property for ivar that points to two-dimensional array of pointers to NSStrings - objective-c

I want to create a class that contains a dynamic, two-dimensional c-array of pointers to NSStrings. I know I can simulate a two-dimensional array using an NSArray containing multiple NSArrays, but if possible I'd like to do this using a traditional two-dimensional c-array. ARC won't allow a simple assignment of a pointer to an NSString to an element of a c-array unless you use "__unsafe_unretained":
#interface NumberStringsArray : NSObject
NSString * __unsafe_unretained **_array;
To avoid memory leaks and to give an object in the class ownership of each NSString assigned to the c-array, I add a pointer to each NSString object to an NSMutableArray. In -(void)dealloc I free the memory acquired to create the two-dimensional c-array.
Here's my question: How do I declare a property based on the _array ivar so that I can refer to the i,j element of the array as "foobar.array[i][j]" rather than "foobar->array[i][j]"?
Later amplification: I did it in a very similar manner to the answerer except for the __bridge stuff. I don't know if that makes a difference. I allocate the two-dimensional array here:
self->_array = (NSString * __unsafe_unretained **)calloc(_columnCount, sizeof(void *));
if (!self->_array)
return nil;
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < _columnCount; i++)
self->_array[i] = (NSString * __unsafe_unretained *)calloc(_rowCount, sizeof(void *));
if (!self->_array[i])
for (UINT16 a = 0; a < _columnCount; a++)
if (self->_array[a])
if (self->_array)
return nil;
I put pointers to the NSString objects into the array using substrings generated from a file of comma-separated values:
NSArray *numbers = [line componentsSeparatedByString: #","];
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < _columnCount; i++)
NSString *number = #"";
if (i < [numbers count])
number = [numbers objectAtIndex: i];
// save it in owners
[self.owners addObject: number];
self->_array[i][j] = number;
In -(void)dealloc I free all the memory:
for (UINT16 i = 0; i < self.columnCount; i++)
if (self->_array[i])
if (self->_array)

Declare this property:
#property (nonatomic) NSString * __unsafe_unretained **_array;
Then you can allocate the pointers to objects:
_array= (NSString * __unsafe_unretained **) malloc(M*sizeof(CFTypeRef) );
for(NSUInteger i=0; i<M;i++)
_array[i]= ((NSString * __unsafe_unretained *) malloc(N*sizeof(CFTypeRef) );
for(NSUInteger j=0; j<N;j++)
_array[i][j]= (__bridge NSString*) (__bridge_retained CFTypeRef) [[NSString alloc]initWithCString: "Hello" encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// I see that you got habit with C so you'll probably like this method
Then when you don't need it anymore, free the array:
for(NSUInteger i=0; i<M; i++)
for(NSUInteger j=0; j<N;j++)
CFTypeRef string=(__bridge_transfer CFTypeRef) _array[i][j];

You can't because you can't declare a concrete object for an Objective-C class. So
NumberStringsArray object;
is not allowed.
You are forced to declare it as
NumberStringsArray *object = [[NumberStringsArray alloc] init.. ];
so you have to access to the ivar through the correct -> operator applied to pointers. Mind that the object.something in Objective-C is just a shorthand for [object something] while in standard C you would use . to access to fields of a concrete struct.

(Note: This addresses the creation/use of the property to access the data, not the way the data should be managed by conventional Objective-C storage management or by ARC. Thinking about that makes my head hurt.)
If you want a read-only C array to "look" like an Objective-C property, declare the property such as #property (readonly, nonatomic) char* myProp; and then, rather than using #synthesize, implement a getter for it along the lines of:
-(char**)myProp {
return myPropPointer;
// Or, if the array is allocated as a part of the instance --
return &myPropArray[0];


How to return string array in objective c

I am trying to get data from web service and adding it into nsmutablearray,
after that i want to return that array from extern c function.....
for example:
#implementation SampleClass
-(NSMutableArray* ) createArray:
NSMutableArray *array=[NSMutableArray new];
//add value in array
return array;
extern 'C'
//how can i
NSArray* returnArray()// this method should return string array
SampleClass *sc=[[SampleClass alloc]init];
NSMUtableArray* a=[NSMutableArray new];
a=[sc createArray];
return a
Why would you need to use extern "C" since Objective-C is a superset of C? You can already use C code without problems.
For your question it depends on lifetime of the array. If the array is retained then this is enough:
char *cString = [[array objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String];
Otherwise you'd need to allocate a new char* for each string, for example by using strdup:
char *cString = strdup([[array objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String]);
Mind that the latter will require you to release memory when you longer need it with free(cString). If you need to return a C array then you will create it before and set values accordingly, eg
char** cArray = calloc([array count], sizeof(char*));

