Cascading S3 Sink Tap not being deleted with SinkMode.REPLACE - amazon-s3

We are running Cascading with a Sink Tap being configured to store in Amazon S3 and were facing some FileAlreadyExistsException (see [1]).
This was only from time to time (1 time on around 100) and was not reproducable.
Digging into the Cascading codem, we discovered the Hfs.deleteResource() is called (among others) by the BaseFlow.deleteSinksIfNotUpdate().
Btw, we were quite intrigued with the silent NPE (with comment "hack to get around npe thrown when fs reaches root directory").
From there, we extended the Hfs tap with our own Tap to add more action in the deleteResource() method (see [2]) with a retry mechanism calling directly the getFileSystem(conf).delete.
The retry mechanism seemed to bring improvement, but we are still sometimes facing failures (see example in [3]): it sounds like HDFS returns isDeleted=true, but asking directly after if the folder exists, we receive exists=true, which should not happen. Logs also shows randomly isDeleted true or false when the flow succeeds, which sounds like the returned value is irrelevant or not to be trusted.
Can anybody bring his own S3 experience with such a behavior: "folder should be deleted, but it is not"? We suspect a S3 issue, but could it also be in Cascading or HDFS?
We run on Hadoop Cloudera-cdh3u5 and Cascading 2.0.1-wip-dev.
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory s3n://... already exists
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat.checkOutputSpecs(
at com.twitter.elephantbird.mapred.output.DeprecatedOutputFormatWrapper.checkOutputSpecs(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient$
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.submitJobInternal(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.submitJob(
at cascading.flow.hadoop.planner.HadoopFlowStepJob.internalNonBlockingStart(
at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.blockOnJob(
at cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob.start(
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
public boolean deleteResource(JobConf conf) throws IOException {"Deleting resource {}", getIdentifier());
boolean isDeleted = super.deleteResource(conf);"Hfs Sink Tap isDeleted is {} for {}", isDeleted,
Path path = new Path(getIdentifier());
int retryCount = 0;
int cumulativeSleepTime = 0;
int sleepTime = 1000;
while (getFileSystem(conf).exists(path)) {
"Resource {} still exists, it should not... - I will continue to wait patiently...",
try {"Now I will sleep " + sleepTime / 1000
+ " seconds while trying to delete {} - attempt: {}",
getIdentifier(), retryCount + 1);
cumulativeSleepTime += sleepTime;
sleepTime *= 2;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
"Interrupted while sleeping trying to delete {} with message {}...",
getIdentifier(), e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (retryCount == 0) {
getFileSystem(conf).delete(getPath(), true);
if (cumulativeSleepTime > MAXIMUM_TIME_TO_WAIT_TO_DELETE_MS) {
if (getFileSystem(conf).exists(path)) {
"We didn't succeed to delete the resource {}. Throwing now a runtime exception.",
throw new RuntimeException(
"Although we waited to delete the resource for "
+ getIdentifier()
+ ' '
+ retryCount
+ " iterations, it still exists - This must be an issue in the underlying storage system.");
return isDeleted;
INFO [pool-2-thread-15] ( - [...] at least one sink is marked for delete
INFO [pool-2-thread-15] ( - [...] sink oldest modified date: Wed Dec 31 23:59:59 UTC 1969
INFO [pool-2-thread-15] ( - Now I will sleep 1 seconds while trying to delete s3n://... - attempt: 1
INFO [pool-2-thread-15] ( - Deleting resource s3n://...
INFO [pool-2-thread-15] ( - Hfs Sink Tap isDeleted is true for s3n://...
ERROR [pool-2-thread-15] ( - We didn't succeed to delete the resource s3n://... Throwing now a runtime exception.
WARN [pool-2-thread-15] ( - [...] flow failed: ...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Although we waited to delete the resource for s3n://... 0 iterations, it still exists - This must be an issue in the underlying storage system.
at com.qubit.hive.tap.HiveSinkTap.deleteResource(
at com.qubit.hive.tap.HiveSinkTap.deleteResource(
at cascading.flow.BaseFlow.deleteSinksIfNotUpdate(
at cascading.flow.BaseFlow.prepare(
at cascading.cascade.Cascade$
at cascading.cascade.Cascade$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

First, double check the Cascading compatibility page for supported distributions.
Note Amazon EMR is listed as they periodically run the compatibility tests and report the results back.
Second, S3 is an eventually consistent filesystem. HDFS is not. So assumptions about the behavior of HDFS don't carry over to storing data against S3. For example, a rename is really a copy and delete. Where the copy can take hours. Amazon has patched their internal distribution to accommodate many of the differences.
Third, there are no directories in S3. It is a hack and supported differently by different S3 interfaces (jets3t vs s3cmd vs ...). This is bound to be problematic considering the prior point.
Fourth, network latency and reliability are critical, especially when communicating to S3. Historically I've found the Amazon network to be better behaved when manipulating massive datasets on S3 when using EMR vs standard EC2 instances. I also believe their is a patch in EMR that improves matters here as well.
So I'd suggest try running the EMR Apache Hadoop distribution to see if your issues clear up.

