Qt QAbstractModel looking for data - sql

I have my own QAbstractTableModel connected to SQLite. I get data from database and write it to my list by column name. I don't want handle to my table by SQL query when I'm looking for data.
What do you think about? Is it normal?
Please give me some advice.

To search the data in a model you can use QSortFilterProxyModel. You set your model as source model for the proxy model, and display the proxy model in a "search results" view.
You can use setFilterRegExp() and setFilterKeyColumn() to specify for instance the name you are looking for and your "name" column. You can also subclass it if you want more complex filtering. There is an example in the doc.

No, QtSQL module doesn't provide any ORM, so you have to write SQL queries on your own.
However, you can use QSortFilterProxyModel (or subclass it, or even put filtering code in your subclass of QAbstractTableModel) for searching/filtering. But I advise you not to do so, because relational databases may (and with high probability will) optimize your search.


Can I use straight SQL in Django models?

And, if I can, does that mean I lose my advantage of treating the results as objects? I find complex queries confusing in many ORMs, not just Django's. But, it is probably because I have never really used an ORM. Does anyone use straight up SQL anymore?
edit: Am I defeating the purpose of having a framework if I bypass the ORM completely? They all have a "nifty" ORM, but when it comes to queries with lots of subqueries, derived tables, it doesn't look pretty.
Using Django's QuerySet API you have different possibilities:
You can use extra() which will return a queryset which evaluates to model objects. Therefore it is, as the name says, somehow limited, because for returning model instances it is necessary to eg. query the model's table. But you have the possibility to add additional SQL eg. the WHERE or ORDER clause. Querysets that use extra() can still use the features of the ORM - like chaining multiple filter() for example.
raw() returns a RawQueryset which also can be iterated over to get model instances, but you loose a lot of features that the ORM would normally provide.
And of course you can execute SQL directly, using a low level connection cursor API (no model instances of course).
Study the documentation on raw queries, there's also a lot of information on eg. how to map a model's fields on the data coming from a raw query and documeting a few gotchas when passing parameters into the query.
To also answer your edited question: I wouldn't use raw SQL when you can do it with the ORM, but of course the ORM is limited and if you need to do some more complex stuff you will always have to switch to SQL (but sometimes using extra() is enough-so you can still use the advantages of the ORM). Don't forget that the ORM works with every DB backend, while the custom SQL might not work with every database.
You can use raw SQL to either return objects; or if you want you can bypass the ORM completely.

Storing dynamic fields with Doctrine2

in our app, we are looking to use doctrine2, however, there is one feature we want to offer but am completely confused as to how it would work.
we want our customers to be able to define custom fields to our standard objects. so, these fields would be made on-the-fly, and not part of the object definition that is known and mapped by doctrine.
our first thought was to use nosql (mongodb or amazon dynamodb) to store some of this data, but since we want to use doctrine to handle our core objects, we would like to stay within the realm of doctrine to achieve this without have to extend beyond it to store this data.
one thing on my mind was using doctrine's ability to serialize/unserialize complex objects and just have like a hash of custom field names and their values as an extra property in the object, however, this would not allow us to have a feature that would search these fields if we ever wanted to allow that...
anyone ever attempted to do this with doctrine2 or any orm variant?
You could consider using Doctrine ODM, which is Doctrine 2 but for NoSQL - I believe they support at least MongoDB.
Another approach would be to use serialization as you said. You probably shouldn't worry about search too much - I would recommend to use a separate fulltext search engine (Solr, ElasticSearch, or other) as they provide much more versatility and performance for search vs SQL fulltext search.
Third, you could use Doctrine alongside with NoSQL. In this case, you probably should abstract your querying into a service class or such, so that you can use Doctrine to query for the data from your SQL DB, and some other to query the remaining data.
Finally, you could consider using a key-value table. One column represents the key, another the value.

