.Net 4.5 WCF Error 404.3 on IIS 7.5 - wcf

I deployed a MVC4 web application including a wcf service.
when i try to browse to the .svc file i receive Error 404.3 (Error Code 0x80070032).
I tried all the relevant answers i read:
1. adding a .svc mime
2. checking that the server's ISAPI filter include ASP.Net 4 bothe 32bit and 64bit.
3. checking that Server Managers Features include WCF Activation.
I already have a MVC3 web application with WCF service running on the same server.
Can you please point me to what can cause this problem?
I noticed that on IIS Manager in Handler Mapping there is a difference between the two domains running the applications. the working one is almost empty (include only StaticFile) while the new one has a long list of handlers enabled (I don't know if it is relevant or not).
Thank You!

I had to tick "HTTP Activation" in "Add Role Services" within Windows Server 2012.

Run command aspnet_regiis -iru in command prompt as an admin and try again.

Make sure the two WCF services are not running on the same port -- that is, you are not connecting to the MVC3 WCF service. See How to consume multiple WCF services from one client for how to do this.


How do I configure Visual Studio to see a net.tcp URL on local IIS?

I've got a WCF service using the netTcpBinding, and no other binding. It works great when I manually deploy the files to IIS, and my client application can consume the service when I enter the net.tcp://localhost(etc) url. Now I'm trying to get the project to run in Visual Studio, so I can have the service and client in the same solution, and reference the service directly instead of going through IIS, and having to redeploy files manually.
Neither IIS Express nor the Visual Studio Development Server can use net.tcp, so they're out. In the Web tab of my service project, the "Use Local IIS Web Server" or "Use Custom Web Server" looked like good options, but neither of them will accept a URL that doesn't begin with http.
Is there some way of making my WCF service use IIS, and having my client reference the service directly (so that I don't have to deploy files to IIS, and then update service reference, every time I compile)?
Start the service in WcfSvcHost, then try to add a reference to the hosted URL.
Unfortunately, the VS IDE has no technique to start services automatically, except for when you're debugging.
Also, you always need to update service references explicitly. You need to decide which of your changes are ready to be applied to which clients of your service. It would be bad to assume that all clients should be updated as soon as you make a change then compile your service.
You could add a project, which you don't deploy, but only use during development, that self-hosts the service.

Unable to host WCF REST Service 40(CS) on IIS 7

I have created WCF REST service in vs2010(4.0) with WCF REST Service Template 40(CS). It works fine on localhost and local IIS (7.5), without giving me any errors. But while I am trying to deploy it on server, it gives me 500 Internal server error. I have deployed same way I did on locl IIS. It is not giving me more details about the error. When I checked the server log, it says service.svc - file does not exist. While I have not created .svc file, I did directly with given template.
Can any one please help me to find the solution to this...
Thanks in advance...
I am using template, so there is no .svc file. In this we can directly access the uri without .svc with the filename.
Chrome is just displaying me 500 Internal server error. It is not displaying any related information about error.
Satyen Pandya
finally I found the thing that causes error in my service. I have used MySQL database and for that reference to MySql.Data.dll file of older version, and when I upgraded that dll with newer version, my entire project was not responding. It was replaced my newer version and when I tested with older version, service is running fine.
And for hosting it on WCF, Normal procedure of hosting the site on IIS worked for me after solving above problem... And I better opt for going with .net 3.5 WCF Rest Service with .svc extension available.
Thanks all for reviewing my problem..
Take a look at similar post...
# hosting .net 4.0 REST WCF service in IIS 6

WebScriptServiceHostFactory wcf service in IIS 6

I am implementing wcf service using the config-less available with WebScriptServiceHostFactory in dotNet 4. On my local development server the web service returns appropriate content in the response body. I tested the same on my local machine IIS 7 and it works great.
But, now I have moved the service on IIS 6 with SSL enabled. The service when invoked calls the web-method as usual, with no server exceptions. The response body is missing its contents.
The web-service is of the following format:
I have verified the following:
1. Wild-card mapping set to aspnet_isapi.dll [Check file exists - unchecked]
2. Anonymous Authentication enabled
I would appreciated some input, if some has already experienced such a weird behavior.
Well I resolved my issue by using WebServiceHostFactory instead. I still don't know what caused issues with WebScriptServiceHostFactory on IIS 6 and .NET 4.0.
I am still looking for any input/resolution with "WebScriptServiceHostFactory on IIS 6 and .NET 4.0"

How can I use net.tcp without IIS?

I have a web site and build a wcf service in it. I can run the code by calling it from a test page in the web site. The web site is ran by the vs2010 development server.
I do have IIS 7 but never use it.
Now I want to use the NetTcpBinding instead of BasicHttpBinding, everyone says it should be enabled in IIS, but how can this be done without using IIS and keeping everything in 1 project?
Thanks for any help
edit: A Windows service would be a solution, but that would mean adding a project to the solution, I really want to keep everything in 1 website, took me quite some time to get the service in the website in the first place.
This is about my own test version of the website, the production server is out of my reach. The service must be expanded by other developers later on it's bad if they have to run IIS just to test the service.
One way is to host the WCF service in a Windows Service - see How to: Host WCF in a Windows Service Using TCP for sample code.
Are you talking about how to develop without using IIS7 or how to put the service into a production environment without IIS7?
If it's the latter, then Stuart's answer is correct, but otherwise I would suggest that you start to develop using the web server that you will eventually be hosting the web site/service on.
Hosting in IIS7 has several advantages over hosting in a Windows Service such as fault tolerance and process isolation already built in.
Thanks for the replies guys, it looks like I have 3 options:
1. Host the service in a seperate project.
2. Host the website in IIS.
3. Use HTTPS, also secure.
PS: My development environment is very different from production :(
In development I have unit testing and in production there are old ASP pages, that I can't even acces, but sometimes must refer to...

No intropage in a Managed Windows Service

I have to do some maintenance on a WCF service that is hosted in a managed windows service.
In the old deployed version I can enter: http://localhost:9091. It shows a page with info about the hosted WCF service (with a C# and VB example).
When I get the sources from TFS and reinstall with the MSI, the same http://localhost:9091 gives a 404.
What could be wrong ?
Could be lots of things. Try these for a start:
Installed msi on wrong port
web site / app pool not runnig
the configuration in web.config does not match the new location
Web site not marked as asp.net 2.0
IIS not configured to recognise svc files
The last 3 are the most probable. Check the event log for more details.
Here are a few more based on the comment:
is the service started
is the port blocked on the new machine
the configuration in web.config does not match the new location
Perhaps that port is meant to be the port of the ASP.NET Development Server. Is the service started? Open the solution in Visual Studio, right-click the service and choose "View in browser". That will have the side-effect of starting the service.