Custom Twitter Pictures in stream - api

There are multiple servies that let you insert pictures and videos into the twitter stream. - with instagram and youtube being two of the first that come to mind.
The question is - how do I do that?
If I want a custom image, and I want to link them back to my site - do I have to use the /statuses/update_with_media.json endpoint (which adds it to along with my own link? Meaning two links?
Is there a trick to how these sites do it, or are they officially supported by Twitter?

To play "in-line" on Only a select few services will allow this.
in case of videos for example, refer to this article on Twitters website.
You would need two links if you wanted to host a picture on Twitter itself and have it link to another place. The pictures hyper-link would be converted and another link would need to be added next to it.
How do I add an image to a tweet or how does twitter decide which image urls to render
Is there a public API or meta data to integrate with Twitter new media system?
(PS great CI articles, thanks for all your help! :)


How do I upload a photo / image to LinkedIn via API?

LinkedIn has a /share API endpoint which accepts a link and a message. The link is afterwards expanded to an OpenGraph card and that gives you a way to stick an image preview in there, but it seems there's no other way to upload an image/picture to LinkedIn feed like you can do in the web app itself.
Is there a way, private API, undocumented endpoint or some other way to do that?
Creating a rich media share is done in two steps. First, the media is uploaded to LinkedIn's media platform. Then, a personal or organization share referencing that media is created.
This URL might be help you.
No. You need to give us the URL and we'll scrape it (or pull it from our cache).

How to search for videos using GettyImages Connect API

I'm trying to use this API to search for videos. I have a client key, secret, and everything I need.
I have scoured the API doc page up and down several times, and can't find any reference to video search.
The on-site search allows video search, and the API works fine when I search videos.
I use:
'' + query + '&fields=id%2Ctitle%2Ccaption%2Cpreview to search for images, and I've tried every combination of the word 'video' in that to search for videos, to no avail.
The images search works great, by the way.
The "swagger" interactive page (most annoying way to display an API doc, by the way) has a section for images, search/images, etc, but no video search or video (using video id).
the v3 API release notes states that they now have support for video search and download. Where?
Thanks to anyone that can lend a hand here, this is probably the most confusing API I've ever encountered.
Thank you!
sorry it's taken so long answer your question! At the time you posted, I don't think we had our video-specific search and download endpoints up. They are there now, though they're still in beta. Should be that way for a couple more weeks.!/Search
Searching for "video" via the image search endpoints will not give you video files.
Getty Images API operations

Upload photos on my website in real time with twitter, instagram or another service

I have a question about uploading images from my smartphone to my website.
I want create a little blog where I write and upload image in real time.
For example I like this restaurant, i take pictures of dishes and I share those pic on my blog.
My question is: is possible using the Api/App of twitter or instagram do that?
Take a picture from my smartphone camera, have a "button" for share image on my website.
I hope my english let you understand what I say.
thank's Davide
The answer is yes - you can publish your photo on for example twitter and then use one of many ways to show this (your twitter feed as an example) on your blog. The easiest will probably be to use a twitter widget:
Of course, you can also use the APIs to import the photos from twitter/insta - but that requires more coding,

dynamic share posts to google plus page using rss feed

Is it possible to dynamically share posts or links to google plus page using rss feed?
I can automatically share links to my Twitter page or my Facebook page using any Rss Feed, but I can't find any similar application or tool to send my site posts to my google + page automatically
I hope someone can help me find a tool or give me a hint to develop an application can do that task
Some of the third-party tools might enable you to do this for your Google+ Page (not for an individual), such as HootSuite as this Video seems to suggest. However, you should be careful to follow the Google+ user content and conduct policy and to make quality posts to avoid having your content becoming classified as spam.
There is no API that is available to the public that will allow your own app to publish content for a profile.

How to fetch data from external website (google data api) related to page keywords and display in sidebar

There is a Worpdress plugin, which makes for a great example, that does exactly what I am asking, called Vikispot. However, I would like to use Google Data API as the source of the data for Videos, Blogs, News, etc... then just like Vikispot, display the data on my website in a sidebar. Vikispot does the job as far as displaying data from other websites that are related to the keywords in a blog on website, in a sidebar. Although I would like the same code that Vikispot is using and implement this into my drupal based website.
I have searched all over the place and cannot find an answer. I hope it isn't right under my nose =]
Google Data API 2.0 supports an Atom-format RSS interface.
Use the RSS variant of Google Data API with any RSS feed reader widget. There are dozens..