how to use glimpse with petapoco? - petapoco

I installed this plugin from nuget.
I enabled glimpse through the glimpse.axd file but when I go to the petapoco tab I see this message
"No database requests or database logging not switched on (Compilation debug='true' or ForceLogging='true' on PetaPoco.DatabaseWithLogging)"
where do I set this logging?

You need to create a new DatabaseWithProfiling() not Database() as you normally would. Checkout out the code in the Model folder after you have pulled it down from NuGet.


IntelliJ + AWS Toolkit + Serverless App: "Must be able to locate the handler in the project in order to deploy to Lambda"

I have created a new Serverless project in IntelliJ using a HelloWorld style template app.
This app I managed to build, deploy and run remotely in my AWS account. I even managed to integrate it with API gateway to make it accessible through the internet.
As the project is setup, it has 1 Lambda function called HelloWorldFunction. Its handler is called "helloworld.App::handleRequest" and I can see the configuration for this in the template.yaml file.
Now I want to create another Lambda function in the same application project. So, in IntelliJ, I follow these steps:
AWS Explorer > Lambda
Right-click on Lambda
Click "Create new AWS Lambda ..."
enter a function name (e.g. MyNewLambdaFunction)
enter the runtime (Java 8) and the S3 bucket and the IAM role (all is fine)
then I need to enter the name of the "Handler", and this is where my problem starts
I have tried different names here, such as "MyNewHandler", or "helloworld.App::handleRequest" (clearly this wouldn't work because it's already in use by the HelloWorldFunction), "helloworld.App2::handleRequest", .... and so on.
Each time I try another name or way to define the Handler, I get this error message:
Must be able to locate the handler in the project in order to deploy
to Lambda
Do I need to first configure the new Lambda function in the template.yaml file or what do I need to call the Handler so it will work?
I am sure this is just a noob-error but I have been Googling this and haven't found anyone who has run into the same problem. I also read up on AWS on handlers but it only describes it at a conceptual level and not in practice where there are multiple Lambdas.
thanks for any help!
My understanding is that you would need to add app2 class to the same package first:
click on the package name → new → Java Class → type app2
Navigate to the implementation of the App2 class and click on the lambda icon in the gutter. You will notice that "Create New AWS Lambda" is added to the dropdown:
When you select it, you will see that "Handler:" field has already been prepopulated correctly:
my understanding is that each handler must be placed in a separate class and the name of the handler handleRequest is standard and provided by the framework
I've had the same issues using pyCharm for Python.
I was able to solve it by using <file name without extension>.<function name> so my file is and the function is lambda_handler so my handler was app.hello_world
It should be noted this is the same as what you see in the "Handler" field when using the AWS web management page.
Thius is how it looks in pycharm:
I got the same issue but solved in a different way;
Quit WebStorm
Delete ".aws-sam" and ".idea" folders
Open the project again.
"Update function code" run without "Must be able to locate the handler in the project in order to deploy to Lambda"

Why does page not update after refresh when .cshtml changes

I am trying out Blazor and i do not understand why when changing a component after refreshing the browser page it does not update ? Shouldn't the client update itself similar to how angular does?
It only refreshes when i restart the blazor server.
#page "/"
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
If i change lets say the text inside the <h1> to Hello people , i save the project and i refresh the page ( as i am advised in the Blazor tutorial) shouldn't i see Hello people ?
After Core 3.0, Runtime compilation is enabled using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation package.
To enable runtime compilation, apps must:
Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package.
Update the project's Startup.ConfigureServices method to include a call to AddRazorRuntimeCompilation:
I guess you are running the app with the debugger connected? this prevents the recompilation. You need to:
Press Ctrl-F5 to run the app without the debugger. Running with the debugger (F5) isn't supported at this time.
You should add or enable runtime compilation in razor pages,
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation -Version 3.1.6
After installing set the startup file as ,
do the following:
Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation from NuGet.
Update the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class to look like below:
You good to go.
If you go into Tools > Options > Keyboard and search in the "Show commands containing" search box search for "BrowserLink". Find the option that says "OtherContextMenus.BrowserLink.RefreshLinkedBrowsers" by default this is set to CTRL+Alt+Enter. Click "Remove" and then select the "Press Shortcut Keys" input and press Ctrl+S. Next (just to the left of the input) change Use new shortcut in "Global" to be "Text Editor". Click "Ok" until the window has closed. Now Visual Studio shares CTRL+S with both Saving files and Refreshing linked browsers.
(This will only work if your text editor .cshtml, .css, .js, etc. files in the edit window are the active selections) WARNING: if you don't set it to something other than global then it will override the shortcut for Save and you won't be able to save your files.
Adding "services.AddMvc().AddRazorRuntimeCompilation();" and installing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation package 6.0.5 will fix the problem but it will ruin the "css isolation". The first thing you will notice is that the footer will lose its position

