Is there a way to expose "find" functionality in a node-webkit application? - node-webkit

Do I need to write my own find functionality to allow users to find text content on a page, or is there a way that node-webkit can expose pre-existing webkit find functionality?

Currently you can do this in your app with some library like this:
In current node-webkit there is no native UI to support this feature, but we'll see it in future if it has advantage.


Is there any extension example on implementing property editor in vscode?

I have been searching thru the documents and tutorials looking for api / extension examples to implement a GUI like the screenshoot above.
Is there any existing api to implement property editor? or do i need to implement GUI from scratch?
No, there's not. You can implement an own GUI via webviews, but that's about it.

Which is the correct technical name of those products, and a list of availables

I'm trying to find other type of products which allows me to create a desktop app through html5 + javascript. Actually I found these three but I still don't know their technical name so I really can't search for them on google. Any suggestion about this?
Also, I'm looking for a list of similar products, to choose the one that fits my needs.
I really like how you build interfaces with html + css + javascripts with great results, but I need quite good interaction with the O.S. to handle window. Expecially, I were looking for transparent windows which seems not implemented on node-webkit at the moment, while on AppJS seems ok but I don't like the idea of serving the content like a webserver, I prefer the node-webkit approach.
Search for "HTML5 Desktop" and you will find all the platforms that allows you to build desktop apps using html5 in the first page like appjs, tidesk, pokki, node-webkit etc.

Best practice for Java EE application development using extjs and Sencha Architect

I am a newbie to extjs and kind of new to javascript world also. I have developed applications in jsp/servlet, JSF etc.
We are planning to use extjs along with Sencha Architect to develop UIs for our application.
Being new I have several questions for which I am searching answers
Q1. How should we use Sencha Architect in multi developer environment in terms of versioning. Shall we checkin the Architect project into svn and ask each developer to work on same project.
Q2. What should be the structure of Sencha Architect project (Basically how to make sure each developer is working on his/her individual module without affecting others component).
Is there any best practice for this.
Q3. What is the best practice for developing an application which contains several pages along with navigation. Should we create a single html file (with lot of javascript to modify the body) or should we have multiple html?
yes, it should certainly be in source control. you will want developer-specific settings to not be in source control however.
the best way is to create an application "shell" with menu bars, and load in modules/plugins and have them register with the application, adding their own menus etc.
definitely a single page application. security remains on the server though (for example in your REST API). security is irrelevant on the client as they have control over source code. you should just hide functionality that a user should not use.
How to load different views into viewport?

Cross-Platform GUI development between wxPython and Mono

I've been thinking to give GUI development a try lately and am torn with the choice of between wxPython and Mono.
Judging from what I've seen out there, wxPython people seem to use the WebKit trick to produce nice (doesn't have to be beautiful) UI.
How hard is it to do the following in each of the platform:
1) Custom Control
2) Use HTML rendering
I don't quite understand how far the HTML rendering works via WebKit in wxPython (i.e.: does it support separate CSS/JS files? how's the JS support? do we need to write extra wxPython code to run the JS? how hard it is to integrate between JS events and wxPython widgets? what are the usual strategy of integrating WebKit with wxPython?)
Mind to share your thought on this subject? I specifically pick either wxPython or Mono, not Java Swing for no reason.
PS: I'm aware of certain limitation of cross-platform UI (as in: it won't be 100% native) and I could care less of such things.
wxPython has wxWebkit available via the new WebView widget, but WebKit is only available on Mac and Linux right now. WebView uses a different rendering engine on Windows called Trident from IE (see So you'll want to keep that in mind.
Either way, we're talking about browser engines that display HTML, CSS, etc. They should, theoretically, display whatever those engines support. You'll have to look up their specifications to be sure and also make sure to check if the port supports everything. As I understand it, they should definitely support the usual HTML and CSS and I would assume normal javascript. If I were you, I'd just create a simple window in wxPython and then load the web page you've created and see how it works.
I don't know how the javascript communicates with wxPython or if it even does. You'll want to ask on their mailing list for that kind of information.

mixing JQuery and Objective C

Is it possible to use the JQuery effects in the existing Xcode project?
Please let me know if it is possible.
Short answer without more details is probably no, inasmuch as Objective-c is a compiled language that produces a runtime package that will run on the appropriate devices and JQuery is a set of javascript libraries that are interpreted when run in a browser or or on a server side javascript engine such as NodeJs.
It's possible you might be writing an application in Xcode that users a browser window so once you are inside a browser then the answer might be yes you can run JQuery inside that but this supposes that you are writing html/js inside this area.
THe other question would be why do you want to? If you are writing XCode then you have full access to all the Apple UI's which are native to the touch devices you are developing for and probably (certainly) give you a much wider set of options.