How to reference a subform in MS Access - vba

In my MS Access application, I am using a form which contains only two controls - a textbox and a command button. This form is named as HEADER FORM.
HEADER FORM is used as a subform in header section of various other forms.
What I want to do is that whenever a particular form loads, I want to fill details in the textbox of the HEADER FORM (that will be name of the person who has logged in. The same would be clear from the picture below).
I am trying to call a global subroutine named updateHeader in form load event of all the forms.
Public Sub updateHeader()
Me![HEADER FORM].Form.txtHeaderName.Value = strPerson
End Sub
Following is the picture showing HEADER FORM in Design View and the same being used as a subform in a login form.
I tried various other options but am not able to come out with the correct way to reference the form. Am I doing something wrong fundamentally?
The error that I am seeing is invalid use of Me keyword.
Also, my updateHeader subroutine is a global subroutin which is called from Form_Load event of all the forms.

If your updateHeader() procedure is contained in a standard module, that would explain the complaint about the Me keyword ... it's not valid in a standard module.
In a form module, Me means "this form".
You could change the procedure declaration to accept a reference to a form.
Public Sub updateHeader(ByRef TheForm As Form)
' Me![HEADER FORM].Form.txtHeaderName.Value = strPerson
TheForm![HEADER FORM].Form.txtHeaderName = strPerson
End Sub
.Value is the default property and therefore not needed here, so I left it out. But it won't hurt to add it back if you prefer.
You can then call the procedure from the parent form, and pass the procedure a reference to itself (the parent form).
updateHeader Me

I got these "syntax versions" from Wiley.Microsoft.Office.Access.2007.Bible:
When referencing subform controls:
When using/referencing subforms within subforms, use the following syntax:


How can I simulate a keyPress event on a combo box when I click a buton on the same form im MS Access

I'm creating a form in MS Access with 10 butons simulatin a numeric keypad (only the values 0..9).
I would like to change the value of a combobox control in a subform each time I click on one of these butons. The combo box control is named "projectID"
I tried this but it is not the same as pressing the same key on a keypad.
Private Sub Buton3_Click()
Call Me.frmServDedicacion_Subformulario.Form.projectID_KeyPress(51) 'Ansii code for 3
end sub
I put this procedure as keypress event in order to verifiy the combobox method is executed, and it does (msgbox is ok) but the combobox doesn't receive the KeyAscii value.
Public Sub projectID_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
MsgBox Chr(KeyAscii)
End Sub
This looks like a problem referring to a control on a sub form from the main form. I still have trouble getting this right so I use a cheat sheet:
I created a main form called main and put 10 buttons named button0 - button9 on the form and I dragged a form called mysubform onto the main form to create a subform. mysubform has a textbox named projectID. Then just set the click event to button0 to:
Private Sub button0_Click()
Me!mysubform.Form!projectID = 0
End Sub
Don't forget similar click events for buttons 1-9
some things that may be helpful:
! is the bang operator see:
Bang Notation and Dot Notation in VBA and MS-Access
by default, when you drag a form to create a subform control on another form, access gives the subform control the same name as the dragged form. so here mysubform refers to the subform control and not the original form used to make the subform.
Then .Form gets the form wrapped by the subform control.
I hope this answers your question

How to reference events on objects in a subform from inside the main form

Imagine a form that, for demontration purposes, contains only a subform and a textbox that need to mirror each other.
I tried to accomplish this by setting the Control Source on the textbox to the value of the field in the subform and this worked to make them mirror each other, but the textbox isn't editable so this is an unsuitable solution.
The next thing I decided to try was using the AfterUpdate event on both controls to run code that sets the value of the other control.
This is easy for the textbox:
'Set value of Notes field on subform whenever value of the corresponding textbox
Private Sub Notes_Textbox_AfterUpdate()
Me.subform.Form![Notes] = Me.Notes_Textbox.Text
End Sub
However, this isn't as simple for the subform field. I don't know how to reference an event on a field in a subform in a way that will still allow me to reference controls outside that subform.
As a demonstration, I need a way to do this:
Private Sub subform_Notes_AfterUpdate()
Me.Notes_Textbox.Text = Me.subform.Form![Notes]
End Sub
I can access the subform fields AfterUpdate event within the scope of the subform but if I do that, then I can't access the Textbox because it is in the main form, not the subform.
So I either need a way to define an event function on a field in a subform from within the scope of the main form, or a way to make the textbox part of the subform while maintaining the subforms ability to open in datasheet view.
Not sure I get the whole problem (how does datasheet view come into play?), but this should do what you want:
(in the subform)
Private Sub Notes_AfterUpdate()
Me.Parent!Notes_Textbox.Value = Me![Notes].Value
End Sub
Edit from comment: By far the easiest solution would be a continuous form instead of a datasheet in a subform.
You can have two textboxes, a one-liner in the Details section, and a large one in the form header or footer. Both have the same control source and are automatically updated when the other one is edited. No code required.
If it must be a subform-datasheet, you can use a similar approach: bind the main form to the same recordsource, and in On Current of the subform, move the main form to the same current record.

