How to generate non repeating random number - objective-c

I am trying to randomize numbers in an array. I am able to do that using arc4random() % [indexes count]
My problem is - If an array consists of 20 items, every time the array shuffles, in a batch of 5, different number should appear. Example :
first shuffle: 1,4,2,5,6.
second shuffle: 7,12,9,15,3
-(IBAction)randomNumbers:(UIButton *)sender
int length = 10; // int length = [yourArray count];
NSMutableArray *indexes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:length];
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
[indexes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
NSMutableArray *shuffle = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:length];
while ([indexes count])
int index = arc4random() % [indexes count];
[shuffle addObject:[indexes objectAtIndex:index]];
[indexes removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// for (int i=0; i<[shuffle count]; i++)
NSLog(#"%#", [shuffle description]);

As per your requirement....kindly check this code
Make this a property
#synthesize alreadyGeneratedNumbers;
Add these methods in your .m
int low_bound = 0;
int high_bound = TOTAL_NUMBER;
int width = high_bound - low_bound;
int randomNumber = low_bound + arc4random() % width;
return randomNumber;
-(IBAction)randomNumbers:(UIButton *)sender
NSMutableArray *shuffle = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
BOOL contains=YES;
while ([shuffle count]<5) {
NSNumber *generatedNumber=[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self generateRandomNumber]];
if (![alreadyGeneratedNumbers containsObject:generatedNumber]) {
[shuffle addObject:generatedNumber];
[alreadyGeneratedNumbers addObject:generatedNumber];
NSLog(#"shuffle %#",shuffle);
NSLog(#"Next Batch");
if ([alreadyGeneratedNumbers count] >= TOTAL_NUMBER) {
NSLog(#"\nGame over, Want to play once again?");//or similar kind of thing.
[alreadyGeneratedNumbers removeAllObjects];
Still I feel you need to some changes like
it will give you correct value, but what if user pressed 5th time?
out of 20 numbers you already picked 4 sets of 5 number, on on 6th time it will be in loop to search for next set of numbers and will become infinite.
So what you can do is, keep the track of shuffle and once it reaches the limit i.e, 20/5=4 disable the random button.

Declare array that contains already generated number in extension or header file
#property (strong, nonatomic)NSMutableArray *existingNums;
#property (assign, nonatomic)NSInteger maxLimit;
#property (assign, nonatomic)NSInteger minLimit;
Then implement given code in implementation file
#synthesize existingNums;
#synthesize maxLimit;
#synthesize minLimit;
- (NSInteger)randomNumber {
existingNums = [NSMutableArray array];
while (YES) {
NSNumber *randonNum = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:minLimit+arc4random()%maxLimit];
if([existingNums containsObject:randonNum]) {
if([existingNums count] == (maxLimit - minLimit))
return -1; // All possible numbers generated in the given range
[existingNums addObject:randonNum];
return [randonNum integerValue];
return -1; // return error
Hope this will help you :)

This one works for me:
NSMutableArray *numbers = [NSMutableArray new];
BOOL addElement = YES;
int limit = 100; // Range from 0 to 36
int numElem = 10; // Number of elements
int ranNum = (arc4random() % limit) +1;
if ([numbers count] < numElem) {
for (NSNumber *oneNumber in numbers) {
addElement =([oneNumber intValue] != ranNum) ? YES:NO;
if (!addElement) break;
if (addElement) [numbers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ranNum]];
} else {
} while (1);

The problem with all these answers is that you need to review your previous generated random numbers and that takes extra time if you need a large number of random integers.
Another solution is using cryptography:
Generate a random key
Iterate between 0..n
Encrypt each integer and apply modulo the number of alternatives do you want to use to the output of the function.
There are some extra details to take into account that don't matter for your case.


How to send values to Ivar in method

new to Objective-C and keeping it very very simple I'm looking to understand one thing at a time... I set up a very simple class called student all it does is add two numbers trying to see how things pass into and back from methods) **I rewrote the code ==>> look at end to see the version that works **
If I have a method that has
#property (nonatomic) int firstNum;
#property (nonatomic) int secondNum;
and I have an instance of my class called student I assign a value to firstNum like student.firstNum = 100; student.secondNum = 77; that is easy and the method adds them and sends the sum in a return
But in main I tried assigning it from an array and it did not work I tried
student.firstNum = [myIntegers objectAtIndex:0];
student.firstNum = [myIntegers objectAtIndex:i]; //using a for loop with i index
it says incompatible pointer to integer conversion
Here is the snippet from main I tried it's not complete it just is trying to set firstNum eventually I will also set up secondNum and send each pair to the method to get added together but for now I am stuck trying to get the firstNum assigned the value in myIntegers[i] to start
NSMutableArray *myIntegers = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSInteger i= 0; i <= 10; i++) {
[myIntegers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]]; // this works up to here
student.firstNum = [myIntegers objectAtIndex:i]; // this does not work
I also tried [i].
Here is my method:
- (int)addNumbers {
int sum = self.firstNum + self.secondNum;
return sum;
HERE IS WHAT WORKS : assuming I have a student object
(long)addNumbers:(NSNumber *)x :(NSNumber *)y {
long sum;
sum = [x integerValue] + [y integerValue];
return sum;
NSMutableArray *myIntegers1 = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *myIntegers2 = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSInteger i= 0; i <40; i++) {
[myIntegers1 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]];
[myIntegers2 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]];
long sum = [student addNumbers:[myIntegers1 objectAtIndex:i] :[myIntegers2 objectAtIndex:i]];
NSLog(#" The sum is %ld", sum);
You are creating a properties of type int, but in your for loop, you are trying to assign them an NSNumber.
NSNumber is a simple container for a c data item and can hold int, float, char, bool, etc.
Change your loop to be like that:
for (NSInteger i= 0; i <= 10; i++) {
[myIntegers addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]];
student.firstNum = [[myIntegers objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; // this 'extracts' the int value from the NSNumber

