I've implemented a custom error message processor for Korean language. In Korean, postpositions take different forms depending on the sound of the preceding noun or pronoun.
For example, when marking a subject, ka (가) is used following a vowel and i (이) is used following a consonant.
Examples (hyphens are to denote morpheme boundaries):
Romanization: sakwa-ka ppalkah-ta.
Gloss: Apple-SUBJECT red-PRESENT.
Translation: Apple is red.
Romanization: phainayphul-i tal-ta.
Gloss: Pineapple-SUBJECT sweet-PRESENT.
Translation: Pineapple is sweet.
Therefore, the standard error message system implemented in ActiveModel::Errors is not adequate for Korean. You should either include the attribute in the message making a lot of duplicates ("A is blank", "B is blank", "C is blank", ...), or avoid postpositions after the attribute which is often difficult or makes awkward sentences.
I monkey patched ActiveModel::Errors and altered generate_message to solve this problem. Following is the code (Gist) which is currently in config/initializers in my Rails app.
# encoding: UTF-8
# Original article: http://dailyupgrade.me/post/6806676778/rubyonrails-full-messages-for-korean
# Modified to support more postpositions and client_side_validations gem.
# Add Korean translations like this:
# ko:
# errors:
# format: "%{message}"
# messages:
# blank: "%{attribute}((이)) 입력되지 않았습니다"
# taken: "이미 사용 중인 %{attribute}입니다"
# invalid: "잘못된 %{attribute}입니다"
# too_short: "%{attribute}((이)) 너무 짧습니다"
class Korean
POSTPOSITIONS = {"은" => "는", "이" => "가", "을" => "를", "과" => "와", "으로" => "로"}
def self.select_postposition(last_letter, postposition)
return postposition unless last_letter >= "가" && last_letter <= "힣"
final = last_letter.mb_chars.last.decompose[2]
if final.nil?
# 받침 없음
POSTPOSITIONS[postposition] || postposition
elsif final == "ㄹ" && (postposition == "으로" || postposition == "로")
# 'ㄹ 받침 + (으)로'를 위한 특별 규칙
# 받침 있음
POSTPOSITIONS.invert[postposition] || postposition
module ActiveModel
class Errors
old_generate_message = instance_method("generate_message")
define_method("generate_message") do |attribute, type = :invalid, options = {}|
msg = old_generate_message.bind(self).(attribute, type, options)
return msg unless I18n.locale == :ko
msg.gsub(/(?<=(.{1}))\(\((은|는|이|가|을|를|과|와|으로|로)\)\)/) do
Korean.select_postposition $1, $2
My first question is whether it is possible to achieve the same goal without monkey patching. I'm new to Rails (and Ruby too) so couldn't come up with a better solution.
The second question is about extracting this code from my Rails app and making it into a separate gem. I'm cutting my teeth on developing gems and recently made my first gem. In what place should I put this code in a gem? config/initializers doesn't seem right.
I'm not good at ruby but the following javascript code do the same thing. I hope it may help.
var hasJongsung = function(word) {
return !!(word && word[word.length -1].charCodeAt()>=0xAC00 && word[word.length-1].charCodeAt()<=0xD7A3 && (word[word.length -1].charCodeAt()-0xAC00)%28);
I have had some difficulties in using extended classes in rails, in particular extending the Matrix class - and I have also asked some questions related to this:
Am I extending this inbuilt ruby class correctly
Using custom functions in rails app
Where do I put this matrix class in my rails app
In general the answers have been around autoloading in rails 3. However, when I extend 'Math' new functions work, when I extend 'Matrix' new functions don't work - even if I treat them in the same way
I've tried many iterations and change module names, requires, autoloads but here are my latest key files:
require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
require 'rails/all'
require 'matrix'
# If you have a Gemfile, require the gems listed there, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)
module SimpleFixed
class Application < Rails::Application
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
# Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
# -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded.
# Custom directories with classes and modules you want to be autoloadable.
# **I have tried all these autoload variants**
# config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)
# config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
# config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"]
# config.autoload_paths << "#{Rails.root}/lib"
config.autoload_paths << "#{::Rails.root.to_s}/lib" # <-- set path
require "extend_matrix" # <-- forcibly load your matrix extension
*other standard code here*
module Math
class << self
def cube_it(num)
def add_five(num)
module Extend_matrix **An error is raised if I call this Matrix**
class Matrix
def symmetric?
return false if not square?
