UITextField in aUIScrollView - inputView doesn't work - objective-c

I have a UItextField in a UIScrollView. I assigned an inputView (a picker) on my UITextField but it doesn't work. When I click on my textfield, I get the keyboard instead of a picker. When I delete the UIScrollView it works well (I get the picker). Do you have any ideas? Thanks.
Edit (more clear): I have a UItextField in a UIScrollView. I call a method that shows a picker. But the method is never called when my textfield is in a scrollview and I get the keyboard. When I delete the UIScrollView, my method (show picker) is called and I get my picker.

In case you are already using the textfield delegate, try ...
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[self openCustomPicker:self]; // Call your IBAction method
return NO; // Hide both keyboard and blinking cursor.
to prevent the UITextField from showing the keyboard.


Hide the keyboard for UITextField in the same UIViewController with UISearchbarDisplayController

How can I hide the keyboard only for specific UITextFields?
I have a lot of UITextField in a View Controller, which has also a SearchbarDisplayController.
I tried to use this but it blocks the UISearchbarDisplayController's job.
Thank you.
For more detail:
For example I have 3 UITextFields and a searchbar display controller. If there is only UITextFields , while tapping out ofthe keyboard, the keyboard successfully disappear. But when I touch the searchbar, you know the keyboard is open and I enter some text to searchbar. So it gives me some results in searchresultstable of the searchbar. But I can't select any row from searchresultstable. Because the disapper keyboard blocks it.
it seems to me that in this tutorial this method has not been implemented, try to add it
-(void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar {
[searchBar resignFirstResponder];

iOS7:editable textfield cells in tableview is not working properly

Editable textfield cells Tableview is causing problem on keyboard tab button everytime it is calling textfieldshouldbeginediting even if i am in first textfield it is not going to nextfield.
It is going to last textfield and if popover is availabe it will crash.How can i fix this so that if enter tab then it has to resign current responder in textfielddidendediting and it should not go to textfieldshouldbegin editing.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
PickerViewController *selectOperatorController;
NSLog(#"tag %d",textField.tag);
return NO;
I also declared textfield delegates like didendediting and shouldendediting
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
activeField = nil;
if (self.chooseOperatorController) {
[self.chooseOperatorController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
return YES;
This is not as issue in iOS 6.But it is in iOS 7.
textfieldshouldbegin editing will not allow desktop keyboard tab button input,it cannot judge to move between the textfields.If we add textfielddidbeginediting we can move the controls,eventhough we have two methods we can move by using keyboard tab.So textfielddidbeginediting is mandatory if we want to move bewtween available textfields.

UIVIew endEditing:YES doesnt hide the keyboard

I have a UIVIew which is a subview and it contains several UITextFields. One of these textfields (which is for DATE) should not be editable using the keyboard, instead of this I use a PopOver with a Datepicker inside.
I run a method when the UIControlEventEditingDidBegin is reached. This method calls the resignFirstResponder on the DateTextField.
Everything works fine if the DateTextField is the first field to edit, but when another textField is edited and of course shows the keyboard and then try to edit the DateField, the keyboard doesn't hide and everything goes normal but with the Keyboard doing anything.
I have tried to call the method endEditing:YES before the resignFirstResponder but it doesn't work. I have tried to run the endEditing:YES and resignFirstResponder on the didEndEditing text field method but theres no way to get that keyboard out.
here is my method:
- (void)showDatePopOver:(id)sender{
[self.view endEditing:YES];
UITextField *textField = (UITextField *)sender;
[sender resignFirstResponder]; // hide keyboard
You should use the textFieldShouldBeginEditing: delegate method instead of resigning first responder in didBeginEditing:
This will allow editing on ALL BUT the dateTextField text field:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
return (![textField isEqual:dateTextField]);
You should specify that your view controller is a text view delegate as well like so (in the interface declaration [.h file]):
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>

Hide keyboard when hitting return key in IOS5

I have tried this solution to hide keyboard but it doesn't work...
How to hide the keyboard when i press return key in a UITextField?
Many thanks
assuming you are using UITextField, how do you create the textfield? is it by xib? or by code? make sure you implement UITextFieldDelegate in your class
#interface YouClass : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
if its xib, connect your textField to the file owner's delegate. and also connect your File owner to your IBOutlet UITextField
if its by code. just do
yourTextField.delegate = self;
now implement
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
Just resign as first responder in your input text field, when the return key pressed. The keyboard will dismissed automatically.
You need to set the Return button to actual built in function type. In one of my apps I have set it as a "Done" button because when the user has finished they can press this and it will drop the keyboard away. To set this add this to your code in somewhere like the -(void)viewDidLoad; method.
textFieldName.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
That should then give you a blue done button on the keyboard that hides it.

Show keyboard with a UIPopover

How can I show the keyboard when my popover shows up?
The popover is UIViewController that I call from a popoverController.
The popover has an UITextField and when the popover is displayed, the keyboard need to show up too and the cursor go to the UITextfield.
I tried to put the becomeFirstResponder under viewDidLoad or viewWillLoad, and not work.
[userValue becomeFirstResponder];
What I miss?
That's all folks. Thanks.
You need to make the textField the first responder, not the popover itself. Just because you make an object the first responder, doesn't mean it will show the keyboard. It needs to be an object with text entry properties, like a UITextField, to display the keyboard.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
[_textField becomeFirstResponder];
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
You can call the method above if you want that particular textField to be the first responder, with keyboard, each time the popover is displayed. Remember, this method is called AFTER the popover is loaded.
Hope this helps.
Assign the first responder in the viewWillAppear method.
i think u didn't set the textfield delegates to self and trying putting breakpoints and check what is happening ,is it even going to textfield delegates or not.