Can't Load the Custom Dll into new AppDomain. Show file not foud or its dependencies - appdomain

I can't load custom dll to my new appDomain.
AppDomainSetup appSetup = new AppDomainSetup()
ApplicationName = "PluginsDomain",
ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
PrivateBinPath = #"Plugin",
DisallowBindingRedirects = false,
DisallowCodeDownload = true,
ConfigurationFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile
AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyPlugin", null, appSetup);
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(#"C:\Users\testUser\Documents\Visual Studio
Assembly assm= domain.Load(bytes);
Type type=assm.assm.GetExportedTypes()[0];
Object testObj=(Object)appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assm.FullName, type.FullName);
///Here is the problem When I try to compile it show error.

You will need to implement an event listener for AssemblyResolve within your remote domain ("MyPlugin") that returns the said assembly (in your case the HelperClass.dll)
Are you trying to use the HelperClass as a "Proxy"? If possible I would recommend that you create a "Proxy" (inherits from MarshalByRefObj) and then CreateInstanceAndUnwrap to your remote domain. Then implement AssemblyResolve within the "Proxy" and load the dynamic assembly via the "Proxy".
//Listenner to AssemblyResolve
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve);
Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
return assm;
return null;
I have previously written a post about AppDomain and implementing a "Proxy"


TriggeredFunctionData null when entering Webjob SDK function

I am trying to use a rabbitMQ extension to webjob SDK ( to have it trigger when something is put on the queue.
The triggering works fine, but the content is never passed into my function.
I downloaded the source for the extension so i could debug inside it and I see that the content of the queue is delivered successfully and the extension repackages it into a TriggeredFunctionData object. The object is then passed to my function through the Webjob executor.
However as I step into my function this object is null.
Listener method from extension lib:
_consumer.Received += (sender, args) =>
var triggerValue = new RabbitQueueTriggerValue {MessageBytes = args.Body};
if (args.BasicProperties != null)
triggerValue.MessageId = args.BasicProperties.MessageId;
triggerValue.ApplicationId = args.BasicProperties.AppId;
triggerValue.ContentType = args.BasicProperties.ContentType;
triggerValue.CorrelationId = args.BasicProperties.CorrelationId;
triggerValue.Headers = args.BasicProperties.Headers;
var result = _executor.TryExecuteAsync(new TriggeredFunctionData{TriggerValue = triggerValue}, CancellationToken.None).Result;
When debugging I can see that Triggervalue contains my message data.
My function being executed:
public static async Task ProcessRabbitMqTopicStatusMessage([RabbitQueueTrigger("tempq")]
[RabbitQueueBinder("myexchange", "myroutingkey", "myerrorq",autoDelete:true,durable:true, execlusive:false)]
TriggeredFunctionData message,
TextWriter logger)
if (message != null)
This method is triggered successfully, but message is always null.
Any suggestions?
Your user function shouldn't bind directly to TriggeredFunctionData. That's an intermediate object used by the triggering infrastructure which gets converted to final destination objects to match your function's signature.
The binding author (in this case, RabbitMQ at the GitHub site you linked to) is what defines the possible objects that it can bind to.
From, here was an example of their usage:
public void IntegrateApprovedProductToMarketPlace(
[RabbitQueueBinder("product", "product.approved", "error")]
ProductApproved message, TextWriter log)
[handle message here]

How to create customize destination(with my own server name, client, username, ect) using JCo3 on Netweaver?

Since Netweaver ship with its own DestinationDataProvider, we can't register our own customized destination data provider. Does means we have to use the Netweaver's destination manager to define a destination and use it in our application? Is there a way to connect to any SAP server and create our own destination without using the Netweaver's destination manager?
The way this is done in JCO 3 is slightly different. The idea is create Properties & place from where it can be retrieved (flat file, ldap etc) and then retrieve the same when you want to connect to a sap server.
// So you First use the following code to create the connection parameters
Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR, "76");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "800");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER, "dsc007");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "passwd");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG, "en");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME1, connectProperties);
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, "3");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT, "10");
createDestinationDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME2, connectProperties);
static void createDestinationDataFile(String destinationName, Properties connectProperties)
File destCfg = new File(destinationName+".jcoDestination");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destCfg, false);, "for tests only !");
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the destination files", e);
// The following code snippet can then be used elsewhere to connect to the sap server
public static void step1Connect() throws JCoException
JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME1);
You have to use NetWeaver's Destination Service. Either create the RFC destinations via the NetWeaver Admin UI or programmatically via the offered APIs for managing the destination configurations.
Nevertheless, you can also create JCoCustomDestination instances based on the JCoDestination instances retrieved from the JCoDestinationManager.