Printing a string object from an NSMutableArray

I stored some strings in objects and added the objects to an NSMutableArray. Now I want to print the strings in each element of the array. Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. I'm going to back and review these basics, but I was hoping someone could explain how I can print the string instead of the what looks to be the element address.
/** interface **/
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString*myNumber;
-(void)setNumber: (NSString*) randomNumber;
/** implementation **/
#synthesize myNumber;
-(void) setNumber:(NSString *)randomNumber
myNumber = randomNumber;
Fraction * aFrac = [[Fraction alloc] init];
[aFrac setNumber:#"5/6"];
Fraction * bFrac = [[Fraction alloc] init];
[bFrac setNumber:#"2/3"];
NSMutableArray * myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[myArray addObject:aFrac];
[myArray addObject:bFrac];
int i;
for(i = 0; i<2; ++i)
id myArrayElement = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"%#", myArrayElement);
for(i = 0; i<2; ++i)
NSLog(#"%#", myArray[i]);
Both for loops print the same thing.
When you pass a custom object to NSLog you have to override the -(NSString)description method in that object.
So in your Fraction class if you simply override this function like so
- (NSString*)description
return self.myNumber;
that should log out what you want.
I would probably think about renaming that property from number as you are storing a string.
Hope that helps
I'm guessing the Fraction type you created has a NSString property or method named number (to match the -setNumber: method), in which case you would use the following code to print it:
NSLog("%#", [myArrayElement number]);
Or, for the second loop:
NSLog("%#", [myArray[i] number]);
In your code both for loop meaning has same only, try below
for(i = 0; i<2; ++i)
id myArrayElement = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"%#", myArrayElement.number);
for(i = 0; i<2; ++i)
NSLog(#"%#", myArray[i].number);
Now here two array value you are extracting
[myArray objectAtIndex:i] which is equivalent to myArray[i]

Creating NSArray of repeated numbers

I want to initialize NSArray with given numbers of zeros. I need it to create an array of counters and in the end of the function return an index of the counter with highest value.
So the question is how to initialize NSArray of zeros of given length? Is there a good way to do it in 1-2 lines? Maybe there is a better way to count objects? How would you do it?
UPD: Here is the code of my existing function. It returns the maximum number of cards, which have the same rank.
+ (int)ranksMatched:(NSArray *)cards
NSMutableArray *ranksCounter = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[PlayingCard maxRank]];
for (int i = 0; i < [PlayingCard maxRank]; ++i) {
[ranksCounter addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
int maxIndex = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
for (PlayingCard *card in cards) {
int currentCount = [ranksCounter[card.rank] intValue] + 1;
if (maxCount < currentCount) {
maxCount = currentCount;
maxIndex = card.rank;
return maxCount;
I guess you want the group the cards by rank and return the rank of the largest group:
+ (int)ranksMatched:(NSArray *)cards
NSCountedSet *ranks = [NSCountedSet setWithArray:[cards valueForKeyPath:#"rank"]];
NSNumber *maxRank = nil;
NSUInteger maxCount = 0;
for (NSNumber *rank in ranks) {
NSUInteger rankCount = [ranks countForObject:rank];
if (rankCount > maxCount) {
maxRank = rank;
maxCount = rankCount;
return [maxRank intValue];
assuming you have
#interface PlayingCard : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign) int rank;
And cardsis an array of PlayingCard.

