Castle WCF Facility, Use of generic interface for non generic contract - wcf

I tried to minimize writing of code for WCF CRUD part of big project with use of generics and castle WCF facility.
I have WCF service contract:
public interface IResourceService : ICRUDService<DTOResource>
DTOResource Get(long id);
and generic interface
public interface ICRUDService<T> where T is IDTO
T Get(long id);
also generic MVC controller (1 controller for all basic crud for dtos and services)
public class CRUDController<T> : Controller where T is IDTO
readonly ICRUDService<T> service;
public CRUDController(ICRUDService<T> service)
this.service = service;
On the client side i register WCF client in Windsor Container
.For<IResourceService , ICRUDService<DTOResource>>()
.AsWcfClient(... standard stuff... )
Everythig is working fine, components and services registered, controller created properly,
readonly ICRUDService<T> service;
in controller is of type
But when i try to use service in controller i have error
Method Get is not supported on this proxy, this can happen if the method is
not marked with OperationContractAttribute or if the interface type is not
marked with ServiceContractAttribute.
When in controller i hardcode cast
all is running properly, so i believe this problem is solvable.
I've also tried to use Forward (with same result) :
How to make it work?

In the end i had to use 'Channel Factory' on client side.
I was able to use Windsor WCF Facility on server side to register generic contract :
public interface ICRUDService<I>
I Get(int id);
with generic implementation
public class CRUDService<I, IEntity> : ServiceBase, ICRUDService<I>
public I Get(int id)
in standard way (for multiple types)
private void InstallExample<I, IEntity>(IWindsorContainer container)
.ImplementedBy(CRUDService<I, IEntity>)
new DefaultServiceModel()
.PublishMetadata(x => x.EnableHttpGet())
.BoundTo(new BasicHttpBinding())
with fileless activation in web.config
<add factory="Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration.DefaultServiceHostFactory, Castle.Facilities.WcfIntegration" service="ClientService" relativeAddress="./ClientService.svc" />
On server side it works perfectly. Sadly on client side i didn't found working solution for WCFFacility and i had to use ChannelFactory (which is working perfectly)
ChannelFactory<ICRUDService<I>> factory = new ChannelFactory<ICRUDService<I>>(someBinding, someEndpoint);
For the rest (standard non generic services i'm using WCF Facility without any problems.

I think you need to put the ServiceContract attribute on ICrudService<>, add the OperationContract to the method there and remove the duplicate declaration of Get() from IResourceService.


Server Side WCF Service : How to reference/interact with other server components

I have a fairly simple design question about interaction between a self hosted WCF Service and other business classes.
Here is the WCF service contract :
/// <summary>
/// Represent requests on hardware components made by a client to the controler service
/// </summary>
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IHardwareServiceCallback))]
public interface IHardwareService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void OpenLeftDrawer();
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void OpenRightDrawer();
The service implementation
public class HardwareService : IHardwareService
public void OpenLeftDrawer()
public void OpenRightDrawer()
A class which purpose is to handle the business logic regarding client calls on the server
class DrawerRequestManager
// Server side Business logic to handle OpenDrawer requests from client
Hosting scenario
Uri adrbase = new Uri(srvConfig.Address);
var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HardwareService), adrbase);
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IHardwareService), srvConfig.Binding, srvConfig.Address);
Since this is the host that is managing the service instance lifetime, what is the proper way to handle the link between the service instance and business logic classes (DrawerRequestManager for exemple).
I'm using IOC container but i'm also interested in the response when not using IOC container.
Thanks in advance !
WCF uses parameterless constructor to create service objects, but there is a way to alter that. You need to implement your own instance provider.
You can inject your instance provider via ServiceHostFactory: see here.
Alternatively you can inject instance provider by using custom attribute for your service: see here.
Either way gives you full control of how services instances are created. You can use IOC there or just call constructor manually passing any parameters you want (e.g. reference to DrawerRequestManager instance).