How to implement custom SiteMapNodeProvider

I am trying to adapt the MvcSiteMapProvider to create the breadcrumb based on some Information stored in a database.
The answer in this post sounded promising so i implemented my own SiteMapNodeProvider. But then i didnt know how to wire things up so the newly implemented SiteMapNodeProvider is used instead of the static xml file ("Mvc.sitemap").
As i am using SimpleInjector in my project, i called the setup method in my already existent Injection-initialization code.
public static void Initialize()
Injection.Global = new Container();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(Injection.Global));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
// Setup configuration of DI
//... register some other stuff for my project here ...
The MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer class got created by the package: 'Mvcsitemapprovider.mvc4.di.simpleinjector/4.4.5'
Does anybody know what to do to make my project use the newly created SiteMapNodeProvider?
I couldnt find any documentation about this in the official docu...
edit: i tried what you suggested (even removed the old DI stuff and only used the one from the nuget-package) but still i am getting errors...
here is what i have in my MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer
public static void SetUp(Container container)
bool securityTrimmingEnabled = false;
bool enableLocalization = true;
string absoluteFileName = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Mvc.sitemap");
TimeSpan absoluteCacheExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
string[] includeAssembliesForScan = new string[] { "testsitemap" };
// Extension to allow resolution of arrays by GetAllInstances (natively based on IEnumerable).
// source from:
var currentAssembly = typeof(MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer).Assembly;
var siteMapProviderAssembly = typeof(SiteMaps).Assembly;
var allAssemblies = new Assembly[] { currentAssembly, siteMapProviderAssembly };
var excludeTypes = new Type[]
typeof (SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy),
typeof (SiteMapXmlReservedAttributeNameProvider),
typeof (SiteMapBuilderSetStrategy),
typeof (ControllerTypeResolverFactory),
// Added 2013-06-28 by eric-b to avoid default singleton registration:
// Added 2013-06-28 by eric-b for SimpleInjector.Verify method:
var multipleImplementationTypes = new Type[]
typeof (ISiteMapNodeUrlResolver),
typeof (ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProvider),
typeof (IDynamicNodeProvider)
// Single implementations of interface with matching name (minus the "I").
(interfaceType, implementationType) => container.RegisterSingle(interfaceType, implementationType),
new Assembly[] { siteMapProviderAssembly },
// Multiple implementations of strategy based extension points
(interfaceType, implementationTypes) => container.RegisterAll(interfaceType, implementationTypes),
new Type[0],
// Visibility Providers
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy>(() =>
new SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy(
ToArray(), string.Empty));
// Pass in the global controllerBuilder reference
container.RegisterSingle<ControllerBuilder>(() => ControllerBuilder.Current);
container.RegisterSingle<IControllerBuilder, ControllerBuilderAdaptor>();
container.RegisterSingle<IBuildManager, BuildManagerAdaptor>();
container.RegisterSingle<IControllerTypeResolverFactory>(() =>
new ControllerTypeResolverFactory(new string[0],
// Configure Security
container.RegisterAll<IAclModule>(typeof(AuthorizeAttributeAclModule), typeof(XmlRolesAclModule));
container.RegisterSingle<IAclModule>(() => new CompositeAclModule(container.GetAllInstances<IAclModule>().ToArray()));
// Setup cache
container.RegisterSingle<System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache>(() => System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default);
container.RegisterSingleOpenGeneric(typeof(ICacheProvider<>), typeof(RuntimeCacheProvider<>));
container.RegisterSingle<ICacheDependency>(() => new RuntimeFileCacheDependency(absoluteFileName));
container.RegisterSingle<ICacheDetails>(() => new CacheDetails(absoluteCacheExpiration, TimeSpan.MinValue, container.GetInstance<ICacheDependency>()));
// Configure the visitors
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeVisitor, UrlResolvingSiteMapNodeVisitor>();
// Prepare for the sitemap node providers
() => new SiteMapXmlReservedAttributeNameProvider(new string[0]));
container.RegisterSingle<IXmlSource>(() => new FileXmlSource(absoluteFileName));
// Register the sitemap node providers
container.RegisterSingle<XmlSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<XmlSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
container.RegisterSingle<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
// Register your custom sitemap node provider
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeProvider, CustomSiteMapNodeProvider>();
// Register the collection of sitemap node providers (including the custom one)
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilder>(() => container.GetInstance<SiteMapBuilderFactory>()
.Create(new CompositeSiteMapNodeProvider(
container.RegisterAll<ISiteMapBuilderSet>(ResolveISiteMapBuilderSets(container, securityTrimmingEnabled, enableLocalization));
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilderSetStrategy>(() => new SiteMapBuilderSetStrategy(container.GetAllInstances<ISiteMapBuilderSet>().ToArray()));
private static IEnumerable<ISiteMapBuilderSet> ResolveISiteMapBuilderSets(Container container, bool securityTrimmingEnabled, bool enableLocalization)