How to have subforms load after the the main form in access 2010

I have an Access 2010 database, with document information in a primary table.
I have forms that display specific document type information (credit card statements, invoices, etc.) from the table.
I have a main form, with separate subforms, each subform representing a specific document type.
I want to be able to filter from the main form, so that each document type subform displays only the documents that fall within a user-specified dollar amount range.
I'm thinking, that if I can get the sub forms to open after the main form (the reverse of this is the default order), I can set the filter in the open event of each sub form, from the main form, and get my desired results.
What I have found to cause the sub forms to open after the main form, is to remove the SourceObject from the Data tab of the Properties sheet of the sub form; and then assign the sub form name to the SourceObject property in vba in the open event of the main form.
The example I have is Me.MySubForm.Form.SourceObject = "frmSubFormName", where everything on the left is verbatim, and frmSubFormName is the name of my subform.
This isn't getting past the compiler - it's complaining about MySubForm, and unfortunately the post/blog with the example doesn't indicate what "MySubForm" is, in assigning the SourceObject property to my sub form name.
Any thoughts on this approach to the filtering?
Can anyone shed light on the syntax of setting the SourceObject; or perhaps provide another way of having the sub forms load after the main form?
Thanks in advance.
Remove the Form class object reference. Recommend naming the subform container control different from the object it holds, such as ctrSomething
Me.ctrSomething.SourceObject = "frmSubFormName"

pass control values window forms

I have a form with 5 controls.
For textbox I am accesing like frmNote.txtNumber.Text.
When I am accessing this property directly from form frmNote then I am getting the value of textbox.
But when I created a method for example NewMethod() in different vb file and call this method from frmNote form button click event then I am not able to access frmNote.txtNumber.Text value over there inside method.
It is coming blank. Do I need to pass all control values to method from form or is there any other way around.
Because txtNumber isn't shared, you can't access it from other class. You must pass it's value to NewMethod. Code will look like this:
Public Sub NewMethod(text as String)
'Use text
End Sub
And calling NewMethod:

Access Subform Source object

What I am trying to achieve is for a combo box (Combo_sf) selection to dictate the form in the subform control (sf_record) I have about 10 forms, their names are in the combo box data. I am new to VBA and am not sure if my approach is right:
Private Sub Combo_sf_AfterUpdate()
Dim strLoadTable As String
strLoadTable = "Form." & Me.Combo_sf.Value
MsgBox strLoadTable
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.Form.SourceObject = strLoadTable
End Sub
I have placed this in the combobox's after update event but when I make my selection nothing happens in the form. Am I approaching this right or would another way work better?
Your approach should work. I put a combo box named cbxSubform on my main form and added one line of code to its AfterUpdate() event handler...
Private Sub cbxSubform_AfterUpdate()
Me.mySubform.SourceObject = Me.cbxSubform.Value
End Sub
...and changing the selection in the combo box switches the subforms immediately. Are you sure that the AfterUpdate() code for your combo box is actually firing? (You could add a MsgBox or a Debug.Print to check.)
It could be this line which is tripping you up:
strLoadTable = "Form." & Me.Combo_sf.Value
What is your form object called? If your form is called Form.myTableName it could be the . that is throwing it out, try setting it to a form without a dot in its name.
In this line, it seems the code attempts to change the SourceObject property of a Form object.
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.Form.SourceObject = strLoadTable
However, SourceObject is a property of a subform control, not the form contained in that control. So if the subform control is named sf_record, do it this way.
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.SourceObject = strLoadTable
Also, if the after update procedure runs from [frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings], you can use Me to refer to the form.
Me!sf_record.SourceObject = strLoadTable
Finally, if Me.Combo_sf.Value is the name of a form, you don't need to prefix its name with "Form.". It worked either way in my test, but I would just leave off "Form.".
strLoadTable = Me.Combo_sf.Value