Anything analogous to Grand Central Dispatch outside of Objective-C? [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
In the past few months, while doing iOS development, I got really comfortable with using the so called Grand Central Dispatch technology provided by default with ObjectiveC. With just a couple of simple calls, it allows me to do awesome things like:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
// Do stuff on the lowest priority queue here
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Do stuff with the above results here back in main thread/queue
I can basically fork off tasks on other threads of custom priority whenever I feel like it, and I can use the result in any way I want without having to put much effort into passing objects between threads, terminating threads, joining on then etc. According to Wikipedia, a more general name of that approach is the "thread pool pattern".
I feel like, as far as achieving parallelism is concerned, this is easier than a lot of other solutions I have used in the past (I'm thinking pthreads, but there's something analogous in most languages). I guess that a big part of the "ease of use" comes from the fact that iOS apps (OSX too? never wrote one myself) use run-loops and task queues for each thread, thus making work separable into discrete units, not something you generally start with in a blank program skeleton in most languages.
The question thus is, is there anything like GCD in other languages, or is it not a model popular outside of the Apple universe? I'm specifically interested in Clojure/JVM, since it does add a bunch of parallelization abstraction that might perhaps be analogous, but I'd love to know the same about other languages as well.

Grand Central Dispatch is at its heart a thread pool. Most languages have something similar, though GCD is nicer than most IMO. The most popular equivalent Java library is Fork/Join. Clojure also includes a number of concurrency functions for handling specific tasks, but for more general concurrency you'll want Fork/Join.

the dispatch API is in C and open source. so it isnt part of the objC runtime (though the runtime uses the dispatch api!)
something similiar.. mhm .... maybe the Parallel Task Lib Under Windows 8


Where do I find conceptual documentation for Windows Runtime? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm trying to learn enough about Windows Runtime to make a recommendation about what it would entail for my employer to port our existing applications to it. I'm having trouble finding documentation that provides a technical overview of how the API works.
All my web searches seem to lead me to API reference on MSDN, which is terse to the point of unreadability. It documents the formal signatures of API classes and methods, but seems to assume that the reader already knows how things fit together. The purpose of each method is usually just described as a terse sentence fragment that restates its name with spaces instead of CamelCase, and further explanations about restrictions, expectations and invariants beyond what is evident in the type declarations are almost completely absent. (This contrasts with the fairly informative "Remarks" sections in the reference documentation of the ordinary Win32 API).
Clearly, I'm not supposed to be using this documentation to develop an initial overview of how the API works. What am I supposed to be using?
Moving one level up in MSDN there is a section with the promising name Concepts and architecture, and some even more promising-sounding Programming concepts and Fundamentals -- but what they actually describe is a seemingly random selection of fairly specialized topics, certainly not what I need to make sense of the API reference.
Is there official documentation in book form that I need to buy and read? Something outside of MSDN? A secret MSDN link that I haven't been able to find?
I've seen this previous question which didn't get any real answers, perhaps because the it was phrased rather opaquely with $5 words like "ontology". In an attempt to explain better what I'm looking for, here are some examples of questions I hope the documentation I seek would tell me the answers to:
(Note that these are examples only. My primary goal is to find a specification that answers these and similar questions, rather than get answers to these specific examples.)
Windows.Networking.Sockets.StreamSocket has an InputStream property of type Windows.Storage.Streams.IInputStream, which I'm clearly supposed to use to read from the socket. But the only method of IInputStream is ReadAsync which reads into an IBuffer, and IBuffer is an interface that declares nothing but capacity and size properties. How do I get at the actual bytes being read? If I implement IBuffer myself, how will the system deliver them to me?
After hours of frustrated clicking and googling, I have tentatively concluded that the interface is a lie -- IBuffer is not something anyone can implement, but ReadAsync wants specifically a Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer (without the I), no matter what its type declaration says. Then it seems I can use DataReader to read the actual bytes from the Buffer. Is that really how it's supposed to go?
Hmm, it looks like DataReader has a constructor that takes an IInputStream, so perhaps I can cut out the Buffer middleman after all. However, this seems to be wrong, because DataReader's methods such as ReadBytes are synchronous and supposedly all I/O in WinRT is asynchronous; certainly the one declared method of IInputStream is. So how does that work?
After more frustrated googling and clicking: Oh, there's a LoadAsync method in DataReader that does ... something. According to MSDN, it "loads data from the input stream", but what are the conventions for using it? Am I supposed to call it just once immediately after constructing the DataReader, or can I call it multiple times to reuse the same DataReader for the next read operation? Does DataReader contain a circular buffer internally? What happens if I try to read more bytes than have been read asynchronously already? The super-terse documentation of the ReadFoo methods mention no exceptions or error conditions; neither do the class documentation for DataReader or IDataReader.
Apparently apps can be multi-threaded, since the supported Win32 APIs include things like InterlockedCompareExchange, EnterCriticalSection and so forth. But neither CreateThread nor the RTL's _beginthreadex seem to be supported, and there doesn't appear to be any Java-ish Thread class anywhere in the WinRT class hierarchy. How does one start a new thread?
Speaking about asynchronous I/O ... I'm quite comfortable with the general idea of asynchronous I/O and completion continuations, but what are the precise rules in WinRT for, say, which thread the completion routine is called in? If it's always the same thread I started the I/O operation from (which I hope!), do I need to make sure it enters some kind of alertable wait from time to time, so the system has a chance to call my code there?
Wikipedia claims that "WinRT is essentially a COM-based API, although relying on an enhanced COM." What exactly is this "enhancement"? If I follow COM rules and conventions, do I risk being bitten by things that work differently due to "enhancements"? Or, conversely, is there things I can do easier because of the enhancement?
The only description of how asynchronous callbacks work make it look like they are quite specific to the implementation language -- it looks fairly different between C#/CLR, JavaScript and C++/CX. What's actually happening at the COM/ABI level here? In particular, since the API documentation appears to assume that "C++" means "C++/CX", how does asynchronous I/O work if I use WRL instead? Or is it just the case that the await and then business is just language-provided sugar and the real ABI is always in terms of AsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler and so forth, as described in the API reference? But that's a delegate type; does that even have a well-defined meaning in terms of COM?
I've just noticed that there seem to be two parallel page hierarchies on MSDN describing the WinRT API:
Windows Store app development | API Reference | Windows API reference for Windows Store apps
This is the almost vacuous documentation I rant about in the question. However, some of the API elements are also described in
MSDN Library | Additional Resources | Windows Runtime C++ reference
which is slightly closer to the COM metal, and occasionally contains useful Remarks sections. For example its page for IBuffer reveals that implementations of IBuffer must also implement IBufferByteAccess which provides access to the actual bytes.
It is not ideal (and still seems to leave a lot of information implicit), but it is at least something.
I think this post could be a debate, but not a question.
WinRT Api and projections (c#/xaml or html/js etc.) references are in their first release and from my point of view at this time they are just a basic reference, not a extense documentation source.
This happpen usually with all recently created technologies, I think you just need to wait a couple of months and documentation will start to improve gradually.

