How can I have my web server automatically rebuild the files it serves? - apache

I sometimes write client-side-only web applications, and I like a simple and fast development cycle. This leads me to project layouts which explicitly have no build step, so that I can just edit source files and then reload in the web browser. This is not always a healthy constraint to place on the design. I would therefore like the following functionality to use in my development environment:
Whenever the server receives a GET /foo/bar request and translates it to a file /whatever/foo/bar, it executes cd /whatever && make foo/bar before reading the file.
What is the simplest way to accomplish this?
The best form of solution would be an Apache configuration, preferably one entirely within .htaccess files; failing that, a lightweight web server which has such functionality already; or one which can be programmed to do so.
Since I have attracted quite a lot of “don't do that” responses, let me reassure you on a few points:
This is client-side-only development — the files being served are all that matters, and the build will likely be very lightweight (e.g. copying a group of files into a target directory layout, or packing some .js files into a single file). Furthermore, the files will typically be loaded once per edit-and-reload cycle — so interactive response time is not a priority.
Assume that the build system is fully aware of the relevant dependencies — if nothing has changed, no rebuilding will happen.
If it turns out to be impractically slow despite the above, I'll certainly abandon this idea and find other ways to improve my workflow — but I'd like to at least give it a try.

You could use
Presuming the makefile does some magic, you could make a simplate that does:
import subprocess
RESULTFILE = "/whatever/foo/bar"
response.body = ''.join(open(resultfile).readlines())
but if it's less magic, you could of course encode the build process into the simplate itself (using something like ) and get rid of the makefile entirely.

Since I'm a lazy sod, I'd suggest something like that:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)(/|)$ /make.php?base=$1&make=$2 [L,NC]
A regex pattern like that provides the two required parameters -
Which then can be passed to a shell-script by PHP function exec():
You might need to add exclusions above the pattern or inclusions to the pattern,
e.g define the first back-reference by words - else it would match other requests as well (which shouldn't be re-written).
The parameters can be accessed in shell-script like that:
cd /var/www/$1
make $2

This seems like a really bad idea. You will add a HUGE amount of latency to each request waiting for the "make" to finish. In a development environment that is okay, but in production you are going to kill performance.
That said, you could write a simple apache module that would handle this:
I would still recommend considering if this is what you want to do. In development you know if you change a file that you need to remake. In production it is a performance killer.


Is it possbile to not to show source code in vue?

I wonder if it is possible to disable webpack folder in inspect, so users cant see my source code?
And if it's not possible, can users change it and run it?
Most commonly such a structured view is available only in development environment.
When the code is shipped to production environment it's normally minimized & bundled into one or several files which already makes it quite hard to read.
If you want to "hide" it from the user even further, you can use code obfuscation tools (you will likely need to pay for them) or move sensitive parts of your code to serverland.
Generally speaking, the only bulletproof way to hide the code from your users is never ship it to their browsers.
Whether the code is obfuscated or not, the user is alway able to change it & run. Obfuscation just makes it significantly more difficult.
There is a solution, you can try this in the "vue.config.js"
module.exports = {
productionSourceMap: true,
This option will tell Webpack to exclude the source code. Could be a solution for you.
having the same issue here.
The Original Source files are NOT even close to the Server its running on and i tried multiple, independent Pcs now and everytime it showns me the full original source code in the Source list in chrome.
I dont really mind "showing" the source code but what annoys me is that this way people can literally steal the source and built the exact software on their own and it exposed stuff about my pc like directory of stuff, my full name (due to windows username), etc.

imageresizer outputs image paths with query strings, Pingdom Tools suggest "Remove query strings from static resources" -- how?

Can image resizer output image paths that don't contain query strings? Could not find this anywhere in documentation or googling it.
This page ( says that custom plugins can "Perform URL rewriting or query string expansion by registering an event handler."
Is there such a plugin, ready to be used? If so, anyone have a link?
FolderResizeSyntax is one such plugin (which simply adds and event handler to Config.Current.Pipeline.Rewrite), but you probably shouldn't use it.
Ask yourself: Why does pingdom say to remove query strings? Does it even make sense? Is there any logic behind the rule?
Query strings are often added to static resources as cache breakers and for development purposes; often they're forgotten and make it into production.
In the case of ImageResizer, they're an essential, meaningful part of the URL. Rewriting consistent name/value pairs (the querystring) into a custom URL syntax might be trendy and hip, but it adds brittleness and complexity for no actual added value.
If you have a real-world, known issues with querystrings, try the CloudFront plugin. It lets you express querystrings as image.jpg;width=100;height=100 instead of image.jpg?width=100&height=100. You still lose compatibility with all kinds of RIAPI-compliant front-end and back-end tooling, so make sure this is a real, not theoretical, issue.

Is it ok to add code with the sole purpose of making it easier to test?