yield return new SiteMapBuilderSet(
private static void AllowToResolveArraysAndLists(Container container)
container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (sender, e) =>
var serviceType = e.UnregisteredServiceType;
if (serviceType.IsArray)
RegisterArrayResolver(e, container,
else if (serviceType.IsGenericType &&
serviceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))
RegisterArrayResolver(e, container,
private static void RegisterArrayResolver(UnregisteredTypeEventArgs e, Container container, Type elementType)
var producer = container.GetRegistration(typeof(IEnumerable<>)
var enumerableExpression = producer.BuildExpression();
var arrayMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToArray")
var arrayExpression = Expression.Call(arrayMethod, enumerableExpression);
but still i get the following exception:
No registration for type DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder could be found and
an implicit registration could not be made. The constructor of the
type DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder contains the parameter of type
ISiteMapNodeCreator with name 'siteMapNodeCreator' that is not
registered. Please ensure ISiteMapNodeCreator is registered in the
container, or change the constructor of DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder.
First of all, to integrate with an existing DI setup, you should install MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector.Modules instead of MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector. You can downgrade by running this command from package manager console:
PM> Uninstall-Package -Id MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector
Be sure NOT to uninstall any dependencies. This will ensure that you don't have 2 sets of DI initialization code in your project - there should only be 1 for the entire application.
Next, you need to wire up for DI as well as some other initialization code required by MvcSiteMapProvider. The readme file contains instructions how to do this. Here is how you would do it with your existing configuration.
public static void Initialize()
Injection.Global = new Container();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(Injection.Global));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
// Setup configuration of DI (required)
// Setup global sitemap loader (required)
MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.Loader = container.GetInstance<ISiteMapLoader>();
// Check all configured .sitemap files to ensure they follow the XSD for MvcSiteMapProvider (optional)
var validator = container.GetInstance<ISiteMapXmlValidator>();
// Register the Sitemaps routes for search engines (optional)
XmlSiteMapController.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); // NOTE: You can put this in your RouteConfig.cs file if desired.
//... register some other stuff for your project here ...
If the /sitemap.xml endpoint doesn't work, you may also need to add this line to register the XmlSiteMapController:
To implement ISiteMapNodeProvider, there is an example here: MvcSiteMapProvider ISiteMapBuilder in conjunction with IDynamicNodeProvider.
To register your custom ISiteMapNodeProvider, you just need to ensure it gets added to the constructor of SiteMapBuilder. You can also exclude the existing SiteMapNodeProviders from the code below depending on your needs.
// Register the sitemap node providers
container.RegisterSingle<XmlSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<XmlSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
container.RegisterSingle<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
// Register your custom sitemap node provider
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeProvider, CustomSiteMapNodeProvider>();
// Register the collection of sitemap node providers (including the custom one)
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilder>(() => container.GetInstance<SiteMapBuilderFactory>()
.Create(new CompositeSiteMapNodeProvider(
Do note that IDynamicNodeProvider (which is documented) does almost exactly the same thing as ISiteMapNodeProvider, so you could use that option instead. There are 3 main differences:
With IDynamicNodeProvider, you must create a "template" node that defines the dynamicNodeProvider attribute, and the template node itself won't be included in the SiteMap, so it must be used in conjunction with a ISiteMapNodeProvider implementation that processes the dynamic nodes (the built-in ISiteMapNodeProviders do this automatically).
IDynamicNodeProvider doesn't need to be part of the DI setup because it is already processed by both XmlSiteMapNodeProvider and ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider.
With ISiteMapNodeProvider, you are working directly with the ISiteMapNode object, with IDynamicNodeProvider you are working with an abstraction (DynamicNodeProvider) and there is a conversion that happens automatically.
About SimpleInjector.Verify
If you want Verify() to work, you need to add the following to the excludeTypes array in the MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer.
I have added them to the module and will be in the next version of the Nuget package, but these modules do not update so you have to do it manually.
Note that the Verify() method tries to create an instance of everything that is registered with the container - including objects that never get created by the container in the real world. Therefore, if you use the Verify() method you have to be more diligent that something is not accidentally registered. This makes convention-based registration more difficult to do.

