Getting width of text in UITextView (custom font) - objective-c

I have UITextView with custom font (ttf file), it works perfect, but when I am trying to get text's width with following code
CGFloat width1 = [textInput.text sizeWithFont:textInput.font].width;
textInput.frame = frame;
it doesn't work correct: width1 is less then real width of text..

Now in your code I don't know what's textInput, but probably is a string without the real font that the UITextView uses.
UITextView has the property attributedText, through which you can obtain a NSAttributedString.
After this you can obtain the size:
NSMutableAttributedString* attributedString=[myTextView attributedText];
NSSize size=[attributedString size];
Then size.width will be the width.


How to enlarge UILabel width (letter spacing) in Objective-C?

This is the code I am using for the UILabel title of my View Controller:
UIFont *bebasFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Bebas" size:100];
RestaurantsTitle.font = bebasFont;
RestaurantsTitle.text = #"RESTAURANTS";
and I need to enlarge the space between the letters of the title but I don't know how to do it.
Setting a width to the text field and not the frame would also work if that is also possible?
I need to enlarge the space between the letters
Use NSAttributedString and increase the kerning of the string.

sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize doesn't work with custom font

I'm trying to resize a UITextView to the size the text within it.
The problem is that Im using a custom font and it the text doesnt fit within the UITextView.
NSString *textToFit = #"pretty long text";
UIFont *customFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Museo-100" size:15];
CGSize sizeText = [textToFit sizeWithFont:customFont constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(textFrame.size.width, 1000)];
Where textFrame is the frame of the UITextView I want to adjust its height.
Im trying different fonts and also different files of the same font and still it never adjusts its height to the height that the text fills.
I've been searching and I dont find a solution. I've tried a workaround using a UILabel and the method textRectForBounds, but still no success, something on this lines.
UILabel *auxLabel = [[UILabel alloc]init];
auxLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
auxLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Museo-100" size:15];
auxLabel.text = //THE TEXT I WANT TO FIT IN
CGRect textSize = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, textDescription.frame.size.width, FLT_MAX);
CGRect frame = [auxLabel textRectForBounds:textSize limitedToNumberOfLines:0];
I think
UIView : sizeToFit
Should solve your problem.
sizeToFit Resizes and moves the receiver view so it just encloses its
Discussion: Call this method when you want to resize the current view so that it uses the most appropriate amount of space.
Specific UIKit views resize themselves according to their own internal
needs. In some cases, if a view does not have a superview, it may size
itself to the screen bounds. Thus, if you want a given view to size
itself to its parent view, you should add it to the parent view before
calling this method.

How to find the position of the last text line in a multiline UILabel or otherwise have UILabel have 0 padding

I have a UILabel that has both -numberOfLines set to 3 and text-size auto shrink and I need to align another UIView to this UILabel's last line of text. That is, I might need to align to the y position of line 0, 1 or 2, depending on the text inside the label (and the distance between these lines of text may vary depending on whether the text is long enough that it triggered font resizing).
UILabel doesn't expose a contentSize
the label's bounds extend past the last line of text (there seems to be a content inset), so aligning to the bounds won't work.
subclassing UILabel and doing something like this:
- (void)drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect {
UIEdgeInsets insets = {0., 0., -30., 0.};
return [super drawTextInRect:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, insets)];
just happens to work for the case where I have 3 lines and the font size was auto shrunk, but I still can'r figure out a generic way of subtracting insets for the general case, regardless of text size. And I don't seem to be able to use -boundingRectWithSize:options:context: either: it either returns a single line equivalent rect or, If I play around with the options, a a rect the same size of the original label (that is, including the extra insets I'm trying to get rid of). Mind you, the idea behind removing any insets is that if I have no way of knowing where the last line of text is, at least I can remove any insets in the label so that the last line of text aligns with the label's bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height.
Any thoughts?
I don't know if the problem was that originally I was using boundingRectWithSize on non-attributed text or what but now this seems to work:
NSString *text = <get text from CoreData>;
NSAttributedString *attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName: self.titleLabel.font}];
CGRect rect = [attributedText boundingRectWithSize:self.titleLabel.frame.size
if (!rect.size.height || rect.size.height > self.titleLabel.frame.size.height) {
attributedText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text attributes:#{NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:self.titleLabel.font.pointSize * self.titleLabel.minimumScaleFactor]}];
rect = [attributedText boundingRectWithSize:self.titleLabel.frame.size
self.titleLabel.frame = rect;
self.titleLabel.attributedText = attributedText;
While this doesn't really find the position of the bottom of the last line of text in the UILabel (the label still adds some padding at the bottom... not sure if to account for descenders), it adjusts the label's bounds close enough to the bottom that I can at least align based on bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height and it looks good enough.