Getting a random object from NSArray without duplication

I have an NSArray with 17 objects, something like this:
NSArray *objArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects: #"1",#"2",#"3",#"4",#"5",#"6"
,#"7",#"8",#"9",#"10",#"11",#"12",#"13",#"14",#"15",#"16",#"17", nil];
and an int with a random number as follows:
int random = arc4random()%17+1;
I want to get a random object from this NSArray without it being a duplicate, even if I closed the app (maybe by using NSUserDefaults).
If I've gotten all the objects I want to generate a new random sequence for the same objects.
You could do this by making a mutable copy of the array, and after you make a random selection from that array, remove that same object. When you want to save the array, save the mutable array itself, so can resume where you left off when the app restarts. This little test app does that, and just logs the value of the random pick:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.objArray = #[#"1",#"2",#"3",#"4",#"5",#"6",#"7",#"8",#"9",#"10",#"11",#"12",#"13",#"14",#"15",#"16",#"17"];
self.mut = [self.objArray mutableCopy];
-(IBAction)pickNumber:(id)sender {
int index = arc4random_uniform(self.mut.count);
NSLog(#"%#", self.mut[index]);
[self.mut removeObjectAtIndex:index];
if (self.mut.count == 0) {
self.mut = [self.objArray mutableCopy];
As a starting point, you could shuffle your array:
+ (NSArray *)arrayByShufflingArray:(NSArray *)array
// Fisher-Yates algorithm
NSMutableArray *result = [array mutableCopy];
NSUInteger count = [result count];
for (NSInteger i = ((NSInteger) count) - 1; i > 0; i--) {
NSUInteger firstIndex = (NSUInteger)i;
NSUInteger secondIndex = arc4random() % (NSUInteger)(i + 1);
[result exchangeObjectAtIndex:firstIndex withObjectAtIndex:secondIndex];
return result;
Step through each shuffled element and when you get to the end, reshuffle.
It can still happen that an item is selected twice in a row when the last item of one shuffle is the same as the first item in the next shuffle. If you want to avoid this you'll have to add some additional code.
Just Copy and Paste
-(NSMutableArray*)getRandomValueFromArray:(NSMutableArray*)arrAllData randomDataCount:(NSInteger)count {
NSMutableArray *arrFilterData = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
NSInteger index = arc4random() % (NSUInteger)(arrAllData.count);
[arrFilterData addObject:[arrAllData objectAtIndex:index]];
[arrAllData removeObjectAtIndex:index];
return arrFilterData;
Note: count = number of random values you want to fetch from array.

Reversing "columns" in a table made from a NSArray

I have a NSArray made out of numbers 1..50, which represents a table with columns & rows.
I need to reverse only the order of the columns, while keeping the order of the rows.
So for example:
has to be
Right now, i use a huge IF statement for that:
for (dd *d in dates[i]) {
if (tileNum==0) {
reversedTileNum = 6;
} else if (tileNum==1) {
reversedTileNum = 5;
}else if (tileNum==2) {
reversedTileNum = 4;
}else if (tileNum==3) {
reversedTileNum = 3;
}else if (tileNum==4) {
reversedTileNum = 2;
}else if (tileNum==5) {
reversedTileNum = 1;
} else if (tileNum==6) {
reversedTileNum = 0;
Here's a solution that should be easy to drop into any project. It involves two categories: one on NSMutableArray that provides a method to swap objects at two indices, and one on NSArray that provides the -arrayByReversingGroups: method. The idea is to swap the elements in pairs within a group, reversing the group. If number of elements in the array isn't an even multiple of groupSize, the extras at the end are left untouched.
The code presented here is a complete program, so you can see an example of using -arrayByReversingGroups: in the main() function.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface NSArray(Reversible)
#interface NSMutableArray(Swappable)
-(void)swapObjectAtIndex:(int)first withObjectAtIndex:(int)second;
#implementation NSArray(Reversible)
NSMutableArray *newArray = [self mutableCopy];
// Iterate over the array in chunks of groupSize elements. i will be first index in
// the current chunk.
for (int i = 0; (i + groupSize) < [newArray count]; i += groupSize) {
// Iterate over the items in the current chunk, swapping the bth and
// (groupsize-b-1)th elements until they meet at groupsize/2.
for (int b = 0; b <= (groupSize / 2); b++) {
int first = i + b;
int second = i + groupSize - b - 1;
[newArray swapObjectAtIndex:first withObjectAtIndex:second];
return [newArray copy];
#implementation NSMutableArray(Swappable)
-(void)swapObjectAtIndex:(int)first withObjectAtIndex:(int)second
id temp = [[self objectAtIndex:second] retain];
[self replaceObjectAtIndex:second withObject:[self objectAtIndex:first]];
[self replaceObjectAtIndex:first withObject:temp];
[temp release];
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
#"1", #"2", #"3", #"4", #"5", #"6", #"7", #"8", #"9", #"10", #"11", #"12", nil];
NSLog(#"Original: %#", array);
NSLog(#"Reversed: %#", [array arrayByReversingGroups:5]);
return 0;
I can give you the logic.. you will have to write the code...
First create a function where you pass in an array(here you will send in a row.) then in this function create a new tempeorary array and store all the values for that row in this column then overwrite the original array in reverse order from this new array and return this to the full matrix and store it in there ... hope it helps.