the Selenium WebDriver plugin to do some testing. I know that it requires Firefox v. 26, however I find this to be pretty useless given that testing on anything besides the most recent browser version is pointless, as that is what users will be using.
Using the current WebDriver plugin with Firefox v 50 results in the 'browser.get()' not working. Is there a way to get the plugin to work with Firefox 50?
The latest Selenium/WebDriver Support plugin available via JMeter Plugins manager as of now is version 1.4.0. It comes with selenium-firefox-driver-2.52.0
It means any browser supported by Selenium 2.52.0 will be supported
Looking into Selenium Changelog Selenium 2.52.0 supports Firefox 45 which is an ESR release according to Mozilla FAQ:
I don't know where did you get the information regarding Firefox 26, I would recommend upgrading to Firefox 45 which should be supported till June 2017 and hopefully JMeter Plugins maintainers will upgrade Selenium libraries to version 3 by that time.
In general WebDriver will be always behind the browsers development so you will have to live with the supported versions.
JMeter Plugins Forum
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

Version compatibility between selenium-server-standalone.jar and chromedriver?

What is the version compatibility between chromedriver and selenium-server-standalone.jar?
In other words, does latest version of chromedriver work with latest version of selenium-server-standalone.jar?
The Chrome Driver itself is tied more to the version of Chrome available on the execution Node (where the browser is actually spawned and a test is ran).
If you refer to the release notes, you'll see how the driver versions map to the various releases of Chrome itself.
The practice I have in place is as follows:
I match my Selenium dependency (C#/Java language bindings) to the version of the selenium-server I run either locally or on my Grid.
When I deploy a version of my test project that upgrades the Selenium dependency, I simply upgrade all my Grid VM's to the matching version (using JSON Node config really helps here, since all I have to do is stop the service, swap the jar, and relaunch with my JSON configs).
Firefox Driver is built into Selenium, so no upgrade management there. IE Driver has (at least historically) matched the minor version number of Selenium (for example, current IE Driver is 2.48.0 while Selenium is at 2.48.2), so I typically upgrade my IE driver whenever I upgrade my Selenium version. The version of Chrome Driver I employ on any given Node will then correspond to whatever version of Chrome that particular Node has installed, though in my own case, this is typically the most recent version.
In short, it's more important to match the version of Chrome Driver to the version of Chrome under which you are testing.
To add my 2 cents, chromedriver acts as the "bridge" between Chrome and the Selenium jar, so on one side you have the protocol and interface (WebDriver) that is backward compatible and on the other you have dependency on browser's releases which isn't. So compatibility wise #tim-slifer's answer is sufficient (except that now Firefox also has a driver).
However, when consuming the selenium-server-standalone.jar, you consume a binary. So versioning wise, keeping up to date with the Selenium releases is simply to have fixes to new issues that rise with time - some of which related to the compatibility between chromedriver and Chrome.
So yes and no, there is some compatibility between the 2, although an old jar and bindings can work just fine with new browsers.

Selenium WebDriver and Opera Driver

I would like to run my Selenium WebDriver tests on Opera, but when I had a look at the Opera driver at Selenium HQ and GitHub page, it says:
Opera Driver requires Opera 12.x and older versions
Note that OperaDriver is only compatible with Presto-based Operas up until 12.16. Blink-based Operas (15 and onwards) are not supported.
Opera is now up to version 22.0, so far beyond the maximum supported version of 12. So, my questions are: -
If there is no Opera driver for Selenium, then how does one automate Opera tests?
It seems strange to stop at version 12, even taking the underlying technology change into account. Is Opera support waning or is it that Selenium WebDriver is no longer the best tool?
Opera has just released an early beta of WebDriver for their Blink based browsers. See
To quote from the link provided:
OperaChromiumDriver can be used without extra setup on Chromium-based versions of Opera starting from version 26.
For driving Presto-based Opera browsers, refer to the OperaPrestoDriver project.
Although versions earlier than 26 aren't officially supported, the OperaChromiumDriver v. 0.1.0 works with Opera 25. On Windows using the 'binary' option in 'operaOptions' may be needed.
Download OperaDriver from here and write the following code for java:
System.setProperty("webdriver.opera.driver", "D:/Ripon/operadriver_win64/operadriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver();
1 & 2)
There are 2 types of Opera - Java Based and Chrominium based.
The provided links are for Java based Opera.
There is no official support for latest Opera versions.