How to fit a text with various length in a UITableViewCell?

What I have is:
a NSString which can have any length between 1 and 400 characters
a UITableViewCell (custom layout)
I tried using an UILabel with multiple lines, set the text, and call sizeToFit. That doesn't work always, most of the time the UILabel just clips off the part of the string that doesn't fit. Also, due the varying length of the text I'd need differently sized UITableViewCells, and at the time "tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath:" is called I don't know what the height will be.
So what I need is a non-scrolling UI element which is able to display text and resizes its height (the width should remain constant) to exactly fit the text. As mentioned the sizeToFit method produces mostly garbage.
You can use SizeWithFont: to calculate the desired height for your cell and store it in an Array so that you can return that height in HeightForRowAtIndexPath. If you need to update the text, just have a method that re-calculates the height, saves it to the array, and updates the table. Something like:
CGSize constraintSize;
constraintSize.width = 290.0f;
constraintSize.height = MAXFLOAT;
NSString *text = #"YOUR TEXT"
CGSize theSize = [text sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0f] constrainedToSize:constraintSize lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
NSLog(#"height: %f",theSize.height);
will give you the height.
This configuration should give you something simillar to what you see when you enter a loooong number in the phone app -
label.minimumFontSize = 4; //a very small font size
label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
label.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;// change to what works for you
label.numberOfLines = 0;
See lineBreakMode Documentation

How to make height of OHAttributedLabel scale with content height?

I use an OHAttributedLabel called demoLbl for displaying text with formatted areas. This label is laid out with Interface Builder and is connected to a property in my ViewController. After setting the attributedText to the label I want all the text to be displayed in the label.
If I don't resize the label then the text is cropped at the end of the label so the rest of the text is missing.
If I use [demoLbl sizeToFit]; then the height of the label is larger or smaller in height than the text (about 10 point, varying with the text's length) thus giving me blank areas at the bottom of my view (after scrolling) plus the width of the label is increased by about 2 points.
If I calculate the height of the original text (NSString) before putting it in a NSAttributedString and adding it to the label's attributedText property then the calculated height is way too small for setting it as the label's height.
Is there a hack or trick I can apply so that the label's height is adjusted according to the NSAttributedString's height?
PS: To be more specific I wanted to add OHAttributedLabel as a tag but it's not allowed to me yet.
I'm the author of OHattributedLabel.
I made some fixes recently about my computation of the size. Please check it out it will probably solve your issue.
I also added a method named sizeConstrainedToSize:fitRange: in NSAttributedString+Attributes.h that returns the CGSize of a given NSAttributedString (quite the same way UIKit's sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: works, but for Attributed strings and CoreText and not plain stings an UIKit)
Actually OHAttributedLabel's sizeThatFits: calls this method itself now.
You can see if this category gives you a more reliable height.
attrLabel.frame.size.height = [attrLabel.attributedString boundingHeightForWidth:attrLabel.frame.size.width];
I added this code to the implementation of the OHAttributedLabel class:
// Toni Soler - 02/09/2011
// Overridden of the UILabel::sizeToFit method
- (void)sizeToFit
// Do not call the standard method of the UILabel class, this resizes the frame incorrectly
//[super sizeToFit];
CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width, 20000.0f);
CGRect frame = self.frame;
frame.size = [self sizeThatFits:constraint];
[self setFrame:frame];
// End Toni Soler - 02/09/2011
Thank you Olivier for sharing your code!