Restoring a database from .bak file on another machine - sql

I've not done much SQL and am still pretty new to this, so please excuse what's probably a basic question.
I've been asked to look into creating an SQL job to backup our databases, store the .baks on another machine and then to restore them to a second server. I've been doing a bit of research and playing with SSMS and have back-ed up the database to my personal machine by setting up a share and running a backup job to the share location. I'm now trying to create a new database (on the same server I back-ed up from) by restoring the .bak file (but giving the database I'm trying to create a new name and what-not) but am unable to specify restoring it from the share, like I did when backing it up/I can't find how to specify other network locations and am just browsing the server's C drive when I try to locate the file.
For now, I'm just using the built-in wizards to try and achieve this (open SSMS -> Connect to server -> right click DataBases -> Restore DataBases and then select From Device and browse to find the file).
This isn't the final process, just me trying to get to grips with how this works. As I said, the idea is to ultimately have a scheduled job to backup the DB from server1 to a .bak on, say, my personal machine and then to restore that to a DB on server2 (different network, different city) and, probably, with a series of SQL commands rather than using the wizard every time (there are a few DBs that'll, ultimately, need backing up).
My apologies for the, possibly, quite drawn out and convoluted question - essentially, all I need to know is can I/how can I restore a DB in SSMS from a .bak on a different machine?
Many thanks

You could use something like the following script. It restores a database from the filesystem, and it overwrites the existing database with the name of "MyDB", moving the files to new locations of your choice in the process.
FROM DISK = '\\MyShare\MyBackup.bak'
MOVE 'DataFile' TO 'D:\myNewDBLocation\DataFile.mdf',
MOVE 'LogFile' TO 'E:\\myNewDBLocation\LogFile.ldf'
You can find out the name of the llogical files (in the above, those are called DataFile and LogFile by running the following:
FROM DISK = '\\MyShare\MyBackup.bak'
Additional information about various options and parameters:
RESTORE (Transact-SQL)


how to backup SQL database (tables, mappings, indices, etc.)

I am installing a service pack on our shopping cart. They recommend backing up the SQL database before installing. I know we have backups to tape drives done by our hosting company, but I want one I know the exact time stamp for and can access quickly if I need to reload it because of a goof during the upgrade. (I don't want to have the store down for any longer than needed.)
How do you recommend backing up a SQL database for easy reloading for someone who is used to just writing queries and stored procedures? (I'd like to get everything - mappings & indices, etc - because I wouldn't know what all of them are or how to recreate them.)
I access the database via Remote Desktop and can link my hard drive and DVD drives, if that helps. It's MSSQL 2008.
Thank you so much.
Best wishes,
Obviosly replace databasename and the target C:\somefile.bak as appropriate. Remember, the file and path is on the server; connecting remotely won't change where backup file is stored--in other words it won't be on your local machine.
You can omit the WITH options if you want. Drop INIT if you don't want the target .bak file overwritten. COPY_ONLY isn't a big deal either way in your case. CHECKSUM is just for validating the data before it gets backed up, and may not matter if you don't have CHECKSUMs turned on for the database--though by default starting in MS SQL 2005 new databases were.
The MS documentation for BACKUP and RESTORE isn't too difficult to understand in its basic forms. You can also use the Management Studio Tasks->Back Up or Tasks->Restore GUI if you have access to it.

SQL 2005 Moving from Godaddy SQL Server to a company owned server

What is the best way to go about moving a database from a Godaddy SQL 2005 account to a local SQL 2005 server? I have access to the DB through Server Management Studio Express and also through the Godaddy SQL explorer.
However, I have no idea where to start. In MySQL, I would just export the data through the PHPMyAdmin page, and conversely import it on the other server using an ASCII file. In access, I'd just use the migrate tool. In Server Management Studio, I've thought about using the "Backup" and "Restore" method, but I'm afraid that I won't have the ability to create a new object with the correct permission schema on the new server.
What are your thoughts? Keep in mind that I do not have access to the MDF or temp files. I've been studying this page.
SMSS should be able to do it for you. If you are looking to move the entire database and not just a few tables, the Backup and Restore method is probably your best bet.
Your steps might include:
connect to Godaddy sql server in ssms
Right click the database you want to move and select Tasks > Backup
Keep/set Backup type = "Full" and add a destination at the bottom that you will be able to access.
After backup completes, move the .bak file to a location that your local sql server can see.
Connect to your local sql server in ssms.
Right click Databases > Restore Database
Enter the database name you want in "To Database:"
Select "From device:" and locate the .bak file you created before.
In the row that shows up in the grid display, check the restore check box.
If it matters to you where the recreated files will be stored, select options on the top left menu and confirm the file locations under the "Restore As" column in the data grid.
Click ok and the restore should start.
To migrate users, follow the directions at
Don't be so afraid of the backup and restore. You have a much better chance at getting a high fidelity copy of your data than trying to roll your own. Give it a shot, test it out, and see what happens. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