When running any jobs on Hadoop that use files in S3, the nuances of eventual consistency must be kept in mind.
I've helped troubleshoot many apps which turned out to have similar race conditions for delete as their root issue -- whether they were in Cascading or Hadoop streaming or written directly in Java.
There was discussion at one point of having notifications from S3 after a given key/value pair had been fully deleted. I haven't kept up on where that feature stood. Otherwise, it's probably best to design systems -- again, whether in Cascading or any other app that uses S3 -- such that data which is consumed or produced by a batch workflow gets managed in HDFS or HBase or a key/value framework (e.g., have used Redis for this). Then S3 gets used for durable storage, but not for intermediate data.


Infinispan clustered lock performance does not improve with more nodes?

I have a piece of code that is essentially executing the following with Infinispan in embedded mode, using version 13.0.0 of the -core and -clustered-lock modules:
lateinit var lockManager: ClusteredLockManager
private fun getLock(lockName: String): ClusteredLock {
return lockManager.get(lockName)
fun createSession(sessionId: String) {
logger.debugf("Trying to start session %s. trying to acquire lock", sessionId)
Future.fromCompletionStage(getLock(sessionId).lock()).map {
logger.debugf("Starting session %s. Got lock", sessionId)
}.onFailure {
logger.errorf(it, "Failed to start session %s", sessionId)
I take this piece of code and deploy it to kubernetes. I then run it in six pods distributed over six nodes in the same region. The code exposes createSession with random Guids through an API. This API is called and creates sessions in chunks of 500, using a k8s service in front of the pods which means the load gets balanced over the pods. I notice that the execution time to acquire a lock grows linearly with the amount of sessions. In the beginning it's around 10ms, when there's about 20_000 sessions it takes about 100ms and the trend continues in a stable fashion.
I then take the same code and run it, but this time with twelve pods on twelve nodes. To my surprise I see that the performance characteristics are almost identical to when I had six pods. I've been digging in to the code but still haven't figured out why this is, I'm wondering if there's a good reason why infinispan here doesn't seem to perform better with more nodes?
For completeness the configuration of the locks are as follows:
val global = GlobalConfigurationBuilder.defaultClusteredBuilder()
and looking at the code the clustered locks is using DIST_SYNC which should spread out the load of the cache onto the different nodes.
The two counters in the code above are simply micrometer counters. It is through them and prometheus that I can see how the lock creation starts to slow down.
It's correctly observed that there's one lock created per session id, this is per design what we'd like. Our use case is that we want to ensure that a session is running in at least one place. Without going to deep into detail this can be achieved by ensuring that we at least have two pods that are trying to acquire the same lock. The Infinispan library is great in that it tells us directly when the lock holder dies without any additional extra chattiness between pods, which means that we have a "cheap" way of ensuring that execution of the session continues when one pod is removed.
After digging deeper into the code I found the following in CacheNotifierImpl in the core library:
private CompletionStage<Void> doNotifyModified(K key, V value, Metadata metadata, V previousValue,
Metadata previousMetadata, boolean pre, InvocationContext ctx, FlagAffectedCommand command) {
if (clusteringDependentLogic.running().commitType(command, ctx, extractSegment(command, key), false).isLocal()
&& (command == null || !command.hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.PUT_FOR_STATE_TRANSFER))) {
EventImpl<K, V> e = EventImpl.createEvent(cache.wired(), CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFIED);
boolean isLocalNodePrimaryOwner = isLocalNodePrimaryOwner(key);
Object batchIdentifier = ctx.isInTxScope() ? null : Thread.currentThread();
try {
AggregateCompletionStage<Void> aggregateCompletionStage = null;
for (CacheEntryListenerInvocation<K, V> listener : cacheEntryModifiedListeners) {
// Need a wrapper per invocation since converter could modify the entry in it
configureEvent(listener, e, key, value, metadata, pre, ctx, command, previousValue, previousMetadata);
aggregateCompletionStage = composeStageIfNeeded(aggregateCompletionStage,
listener.invoke(new EventWrapper<>(key, e), isLocalNodePrimaryOwner));
The lock library uses a clustered Listener on the entry modified event, and this one uses a filter to only notify when the key for the lock is modified. It seems to me the core library still has to check this condition on every registered listener, which of course becomes a very big list as the number of sessions grow. I suspect this to be the reason and if it is it would be really really awesome if the core library supported a kind of key filter so that it could use a hashmap for these listeners instead of going through a whole list with all listeners.
I believe you are creating a clustered lock per session id. Is this what you need ? what is the acquiredLockCounter? We are about to deprecate the "lock" method in favour of "tryLock" with timeout since the lock method will block forever if the clustered lock is never acquired. Do you ever unlock the clustered lock in another piece of code? If you shared a complete reproducer of the code will be very helpful for us. Thanks!