My situation, as some background:
I'm writing a small javascript library which uses window.requestAnimationFrame to perform its animation loop. Because that function isn't standardised across the browsers yet, internally in the library it creates a polyfill-ish function in a closure.
var requestAnim = window.requestAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| ...
|| function () { ... };
The issue here is that this makes it quite hard for me to test this code now. Previously, when it was using setTimeout, I would override that global function in the tests to simulate a number of frames passing synchronously.
Anyway, to the point of the question:
Right now, it seems like my options are either to leave some of my code untested, or to add extraneous features to the library with the sole purpose of making it easier to test. Neither of these options sound that great to me.
Without worrying too much about my specific case, in general, what should you do in this situation?
Yes, it is ok.
We don't write tests for the sake of testing. Testing is an acknowledgement of the fact that we aren't brillant enough to write and maintain code perfectly without safety checks. All test code serves one purpose and only one: to make a better product. This is true whether it lives in the /test folder or in the /src folder. Therefore it is a mistake to think "This is never called in production, therefore it is wrong to put it into /src!"
To be sure, there are other trade-offs to make, e.g. size (in an embedded product it makes a lot of sense to try everything you can to keep the /src folder small). But that is a completely different reason than merely "It's test-related".
I'd say it's fine to add testing code (unless some micro-optimisation is something you're testing). As Kilian was saying, nobody is perfect; this is the reason we do testing in the first place.
I +1d Kilian's answer, but I'd like to add my own ideas too:
In general, what situations would there be code that you cannot (with ease) test? This would be code that only runs under conditions, which you can't re-create on your testing machine? Perhaps it would be easier to set a variable to decide whether this code should run or not, then you can set a breakpoint and change this variable when debugging (in your JavaScript case, using Firebug or Chrome's developer tools?)
Or, like you say, add some testing code - a set of flags maybe at the top of the script, to keep it neat? Then your if statements could be something like
if(shouldRunThisCode || isTestingThisCode) {
In short: Ofcourse it's fine to add code for the purpose of testing. I can't think of any scenarios where testing the code will require adding much code at all though. If the code is implemented and intended to run at some point under certain conditions anyway, it can never be too hard to test.
In general, code that is hard to test is badly written.1 It is superior to find the design problems your test difficulties are telling you about and fix those than to add code "just to make testing easier". Sometimes we do that anyway, because we construe the design problems as too difficult to fix -- but it should be the second choice. In your case, it sounds like the bad design you're exposing is in a library outside your control. In this case, adding code "just to make testing easier" is probably the best choice; you are unlikely to have enough control over an external library to improve its design.

Automatic screenshot uploading on Mac like Cloud App

Cloud App has this neat feature wherein it automatically uploads new screenshots as they are added to the Desktop. Any ideas how this is done?
You can do similar things yourself without much in the way of programming. In OSX, you can configure "Folder Actions" to run a script, for example, when a new item appears in a folder, including the Desktop. You can then use the script to do whatever you want with the new files.
This article at TUAW includes an example of uploading files to a web server when they hit a particular folder.
So, basically, the answer is "Folder Actions", or "something's keeping an eye on the folder and sending notifications", at some level. Whether Cloud App uses Folder Actions or watches the folder itself at a lower level, using FSEvents/NSWorkspace, or the kqueue mechanisms (for which there's a nice wrapper class called UKKQueue, if I remember correctly -- don't know how current my knowledge is on that one though!) is another matter...
You could implement this at several different levels, depending on the outcome you want, how you want to design whatever it is you're actually doing, and even what kind of filesystem you're targeting. Fundamentally, in Cocoa/Objective C, I think you probably want to start looking at FSEvents.
Once you've got notifications of the file changes, I'd probably use something like ConnectionKit to do the uploading -- any library at all, really, that means you don't have to bother with the sockets level yourself -- but again, there's a lot of different ways.
Depends, really, what level you're looking to solve the problem at, and whether you want to build something for other people or get something working for yourself. If I just wanted to bash something together for myself, I could probably have something cobbled together using Coda's Transmit app, and Folder Actions, or maybe Hazel, and a minimal bit of Applescript, in a half-hour at most, that would do the job well enough for me...
I am not sure what you are asking for exactly. If you are asking for a way to take a screenshot programmatically in MacOSX, I suggest you have a look at the "screencapture" command (in the terminal, type "man screencapture" for doc).
If you want to do it the "hard" way, you should look at this.

How to locally test cross-domain builds?

Using the dojo toolkit, what is the proper way of locally testing code that will be executed as cross-domain, without making the actual build?
As it appears, there are three possible options (each, with their own drawbacks):
Using local (non xd) XMLHttpRequest dojo.require
This option does not really test the xd behavior, since it dojo.require[s] the js synchronously via XHR.
djConfig.debugAtAllCosts = true;
Although this option does load the required code asynchronously (via the 'script' tag), it also pulls the code in via XHR, parses the dojo.require[s] inside that, and pulls them in. This (using the loader_debug), again, is not what the loader_xd is doing. More info on this topic in a different question.
Creating a cross-domain build
This approach requires a build, which is not possible in the environment which I'm running the code in (We're using our own on-the-fly build process, which includes only the js that is necessary for a particular page. This process is not suitable for development).
Thus, my question: is there a way to use the loader_xd, which does not require an xd build (which adds the xd prefix / suffix to every file)?
The 2nd way (using the debugAtAllCosts) also makes me question the motivation for pre-parsing the dojo.require[s]. If the loader_xd will not (or rather can not) pre-parse, why is the method that was created for testing/debugging doing so?
peller has described the situation. If you wanted to just generate .xd.js file for your modules, you could look at util/buildscripts/jslib/buildUtilXd.js and its buildUtilXd.xdgen() function.
It would take a bit of work to make your own script, but you could look at util/buildscripts/build.js for pointers.
I am hoping in the future for Dojo (maybe Dojo 2.x timeframe) we can switch to a loader that just uses script tags with a module format that has a function wrapper around the module, something that is coded by the developer. This would allow the same module format to work in the local and xd cases.
I don't think there's any way to do XD loading without building and deploying it. Your analysis of the various options seems about right.
debugAtAllCosts is there specifically to solve a debugging problem, where most browsers, until recently, could not do anything intelligent with code brought in through eval. Still today, Firefox will report exception in the console as appearing at the eval site (bootstrap.js) with a line number offset from the eval, rather than from the actual eval buffer, and normally that eval buffer is anonymous. Firebug was the first debugger to jump through some hoops to enhance the debugging experience and permitted special metadata that Dojo's loader injects between the XHR and the eval to determine a filepath to the source. Webkit/Safari have recently implemented this also. I believe debugAtAllCosts pre-dates the XD loader.