Kohana ORM & MVC

although I am pretty decent at PHP I am new to frameworks.
started with CI last week and found myself looking at Kohana this week.
I have few questions to that regard:
why ORM vs traditional SQL or active queries?
if the model must fetch data from DB , how come in ORM most of the action happens in the controller ( or so it seems ) ie ( $data=$q->where('category', '=', 'articles')->find_all();}
how would I do a conditional query in ORM? ( something like if (isset($_GET['category']))...etc ) if the condition is passed to the model? or should the controller do all the conditions
FYI my queries tend to have numerous joins and my limited knowledge tells me that I should have a query controller that passes queries parameters to a query model which does the query and returns results.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct
thank you very much
ORM is some kind of wrapper over the DB layer. So, you just call $user->find($id) instead of $db->query('select * from users where id='.$id) or DB::select()->from('users')->where('id', '=', $id)->limit(1)->execute(). You declare model params (table name, relations etc) and use only model methods to work with its data. You can easily change DB structure or DB engine without modifying a lot of controller code.
Agree with Ikke, controller should avoid model specific data like query conditions. For example, create method get_by_category($category).
See #2. All args you want should be passed into model method (this can be done using chaining, like $object->set_category($category)->set_time_limit(time())->limit(10)).
ORM is just another way to get at your data. The idea is that there are many common kind of operations, and that could be automated. And because the relations between tables can easily be translated to objects referencing eachother, ORM was created.
It's up to you if you want to use the supplied ORM module. There are others which are also commonly used (like sprig, jelly and auto-modeler).
My personal opinion is to limit that kind of operations to a minimum. Very simple operations can be done this way, because it barely produces any advantages in placing them in the model, but the best way is to try to put the business logic as much in the models as possible.
Another point is that it should be the view that gets the data from the models. That way, when you want to reuse a view, very little code has to be duplicated. But to prevent too much logic getting in your views, it's recommended to use so-called viewclasses which contain the logic for your views, and is the interface for your views to talk to.
There is a Validation library to make sure that all the data for your model is correct. Your models shouldn't know about $_GET and $_POST, but the data from those arrays can be passed to your models.

What is the best way to create mapping from SQL database to GUI?

I think its quite usual task, but still solutions I saw look not so nice.
For example in Qt used approach based on MVC pattern -- you must assign all connections manually.
Or I remember one PHP engine where pages were creating from DB schema.
Which are other approaches? Which one you are prefer? What are the best practices?
Usually, there is not a one to one mapping from the database to the GUIThere are many subtle combinations that change between how you store the data and how that stored data is visualized and edited by the user.
however, you can automate a datamodel layer in your code with tools like Hibernate. You will still need to use the model as required to present your user interface.

What to do with queries which don´t have a representation in a domain model?

This is not specific to any language, it´s just about best practices. I am using JPA/Hibernate (but it could be any other ORM solution) and I would like to know how do you guys deal with this situation:
Let´s suppose that you have a query returning something that is not represented by any of your domain classes.
Do you create a specific class to represent that specific query?
Do you return the query in some other kind of object (array, map...)
Some other solutions?
I would like to know about your experiences and best practices.
Actually I am creating specific objetcs for specific queries.
We have a situation that sounds similar to yours.
We use separate objects for reporting data that spans several domain objects. Our convention is that these will be backed by a view in the database, so we have come to call them view objects. We generally use them for summarising complex data into a flat format.
I typically write a function that performs a query using SQL and then puts the results into either a list or dictionary (in Java, I'd use either an ArrayList or a HashMap).
If I found myself doing this a lot, I'd probably create a new file to hold all of these queries. Otherwise I'd just make them functions in whatever file they were needed/used.
Since we're talking Java specifically, I would certainly not create a new class in a separate file. However, for queries needed in only one class, you could create a private static inner class with only the function(s) needed to generate the query(s) needed by that class.
The idea of wrapping that up the functionality in some sort of manager is always nice. It allows for better testing, and management therefore of schema changes.
Also allows for easier reuse in the application. NEVER just put the sql in directly!!!. For Hibernate I have found HQL great for just this. In particular , if you can use Named queries. Also be careful of adding an filter values etc use "string append", use parameters (can we say SQL injection ?). Even if the SQL is dynamic in terms of the join or where criteria, have a function in some sort of manager is always best.
I will be more specific. We have three tables in a database
USER to TASK 1:n
I have a query that returns a list of all projects but showing also some grouped information (all tasks, open tasks, closed tasks). When returned, the query looks like this
NAME: New Web Site
I don´t have any domain class that could represent this information and I don´t want to create specific methods in Project class (like getAllTasks, getOpenTasks) because each of these methods would trigger a new query.
So the question is:
I create a new class (somenthing like ProjectTasksQuery) just to hold that information?
I return information within array or map?
Something else?
You might feel better after reading about Data Transfer Objects. Some people plain don't like them, but if it feels like a good fit to you, it probably is.