SQL time comparision - sql

I'm trying to show rows which have hour value (24H format) after current time.
Currently I'm using:
where time(hour)>time(now())
but this comparision fails when current time is for example 23:50 and stored value is 00:10.
Is there any way to copmare it correctly?
This is the part of query to show nearest departures of buses on bus stop.

Well, you could try:
where time(hour)>time(now()) or time(hour) = 0

I think it would be better if you check if it's in future first, and then check the difference. As far as I understand, that would works better for your usage:
WHERE time > NOW() and TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,time,NOW()) < 60


Hibernate query cache based on current time

I have a DAO method which executes the following query to fetch results:
SELECT new com.Person() FROM Person AS person
WHERE (person.start <= now()) AND (person.expires > now()) ORDER BY person.start ASC
The above is a PostgreSQL query. What can I do to enable query caching on the above? If I simply do query.setQueryCache(true), that wouldn't work because the now() will be different each time the above is executed. Is there a best practice to implement such functionality?
Basically you should use discrete values instead of using directly the value of now(), which is always a new one and incompatible with any caching strategy I've heard of :).
So say that you're actually looking to cache data each 15 minutes.
You'd basically have to floor the value of now() to the closest quarter of an hour and use the floored value in the SQL query instead.
You can check out this article on stack for implementing such a thing How to round time to the nearest quarter hour in java?

Google Bigquery table decorators

I need to add decorators that will represent from 6 days ago till now.
how should I do it?
lets say the date is realative 604800000 millis from now and it's absolute is 1427061600000
#now in millis - 1427061600000
#1427061600000 - now in millis
Is there a difference by using relative or absolute times?
Will give you data for the last 6 days (or last 144 hours).
I think all you need is to read this.
Basically, you have the choice of #time, which is time since Epoch (your #1427061600000). You can also express it as a negative number, which the system will interpret as NOW - time (your #-604800000). These both work, but they don't give the result you want. Instead of returning all that was added in that time range, it will return a snapshot of your table from 6 days ago....
Although you COULD use that snapshot, eliminate all duplicates between that snapshot and your current table, and then take THOSE results as what was added during your 6 days, you're better off with :
Using time ranges directly, which you cover with your 3rd and 4th lines. I don't know if the order makes a difference, but I've always used #time1-time2 with time1<time2 (in your case, #1427061600000 - now in millis).

Can this sql-statement be shortened?

I have this SQL query to a PostgreSQL database. Can it be shortened? I am thinking about the where part.
FROM reservations
WHERE (starts_at BETWEEN ? AND ?) OR (ends_at BETWEEN ? AND ?)
The values for the question-marks is:
The beginning of the current date in datetime format
The end of the the current date in datetime format
Same as point one
Same as point two
The code is meant to return all the reservations that begins or ends on a certain date. And works as it is supposed to. But I have to supply the same information multiple times into the query.
I so not actually use this exactly SQL, so there might be an obvious error somewhere, but please focus on the where part
I'm not a huge fan of BETWEEN in this context, because timestampor datetime can be fractional. In particular, specifying the last possible value on a given date is much more complicated than specifying the first possible value (midnight) because you have to specify the time as 23:59:59.999... out to whatever precision your RDBMS uses. PostgreSQL's timestamp is supposed to be accurate to the microsecond (1e-6 seconds), for example, so it's easy to specify a range that either includes times you don't want, or misses times that you do.
On the other hand, if you use BETWEEN with midnight of the following day so you don't have to know the precision of the time, you're including a time that doesn't exist in the date you're interested in. If your application is only precise to the second, or the minute, or to 5 minutes, then you may mis-categorize data or, worse, count it twice since it suddenly counts as being in two dates.
I would prefer:
WHERE (starts_at >= ? AND starts_at < ?)
OR (ends_at >= ? AND ends_at < ?)
Where the ? map to:
Midnight of the target date.
Midnight of the date after the target date.
Midnight of the target date.
Midnight of the date after the target date.
It's not as short, but it's decidedly safer unless you really want to specify your intervals that precisely.
However, you should not do the following, even though it's shorter:
WHERE DATE(starts_at) = ?
OR DATE(ends_at) = ?
You don't want to do that because it's not SARGEable.
This is also an example of why shortness or brevity is a poor measure of code quality. Generally, I'd order my preference like so:
No, you can't improve upon this.
WHERE (starts_at BETWEEN ? AND ?) OR (ends_at BETWEEN ? AND ?)

