When is available to buy Surface with Windows 8 Pro? [closed] - windows-8

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Based on windows site, it says Surface with Windows 8 Pro coming soon. So question is when it will on the market?

Microsoft announced couple months back that Surface pro will be available after 3 months of Surface RT launch. That puts the launch date around late January or early February.
Surface Pro availability
The product is expected to be launched approximately 90 days after Windows 8, which points to a February release roughly three weeks after the Consumer Electronics Show which will be the focal point for the tech industry in the first quarter of 2013.


Windows 10 and Hyper V functionality [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have Windows 8 Professional and use the Hyper V functionality.
Recently I signed up for Windows 10 and a thought struct me i.e. do we keep all the functionality of Windows 8.
More importantly:
Do we get Hyper V in Windows 10 if we have it already installed on Windows 8? Y/N
Do we have to buy/upgrade to Windows 10 Professional to get the Hyper V functionality? Y/N
If I have to buy/upgrade to Professional for Windows 10 I wont be upgrading because I am 100% sure the new features wont be that great that I really feel the urge to upgrade.
If you upgrade from Windows 8 Pro you'll get Windows 10 Pro and will still have Hyper-v.
See http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-faq

IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 Trail Issue [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I Worked on IBM MobileFirst Platform App. is it 30 days trial?
There is no expiration date on the Developer Edition. It is free for all time.
The only restriction is that you may not use it to deploy applications to production environments - for this you must purchase a license from IBm.

What is the most effective way of deploying a pre-release Windows Phone 8.0 App to an end user for test purposes? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am developing a business App for Windows Phone 8.0 specifically tailored to my customer.
They are in a differnet country, and non technical.
To support agile development I want to provide them with early version of the App on a regular basis before a proper release/rollout.
I can't find any simple answer on how this is supported.
My customer doesn't have a windows 8 PC, or enterprise sideloading set up (I only know that as a 'thing').
The best way undoubtedly is beta release. You can add mail ids of your beta testers(this should be the same as the store id that they have signed in on their device with)
Here is more info:-

Windows Server 2012 Standard entitlement in Microsoft Action Pack Subscription [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In the Microsoft Action Pack Subscription Windows Server 2012 Std shows "2" as the entitlement.
I'm not sure what this means. A "normal" Server 2012 Std includes:
1. One activation for the host (Hyper-V)
2. Two activations for guests on the same host
....making a total of three activations
I'm pretty sure from reading some threads that partners don't get the same as a normal Std license, but it's pretty fuzzy.
Does anyone know what the story really is?
It looks like you can perform only two activations:
On bare metal
As a VM

Will Microsoft make exceptions on their BizSpark entry requirements [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The company I work for is about three and a half years old but we haven't started developing software until recently. Is the less than three years old rule absolute or will they make exceptions?
I don't realy know if that's the reason you are interested in bizspark but if you sign up for the free software through this:
and then follow the links on the e-mails, you can get legitimate copies/keys of the software!