NSMutableArray with size of 9

I need to have an NSMutableArray with a constant count of 9 where I can make index-specific insertions and deletions. I know that array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:9]; will declare an array with a capacity of 9, but when you get the size of the array, it returns 0.
My first attempt at a solution was to declare an array with capacity 9 (see above) and then fill it with NSNull objects. This code crashes with the error
[NSMutableArray insertObjects:atIndexes:]: array argument is not an NSArray'
- (void) setBlankArray: (NSMutableArray*)array {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
[array insertObjects:[NSNull null] atIndexes:i];
-(void) addCurrentTile: (TileView*)aTile {
[currentTurnTilesArray insertObject:aTile atIndex: aTile.getValue-1];
-(void) removeCurrentTile: (TileView*)aTile {
[currentTurnTilesArray removeObjectAtIndex: aTile.getValue-1];
Is there a better way to accomplish it?
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish or why, but your removeCurrentTile will break it, because it will reduce the size of the array by 1. What you need to do is wrap this array with a class that guards it such that it can never never never have any other number of elements than 9.
Personally, I think what you're trying to do is silly. If you know you will always have exactly 9 slots, then you should start with a normal array, not a mutable array. It is the objects at each index that you want to mutate - not the array itself. For example, if these things were to be strings, then you would make an immutable array of 9 NSMutableString objects:
NSArray* arr = #[
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string],
[NSMutableString string]
Now each string can be mutated into another value, but no strings can be added or removed such as to change the length of the array.
Of course that's just an example (using strings, I mean). For maximum flexibility, this would be an NSArray of nine NSMutableDictionary objects. Now every NSMutableDictionary can contain anything, or nothing. But the number of NSMutableDictionaries will always be exactly nine, because the array itself is immutable.
You're looking for insertObject:atIndex:, or more simply addObject:.
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:9] does not create an array with 9 elements.
It creates an empty array initialized with enough memory to hold 9 objects.
The purpose of this method is to allocate that much memory at once as you declare, so you can add elements to this array and system has not to allocate memory every time. This is only for optimization.
NSMutableArray reference
I just read your question, and I think I understand exactly what you need. Here is the code:
Declare a property:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *myArray;
Synthesize it:
#synthesize myArray = _myArray;
Overrride its getter like this:
- (NSMutableArray *)myArray
if (!_myArray)
_myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:9];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
[self.myArray addObject:[NSNull null]];
return _myArray;
The "setBlankArray" method will simly set the property to nil, and next time you call the getter of the array property it will get automatically initialized with exactly what you need:
- (void)setBlankArray:(NSMutableArray *)array
self.myArray = nil;
VERY IMPORTANT: Do not write this code:
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
[self.myArray addObject:[NSNull null]];
in the method just mentioned as this will make the array to contain 18 elements.
Then write the other 2 methods:
// you can also change the parameter from "id" to "TileView *"
- (void)addCurrentTile:(id)sender
NSInteger tileIndex = 1; // replace 1 with ((TileView *) sender).getValue - 1
[self.myArray replaceObjectAtIndex:tileIndex
// you can also change the parameter from "id" to "TileView *"
- (void)removeCurrentTile:(id)sender
NSInteger tileIndex = 1; // replace 1 with ((TileView *) sender).getValue - 1
[self.myArray replaceObjectAtIndex:tileIndex
withObject:[NSNull null]];
But, DO NOT FORGET to replace "id" with "TileView *", and TO SET the value of tileIndex to "((TileView *) sender).getValue - 1".
Hope this all makes sense, and is helpful for you.
Best regards

How can I pass a C array to a objective-C function?

