Xcode - Web services and my confusion - objective-c

I am having a problem here. I am totally new to this concept of servers and web services and being able to get data uploaded and retrieved on different devices, but I want to learn it, say if I want to create an app like Instagram.
But that is EXACTLY what I dont want, a link to a long tutorial on the internet on how to create the most complex app ever, I want to start slow. After doing extensive power searches on Amazon there are basically no books that will help me. So I want to start slow, here is my goal:
Get a great understanding of how web service backends and servers work and be able to apply it in other app ideas I have and want to start developing
I would like to start by being able to create an app that allows a user to enter some text into a field, it uploads to the server, another device can press a button to retrieve the text and display it in a text view.
I do not know php, and every single tutorial I have entered on this website is literal mindeff, the reason for this is because everyone has a different solution, sync web service backend with Core Data, MySQL, parse, Rails and it truly overwhelms me because I do not know which one to pick! And even worse some people provide code but I have no understanding whatsoever, and its like looking at a totally new language!
I am not asking for code, in fact that is the exact opposite. I am asking for someone to really lay out their knowledge, how does it all work? What is the best tool? Some resources and links. Nothing too complex...
I hope you can truly understand my extreme confusion and frustration. I think the reason might be is I might not be ready yet for all this, but I want to push forward and carry out my app idea!
Thank you...
I have finally decided on a web service I would like to use, it is the Amazon S3 web service, I am still not fully comprehending the full process though, any help or ideas!?

Since you wanted to create an Instagram-type app, look at this: http://www.raywenderlich.com/13511/how-to-create-an-app-like-instagram-with-a-web-service-backend-part-12
This is a good link to servers: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC71D7CFB6AF935E6&feature=plcp. Watch the list to get an understanding of servers.
Maybe you want to read up on sql. Understanding sql will help.. Again: http://www.youtube.com/course?list=EC32BC9C878BA72085&feature=plcp. Watch the list to get an understanding of sql...
I can pass you the link and you got to do the work....
Hope this helps...


Discussion on best way to create a "backend" for my apps

Over the years I have written many apps for myself and for customers using VB.NET, most of these were standalone apps which worked on workstations and servers and didn't involve much if anything to do with networking, client/server or a backend.
I want to evolve and learn more, and specifically am interested in creating a "backend" for some of my apps so that the data from the client app, whether it be error information or custom data for a client can be sent from the "client" to whatever is the best option for the "backend". I would then store the received data in a database I assume and then have ability to view it, and parse the data to show specific results etc
This is a new area to me but one I want to learn more about, so I am hoping that others who have this knowledge / experience can give me some pointers as to the best route to take etc, especially covering the points below and anything else you think I need to know but have missed
What to use for the "backend"? I prefer to have it in the cloud rather than having my own server, so do I use something like Azure? if so what? or do I sign up for hosting with a company which provided ASP and .NET Core hosting and create something there? if so what would I use?
What are the best methods for sending data from a to b - I notice most services I currently use for my apps e.g. for sending mail or error reports etc often use JSON? is that best option?
How do I send the data, any built in or suggested frameworks or API's to use to "post / send" information from my client to my backend / remote endpoint?
Hope this all make sense, please ask if not, all comments appreciated, as I say I want to use this both as a way to create / modernize some of my existing apps, but also as a learning exercise to learn areas I don't know and hopefully also make user of newer / evolving technologies and solutions.

How to set up a server for my app

At the moment I am making an app. I am relatively new but have experience with a lot of different languages like PHP and SQL. My app needs to communicate with a server to post/retrieve data for everyone to see. People also need to be able to login and register. Right now I am using parse because it gives a lot of the requirements in an easy package but parse is retiring soon and I have no experience with setting up my own server.
I was thinking of making my own 'server' from an old computer but not use parse because it will no longer support push notification. Then of course the app needs to communicate with this server. I started looking online and found a lot of terms but not a real clear explanation on how to proceed. I need it to be able to communicate with iOS and Android. Furthermore I was wondering how to execute a script on the server itself. I want to do something with time, once someone uploads something it needs to disappear after 48 hours, but of course it also needs to do this even if the app isn't active on a smartphone
Can anyone tell me how I need to proceed, what to use and where i can find useful info.
My plan for now is creating my own server with something like MongoDB but then i still need something called a backend and different SDK's to communicate with the apps. Maybe its possible to install parse on my own server and add something so i can still use Push and run a script on the server itself.
All help would be very much App-reciated ;)!
The reason of a backend service or framework is to let developer focus on front end app development. Maybe you can check other options like firebase, meoter, or even leancloud. Don't be hurry jump to the decision to make your own backend.
Parse Server is already supporting Push Notifications. I think should keep using Parse. It will become the best framework for backend and API development in a short time. You can also use services like https://www.back4app.com that helps you in all process of configuration of your server.
Do you mean by create your own server running a personal derver pr you mean create your own back end application?

