How can I run mule not using java wrapper - mule

I'm trying to run mule-3.1.2 on 64bit IBM AIX, but the java wrapper can't be executed (Found but not executable.).
I'm sure I have set the right permission.
Besides, I also can't run mule on a ia64 machine, same problem.
So can I run the mule just as a java application not using the java wrapper?

There are different ways to start Mule without using the wrapper: besides embedding it in a java or web-application, you can also start main() on org.mule.MuleServer.
Edit: 1
A good resource suggested by #rocwing is: Configuring Mule to Run From a Script
Edit 2:
Below is a script that can start Mule standalone: logging is not correctly configured and the shutdown sequence is a little... challenged, but it should get you started.
for f in $MULE_HOME/lib/boot/*.jar
for f in $MULE_HOME/lib/mule/*.jar
for g in $MULE_HOME/lib/opt/*.jar
java -Djava.endorsed.dir=$MULE_HOME/lib/endorsed -cp "$MULE_CLASSPATH" org.mule.MuleServer -config ~/my/mule-config.xml


Start IntelliJ run-configuration from command line

I work on a Kotlin-based cloud microservice. From time to time I need to run it in the IntelliJ debugger, but we often accidentally break the "local debug flow". There is no pipeline that checks if the IntelliJ run-configuration and the somewhat complex set of cloud-simulating proxies and mock-servers are in sync with the code base.
I would like to write a script that helps me check if the local debug flow works. The script should do the following:
build the project
start up the "mock cloud"
start the service locally using an IntelliJ run-configuration
run a Postman-collection against the locally running service
I need help with step 3 (and possibly step 1): How can I start the IntelliJ run-configuration via command line? I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 and MacOS 12.3.1.
There is no built-in way to start a Run Configuration from the command line. Instead, you should execute java/kotlin binary with classpath etc.
For example, for "Application" configuration it is needed to run the command like that:

Location for SSL debug logging in java

I am trying to debug a java application using property - System.setProperty("", "ssl"); in my main class.
I see debug logs in console when I run application using Eclipse during development. However, when I try to run same application using webstart I am not able to see any debug logs in any directory so far.
Is there a specific location where this logs are stored during execution?
I also tried passing debug option to run the jar from command line as java -jar xyz.jar but still cannot find logs generated.
Can anyone please help me understand to obtain SSL debug logs for java application?
Thank you.
They aren't stored anywhere. They are printed to System.out or System.err.
In some cases, from command line you can write debug output directly into a file:
java -jar xyz.jar > out.log

Recommended way to run Apache Geode as a service on Windows

I need to run locators and services on two W2K8 Windows servers. Normally I use nssm to run Java based applications by calling their respective java -jar call from nssm. But Geode uses gfsh.
What is the best practice ? One could use the API to spawn an instance and run the necessary start commands:
commandService = CommandService.createLocalCommandService(cache);
CommandStatement showDeadLocksCmdStmt = commandService.createCommandStatement
("start locator ...");
if (showDeadlocksResult.hasIncomingFiles()) {
showDeadlocksResult.saveIncomingFiles(System.getProperty("user.dir") +
Or one could mimic the behavior of gfsh.bat and create one NSSM service for each functionality (locator and server) which runs the same the batch does and pass the necessary command:
java -Dgfsh=true -Dlog4j.configurationFile=classpath:log4j2-cli.xml -classpath C:\dev\apache-geode-1.1.1\lib\gfsh-dependencies.jar start locator ...
Judging from this question doing it gfshy is recommended
You can use gfsh -e to run GFSH from command line

Drombler FX Sample Application fails to run

I followed the getting startet instructions but cannot run it.
java -Djavafx.verbose=true -Dbinary.css=false -Djava.util.logging.config.file=target/deployment/standalone/conf/ -jar target/deployment/standalone/bin/foo.jar --userdir target/userdir
Error: Could not find or load main class org.drombler.fx.startup.main.DromblerFXApplication
Using the mvn exec:exec command yields the same.
I had a similar error when I used an OpenJDK runtime which was the default on my path. Make sure to meet the requirements:
Java SE 8 with bundled JavaFX 8

Oracle Java EE-7 tutorial - appclient doesn't execute jar

I'm working through the Java EE 7 tutorial, currently in the JMS section. Java EE 7, GlassFish 4, java 7_51, build/deploy using Maven, created admin objects in GlassFish, all looks fine.
I'm trying to run the producer example, so from the command line in the tutorial-root/examples/jms/simple/producer directory I'm running: appclient -client target/producer.jar queue 3
I get no output at all, no exception, nothing, the jar is there, but isn't being executed, as the first line of code would be showing me a system.out and isn't.
I'm missing something here, but I don't see it.
Not sure what the issue was, restarted glassfish, (it had been running for about a week) now it works.