Autobinding in MVC4 WebApi with Ninject.Extensions.Conventions -

In my MVC4 app I'm using Ninject.Extensions.Conventions to autobind all itnerfaces with their implementation using default mechanism:
kernel.Bind(x => x
This works great for regular controllers, but doesn't for WebApi controllers. What do I need to change/add?

Ok, I resolved the issue by following this article:
In short: I created my own dependency resolver (as per article) and assigned it to GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver as suggested by nemesv

There are already a many examples on how to integrate NInject with Web API through the web, using:
On ASP.NET website is shown standart way of integration of any DI/IoC with Web API:
WebApiContrib project shows how to do it with IDependencyResolver
Please post more information about your implementation of these resolvers, to be more specific in answer.

Related core - what are the differences of these MapRazorPages() calls?

Method 1
In ASP.NET Core 3.x, we add endpoints for Razor Pages with
app.UseEndpoints(endpoint =>
Method 2
In the ASP.NET Core 6 Web App template (minimal hosting model), this has been changed to:
From MS docs page:
Apps typically don't need to call UseRouting or UseEndpoints. WebApplicationBuilder configures a middleware pipeline that wraps middleware added in Program.cs with UseRouting and UseEndpoints. For more information, see Routing in ASP.NET Core.
My questions are:
Do the 2 method calls above have the same effect?
Am I correct to assume that the second way (i.e. app.MapRazorPages()) is possible due to the middleware pipeline configuration by WebApplicationBuilder? (see snippet from MS docs above).
Thank you in advance.
Short answer: Yes. They are using the same method.
Details you could see below explain:

Magic link: OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler: message.State is null or empty

Using this in your Production Application - Could you please help how can we use authentication library to create a state and handle authentication request using id_token_hint.
It has been explained in this referenced link. Please help if there is any link how we can integrate magic link custom policy with production app. Note: using run as link and it is working as expected.
I am using core 3.1 and c# programming language. I was following web api which is mentioned in this doc (source code) . I added another controller, model and view with top of this api(which has identity controller and oidc controller).
This can be achieved by passing id_token_hint to account controller.

Versioning with WebAPI .Net Core does not work as expected

I am trying to introduce URL versioning into my .Net Core WebAPI application. I am also using Swagger web tools for ease of use for users.
Now, while trying to introduce versioning into my application, I referenced the docs here:
Now, I made following code changes into my code:
Startup.cs/ConfigureServices I added code below:
services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
Now, my controller annotations before any kind of versioning was added, looked like below:
and produces a URL which looks like something below:
Now, I added annotations below to enable api versioning:
. [ApiVersion("1.0")]
and now when I click on the same method listed in my swagger UI
the url looks like below:
While what I was expecting was something like:
Also on my swagger it is now asking me explicitly about entering version number. So I think my question boils down to two major points:
How I can I fix my URL? and what am I doing wrong?
Why is swagger now asking me to enter version number in API UI when I have explicitly stated that the version is going to be 1.0 in the annotation of the controller?
What you are missing is the complementary package for API versioning that supports an API version-aware API Explorer:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning.ApiExplorer
The API Explorer is how Swagger generators like Swashbuckle do all their work. The source and links are also available in the API versioning repo.
To achieve the result you want, you need to configure API version substitution in the URL:
services.AddMvcCore().AddVersionedApiExplorer( options => options.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true );
Note: that the call the AddMvcCore() is no longer required in API Versioning 3.0+
Documentation and samples are available in the official API versioning repo. I recommend reviewing the API Documentation wiki topic:
The accepted answer extends this package, which is fine as long as it stay up-to-date with the flavor of API versioning you are using. API Versioning always ships compatible API Explorer extensions on every release.
Setting up api versioning with swagger is indeed a tricky thing as it is lot's of pieces that need to be setup correctly.
Luckily for us, there's a great nuget packages called SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim which solves this in an excellent way.
Add it
Install-Package SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim -Version 2.2.1
Then follow the readme here

Share a Kernel between WebAPI and MVC

I've got a simple MVC4 site which uses ASP.NET webAPI and also MVC pages.
I'd like to use Ninject DI for both controller types but I'm wondering how this can be done?
I've got Ninject DI working for WebAPI, but now not sure how to share the same Kernel elegantly.
Should I be using some sort of Kernel singleton which both Dependency Resolvers can refer to?
Anyone had any experience with this?
You should use the same IKernel instance for a single application-level composition root, may be WebApi or MVC controllers.
If you are using Ninject.MVC3 package:
When the kernel is initialized in NinjectWebCommon.cs inside your App_Start folder, you already have access to it. For MVC controllers, you don't need to do anything else for Ninject DI to work.
But for WebAPI controllers, you need to use a DependencyResolver to inject dependencies into your controllers. Using this implementation for this resolver, you then set it to be the resolver for all your WebAPI controllers like this:
Bind the NinjectDependencyResolver to self (optional), inside RegisterServices in NinjectWebCommon.cs:
Set the WepAPI configuration to use your Resolver, usually inside WebApiConfig.cs:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
//Other initialization code
config.DependencyResolver = (new Bootstrapper()).Kernel.Get<NinjectDependencyResolver>();
This will fit your scenario for all controllers sharing the same IKernel.
Hope that helps!
Yes, you are right. There should be one kernel/ container for an application, because this will eleminate possible mistakes in the future.In case of multiple kernels, you may register an interface in a kernel, and then try to resolve it using another kernel, and the program crashes.Only After spending time debugging, you find out what was wrong,etc.
In addition, using a single kernel, you wouldn't have to register a same implementation multiple times.

Do I have to do the configuration for nservicebus on mvc4 that would be handled by the EndpointConfig.cs?

In the examples, most of the config is done by the dev by changing AsA_Server to AsA_Client.
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Client { }
However, I can't seem to do that with an ASP.NET MVC4 app.
Do I have to manually configure everything in a web environment?
Yes, here are links to the documentation:
You can also have a look at our sample projects for examples on how to do it, see
There is also a sample that uses MVC4 but that is against NServiceBus v4 which has not been released yet, see