integration of Joomla with existing application [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to integrate Joomla with one of existing applications. My application is also in PHP but I don't want to integrate at database level instead looking for API to access Joomla features like adding page etc. JFussion is available but its functionality is only limited to user functionality

Write your own component for Joomla!, create your own API in it to get parameters and output your desired data.
As far as I know there's no component to do that out-of-the-box and if there is it may not be suitable for your needs. Writing a customized component for your own needs is the best way and it's not that hard if you can understand basic concepts of Joomla! component-creating and object-oriented php programming.
That's what I did for my own component!
This may help: Developing a Model-View-Controller Component for Joomla! 2.5


Is there a simple way to create a HTTP server in Kotlin Native? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I'm looking for a library/code snippet that would allow the creation of a very basic HTTP server, that works on Windows.
I've seen the Ktor project, but it doesn't
support Windows unfortunately. Is that something that can easily be done without using an entire framework?
I only need to serve some generated text on one or two routes, I don't care too much about the headers, status codes etc. :)

sharepoint API using Golang? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i want to know is there any example or package of golang developed for SHAREPOINT,
Please suggest,
authenticate sharepoint using golang api,
listing all the documents in sharepoint,
getting document from sharepoint to local using api.
above are some of the basic operations that an be done.
As far as I know there aren't any libraries yet, but SharePoint 2013 and later version(s) have powerful REST APIs you can use to interact with SharePoint objects. If there were libraries for Golang, I'd assume they were nothing more than a wrapper around the REST apis.
There's plenty of documentation and examples that will help you with that. I answered a similar question here for Java a while ago.

Browsable API in Laravel 5? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there an equivalent to Django REST Framework in Laravel 5 on this subject? It would be nice if there was a tool that generates pages in which the client can navigate through the api tree and where I can test my api endpoints without writing front-end code for each of them.
Swagger will help you out here. It's not quite as automagical as what Django REST Framework gives you unfortunately and you have to write the documentation for your API endpoints yourself.
Here's a good introduction to working with Swagger in a Laravel app. You should also consider adding Swaggervel into your project as this takes out some of the leg work of tying Swagger support into your app.

Tool for JSON API Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool or an easy way to generate/maintain documentation of a rich RESTful JSON API?
I also would want to publish and maintain (as executable documentation) it, something like what relishapp provides. An example.
The application is Restful Ruby on Rails 3 application, tested using cucumber and R-Spec controller tests.
You say you have Cucumber tests already - they are your documentation. They may just need some work to be readable.
For output, you can use Cucumber's built-in HTML formatter.

Web API introduction for Objective-C? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've never accessed a web API, and I'm looking for a thorough introduction. Specifically, I want to access Google APIs from a Mac OS X application. I can successfully find similar code, copy and paste, but I really want to understand how this all works, and can not find any beginner text of the subject.
Apple's introduction to using NSURLConnection is here, and there's some Apple sample code here. Google also has a gdata-objectivec-client client library, which I've never used, but sounds like a drop-in solution to accessing Google's data services. The Google project page has links to overview slides, an introduction and example applications.