(0 ... row_size).each do |i|
(0 .. i).each do |j|
return false if self[i,j] != self[j,i]
def cholesky_factor
raise ArgumentError, "must provide symmetric matrix" unless symmetric?
l = Array.new(row_size) {Array.new(row_size, 0)}
(0 ... row_size).each do |k|
(0 ... row_size).each do |i|
if i == k
sum = (0 .. k-1).inject(0.0) {|sum, j| sum + l[k][j] ** 2}
val = Math.sqrt(self[k,k] - sum)
l[k][k] = val
elsif i > k
sum = (0 .. k-1).inject(0.0) {|sum, j| sum + l[i][j] * l[k][j]}
val = (self[k,i] - sum) / l[k][k]
l[i][k] = val
my view page:
<%= Math.add_five(6) %> **works*
<%= Matrix[[25,15,-5],[15,18,0],[-5,0,11]].cholesky_factor %> **doesn't work**
Could it be because Math is a Module in ruby but Matrix is a class? If so, how do I correct for this?
If you have a look at the implementation of Matrix, you will see the reason. For me, it is located in .../ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/matrix.rb. The definition is (omitted all methods):
class Matrix
include Enumerable
include ExceptionForMatrix
That means that Matrix is not contained in a module. Your source for your additions should begin:
class Matrix
def symmetric?
def cholesky_factor
So your addition to a class or module has to match the current definition. Matrix is known as Matrix in the Ruby constants, and not as Extend_matrix::Matrix which is what you have defined.
Related to my previous question I still have one thing that I would like to understand - why this:
= link_to(root_path)
= link_to(#some_path_set_in_mailer)
works in development mode (config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries was set to true and emails were actually sent) and in production or staging has to be changed to:
= link_to(#some_path_set_in_mailer, #some_path_set_in_mailer)
to avoid "No route matches {}" error?
I had this problem in rails 3.2.
I'm not entirely sure why there is a difference since there shouldn't be.
However, link_to typically has this format:
= link_to("Some link description here", root_path)
The only time you typically leave off the link description text is if you have a longer description that you need to put within a do block like this:
= link_to(root_path) do
%p Some link description here
= image_tag("some_image.jpg")
So I would recommend sticking to the preferred syntaxes above.
The docs for link_to don't really talk about the short-hand method you're using too much.
Here is the source for it:
# File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb, line 231
def link_to(*args, &block)
if block_given?
options = args.first || {}
html_options = args.second
link_to(capture(&block), options, html_options)
name = args[0]
# this is probably where your issue is coming from
options = args[1] || {}
html_options = args[2]
html_options = convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)
url = url_for(options)
href = html_options['href']
tag_options = tag_options(html_options)
href_attr = "href=\"#{ERB::Util.html_escape(url)}\"" unless href
"<a #{href_attr}#{tag_options}>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(name || url)}</a>".html_safe
I have a ruby script that extracts information from a file (genbank) and I would like to load this data into the database. I have created the model and the schema and a connection script:
require 'active_record'
def establish_connection(db_location= "protein.db.sqlite3")
:adapter => "sqlite3",
:database => db_location,
:pool => 5,
:timeout => 5000
This is my script that outputs the data:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bio'
require 'snp_db_models'
snp_positions_file = File.open("snp_position.txt")
outfile = File.open("output.txt", "w")
genome_sequence = Bio::FlatFile.open(Bio::EMBL, "ref.embl").next_entry
snp_positions = Array.new
snp_positions_file.gets # header line
while line = snp_positions_file.gets
snp_details = line.chomp.split("\t")
snp_seq = snp_details[1]
snp_positions << snp_details[1].to_i
mean_snp_per_base = snp_positions.size/genome_sequence.sequence_length.to_f
puts "Mean snps per base: #{mean_snp_per_base}"
#outfile = File.open("/Volumes/DataRAID/Projects/GAS/fastq_files/bowtie_results/snp_annotation/genes_with_higher_snps.tsv", "w")
outfile.puts("CDS start\tCDS end\tStrand\tGene\tLocus_tag\tnote\tsnp_ID\ttranslation_seq\tProduct\tNo_of_snps_per_gene\tsnp_rate_vs_mean")
genome_sequence.features do |feature|
if feature.feature !~ /gene/i && feature.feature !~ /source/i
start_pos = feature.locations.locations.first.from
end_pos = feature.locations.locations.first.to
number_of_snps_in_gene = (snp_positions & (start_pos..end_pos).to_a).size # intersect finds number of times snp occurs within cds location
mean_snp_per_base_in_gene = number_of_snps_in_gene.to_f/(end_pos - start_pos)
outfile.print "#{start_pos}\t"
outfile.print "#{end_pos}\t"
if feature.locations.locations.first.strand == 1
outfile.print "forward\t"
outfile.print "reverse\t"
qualifiers = feature.to_hash
["gene", "locus_tag", "note", "snp_id", "translation", "product"].each do |qualifier|
if qualifiers.has_key?(qualifier) # if there is gene and product in the file
# puts "#{qualifier}: #{qualifiers[qualifier]}"
outfile.print "#{qualifiers[qualifier].join(",")}\t"
outfile.print " \t"
outfile.print "#{number_of_snps_in_gene}\t"
outfile.print "%.2f" % (mean_snp_per_base_in_gene/mean_snp_per_base)
How can I load the data in outfile.txt into the database. Do I have to do something like marshall dump?