SQL query date according to time zone

We are using a Vertica database with table columns of type timestamptz, all data is inserted according to the UTC timezone.
We are using spring-jdbc's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
All queries are based on full calendar days, e.g. start date 2013/08/01 and end date 2013/08/31, which brings everything between '2013/08/01 00:00:00.0000' and '2013/08/31 23:59:59.9999'
We are trying to modify our queries to consider timezones, i.e. I can for my local timezone I can ask for '2013/08/01 00:00:00.0000 Asia/Jerusalem' till '2013/08/31 23:59:59.9999 Asia/Jerusalem', which is obviously different then '2013/08/01 00:00:00.0000 UTC' till '2013/08/31 23:59:59.9999 UTC'.
So far, I cannot find a way to do so, I tried setting the timezone in the session:
set timezone to 'Asia/Jerusalem';
This doesn't even work in my database client.
Calculating the difference in our Java code will not work for us as we also have queries returning date groupings (this will get completely messed up).
Any ideas or recommendations?
I am not familiar with Veritca, but some general advice:
It is usually best to use half-open intervals for date range queries. The start date should be inclusive, while the end date should be exclusive. In other words:
start <= date < end
start <= date && end > date
Your end date wouldn't be '2013/08/31 23:59:59.9999', it would instead be the start of the next day, or '2013/09/01 00:00:00.0000'. This avoids problems relating to precision of decimals.
That example is for finding a single date. Since you are querying a range of dates, then you have two inputs. So it would be:
startFieldInDatabase >= yourStartParameter
endFieldInDatabase < yourEndParameter
Again, you would first increment the end parameter value to the start of the next day.
It sounds like perhaps Vertica is TZ aware, given that you talked about timestamptz types in your answer. Assuming they are similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMPTZ type, then it sounds like your solution will work just fine.
But usually, if you are storing times in UTC in your database, then you would simply convert the query input time(s) in advance. So rather than querying between '2013/08/01 00:00:00.0000' and '2013/09/01 00:00:00.0000', you would convert that ahead of time and query between '2013/07/31 21:00:00.0000' and '2013/08/31 21:00:00.0000'. There are numerous posts already on how to do that conversion in Java either natively or with Joda Time, so I won't repeat that here.
As a side note, you should make sure that whatever TZDB implementation you are using (Vertica's, Java's, or JodaTime's) has the latest 2013d update, since that includes the change for Israel's daylight saving time rule that goes into effect this year.
Okay, so apparently:
set time zone to 'Asia/Jerusalem';
worked and I just didn't realize it, but for the sake of helping others I'm going to add something else that works:
select fiels at time zone 'Asia/Jerusalem' from my_table;
will work for timestamptz fields

SQL(?): Counting the time between two datetime values

What is the best way to count the time between two datetime values fetched from MySQL when I need to count only the time between hours 08:00:00-16:00:00.
For example if I have values 2008-10-13 18:00:00 and 2008-10-14 10:00:00 the time difference should be 02:00:00.
Can I do it with SQL or what is the best way to do it? I'm building a website and using PHP.
Thank you for your answers.
EDIT: The exact thing is that I'm trying to count the time a "ticket" has been in a specific state during working hours. The time could be like a couple weeks.
EDIT2: I have no problems counting the actual time difference, but substracting that off-time, 00:00:00-08:00:00 and 16:00:00-00:00:00 per day.
The TIMEDIFF function
TIMEDIFF() returns expr1 – expr2
expressed as a time value. expr1 and
expr2 are time or date-and-time
expressions, but both must be of the
same type.
mysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF('2000:01:01 00:00:00',
-> '2000:01:01 00:00:00.000001');
-> '-00:00:00.000001'
mysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF('2008-12-31 23:59:59.000001',
-> '2008-12-30 01:01:01.000002');
-> '46:58:57.999999'
I think you should calculate the difference in your own code instead of using a more-complex SQL sentence because:
That calculation seems to be part of your business logic. It seems easier to maintain if you integrate it with the rest of your business code.
The database is often the bottleneck, so don't load it more than needed.
You may want to try it in PHP, but I'm thinking it'll be faster in DB
code to return difference in an array