How to set up TeamCity to use own HTTP authenticated NuGet service?

a problem is that TeamCity is unable to authorize into NuGet service which runs on same TeamCity instance.
Below you can find how the Build configuration looks now:
I also added Build Feature for NuGet Credentials:
With this configuration I receive following errors in log:
Restoring NuGet package Nuget.Package.Name.
Please provide credentials for:
UserName: GET'Nuget.Package.Name';,Version='')
NotFound'Nuget.Package.Name';,Version='') 194ms
NotFound'Nuget.Package.Name'; 105ms
WARNING: Unable to find version '' of package 'Nuget.Package.Name'.
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache: Package 'Nuget.Package.Name.' is not found on source 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache'.
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages\: Package 'Nuget.Package.Name.' is not found on source 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages\'. Unable to load the service index for source
Cannot prompt for input in non-interactive mode. The V2 feed at ''Nuget.Package.Name'' returned an unexpected status code '404 Not Found'.
Errors in packages.config projects
Unable to find version '' of package 'Nuget.Package.Name'.
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache: Package 'Nuget.Package.Name.' is not found on source 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache'.
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages\: Package 'Nuget.Package.Name.' is not found on source 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages\'. Unable to load the service index for source
Cannot prompt for input in non-interactive mode. The V2 feed at ''Nuget.Package.Name'' returned an unexpected status code '404 Not Found'.
NuGet Config files used:
Feeds used:
I tried several other configurations, i.e using %teamcity.nuget.feed.server% and even %teamcity.nuget.feed.auth.server%. I also tried to remove build feature with NuGet credentials (since documentation says it doesn't need to authenticate with self hosted NuGet service). Tried to remove source as well. Nothing works.
There are several issues in TeamCity: one with NuGet version 3.3.0 and higher: and the second with local agent: Please check the tickets linked. You can try to use earlier NuGet version or try the workaround.
I think your problem is that you are using NuGet 3 but the package source is pointing to the v2 Feed.
Update your "NuGet.config" (C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config) with the following package sources:
<add key="NuGet official package source" value="" />

Feature development xPages

I have updated my feature before uninstalling it. This made uninstall impossible. After that, deleting everything with my namespace in folder \Data\workspace\applications\eclipse did not help
Now I'm seeing an old feature in File->Application Managment with error saying
"This feature was not loaded."
And later while building project in site.xml, it threw an error saying
"Problems during export"
When else needs to be cleaned?
I found xml config file from which notes reads site.xml's. Found site with my feature. Deleted my feature, saved, started notes and now it works.
Xml config file path:

ASP.NET Mvc Project EF Code First Enable Migrations Error

I am working PluralSight Video Tutorials on ASP.NET MVC. And i couldn't enable migrations on package console..
when i wrote enable-migrations, i am receiving this error;
More than one context type was found in the assembly 'eManager.Web'.
To enable migrations for eManager.Web.Infrastructure.DepartmentDb, use Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName eManager.Web.Infrastructure.DepartmentDb.
To enable migrations for eManager.Web.Models.UsersContext, use Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName eManager.Web.Models.UsersContext.
when i wrote Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName eManager.Web.Infrastructure.DepartmentDb., i am receiving this error;
The context type 'eManager.Web.Infrastructure.DepartmentDb.' was not found in the assembly 'eManager.Web'.
Thanks for your help.
I strongly suspect that your issue is similar to the one in this question:
How to Enable Migration to update my database in MVC4?
Check the selected answer and see if that helps with your issue.
The solution for the mentioned error "The context type .... was not found" is to select the correct project that holds the context type before running the enable-migration command. You can choose the correct project from the "default project" drop down at the top of Nuget manager tool window.
The solution to this problem is simple, just remove the dot (.) at the end of this statement "Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName eManager.Web.Infrastructure.DepartmentDb." and run the package manager console again, the migration should be enabled.