Why would someone want to use JDBC instead of libraries like korma? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've read a blog post called Blogging with Noir, and I was honestly surprised that the author uses java.jdbc instead of libraries like Korma which I found surprising. What are the advantages of writing SQL queries in your code instead of letting tools do it for you?
I guess it is for the usual reasons that you might choose to use an API directly in Clojure rather than use a wrapper:
Existing knowledge: you already know the JDBC well and know that it will get the job done, why spend time learning a new abstraction unless there is a clear advantage?
Uncertainty - does the library have all the features you need? Will it continue to be maintained and implement new features in the future?
Stability - the wrapper may not yet be mature, so you run the risk of your code having to change if breaking changes occur / bugs are discovered.
Completeness - the wrapper may not (yet) encapsulate all of the functionality of the original API that you need
Overhead - sometimes extra layers of abstraction add a performance overhead that you don't need/want
Extra dependency - adds complexity to your build, and conceptual overhead in terms of the number of abstractions you need to keep in your head.
Ultimately it's a trade-off - the above are reasons that you might want to use the underlying API, but there are equally good reasons that you may choose to use the wrapper:
More idiomatic - a wrapper library is likely to give you much cleaner, more elegant code than a Java-based API (particularly if the Java API is imperative/stateful). You have to admit that Korma is pretty elegant!
More composable - Clojure wrappers tend to adopt a functional style, which leads to easy composability with other clojure code / libraries.
New features - often Clojure wrappers add extra functionality that the original API does not posess (for example, look at the data binding functionality added on top of Swing by Seesaw)
Korma IMO isn't nearly ready to be used as a full replacement for SQL. It's definitely handy, but right now a lot of my queries have (raw "...") snippets in them, and for more complicated stuff all the main querying is done inside SQL views which are then selected on via korma.
The main alternative, ClojureQL, doesn't even work with Clojure 1.3+
In short, it's hard to abstract SQL, and Korma - even though it tries to be minimal, meaning you still have to understand SQL pretty well to use it - isn't finished.
I can think about two reasons:
Almost everybody knows SQL, almost nobody knows Korma
This is a guess, because I do not know Korma myself, but raw SQL is sometimes suitable or even necessary if you want to do something specific like features that are only present in a particular database