Changing Location of Velocity.Log File

Seems pretty straight forward. Documentation at
says to set the runtime.log property. Here's what I got for all my properties.
velocityEngine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, templatesPath);
velocityEngine.setProperty("runtime.log", "/path/to/my/file/velocity.log");
velocityEngine.setProperty("resource.loader", "string");
velocityEngine.setProperty("string.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.StringResourceLoader");
velocityEngine.setProperty("string.resource.loader.repository.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.util.StringResourceRepositoryImpl");
Not finding any log file where I told it to place it and instead finding the new errors placed into old (folder of initialization) location. Any ideas? :D
i had similar problem when setting at runtime some options. I figured out those problem whit a custom VelocityBuilder and an external file where you can put all the runtime properties.
Here is the code:
public class BaseVelocityBuilder implements VelocityBuilder {
private VelocityEngine engine;
private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
public VelocityEngine engine() {
if(engine == null) {
engine = new VelocityEngine();
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = webApplicationContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/");
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Error loading velocity engine properties");
throw new ProgramException("Cannot load velocity engine properties");
return engine;
See this line:
in = webApplicationContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/");
So i have a file in /WEB-INF where i put some configuration:
resource.loader = webinf, class
webinf.resource.loader.description = Framework Templates Resource Loader
webinf.resource.loader.class = applica.framework.library.velocity.WEBINFResourceLoader
webapp.resource.loader.class =
webapp.resource.loader.path =
file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
file.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader
file.resource.loader.path =
class.resource.loader.description = Velocity Classpath Resource Loader
class.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader
In the end in your application.xml :
<bean class="applica.framework.library.velocity.BaseVelocityBuilder" />
In this way you can have for example different file log for different application and when you give the war in production, the sysadm can change the properties due to env configuration of the production server.

Can we host a Workflow Service as a Windows Service?

