I'm developing an app that uses In-App Purchases, but when I tap on buy and enter my Apple ID and password I get this error:
This is not a Test User account. Please create a new account in the
Sandbox environment. [Environment: SandBox]
You can't use your Apple ID for testing the In-App purchase.
You need to create a test user (with different email id) in the itunes connect for testing the in-app purchase.
Go to iTunes Connect
Login with your credentials
Choose manage Users
4> Select Test User
For testing the in app purchase in development phase you need to
create the test user in the sand box environment , For walk through
use this link
[1]: http://www.raywenderlich.com/2797/introduction-to-in-app-purchases
I am trying to implement checkout flow with Eventbrite in my mobile app.
I already know the user's first name, last name, and email.
Is it possible to send this information to Eventbrite during checkout, so users do not have to enter them again while purchasing tickets?
We are building an app that will run on Android and iOS.
Using ReactNative / Heroku / PosgreSQL database
I want to test a new in-app purchase on a live app before the IAP goes live. I don't see any way to associate the IAP with the Test Flight version.
Is there anyway to do this?
You should read the "Testing In-App Purchase Products" guide from Apple but the key points are:
To perform testing for In-App Purchase products:
Set up test user accounts within Users and Roles in iTunes Connect, as detailed in Creating Sandbox Tester Accounts in iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
You’ll need a test user for each territory you want to test the app in.
Clear any account information stored on your test device. This prevents an actual user account from automatically being used when testing.
Use your test account credentials to test the purchase.
You can setup your sandbox test users in iTunesConnect. The following has detailed information.
The products must be real products ready to go live with your next release however you should be able to test them beforehand.
Using developer account of paypal I could get client ID and secret key by creating an app but not with the live account.
I am using REST API for transactions on my website where I ask users(who has paypal accounts) to enter their client ID and secret key, and use this info to transfer the money into their account, payments are done by credit card.
It is working fine with the developer account but where is the option to get client ID and secret key from live account ?
Is there any other way I can do this, I want to transfer the money to paypal accounts and payments are always done from credit card.
This has changed at PayPal. (Quite a lot actually!)
As before - log in to your PayPal account at: https://developer.paypal.com
PayPal, like everyone else, Wants to show ads. So you may have to look around to actually get to the developer website. Just keep looking until you get to where it has "Log in" at the top.
Once logged in click on the "Dashboard".
Once to the Dashboard click on the "My Account" FIRST- BEFORE anything else.
Once to the "My Account" part make sure you can do everything (ie: there are GREEN check marks in both columns. Or if you don't want to do some things - make sure they are NOT check marked.)
To activate (or Enable) something just click on the link and follow what it says to do.
Once through with that click on the "My Apps" link on the left. If you are no longer where you can do that then go back to #2 above and start over.
Once on the "My Apps" page; click on the link to "Create App".
This will ask you to name the app and select an account to develop the app with.
Once through putting in all of that information - you are through and PayPal will give you all of the information you need.
I don't know about anyone else - but that's just a few more steps than just logging in and clicking a button. :-)
You should use the new Developer Portal to create your Apps and get sandbox and live credentials for each: https://developer.paypal.com/
Log in to https://developer.paypal.com and click the Applications tab.
On the https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/myapps click Create App.
On the Create New App page, provide an app name.
Click Create App, and then review the information displayed about your app (as described below)
now you will get client id and secret key
I would like to test txn_type of 'subscr_payment' using paypal's ipn simulator.
but there is no such option.
while as you can see here there is such txn type
Correct; not all transaction types are currently supported in the IPN simulator.
We are planning to add more scenarios to the simulator, but for this kind of testing (which would require multiple successive IPN messages), I would recommend creating a subscription button in the sandbox environment and having it bill manually.
Unfortunately that's the only way to simulate subscription IPN messages today.
I also wonder if you can simulate subscription in IPN Simulator, but based on the choices, there is no way you can simulate subscription using IPN Simulator.
The best way to simulate subscription is to create Sandbox test accounts: one for the 'buyer' and one for the 'seller'. You can do this by going to Paypal Developer and go to Applications -> Sandbox Accounts.
My Sandbox test accounts: one for the buyer and one for the seller:
Once you have create the two test accounts, go to Paypal Sandbox site, login into your buyer Sandbox test account and create a Subscription Button. Wallah! You are done. Note: make sure to set the billing cycle to 1 day only so that you quickly test your Paypal IPN Listener.
Sandbox Subscription Button image:
Email notifications to your Sandbox test accounts can be seen at the Sandbox account notifications.
From within the PayPal developer site, you can go to the IPN simulator, select Transaction Type as Web Accept, click Show All Fields. You can then edit txn_type to be subscr_payment, subscr_signup, etc.
It's not perfect, as it doesn't give you all of the variables, but you can put info in other entries, and use a logical to determine whether or not the correct entry exists.
Do one test subscription, so that you have the values, and then work from there
i want to set up a test account to test in app purchase on sandbox, i am logging into intunes connect and following the same procedure as prescribed in the itunes connect developer guide. i am clinking on manage user, but i am not able to see the window where i can select test in app purchase user.
do i need to do any change in my profile to make it visible.
Just didn't had the paid app contract certificate so wasn't getting the page
now it is working fine... In case anybody is stuck in this, check it once.