Why is data flow programming not the norm? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I wrote a simple genetic algorithm to evolve the string "helloworld". I wrote it twice. The first time was written using classes. And the second time was written using just functions where the entire state of the genetic world is passed from one function to the mimic the data flow paradigm. Surprisingly, the code worked well for both the implementations. However, I managed to get it working only after painstakingly removing each and every bug, which was quite a laborious process.
And I asked myself.. there has got to be a better way. Write the code using classes was comparatively difficult than writing the same code using simple functions and I believe writing the same code visually, using something like labview for example would be a lot more easier than writing it only using simple functions.
To that extent, I read about data flow programming and visual programming and quite frankly it seems like it is more natural and intuitive to program in a visual, data oriented manner than in a statement-wise manner, which is what most programming languages enable us to do today. My question is.. if this is the case, why hasn't data flow, visual programming like "labview" become the standard?
I do not believe that data-flow / "Visual Programming" has nearly the performance of well-designed code.
Text-based code can express far more complex and subtle data structures and flows than anything graphical. It gives programmers detailed control over what gets copied, what gets accessed, and precise control over sequences of steps. I have a hard time seeing how data-flow could be that expressive.
Ultimately, data-flow /visual programming can only describe things that are already known. Text-programming (for lack of a better term) actually lets you express more. Programmers can create entirely new data structures and algorithms that simply haven't been represented visually yet.
It is dangerous to use a single problem as the basis for how programming languages should be designed. I'm not sure how the data-flow paradigm would improve GUI framework design, for instance.

Objective-C game development? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
if Apple announce their own gaming console as they did in past and i'm sure they will not support C++/C# games. so my question is that Is Objective-C is such fast and powerful to write efficient game Engine ?
Cocos2D is a very effective Objective-C Graphics engine, along with Box2D Physics Engine and a CocosDenshion Audio engine you can make some very nice games.
Objective-C is a fast, small-footprint language. Seeing as how it runs on the most successful Embedded mass-market platform - the iPhone. I'm not sure what justification you give that C++/C# is a better choice for games? As noted here, cached message sends are faster than C++ Virtual Method calls.
Most games on Apple devices are written in C/C++ with perhaps a thin facade of Objective-C. So you are pointing out a non-issue.
Also Objective-C is very fast since it's just a superset of C.
I'm sure that C++ would be always supported by Apple. It's really not possible to write optimized game like, for example Infinity Blade using only Objective C.
The reason of this is the huge flexibility of the language (while in most cases it's a big advantage but not in game development): it is achieved using runtime messaging, which uses a lot of implicit function calls (search in cache, search in methods, search in superclass cache and so on).
So almost everything is resolved at runtime in ObjC and it takes much time for processing.
26 years ago my using of C++ instead of C was laughed. Now almost game developers are using C++.
Likewise, the trends will change into objective-c in my opinion!
Use of C inside objective-c for better performance is not giving up objective-c but should be called performance tuning!

Why not use Interface Builder [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
I have seen some people who refuse to use Interface Builder and prefer to make everything using code. Isn't this a bit tedious and doesn't it take longer? Why would people do that?
This is usually a holdover from working in other environments with other UI builders. A lot of UI builder programs are viewed as newbie hand-holding at best and outright harmful at worst. Interface Builder is unusual in that it's actually the preferred way to create interfaces for the platform.
Some people don't like mixing code functionality in interface designs. Another example is when flash devs would include lots of code snippets directly in the stage (fla files), rather than in separate .as files. With xib it's not as big of a problem, since they are xml and can be merged quite easily when using source control. I personally like using xib's because we have a team of devs and designers -- splitting up the work load is nice. The designers can easily port their photoshop/fireworks designs into xibs and we can focus on the functionality.
Sometimes you want to do something that the UI builder can't quite handle (these situations aren't common, but they do come up now and then). Sometimes you may feel you have better control over what's happening when you write the code yourself. Me, I prefer to let the UI builders do it as much as possible, but sometimes it doesn't always work that nicely, and I sometimes have had to write the code myself.
Possibly because the Interface Builder is another tool to understand. Also, it's useful to know how to do things programmatically in case nibs don't give you enough functionality.