Chronicle Queue despite rolling cycle minutely deleting chronicle file after processing keeps file in open list lsof and not releasing memory

I am using chronicle queue version 5.20.123 and open JDK 11 with Linux Ubuntu 20.04, when we recycle current cycle on minute rolling I am listening on StoreFileListener onReleased I am deleting file then also file remains open without releasing memory nor file gets deleted..
Please guide what needs to be done in order to make it work.
Store FileListener Implemented like this:
storeFileListener = new StoreFileListener() {
public void onReleased(int cycle, File file) {
Creation of chronicle Queue as follows:
eventStore = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.binary(GlobalConstants.CURRENT_DIR
+ GlobalConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + EventBusConstants.EVENT_DIR
+ GlobalConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + eventType)
tailer = eventStore.createTailer();
appender = eventStore.acquireAppender();
previousCycle = tailer.cycle();
Recycling of previous Cycle when processing completes:
var store = eventStore.storeForCycle(previousCycle,0,false,null);
Chronicle Queue Deleted Files lsof :
Manually getting hold of store and trying to close it will do nothing but interfere with reference counting - you increase and then decrease number of references.
Chronicle Queue will automatically release resources for given store after all appenders and tailers using that store are done with it. In your case it's unclear what you do with your tailer, but if it already reads from the new file - the old one will be released, and resources associated with it - although this is done in the background and might not happen immediately.
PS file.delete() returns boolean and it's always a good idea to check the return value to see if the delete was successful (in your case it can be seen it was but still it's considered a good practice)

AWS Glue ETL"Failed to delete key: target_folder/_temporary" caused by S3 exception "Please reduce your request rate"

Glue job configured to max 10 nodes capacity, 1 job in parallel and no retries on failure is giving an error "Failed to delete key: target_folder/_temporary", and according to stacktrace the issue is that S3 service starts blocking the Glue requests due to the amount of requests: "AmazonS3Exception: Please reduce your request rate."
Note: The issue is not with IAM as the IAM role that glue job is using has permissions to delete objects in S3.
I found a suggestion for this issue on GitHub with a proposition of reducing the worker count:
"I've had success reducing the number of workers."
However, I don't think that 10 is too many workers and would even like to actually increase the worker count to 20 to speed up the ETL.
Did anyone have any success who faced this issue? How would I go about solving it?
Shortened stacktrace:
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o151.pyWriteDynamicFrame.
: Failed to delete key: target_folder/_temporary
Caused by: 1 exceptions thrown from 12 batch deletes
Caused by: Please reduce your request rate. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 503; Error Code: SlowDown; Request ID: ...
Part of Glue ETL python script (just in case):
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database="database", table_name="table_name", transformation_ctx="datasource0")
... relationalizing, renaming and etc. Transforming from DynamicDataframe to PySpark dataframe and back.
partition_ready = Map.apply(frame=processed_dataframe, f=map_date_partition, transformation_ctx="map_date_partition")
datasink = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame=partition_ready, connection_type="s3", connection_options={"path": "s3://bucket/target_folder", "partitionKeys": ["year", "month", "day", "hour"]}, format="parquet", transformation_ctx="datasink")
Solved(Kind of), thank you to user ayazabbas
Accepted the answer that helped me into the correct direction of a solution. One of the things I was searching for is how to reduce many small files into big chunks and repartition does exactly that. Instead of repartition(x) I used coalesce(x) where x is 4*worker count of a glue job so that Glue service could allocate each data chunk to each available vCPU resource. It might make sense to have x at least 2*4*worker_count to account for slower and faster transformation parts if they do exist.
Another thing I did was reduce the number of columns by which I was partitioning the data before writing it to S3 from 5 to 4.
Current drawback is that I haven't figured out how to find the worker count within the glue script that the glue service allocates for the job, thus the number is hardcoded according to the job configuration (Glue service allocates sometimes more nodes than what is configured).
I had this same issue. I worked around it by running repartition(x) on the dynamic frame before writing to S3. This forces x files per partition and the max parallelism during the write process will be x, reducing S3 the request rate.
I set x to 1 as I wanted 1 parquet file per partition so I'm not sure what the safe upper limit of parallelism you can have is before the request rate gets too high.
I couldn't figure out a nicer way to solve this issue, it's annoying because you have so much idle capacity during the write process.
Hope that helps.