How to make a Tag cloud app that post on a website?

I want to make an app where the users can post messages that will be displayed on a website. The users would need to create a username and password to be able to post.
The app would be like a twitter, but only be able to post through the app and read the last few posts and not be able to write private messages.
The website would function like a huge cloud of thoughts where everyone could go and read what others have written. Once the post hit the cloud, they can't be deleted. Only me could delete posts.
All posts would have different color and font size, it would look like a huge tag cloud on the website.
How do I make an app and a website like this?
David H
The tutorial application for Google Application Engine is an unstyled version of what you describe. They'll even host it for you for free (up to a non-trivial level of usage).
The tag cloud creation is not so very hard but without knowing your preferred language it is hard to point you to helpful libraries (there are plenty out there).
Getting people to use it will be the hard part.
added in response to comment:
Good luck on your endeavor. I would be surprised if you weren't able to learn everything you need to know and have a working web app by the time school starts. I found a simple stand alone web cloud creation library that explains what it does and will run on GAE. So now even that part is in place for you.
I'm tempted to make some pathetic reference to the sorts of computing that I did prior to high school, but I expect that you probably have SD data cards have more computational power than I had available to me. Kids these days! ;)

Accessing Page From App?

I am only just starting out with iPhone application development and have been doing some research with regards at getting data into an app using information available via the web.
I understand that I can access web pages using the NSURL* classes. Does anyone know how I might request data from a page that requires user input?
I can understand accessing an actual page, but I am not sure if (or how) I might be able to initiate the request and get the appropriate data back into my app.
Any help / pointers is very much appreciated.
I was thinking that I would have to interact with the actual controls on the page, but after a little more investigation I have found that I can simply use the request HTML that the page generates.
This question is really too broad ("how does http networking work"), and if you look around this site you will probably find several questions that will take you in the right direction. As a first stop, check out the ASIHTTPRequest framework. Many people use it, and it makes http networking really simple.
You could also have a look at these links for inspiration:

Creating a login section - Im new an need some serious direction please!

Alright. So I am new, I know my way around html pretty well, and have gotten by for a while now doing so. But today I am presented with a seemingly simple issue.
My client needs the ability for users to create their own LOGIN/PASSWORD, my client wants to be able to MANUALLY approve visitors. And he want to be able to track how many times they login.
The login section will just be about 4 pages of PDF file downloads.
I cant imagine this is the hardest thing in the world, I just have no clue where to even start. Perhaps there is a code already written, as things like this are done every day using forum technologies...
Please help!
It may also help to mention that I am using Dreamweaver cs4 on a MAC
I'd check out Ruby on Rails if I were you. It's pretty easy to get something quick up with it that you can have users create accounts with that send e-mails to the client with approve/reject options, and be able to track downloads and users via MySQL or other databases.
I've found Agile Development with Rails to be a great source of info on how to do stuff like this (they do an online bookstore as the book's example) and with a little modification I think it should work for what you say you want to do (and the book is pretty cheap as far as programming books go).
If you want just really basic static login features without lots of coding, you can start with Password protecting your pages with htaccess. You can password protect directories like this without any effort at all. This way, you can be sure that your login routine is secure.
Then, you can continue with advanced features like account administration and login statistics. These will require some programming skills.
Tracking count of user logins should be easy too. You can put simple PHP code to the source of protected pages that will save the info about login to the database. This will require you to study some basics of databases. You can use plaintext files which is not as clean but much easier and it will allow you to export info for your client more easily.
If you want to do it profesionally, you should invest in learning about web development or hire someone to do it for you. These tasks might not be trivial.
Have you worked with PHP, ASP.Net or some other web language yet? What you're trying to isn't too difficult in the grand scheme of things but it may be somewhat challenging if you haven't programmed before and/or haven't had any experience with web development.
(P.s. Alter your question as a response and comment on my answer when you're finished.)
As you are looking into Ruby on Rails, take a look at bort which is a RoR app skeletton with RESTful authentication included, it should help (Chris Bunch answered on the general RoR question).
There is also this bort fork. There is also Authlogic which may be easier to work with.
Have a look at the ASP.net Membership provider and also the login controls which provides the UI for the login as well as registration screens out of the box.
Here is a Multipart Series on ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile
If this is too complex than probably you can also design you application from scratch using ASP.net. If you don't know asp.net than the best place to start is www.asp.net it has several videos and tutorials which would help you get going soon.