unable to convert SQL query to Linq - sql

Please help me try and convert this join query. I am trying to convert the following SQL query into a LINQ query, but can not get it working. Can any one help me solve this?
SELECT T1.BoCode, case when T2.qty is null then 0 else T2.qty end
(SELECT bocode from TABLE1) as T1
left join
(SELECT cBoCode, sum(qty) as qty FROM TABLE2 where ncampnurn in
(select nurn FROM TABLE3 INNER JOIN TABLE4 ON TABLE3.CampaignCode =
where TABLE3.Month = 'Sep12' and TABLE4.ReportGroup = 'testgroup' )
GROUP BY cBoCode) as T2
ON T1.BoCode = T2.cBoCode
order by T1.BoCode
I have only been able to do the middle bit and then get stuck on whether I need to use Contains or Any.
from t3 in table3
join t4 in table4 on t3.CampaignCode equals t4.CampaignCode
where t3.Month == "Sep12" && t4.ReportGroup == "testgroup"
select t3.Nurn

refer this
SQL to LINQ Tool
or by doing it by yourself


Oracle join tables with multiple conditions

I ve post a pic of what im trying to accomplish ive been trying all the codes i can find online but nothing seems to work.
here a snippet of the code i'm trying to use.. Am i even on the right track? PS. its an oracle DB
q1.x, q1.y, q2.z, ...
(SELECT ... FROM ...) q1
(SELECT ... FROM ...) q2
ON q1.column = q2.column
thank you for help!
Unless I'm missing something profound, this is just two joins:
select t1.*, t2a.text as text1, t2a.text as text2
from t1 join
t2 t2a
on t2a.num = t1.num1 join
t2 t2b
on t2b.num = t1.num2;
You need to join Table 2 twice, once on Table1.NUM1 and once on Table1.NUM2:
t1.A, t1.NUM1, t1.NUM2, t2a.TEXT AS TEXT1, t2b.TEXT AS TEXT2
Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2a
ON t1.NUM1 = t2a.NUM
INNER JOIN Table2 t2b
ON t1.NUM2 = t2b.NUM
You can also use LEFT JOINS, if rows from Table 2 are missing and you still want to include the rows of Table 1 in such cases.
In order to be able to identify the 2 instances of Table 2 you need to give them different aliases. The alias on Table 1 is just for convenience.

Convert NOT IN query to LEFT JOIN

to adapt to Netezza DB I need to convert fallowing query(as NOT IN(SUBQUERY) is not supported by Netezza):
UPDATE table1 t1 SET t1.deal_type=t2.deal_type
FROM table2 t2
WHERE t1.id_col=t2.id_col
AND t1.price=t2.price
AND t1.id_col2=t2.id_col2
AND t2.price NOT IN (
SELECT st1.price
FROM table1 st1, table2 st2
WHERE st1.id_col=st2.id_col
AND st1.price=st2.price
AND st1.id_col2=st2.id_col2
AND st1.id_col=t1.id_col
AND t2.deal_type=st2.deal_type
GROUP BY st1.id_col, st1.price, st1.id_col2, st2.deal_type
I tried with LEFT JOIN but not all records returned:
UPDATE table1 t1 SET t1.deal_type = t2.deal_type
FROM table2 t2
(SELECT st1.price, st1.id_col, st2.deal_type
FROM table1 st1, table2 st2
WHERE st1.id_col=st2.id_col
AND st1.price=st2.price
AND st1.id_col2=st2.id_col2
GROUP BY st1.id_col, st1.price, st1.id_col2, st2.deal_type
HAVING COUNT (*)>1) subq ON (subq.id_col=t1.id_col
AND t2.deal_type=subq.deal_type)
AND t1.price=t2.price
AND t1.id_col2=t2.id_col2
subq.price is null
Any suggestions where I was wrong. or any other way to work arround NOT IN witch is not supported by NETEZZA
I think you forgot to add the price to the Left Join condition.
if there are duplicates for this id&type but with different price,
the NOT-IN condition will pass, but the Left-Join (IS NULL) condition will fail
just change
ON (subq.id_col=t1.id_col
AND t2.deal_type=subq.deal_type)
ON (subq.id_col=t1.id_col
AND t2.deal_type=subq.deal_type)
AND subq.price=t2.price)
Can you please try this if netezza support EXISTS and your first query is logically right
UPDATE t1 SET t1.deal_type=t2.deal_type
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id_col=t2.id_col
AND t1.price=t2.price
AND t1.id_col2=t2.id_col2
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT st1.id_col
FROM table1 st1
INNER JOIN table2 st2 ON st1.id_col=st2.id_col
AND st1.price=st2.price
AND st1.id_col2=st2.id_col2
AND t2.deal_type=st2.deal_type
GROUP BY st1.id_col, st1.price, st1.id_col2, st2.deal_type
HAVING COUNT (*)>1) i ON i.id_col=t1.id_col
WHERE i.id_col IS NULL