What is the most efficient way to restore multiple databases in SQL 2008

I'm in the process of doing a large scale server migration, as such I have to move 50+ SQL 2005 databases to a new SQL 2008 server installation.
The DB guys have only given me a backup of each database, so I have a directory with some 50 .bak files sitting in a directory (ie c:\db) that I need to restore.
I need to restore each database to the new server.
I can do this individually in Management Studio, but that would be time consuming. Is there a more efficient way of solving this problem.
So my question is:
What is the most efficient way of restoring all of these databases.
Machine background:
The server is Win 2k8, with SQL 2008 Workgroup Edition, .net 4 is installed along with Powershell 2.
Thanks in advance.
Edited after comment: you can script restores, like:
restore database DatabaseName
from disk = N'c:\dir\BackupFileName.bak'
with file = 1,
move N'DatabaseName' to N'c:\dir\DatabaseName.mdf',
move N'DatabaseName_log' to N'c:\dir\DatabaseName.ldf',
stats = 10,
The two move lines move the files to a location on the new server. Usually the names are DatabaseName and DatabaseName_log, but they can vary.
With recovery means: bring database online without waiting for additional log restores.
To generate a script like this, click the Script button (top left) in the Restore Database wizard window, and click Script action to....
Write a custom application/script? You could extend SSMS or use SQL server tools to write an application that just reads these files and restores them to the database. I know it is possible in .net, might be possible using powershell scripts as well.
This is efficient if this task is to be done in a short period of time during the production migration, otherwise the overhead of writing the app is more than doing 50 restores manually! But if you are a developer and you choose manually, then shame on you! :).

transfer SQL database (table and data)

iv created a database with some tables and populated them using SQL server 2008, i want to move the database to another machine, what would be the best way copy the database and recreate it in another location ??
by the way im connecting to localhost\SQLEXPRESS if thats important !!
Backup and restore is usually the simplest way. The only complexity you may encounter is that your may have to recreate and associate users on your target system.
Do a backup of your database and then restore it on another machine
Right click on your database in SSMS. Choose Tasks->Backup. Then choose your location and click ok. Take the backup file you create out of the folder it was in and put it into the same folder on your other computer. Then open SSMS on your other machine. Right click on the database folder and click Restore Database. Enter what you ant to name it, choose From Device and then find your file. Click OK and you are done.
I would use SQL Server backup and restore. I believe you can backup in SQLExpress (you just can't schedule one).
Right click your database, and select Tasks -> Backup. Do the backup.
On your other sql server instance create a database with the same name. And do Tasks -> restore -> database
If you have permissions to restore on the target database server then that is by far the best way to copy the database.
If you don't have permissions, then you'll want to connect to the source and target databases with Management Studio and Import the data from the source. If you have simple primary key only indices on your tables you can import by right clicking on the target database name, then select Tasks, then Import Data. A wizard will walk you through it.
You can practice by importing the data into a new database on your local machine first.
If you have more complex indices or functions, sprocs, and views, you'll want to create the new database first, before you import the data. Same procedure, but select Generate Scripts. The wizard will walk you through the necessary steps. Under script options you'll want to make sure you select True for Script Indexes.
Again you can practice by recreating and importing locally. Though if you create locally you'll need to give the database a new name.

How to copy a SQL 2005 database to another computer?

I'm trying to rebuild a web server in a virtual pc. Installed required software and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I've had full backups of my databases but it is not possible to restore from those backups in this new installation. By the way, backups are fine, i can restore from them on original server.
In summary, how can I copy whole database to another computer? How can I backup a database and restore is fully on another computer?
PS: The database I'm trying to restore is called "Some_db" and it does not exist on new server. I also tried to create a new one with defaults and restore on it but that gave an error on new db. I don't know any details of the database.
You have 3 Choises:
1) Restore DB as you tried
This failed for you for some reason
Here a tutorial:
2) Detach DB and Atach it to the new server
This is easy: Rightclick on the DB -> Detach.
Rightclick on the new Server -> Attach
3) Create Create-Scripts of the table schema and use insert into statements for the data.
For this, there are a bunch of tools, my favourit is "Redgate SQL Compare".
It creates you all nessecary scripts.
The link:
Backup file
Copy .bak file to other server
Restore .bak file.
Works every time for me. You have to make sure the new instance of SQL is of a sufficient level to be able to host the database. You also have to recreate the users on the new server and remove and readd them to each database.
The alternative to the backup and restore approach is to detach the db, copy the mdf and ldf files over and then attach them on the new server
Or take offline, copy files, attach database, bring online..
open your current query browser window and run the query .The restore will happen automatically
TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\AdventureWorks.bak'
for more details
This will create a .bak file after that copy the .bak to server.
restore the data base by right click on DataBase .Select restore database .Give the database name and location .And restore it .