I am working on a logging application that requires me to have a Workflow that is exposed as a Service (Workflow Service). We want to host it as a Windows Service (don't want to host workflow service as .svc file in IIS). Another reason for having it as windows service is to be able to communicate with the service through the Named pipes.
Can we expose a Workflow Service through Named Pipes without hosting it in IIS?
Yep bep, you sure can. At least, I have accomplished as much with Workflow 4 Release Candidate.
// a generic self-hosted workflow service hosting thingy. Actual
// implementation should contain more logging and thread safety, this
// is an abbreviated version ;)
public class WorkflowHost
// NOTE: with Workflow, it helps to maintain a concept of
// Workflow definition [the Activity or WorkflowService from
// a designer] and a Workflow instance [what is running within
// WorkflowInvoker, WorkflowApplication, WorkflowServiceHost].
// a definition may be used to generate an instance. an instance
// contains run-time state and cannot be recycled into a new
// instance. therefore, to repeatedly re-host a WorkflowService
// we need to maintain references to original definitions and
// actual instances. ergo services and hosts maps
// if you are special purpose and require support for one and
// only one service and endpoint\uri, then you may reduce this
// to a simple tuple of Uri, WorkflowService, WorkflowServiceHost
// services represents a definition of hosted services
private readonly Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> _services =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> ();
// hosts represents actual running instances of services
private readonly Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowServiceHost> _hosts =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowServiceHost> ();
// constructor accepts a map of Uris (ie service endpoints) to
// workflow service definitions
public WorkflowHost (IDictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> services)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in services)
_services.Add (servicePair.Key, servicePair.Value);
// have your windows service invoke this to start hosting
public void Start ()
if (_hosts.Count > 0)
Stop ();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in _services)
WorkflowService service = servicePair.Value;
Uri uri = servicePair.Key;
WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost (service, uri);
host.Open ();
_hosts.Add (uri, host);
// have your windows service invoke this to stop hosting
public void Stop ()
if (_hosts.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, WorkflowService> servicePair in
WorkflowService service = servicePair.Value;
Uri uri = servicePair.Key;
IDisposable host = _hosts[uri];
host.Dispose ();
_hosts.Clear ();
I believe endpoint configuration may be set via standard Wcf service configuration sections in App.config. I have not personally attempted a change to default transport layer in my experiments with Workflow.
The above represents a generic pure hosting class [ie it self-hosts WorkflowServices]. This allows us to re-use this hosting functionality within a console, WinForm, WPF, or yes, even a WindowsService application. Below is a WindowsService that leverages our host class
// windows service. personally i would abstract service behind
// an interface and inject it, but again, for brevity ;)
public partial class WorkflowWindowsService : ServiceBase
WorkflowHost _host;
public WorkflowWindowsService ()
Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> services =
new Dictionary<Uri, WorkflowService> ();
// do your service loading ...
// create host
_host = new WorkflowHost (services);
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
_host.Start ();
protected override void OnStop()
_host.Stop ();
If you have fiddled with WorkflowServices in VS2010RC, then you may already know that WorkflowServices are not first class Xaml classes like their Workflow cousins. Instead, they are saved as loose Xaml files with the .xamlx extension. There is no design-time intellisense support for WorkflowServices [as far as I know] and are not recognized as declared types, so our only options to load a WorkflowService at run-time are
Read pure Xaml markup from .xamlx file directly
Read pure Xaml markup from some other source [embedded string, resource, or other source]
Either way, we must interpret markup and create a WorkflowService definition. The following will transform a string [that may be a filename or markup] into a WorkflowService. Keeners may also note that there is a difference between this process and the process for transforming Workflow markup to Workflow definitions.
// converts a string value [either pure xaml or filename] to a
// WorkflowService definition
public WorkflowService ToWorkflowService (string value)
WorkflowService service = null;
// 1. assume value is Xaml
string xaml = value;
// 2. if value is file path,
if (File.Exists (value))
// 2a. read contents to xaml
xaml = File.ReadAllText (value);
// 3. build service
using (StringReader xamlReader = new StringReader (xaml))
object untypedService = null;
// NOTE: XamlServices, NOT ActivityXamlServices
untypedService = XamlServices.Load (xamlReader);
if (untypedService is WorkflowService)
service = (WorkflowService)(untypedService);
throw new ArgumentException (
string.Format (
"Unexpected error reading WorkflowService from " +
"value [{0}] and Xaml [{1}]. Xaml does not define a " +
"WorkflowService, but an instance of [{2}].",
untypedService.GetType ()));
return service;
Yes it is possible. You will have to create your own service. See Hosting and Consuming WCF Services on MSDN, especially the section Hosting in Windows Services.