Considering spaces in a SQL row as null - sql

I was suppose to get all data from the table where the column "Address" is not null
so I made a statement that look like this...
Select * from Table where Address is not null
Unfortunately, there are rows in "Address" column that has spaces so SQL cannot consider it as Null
How can I display rows where Address is not null?
Thanks :)

Most database systems have a NULLIF() function. It was defined together with COALESCE() in the ANSI SQL-99 standard if not earlier. It is implemented in at least SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, DB2, Firebird.
Select * from Table where NULLIF(Address,'') is not null
But for me, I like this more
Select * from Table where Address > ''
It kills nulls and empty strings in one go. It will even exclude strings that are made up entirely of spaces ('', ' ', etc). It also retains SARGability.


Filter unwanted characters from a column in Teradata

I have a Phone number column in my table with values only being numbers and no special characters. for one of the column I got a value coming in as ":1212121212".
I will need to filter this record and any records coming in with any special characters in teradata. Can anyone help on this.
I have tried the below solutions but it is not working
where (REGEXP_SUBSTR(column_name, '[0-9]+')<>1 or column_name is null )
In MS SQL Server DB's, you can use TRYCAST to find those entries having non numeric characters:
SELECT column_name
FROM yourtable
In Teradata DB's, you can use TO_NUMBER:
SELECT column_name
FROM yourtable
If you want to stay close to your attempt, can use LIKE to find not numeric entries:
SELECT column_name
FROM yourtable
WHERE column_name LIKE '%[^0-9]%';
Note this could get slow when your table has very many rows.
Thanks Jonas. Since I need only numeric values and the length should be 10, I tried the below and it worked. This would ignore all the additional special characters.

Handling Ignoring Empty Values in Porting SQL Data

I am in the process of porting over some data from a SQL environment to my MongoDB backend. I'm familiar with using a NULL check with your SELECT statement, like so:
SELECT * FROM clients WHERE note is not NULL ORDER BY id_number
... but in this old SQL database table I'm noticing a lot of rows where the value is not null, it's simply empty. It would be pointless to port these across. So what would it look like to prevent pulling those over -- in terms of the SELECT statement syntax?
To clarify "note" values are of type varchar. In JavaScript I would just guard against an empty string " ". Is there a way to do this with a SQL statement?
Something like that :
SELECT * FROM clients
WHERE note is not NULL
AND TRIM(note) <> ''
ORDER BY id_number;

Oracle Selecting Columns with IN clause which includes NULL values

So I am comparing two Oracle databases by grabbing random rows in database A, and searching for these rows in database B based off their key columns. Then I compare the rows which are returned in java.
I am using the following query to find rows in database B using the key columns from database A:
select * from mytable
Where (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C)
in (('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''));
This works just fine for the first two sets of keys, but the third key('3','C', '') does not work because there is a null value in the third column. Changing the statement to ('3','C', NULL) or changing the SQL to
select * from mytable
Where (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C)
in ((('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''))
OR (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C) IS NULL);
will not work either.
Is there a way to include a null column in an IN clause? And if not, is there a way to efficiently do the same thing? (My only solution currently is to create a check to make sure there are no nullable columns in my keys which would make this process rather unefficient and somewhat messy).
You can use it this way. I think it would work.
select * from mytable
Where (NVL(Key_Column_A,''),NVL(Key_Column_B,''),NVL(Key_Column_C,''))
in (('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''));
I am not sure about this (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C) IS NULL. Wouldn't this imply that all of the columns (A,B,C) are NULL ?

Need to UPPER SQL statement with INNER JOIN SELECT

I'm using Pervasive SQL 10.3 (let's just call it MS SQL since almost everything is the same regarding syntax) and I have a query to find duplicate customers using their email address as the duplicate key:
SELECT arcus.idcust, arcus.email2
FROM arcus
SELECT arcus.email2, COUNT(*)
FROM arcus WHERE RTRIM(arcus.email2) != ''
GROUP BY arcus.email2 HAVING COUNT(*)>1
) dt
ON arcus.email2=dt.email2
ORDER BY arcus.email2";
My problem is that I need to do a case insensitive search on the email2 field. I'm required to have UPPER() for the conversion of those fields.
I'm a little stuck on how to do an UPPER() in this query. I've tried all sorts of combinations including one that I thought for sure would work:
... ON UPPER(arcus.email2)=UPPER(dt.email2) ...
... but that didn't work. It took it as a valid query, but it ran for so long I eventually gave up and stopped it.
Any idea of how to do the UPPER conversion on the email2 field?
If your database is set up to be case sensitive, then your inner query will have to take account of this to perform the grouping as you intended. If it is not case sensitive, then you won't require UPPER functions.
Assuming your database IS case sensitive, you could try the query below. Maybe this will run faster...
SELECT arcus.idcust, arcus.email2
FROM arcus
SELECT UPPER(arcus.email2) as upperEmail2, COUNT(*)
FROM arcus WHERE RTRIM(arcus.email2) != ''
GROUP BY UPPER(arcus.email2) HAVING COUNT(*)>1
) dt
ON UPPER(arcus.email2) = dt.upperEmail2
Check out this blog post which discusses case insensitive searches in SQL. In essence, the reason why it was so slow was that most likely none of the current table indexes could be used in the query, so the database engine had to perform a full table scan, likely multiple times.
An index on arcus.email2 is completely useless when wanting to compare between the uppercased versions (UPPER(arcus.email2)), because the database engine cannot look up the values in the index (because they're different values!).
To improve the performance, you can create an index specifically on the result of applying UPPER to the field.
ON arcus (UPPER(email2));
The collation of a character string will determine how SQL Server compares character strings. If you store your data using a case-insensitive format then when comparing the character string “AAAA” and “aaaa” they will be equal. You can place a collate Latin1_General_CI_AS for your email column in the where clause.
Check the link below for how to implement collation in a sql query.
How to do a case sensitive search in WHERE clause

how to filter in sql script to not include any column null

imagine there are 50 columns. I dont wan't any row that includes a null value. Are there any tricky way?
SQL 2005 server
Sorry, not really. All 50 columns have to be checked in one form or another.
Column1 IS NOT NULL AND ... AND Column50 IS NOT NULL
Of course, under these conditions why not disallow NULLs in the first place by having NOT NULL in the table definition
If it's SQL Server 2005+ you can do something like:
SELECT fields
FROM MyTable
WHERE stuff
EXCEPT -- This excludes the below results
SELECT fields
FROM MyTable
WHERE (Col1 + Col2 + Col3....) IS NULL
Adding a null to a value results in a null, so the sum of all your columns will be NULL.
This may need to change based on your data types, but adding NULL to either a char/varchar or a number will result in another NULL.
If you are looking at the values not being null, you can do this in the select statement.
This will replace nulls with string blanks. If you want another value use: ISNULL(firstname,'empty') for example. You can use anything where the word empty is.
I prefer this query
select *
from table
where column1>''
and column2>''
and (column3>'' or column3<'')
Allows sql server to use an index seek if the proper index/es exist. you would have to do the syntext for column 3 for any numeric values that could be negative.