WCF / svcutil in .NET 4.5 generates unusable code by default

With .NET 4.5, my WCF creation using svcutil suddenly seems to break (I've been using only .NET 4.0 until very recently) ....
With the default settings I'm using to convert a pre-existing WSDL to my C# WCF proxy class:
c:> svcutil.exe /n:*,MyNamespace /out:WebService MyService.wsdl
I get this C# file created:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public interface IMyService1
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="", ReplyAction="")]
[System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute(typeof(MyService.MyFault), Action="", Name="MyServiceErrorInfo", Namespace="")]
string IsAlive();
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="", ReplyAction="")]
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> IsAliveAsync();
This doesn't work - if I try to instantiate an implemention of this interface in a ServiceHost
using (ServiceHost svcHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService01Impl)))
Console.WriteLine("Host running ...");
I get this error:
Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name, methods 'IsAlive' and 'IsAliveAsync' in type 'MyService01Impl' violate this rule. You can change the name of one of the operations by changing the method name or by using the Name property of OperationContractAttribute.
Why does svcutil suddenly generate code that doesn't work??
If I use the /async keyword with svcutil, then I get the "old-style" async pattern with BeginIsAlive and EndIsAlive and things work again - but how can I tell WCF / svcutil to generate no async stuff at all?
svcutil by default generates a proxy class with both synchronous and Task-based methods, eg:
public interface IService1
string GetData(int value);
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> GetDataAsync(int value);
To generate a proxy with only synchronous methods, you need to use /syncOnly. This will omit the Task-based version:
public interface IService1
string GetData(int value);
In both cases, the proxy class itself inherits from ClientBase:
public partial class Service1Client : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<IService1>, IService1
Finally, the /serviceContract switch generates only the interface and DTOs necessary for generating a dummy service

apicontroller facade for wcf

I have a wcf project running on IIS in a server that is not reachable from clients on the internet.
second project is the website that is open to the internet written in MVC c#4 razor engine.
I work a lot on just passing data from api controller to service client and back .
Is there a way to generate the code ?
let's say the code in my wcf service is on server unreachable to Internet is :
public interface IAlertsService
void ApproveAlert(int ID);
bool IsAdditionalPackageRequired(int AlertID);
bool RemoveAlert(int ID);
bool ApproveAllAlerts(int[] ID);
and I did service reference from website mvc4, and want to make controller api :
public class AlertsController : ApiController
//here all methods to invoke wcf ...
is there a way to generate ApiControllers code from the service reference ?

WCF: how to choose which type an interface will be serialize into?

When using WCF,
how can you choose which type an interface will be serialized into?
for example, the CarA type is used in the server, and they are sent to client over WCF as ICars, and the client should receive them as CarBs.
public interface ICar
int Size { get; set; }
int Price { get; set; }
public class CarA : ICar
//ICar implementations...
public class CarB : ICar
//ICar implementations...
public interface ICarManager
ICar GetMyCar(int userID);
"which type an interface will be serialized into" - this makes zero sense. If you send CarA's to your client the client will receive CarA's.
I think you may be asking about how to tell WCF that your service contract contains types which are derived from another type. To do this you can use ServiceKnownTypeAttribute.
If you want to return a type of ICar in your service operation you need to specify the concrete types which will be available on your endpoint. You do this by using the ServiceKnownTypeAttribute like so:
public interface ICarManager
ICar GetMyCar(int userID);
You could look at customize reply message by implement custom extension using IDispatchMessageFormatter
try this link if help you
IDispatchMessageFormatter – How to customize reply Messages on the server side
From Your server side you can only expose unique endpoint so you will expose only one endpoint as ICar and then you will choose which implementation of ICar you want to host via ServiceHost ,it can be CarA or CarB.
Now on client side you will just have a only interface as ICar and you should not be confused with which type should be serialized using your interface Icar. You will be only calling server side to get the service not the implementation.
More on ServiceHost
Use the ServiceHost class to configure and expose a service for use by
client applications when you are not using Internet Information
Services (IIS) or Windows Activation Services (WAS) to expose a
service. Both IIS and WAS interact with a ServiceHost object on your

MVC Controller, testing a WCF service that is wrapped in a proxy

I am trying to figure how to create tests for my controllers that are consuming a WCF service (via a proxy class)
The proxy class is pretty much identical to the one listed in this post
Base Controller
public abstract class ServiceProxyController<TService> : Controller
where TService : class
private readonly ServiceProxy<TService> _proxyHelper;
protected ServiceProxyController(string endpoint)
_proxyHelper = new ServiceProxy<TService>(endpoint);
private Stuff GetStuff(int num)
Call((service) => {
Controller Implementation
public class MyController : ServiceProxyController<IService>
public MyController() : base("ServiceBindingName")
I want to be able to inject a proxy helper(???) into my controller so as I can mock it and therefor test the controller
How about injecting the proxy helper to the constructor (notice the introduction of an abstraction):
private readonly IServiceProxy<TService> _proxyHelper;
protected ServiceProxyController(IServiceProxy<TService> proxyHelper)
_proxyHelper = proxyHelper;
and the controller:
public MyController(IServiceProxy<TService> proxyHelper)
: base(proxyHelper)
This way in your unit test when instantiating the controller you could inject a mocked instance of the IServiceProxy<TService> interface.
You will then need to configure your DI framework to insert the proper implementation into the controller constructor which will wrap the actual ChannelFactory.
I just asked a similar question. I am injecting the service using structure map. I am dynamically creating a proxy using channel factory.
Look at this example for using Channel factory.
creating WCF ChannelFactory<T>
My question for your reference.
Rhinomocks - Mocking delegates
Note- Actually it was Darin who posted the ServiceInvoker