I'm not familiar with C. How can I pass a C array to a Objective-C function ?
I actually need an example of a class function converting NSArray to C arrays.
This is what I have so far:
+ (NSArray *)convertArray:(NSString*)array { //I don't think this is correct: the argument is just a NSString parameter and not an array
NSMutableArray * targetArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) //SIZE: I dunno how to get the size of a C array.
[targetArray addObject: [NSString stringWithString:array[i]];
return targetArray;
There are a few ways.
If your array size is fixed at compile-time, you can use the C99 static modifier:
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *[static 10]) arg
If not, you have to pass it as two separate arguments. One as a pointer to the first element of it, and the second as the length of it:
-(void) doSomething:(NSString **) arg count:(size_t) count
Now you can access your variables like any other array you may have.
Because you are dealing with a C-array of objective-c objects, you can actually use NSArray's built in constructor for turning a C-array into a NSArray:
NSArray *result = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:arg count:count];

Get property name as a string

I need a way to pass a property and get the name assigned to it. Any suggestions?
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyObject *crazyObject;
NSString *str = SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(crazyObject);
// Above method should return #"crazyObject"
You can try this:
unsigned int propertyCount = 0;
objc_property_t * properties = class_copyPropertyList([self class], &propertyCount);
NSMutableArray * propertyNames = [NSMutableArray array];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i) {
objc_property_t property = properties[i];
const char * name = property_getName(property);
[propertyNames addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:name]];
NSLog(#"Names: %#", propertyNames);
It's as simple as this...expanding upon what Chuck already mentioned:
#ifndef STR_PROP
#define STR_PROP( prop ) NSStringFromSelector(#selector(prop))
You then use it like so:
NSString *strProp = STR_PROP(myProperty);
Keep in mind that properties are really just, to quote Apple, "a syntactical shorthand for declaring a class’s accessor methods." In fact, by itself, the #property declaration doesn't even work. Your #synthesize statement translates the #property into the equivalent of two methods:
- (void)setCrazyObject:(MyObject *)something;
- (MyObject *)crazyObject;
Which one is used depends on the context surrounding your self.crazyObject. (#synthesize also creates a matching instance variable if you didn't do it yourself.) The offshoot of all this is that you can't really translate to and from a property with one single method.
Proposed Solution
You can use what Apple already provides:
NSString *foo = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(myClassProperty));
Or do something custom:
Given that self.crazyObject really translates to either [self crazyObject] or [self setCrazyObject:foo] by the time your code is running, ou'll probably need two methods, like:
- (NSString *)setterStringForProperty:(SEL)prop;
- (NSString *)getterStringForProperty:(SEL)prop;
You might then want at least 2 companion methods such as:
- (SEL)setterForPropertyName:(NSString *)propString;
- (SEL)getterForPropertyName:(NSString *)propString;
Within these methods, you can use the Foundation functions NSStringFromSelector and NSSelectorFromString to convert back and forth between SEL and NSString. Use whatever string manipulations you like to convert back and forth between your setter string (setCrazyObject) and your property name (crazyObject).
A complete solution is hard to provide without knowing the exact use case, but hopefully this provides some more clues for anyone trying to accomplish something similar. There might even be some useful things made possible by combining this approach with Oscar's answer.
Here is a function that returns the name of an ivar, so basically it not only returns the properties but any ivar of the class. I haven't found a way to get the property directly so I used the ivar trick.
#import <objc/objc.h>
/// -----
- (NSString *)nameOfIvar:(id)ivarPtr
NSString *name = nil;
uint32_t ivarCount;
Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([self class], &ivarCount);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<ivarCount; i++)
Ivar ivar = ivars[i];
id pointer = object_getIvar(self, ivar);
if(pointer == ivarPtr)
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(ivar)];
return name;
After searching and debugging i find solution for me...
Added #import <objc/runtime.h>
Methods object_getIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar) send bad access and app crashes. i modify some code and it worked great:
+(NSString*)stringWithProperty:(id)property withClass:(id)controller
NSString *name = nil;
uint32_t ivarCount;
Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([controller class], &ivarCount);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<ivarCount; i++)
Ivar ivar = ivars[i];
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(ivar)];
if ([controller valueForKey:name] == property)
return name;
Modifying the solution, it works when your object is allocated already, otherwise it returns nil:-
NSString * NSStringFromProperty(NSObject* property, NSObject* class)
unsigned int propertyCount = 0;
objc_property_t * properties = class_copyPropertyList([class class], &propertyCount);
NSString *name = nil;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i)
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:property_getName(properties[i])];
NSObject *object = [class valueForKey:name];
if (object != nil && object == property)
name = nil;
return name;
You can use
NSString *str = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(crazyObject));
The good thing about this approach is that:
Xcode will autocomplete word crazyObject for you.
When later on you will change the property name from crazyObject to myCrazyObject, Xcode will add a warning saying "unrecognized selector!" -- pretty good for debugging.
I use this method so often, that I even created a function, which allows to write less letters:
NSString * __nonnull sfs(SEL __nonnull theSelector)
if (!theSelector)
return NSStringFromSelector(theSelector);
Now your final solution can look like this:
NSString *str = sfs(#selector(crazyObject));
From Get property name as string, without using the runtime reference library, just define:
#define propertyKeyPath(property) (#""#property)
#define propertyKeyPathLastComponent(property) [[(#""#property) componentsSeparatedByString:#"."] lastObject]
And then you can do something like this:
NSLog(#"%#", propertyKeyPathLastComponent(appleStore.storeLocation.street)); //result: street
You may check my approach at Gist to get the string for a property with autocompletion and compile-time check.
How to use:
Get the property name for a class:
#interface AnyClass : NSObject
#property (strong) NSData *data;
// == My approach ==
// C string for a class
PropertyNameForClass(AnyClass, data); // ==> "data"
// NSString for a class
PropertyStringForClass(AnyClass, data); // ==> #"data"
// Bad approach (no autocompletion; no compile-time check):
NSString *propertyName = #"data";
Get the property name for a protocol:
#protocol AnyProtocol
#property (strong) NSDate *date;
// C string for a protocol
PropertyNameForProtocol(AnyProtocol, date); // ==> "date"
// NSString for a protocol
PropertyStringForProtocol(AnyProtocol, date); // ==> #"date"
Unconventional, hacky, ugly, late, but... as strong-named as it gets and works like a charm:
#define SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(p) p == p ? [[[[[[[NSString alloc] initWithCString:#p encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] componentsSeparatedByString:#"."] lastObject] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] lastObject] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"]" withString:#""] : #""
Sample usage:
NSLog(SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(self.customer.surname)); // surname
NSLog(SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME([[self customer] birthDate])); // birthDate