Complex SQL Join on sub query with top 1 records

I'm trying to write a query that looks something like below.
select t1.t1c1, t1.t1c2, t2.t2c3, t2.t2c4
from table1 t1
left outer join (select top 1 t2c1, t2c2, t2c3, t2c4 from table2
where t2c5 in (select t3c1 from table3 t3
where **t3c2 = t1.t1c2 and t3c3 = t1.t1c3**) t2
on t1.t1c1 = t2.t2c1 and t1.t1c2 = t2.t2c2
What SQL Server does not allow is the highlighted text above - i.e. referencing the table1's columns in the table3 sub query.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I understand that this might not be the most optimal way, is there any other way to achieve this?
You seem to exactly want outer apply. I think it would look like this:
select t1.t1c1, t1.t1c2, t2.t2c3, t2.t2c4
from table1 t1 outer apply
(select top 1 t2c1, t2c2, t2c3, t2c4
from table2
where t2c5 in (select t3c1
from table3 t3
where t3c2 = t1.t1c2 and t3c3 = t1.t1c3
) and
t1.t1c1 = t2.t2c1 and t1.t1c2 = t2.t2c2
) t2;
APPLY is a lot like using a correlated subquery, except it goes in the FROM clause and can return multiple columns and multiple rows.
Note: You should be using ORDER BY when you use TOP.

How to simplify this query with sql joins?

my_table has 4 columns: id integer, value integer, value2 integer, name character varying
I want all the records that:
have the same value2 as a record which name is 'a_name'
have a field value inferior to the one of a record which name is 'a_name'
And I have satisfying results with the following query:
select t.id
from my_table as t
where t.value < ( select value from my_table where name = 'a_name')
and s.value2 = (select value2 from my_table where name = 'a_name');
But is it possible to simplify this query with sql joins ?
Joining on the same table is still too much intricate in my mind. And I try to understand with this example.
What I happened so far trying, is a result full of dupplicates:
select t2.id
from my_table as t
inner join my_table as t2 on t2.value2 = t.value2
where t2.value < ( select value from my_table where name = 'a_name');
I think this will solve your problem.
select t1.id
from my_table as t1
join my_table as t2
on t1.value2 = t2.value2
and t2.name = 'a_name'
and t1.value < t2.value
You should use self join instead of inner join see this
You can always get distinct results by calling "SELECT distinct t2.id ..."
However, that will not enhance your understanding of inner joins. If you are willing, keep reading on. Let's start by getting all records with name = 'a_name'.
FROM my_table as a
WHERE a.name = 'a.name';
A simpler way to perform your inner joins is to understand that the result for the above query is yet another table, formally known as a relation. You can think of it as joining on the same table, but an easier way to think of it is as "joining on the result of this query". Lets put this to the test.
SELECT other.id
FROM my_table as a,
INNER JOIN my_table as other ON other.value2 = a.value2
WHERE a.name = 'a_name'
AND other.value < a.value;
If the first query (all rows with name = 'a_name') has many results, you stand a good chance of the second query having duplicates, because the inner join between aliases 'a' and 'other' is a subset of their cross product.
Edits: Grammar, Clarity
please try this
select t.id
from my_table as t
inner join
(select value from my_table where name = 'a_name')t1 on t.value<t1.value
inner join
(select value2 from my_table where name = 'a_name')t2 on t.value2=t2.value2

