Change system time using any language - systemtime

I want to change system time on window os but i don't want to use kernel32.dll because my os will write an log entry ##
Pls help me.

In Python, you can try using the win32api.SetSystemTime. That is part of pywin32


Flashing target with GHS probe using command line

We're using Greenhills Multi IDE and Greenhills Debug Probe to program and debug our target system (a Coldfire based, bare metal system). Currently I flash the target using the IDE debugger GUI, but I would prefer to use a command line interface to do it.
The documentation is fairly sketchy, and only gives a very simple example. As far as I can tell I should be able to use grun with gflash to do this, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which GUI fields map to which grun options. Anyone with any experience of this?
Basically I need to be able to specify (see image above):
Flash device (this one I've got figured out I think)
Base address
Image file (we use raw images)
Offset in flash
Alternate RAM base
Alternate flash utility
Possibly also alternate MBS script
Any tips, tricks, or pointers to better documentation than the standard GHS one? Would be much appreciated!
Is below screenshot from debugger command reference is of any help? You can use it to download your source on HW. I will be able to share more details is this helps. Or you can share your solution if you had already found it.
I used mpadmin for this purpose.
mpadmin -update <IP-addr_of_your-probe | -usb> firmware.frm

Can I launch Dymola without the GUI?

I've got an application that I'm working on which currently takes a model, passes it to OpenModelica, compiles it, runs a simulation, and grabs the output. We'd like to switch over to use Dymola, but I can't figure out how to do this in a GUI-less fashion.
For instance, I've seen how I can use the javascript interface by running "dymola.exe -serverport 8082", but that actually still launches a GUI, and you can see everything running in the background when you use the javascript interface. Plus, closing the GUI kills the server.
Is there any way to use Dymola without a GUI? Note also that I can't simple use the .exe of a compile model, since compiling the model is one of the things I need to do.
Even easier is if there is a way for me to run my .mos file without the GUI launching.
you can use Dymola in command line mode and passing the right optional argument to not show its GUI.
You should use the following command :
C:/Program Files (x86)/Dymola 2016 FD01/bin64/Dymola.exe /nowindow myscript.mos
With the first part being the pass the the Dymola executable depending on where it was installed on your machine, the second one /nowindow being the optional argument stating that the GUI should not be displayed, and the third part path to your Modelica script which can contained the simulation setup.
Check the Dymola User Guide for additional details.
Best regards,
From the command line, dymola.exe -nowindow.

How can I start the IvTune window from Petrel?

I would like to start the IvTune tool from Petrel in order to debug my OpenInventor code. Is there any way to do this? The standard shortcut Shift+F12 doesn't work.
We don't package the IvTune into the release build of Petrel. We actually can't.
If you want to use it, you need to get a separate Open inventor license.

Is it possible to execute shell commands within a mac application?

Basically I'm wondering if I can compile code that a user inputs in a mac app (I'm trying to make an OCaml text editor that compiles your code) using executables that are already available in the user's system, such as ocamlc etc. I don't have any code to show or anything because I'm still figuring out if/how I could build this mac app. Not really sure what other info I should include, so just ask. Thanks!
You can use either Sys.command "<your shell command>" or Unix.open_process* and Unix.create_process commands. See man Sys and man Unix for more information.
In Objective-C, C, and C++, and a multitude of other languages, use system(3). Also see:
If you are using Objective-C, check out NSTask.
If not, look at popen. popen gives your parent process control over the I/O streams.

What do I need to do to use com.jprofiler.agent.Controller in my code?

Could guys please tell me what exactly I need to do in order to use com.jprofiler.agent.Controller in my code ?
I have GWT/GAE application which I'm running under debugger of IntelliJ IDEA 11. I have JProfiler 7.0.1.
I googled a little and it seems I need to pass this "-agentpath:C:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\bin\windows\jprofilerti.dll,config=C:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\api\samples\common\config.xml"
"-Xbootclasspath/a:S:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\bin\agent.jar" to JVM but it doesn't seem to work.
-agentpath:[path to jprofilerti.dll]
is enough. The process will wait for the JProfiler GUI to connect. This is so it can use the correct profiling settings with a minimum overhead.
To get immediate startup, pass
-agentpath:[path to jprofilerti.dll],nowait
The profiling agent will then have to retransform classes, depending on your filter settings.
And using the JProfiler plugin from the plugin manager will make all of this unnecessary.