Thanks in advance
Your can write a rake task to do this. Save it in lib/tasks and give it a .rake extension.
desc "rake task to load data into db"
task :load_data_db => :environment do
Since the rails environment is loaded, you can access your Model directly as you would in any Rails model/controller. Of course, it'll connect to the database depending on the environment variable defined when you execute your rake task.
In a mere script, your models are unknown.
You have to define a minimum to use them as if in a Rails App. Simply declare them:
class Foo << ActiveRecord:Base
Otherwise, in a Rails context, use rake tasks which are aware of the Rails app details.
I wrote a script to export PSDs as PNGs with rb-appscript. That's fine and dandy, but I can't seem to pull it off in py-appscript.
Here's the ruby code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'optparse'
require 'appscript'
ps = Appscript.app('Adobe Photoshop CS5.app')
finder = Appscript.app("Finder.app")
path = "/Users/nbaker/Desktop/"
layerSets = ps.current_document.layer_sets.get
# iterate through all layers and hide them
ps.current_document.layers.get.each do |layer|
layer.visible.set false
layerSets.each do |layerSet|
layerSet.visible.set false
# iterate through all layerSets, make them visible, and create a PNG for them
layerSets.each do |layerSet|
name = layerSet.name.get
layerSet.visible.set true
ps.current_document.get.export(:in => "#{path}#{name}.png", :as => :save_for_web,
:with_options => {:web_format => :PNG, :png_eight => false})
layerSet.visible.set false
And here's the apparently nonequivalent python code:
from appscript import *
from mactypes import *
# fire up photoshop
ps = app("Adobe Photoshop CS5.app")
# open the file for editing
path = "/Users/nbaker/Desktop/"
f = Alias(path + "guy.psd")
layerSets = ps.current_document.layer_sets()
# iterate through all layers and hide them
for layer in ps.current_document.layers():
#... and layerSets
for layerSet in layerSets:
# iterate through all layerSets, make them visible, and create a PNG for them
for layerSet in layerSets:
name = layerSet.name()
layerSet.Visible = True
ps.current_document.get().export(in_=Alias(path + name + ".png"), as_=k.save_for_web,
with_options={"web_format":k.PNG, "png_eight":False})
The only part of the python script that doesn't work is the saving. I've gotten all sorts of errors trying different export options and stuff:
Connection is invalid... General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop... Can't make some data into the expected type...
I can live with just the ruby script, but all of our other scripts are in python, so it would be nice to be able to pull this off in python. Thanks in advance internet.
I think I have a solution for you – albeit several months later. Note that I'm a Python noob, so this is by no means elegant.
When I tried out your script, it kept crashing for me too. However by removing the "Alias" in the export call, it seems to be OK:
from appscript import *
from mactypes import *
# fire up photoshop
ps = app("Adobe Photoshop CS5.1.app")
# open the file for editing
path = "/Users/ian/Desktop/"
f = Alias(path + "Screen Shot 2011-10-13 at 11.48.51 AM.psd")
layerSets = ps.current_document.layer_sets()
# no need to iterate
# iterate through all layerSets, make them visible, and create a PNG for them
for l in layerSets:
name = l.name()
# print l.name()
# make its layers visible too
# f = open(path + name + ".png", "w").close()
ps.current_document.get().export(in_=(path + name + ".png"), as_=k.save_for_web,
with_options={"web_format":k.PNG, "png_eight":False})
I noticed, too, that you iterate through all the layers to toggle their visibility. You can actually just issue them all a command at once – my understanding is that it's faster, since it doesn't have to keep issuing Apple Events.
The logic of my script isn't correct (with regards to turning layers on and off), but you get the idea.
How can you tell if a generate or destroy command has been used to invoke a custom generator?
In Rails 2 you could do this:
if options[:command] == :destroy
I want to print out some helpful information, but only when rails generate has been called, not when rails destroy is called:
if is_generating
puts "You're generated something!"
check the generator class's behavior. It seems you should get either :invoke for generate or :revoke for destroy. For example, I added this:
class PatternGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
def echo_behavior
p "generate? #{generating?}"
p "destroying? #{destroying?}"
def generating?
:invoke == behavior
def destroying?
:revoke == behavior
Running this, I get:
younker % rails g pattern foo
"generate? true"
"destroying? false"
younker % rails destroy pattern foo
"generate? false"
"destroying? true"
Seems to work and makes sense, so that's my final answer.