Flink s3 read error: Data read has a different length than the expected

Using flink 1.7.0, but also seen on flink 1.8.0. We are getting frequent but somewhat random errors when reading gzipped objects from S3 through the flink .readFile source: Data read has a different length than the expected: dataLength=9713156; expectedLength=9770429; includeSkipped=true; in.getClass()=class$2; markedSupported=false; marked=0; resetSinceLastMarked=false; markCount=0; resetCount=0
at org.apache.flink.fs.s3.common.hadoop.HadoopDataInputStream.close(
at org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.ContinuousFileReaderOperator$
Within a given job, we generally see many / most of the jobs read successfully, but there's pretty much always at least one failure (say out of 50 files).
It seems this error is actually originating from the AWS client, so perhaps flink has nothing to do with it, but I'm hopeful someone might have an insight as to how to make this work reliably.
When the error occurs, it ends up killing the source and canceling all the connected operators. I'm still new to flink, but I would think that this is something that could be recoverable from a previous snapshot? Should I expect that flink will retry reading the file when this kind of exception occurs?
Maybe you can try to add more connection for s3a like
config: |
fs.s3a.connection.maximum: 320

Execute multiple downloads and wait for all to complete

I am currently working on an API service that allows 1 or more users to download 1 or more items from an S3 bucket and return the contents to the user. While the downloading is fine, the time taken to download several files is pretty much 100-150 ms * the number of files.
I have tried a few approaches to speeding this up - parallelStream() instead of stream() (which, considering the amount of simultaneous downloads, is at a serious risk of running out of threads), as well as CompleteableFutures, and even creating an ExecutorService, doing the downloads then shutting down the pool. Typically I would only want a few concurrent tasks e.g. 5 at the same time, per request to try and cut down on the number of active threads.
I have tried integrating Spring #Cacheable to store the downloaded files to Redis (the files are readonly) - while this certainly cuts down response times (several ms to retrieve files compared to 100-150 ms), the benefits are only there once the file has been previously retrieved.
What is the best way to handle waiting on multiple async tasks to finish then getting the results, also considering I don't want (or don't think I could) have hundreds of threads opening http connections and downloading all at once?
You're right to be concerned about tying up the common fork/join pool used by default in parallel streams, since I believe it is used for other things like sort operations outside of the Stream api. Rather than saturating the common fork/join pool with an I/O-bound parallel stream, you can create your own fork/join pool for the Stream. See this question to find out how to create an ad hoc ForkJoinPool with the size you want and run a parallel stream in it.
You could also create an ExecutorService with a fixed-size thread pool that would also be independent of the common fork/join pool, and would throttle the requests, using only the threads in the pool. It also lets you specify the number of threads to dedicate:
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_THREADS_FOR_DOWNLOADS);
try {
List<CompletableFuture<Path>> downloadTasks = s3Paths
.map(s3Path -> completableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> mys3Downloader.downloadAndGetPath(s3Path), executor))
// at this point, all requests are enqueued, and threads will be assigned as they become available
executor.shutdown(); // stops accepting requests, does not interrupt threads,
// items in queue will still get threads when available
// wait for all downloads to complete
CompletableFuture.allOf(downloadTasks.toArray(new CompletableFuture[downloadTasks.size()])).join();
// at this point, all downloads are finished,
// so it's safe to shut down executor completely
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
} finally {
executor.shutdownNow(); // important to call this when you're done with the executor.
Following #Hank D's lead, you can encapsulate the creation of the executor service to ensure that you do, indeed, call ExecutorService::shutdownNow after using said executor:
private static <VALUE> VALUE execute(
final int nThreads,
final Function<ExecutorService, VALUE> function
) {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
try {
return function.apply(executorService);
} catch (final InterruptedException | ExecutionException exception) {
} finally {
executorService .shutdownNow(); // important to call this when you're done with the executor service.
public static void main(final String... arguments) {
// define variables
final List<CompletableFuture<Path>> downloadTasks = execute(
executor -> s3Paths
.map(s3Path -> completableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> mys3Downloader.downloadAndGetPath(s3Path),
// use downloadTasks