Error uploading file to Alfresco using Java, CmisConstraintException:Conflict - file-upload

I am getting an error uploading a file to repository using Java. I am using Alfresco 4.0e. I am able to connect to the repository, located on Unix server, from my Application, developed in struts, from localhost.
I am using OpenCMIS to connect and upload. When I try to upload a document it gives an error after executing createDocument(...)

It's possible the document already exists. Can you check the logs on the Alfresco server for detail there?


What's the best strategy for flutter-web to access its resources on server?

I've deployed a release in an ubuntu server with apache. When I access the deployed app, it shows in console: Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: https://mydomain/icons/Icon-192.png (Download error or resource isn't a valid image).
Seems like flutter web is trying to download the Icon-192.png that resides on a subdirectory without permissions, giving me a Forbidden error.
I'd like to know, what's the best approach to access contents (assets like favicon, images, etc) on the deployed directory and subdirectories without making it public.

Upload file to artifactory

I'm trying to upload a zip file (size=1.6GB) to artifactory using CURL, but i have a GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error.
Any help on how to resolve this problem.
I tried to figure this out myself, and I figured out that JFrog has a tool specifically for this purpose.
I would use jfrog-cli. This is the supported way to upload objects to Artifactory.
Once you get it installed, you configure it with "jfrog rt config" and you put info about your instance, and your credentials (an API key is best), and then uploading is as simple as "jfrog rt u name_of_file name_of_artifactory_repo"

CKAN resource file upload by api?

How do I upload file in to resource (either create or update)in CKAN using apis.
I followed the documentation it seems working but getting an error at datapusher page.
Click here for Image of Error
this error indicates a time-out when the datapusher service tries to download the resource from CKAN.
#florianm is dead right here.
Another thing to check is the resource url. The exception suggests you've forgotten to put http:// on the front of the url, or something similar.
Also note that you can upload files directly to CKAN if they are not already on-line somewhere else.
#Vithal this error indicates a time-out when the datapusher service tries to download the resource from CKAN.
Some pointers:
What do your CKAN and datapusher error logs say?
How big is your resource file?
Does this error occur when you upload a tiny CSV file?
Does this error occur when you upload your original resource file to

not able to deploy war file in jelastic cloud

I developed a web application using java and mongodb. I used glassfish server.
I tried to deploy it on jelastic cloud service
I uploaded my war file. But when I run it after deploying the war file it shows a 404 error. Why? The project works fine on my machine.
There are at least few potential causes:
your app needs some resources which are not started by default (such as DerbyDB). In this case you can check GlassFish log file - server_instance.log for more details.
you are trying to get resources from wrong context, make sure you are trying to get it via correct context name

deploying Axis2.war in tomcat 5.5 gets internal server error

I have downloaded the axis2.war file from the apache website.
I put it in the tomcat/webapps folder and it automatically creates a axis2 folder.
I open my web browser and navigate to and get the page that has services, validate and administration.
The problem is that if I click on any of the links a page with the apache logo is shown saying internal server error.
I have tried extracting the axis2.war my self and the file list is the same. the official apache website says that the axis2.war may not have unpacked correctly or it could be missing files. i have tries 1.6 and 1.5 of axis2 and still get the same error.
Can anyone explain what is causing this error and how to fix it ?
Please copy jstl-1.2.jar file in the %CATALINA_HOME%\lib folder. It will definitely solve the problem.
did you check weather tomcat is running.
please go through the following link to setup and test axis properly.
turns out that it was the security settings blocking AXIS2
copy jstl-1.2.jar file in the Tomcat-Home\lib Folder, then your Problem Will Solve.
I had the same problem although i was not able to login on the axis2 administration on the localhost (http://localhost:8080/axis2/axis2-admin/) where i also got the "internal server error". After removing the old axis2 (axis2.1.7.5) and deploying an older version (axis2.1.7.0) it was possible for me to login with the default username and password (admin, axis2). It could be that the newer axis2 file was corrupted but i have not reinstalled the newer version yet.