Anyway to get string from variable name?

Say I have my class
#interface Person : NSObject { NSString *name; }
I need to get the name of NSString's within my class
Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Name of variable %s\n", _NameofVariable_(person->name));
Thanks for the answers, here's the solution I came up from the replies
//returns nil if property is not found
-(NSString *)propertyName:(id)property {
unsigned int numIvars = 0;
NSString *key=nil;
Ivar * ivars = class_copyIvarList([self class], &numIvars);
for(int i = 0; i < numIvars; i++) {
Ivar thisIvar = ivars[i];
if ((object_getIvar(self, thisIvar) == property)) {
key = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(thisIvar)];
return key;
As easy as
#define VariableName(arg) (#""#arg)
Then you do:
NSObject *obj;
NSString *str = VariableName(obj);
NSLog(#"STR %#", str);//obj
You can get the names of a class's instance variables with the Objective-C runtime API function class_copyIvarList. However, this is rather involved, rarely done and almost never the best way to accomplish something. If you have a more specific goal in mind than mere curiosity, it might be a good idea to ask about how to accomplish it in Objective-C.
Also, incidentally, doesn't specify an instance variable in Objective-C — it's a property call. The instance variable would be person->name.
You might use preprocessor stringification and a bit of string twiddling:
NSUInteger lastIndexAfter(NSUInteger start, NSString *sub, NSString *str) {
NSRange found = [str rangeOfString:sub options:NSBackwardsSearch];
if(found.location != NSNotFound) {
NSUInteger newStart = NSMaxRange(found);
if(newStart > start)
return newStart;
return start;
NSString *lastMember(NSString *fullName) {
if(!fullName) return nil;
NSUInteger start = 0;
start = lastIndexAfter(start, #".", fullName);
start = lastIndexAfter(start, #"->", fullName);
return [fullName substringFromIndex: start];
#define NSStringify(v) (##v)
#define _NameofVariable_(v) lastMember(NSStringify(v))
If the person object is exposed as a property of the class, you can use objc_msgSend to get the value.
So, if you could access person using
[object person]
You could also do
objc_msgSend(object, "person")
For more details on message sending, including how to pass arguments to methods, see the Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide section on Messaging
The following works as a macro:
#define STRINGIZE(x) #x