https to http redirect through htaccess for specific page only - apache

Though it may looks like a very common question, but nothing is worked for me. Below is my problem.
I need to redirect my domain from http to https through htaccess. (I found the code and it is worked fine for me). But at the same, i do not want to redirect to https for some video pages on my site ( because of previously written redirect rule, it tends to endless redirect loop.
Please suggest me on the same.

Well, you can check to see if you're already on https before you redirect. If https is not on, it won't redirect. I believe this is what you're requesting. If not, i'll modify my answer.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule .* https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]


Where to handle the redirection from HTTP to HTTPs?

I have a heroku application with a domain from godaddy.
My site is built with node and express.
My website is and I want it to always redirect to HTTPS (no matter if the users types the www or not).
Should I handle this within Heroku? Within node/express? In my index.html?
I've read in another answer that I'm suppose to use this code that has to do with apache. I am clueless on where to put this piece of code though.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !^on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
There are many ways you could achieve this.
In your situation, it looks like you can get Node/Express.js to redirect for you. See this answer for more information: Heroku NodeJS http to https ssl forced redirect.

Apache2 301 Redirect Not Working

I have attempted to read various documentation, as well as other answers online, and I cannot find a solution to my problem.
Here is my issue:
I have a permanent www to non-www redirect setup to point traffic from to
This works, but I am having issues when trying to visit specific urls. For example:
We have three PDFS that we would like people to be able to download via:
When i visit the url like this it works, but if I try to visit something like this:
The browser gets redirected, and strips one of the slashes out, resulting in "the site cannot be reached error". This is the url I end up with in the browser:
I think its pretty clear that I need to somehow make sure there is a forward slash put before the paper, but I do not know how to do this. Below you will find my .htaccess directive for handling the redirect:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1/ [R=301,L]

301 Redirect from http to https same page name

checked the Forum but could not find an ideal answer. I have recently installed a SSL Certificate on my site and in the process of creating 301 redirects via the .htaccess file for nearly 400 page urls (to keep Google happy). I thought of using;
redirect 301 /contact.php
but it breaks the site. The only solution I have seen is;
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^contact\.php$ [L,R=301]
The above seems a lot of code to use for each of the 400 pages! is there a quicker way with less code I can use in the .htaccess file?
Many thanks. Hope someone can advise.
There are two basic ways of redirecting pages with Apache: Redirect (of mod_alias) and RewriteRule etc. (of mod_rewrite).
Redirect is very simple: it will just redirect a single URL to another. It can be useful sometimes, but it's usefulness is limited to its simplicity: in the case of HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection, it can't differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS connections, so it will just try to redirect to HTTPS even if you're already on HTTPS (and thus you end up in an infinite redirect loop).
RewriteRule, on the other hand, is more advanced and flexible. You can use RewriteCond to conditionally redirect requests; in your case, you'd want to redirect requests only if they're on a HTTP connection.
As you mentioned, you want to redirect to HTTPS for many (I presume all) requests; you can easily do this with only a single rule:
# Enable rewrites
RewriteEngine on
# Only run next RewriteRule on HTTP connections (not HTTPS)
RewriteCond ${HTTPS} off
# Redirect any page to the same URL with https:// schema
RewriteRule (.*) https://${SERVER_NAME}/$1 [L,R=301]
(The ${SERVER_NAME} variable will automatically be equal to your domain name, so you can even use this on web servers with multiple domain names.)

mod_rewrite redirect specific .asp pages back to original server

I need to redirect traffic for a section of a redeveloped site back to the original site with apache mod_rewrite rules. I need to redirect all requests starting with back to the original site with the query string or anything following page.asp intact.
This seems simple enough, however I have had no luck with mod_rewrite generators or documentation on the web. My latest stab at the problem looks like this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^page\.asp(.*)$\.asp$1 [R=301,NC]
I appreciate any insight into correcting this mod_rewrite rule. Other redirects are working fine.
I was able to get the rewrite to function properly using:
RewriteRule ^/page(.+)$1 [R=301,NC,L]
I found this apache doc helpful: Resource Moved to Another Server

Apache rewrite from root folder, force https

I would like to redirect traffic from to, but also enforce SSL on all pages.
Currently we have this in httpd.conf we found from a sample somewhere, but I don't think that it is working correctly all of the time.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ [R]
The ^/$ only matches if the request is for exactly /, i.e. the root of the site. Anything else is not matched by it. Try .* instead.
Note: if this rewrite rule is active for both the HTTP and the HTTPS version, that'll send you into an infinite redirect loop. In that case, you may need some kind of RewriteCond test, too.