A question about JOIN

I need to do something like this to fill a parts table:
SELECT (CASE t1.part IS NULL THEN t2.part ELSE t1.part END) AS partno,
LEFT JOIN join t2 ON [certain condition]
LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.part = t3.part
OR t2.part = t3.part
...so this will select the value for partno from t2 in case that part is null in t1, then i need to take the description from t3 but when I run it it takes forever and never return the results, How can I do this faster? if I am missing some details please ask.
this are the tables
alt text http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/3878/74385879.png
this is the actual procedure
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`%` PROCEDURE `getMonthDetail`(fechai Date, wid int)
select distinct
select group_concat(concat(documents.documentname,': ', inventoryin_documents.documentno))
from inventoryin_documents
left join documents on documents.documentid=inventoryin_documents.documentid
where inventoryin_documents.inventoryinid = docin.inventoryinid
group by inventoryin_documents.inventoryinid
)as docin,
select group_concat(concat(documents.documentname,': ', inventoryout_documents.documentno))
from inventoryout_documents
left join documents on documents.documentid=inventoryout_documents.documentid
where inventoryout_documents.inventoryoutid = docout.inventoryoutid
group by inventoryout_documents.inventoryoutid
) as docout,
(case when trace.partnumberp is null then indetails.partnumberp else trace.partnumberp end) as nopart,
inventoryin as ins
left join inventoryinouttrace as trace on trace.inventoryinid = ins.inventoryinid
left join inventoryin_documents as docin on docin.inventoryinid = ins.inventoryinid
left join inventoryout_documents as docout on docout.inventoryoutid = trace.inventoryoutid
left join inventoryout as outs on outs.inventoryoutid = trace.inventoryoutid
left join inventoryindetails indetails on ins.inventoryinid = indetails.inventoryinid
left join product as p on trace.partnumberp=p.partnumberp
((ins.inventorydate > fechai+0 and ins.inventorydate < fechai+100)
or (outs.inventoryoutdate > fechai+0 and outs.inventoryoutdate < fechai+100));
END $$
and when I Hit the explain button in the query browser it returns a error...
SELECT COALESCE(t1.part, t2.part) AS partno,
COALESCE(t3.desc, t4.desc)
LEFT JOIN join t2 ON [certain condition]
LEFT JOIN t3 ON t3.part = t1.part
LEFT JOIN t3 AS t4 ON t4.part = t1.part
OR's are notorious for poor performance.
OR clauses run slow and you should consider replacing them with a UNION which would still utilize any INDEXES you may have on your t1, t2, and t3 tables:
SELECT IFNULL(t1.part, t2.part) AS partno, t3.desc
LEFT JOIN t2 ON (condition here)
LEFT JOIN t3 ON (t1.part = t3.part)
SELECT IFNULL(t1.part, t2.part) AS partno, t3.desc
LEFT JOIN t2 ON (condition here)
LEFT JOIN t3 ON (t2.part = t3.part)
Also, your CASE() function, much the same as my simplified IFNULL() function, ends up using a temporary table. This is unavoidable when utilizing such functions.
Tell us the actual structure of the data and please show us the EXPLAIN of the query so we can see why it runs slow!
Only a guess: Are there indexes on the right coumns?
Your certain condition should be t2.id=t1.id and have more where clauses in your WHERE statement.
You may want to simplify this down to just have two select statements and see if it is slow, first.
You may be missing an index that would be helpful.
Once the two selects are fine, then you can add in the case command to the sql, and see what is going on, but don't change anything else in your query.
Then, you can give queries and times, which will help people to give a better answer.
Ok for the bleeding obvious : I suppose you have indexed the fields that you use in your joins?