Interpolate in one direction - matplotlib

I have sampled data and plot it with imshow():
I would like to interpolate just in horizontal axis so that I can easier distinguish samples and spot features.
Is it possible to make interpolation just in one direction with MPL?
SciPy has whole package with various interpolation methods.
I used simplest interp1d, as suggested by tcaswell:
def smooth_inter_fun(r):
s = interpolate.interp1d(arange(len(r)), r)
xnew = arange(0, len(r)-1, .1)
return s(xnew)
new_data = np.vstack([smooth_inter_fun(r) for r in data])
Linear and cubic results:
As expected :)

This tutorial covers a range of interpolation available in numpy/scipy. If you want to just one direction, I would work on each row independently and then re-assemble the results. You might also be interested is simply smoothing your data (exmple, Python Smooth Time Series Data, Using strides for an efficient moving average filter).
def smooth_inter_fun(r):
#what ever process you want to use
new_data = np.vstack([smooth_inter_fun(r) for r in data])


Difficulty fitting with Gaussian distribution

I am given two (long) finite sequences (i.e. numpy arrays) x and y of the same length. There graph is given here:
Array x uses the x-axis and is monotonically increasing. My goal is to fit the graph with Gaussian distribution such that the "major peak" is preserved, which looks something like this:
Here is a part of my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy import modeling
fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude = np.max(y), mean = y[np.argmax(x)],stddev = 1) #(1)
fitted_model = fitter(model, x, y)
plt.plot(x,fitted_model(x),linewidth=0.7, color = 'black')
plt.plot(x,y,linewidth=0.1, color = 'black')
plt.savefig('result.png', dpi = 1200)
My code results in the following:
It remains the same if I change the standard deviation in line (1). I figure I must have made some mistakes in line (1) but I have no idea why it is not working. If this is not possible in astropy, is there any work arounds?
As it is commented, I think Gaussian may not be the best distribution. I think I am actually looking for something similar to a perfusion curve. (In the picture AUC means "area under curve for infinite time" and "mTT" means "mean transit time".) The equation in the picture is not precise. The goal is to make sure the peak is best fitted. The curve does not need to follow the original data very closely as x is close to 0 or infinity. It only needs maintain smoothness and to roughly go down to zero (like the case for Gaussian). I need hints on what kind of function may best satisfy such a demand.

Power spectrum incorrectly yielding negative values

I have a real signal in time given by:
And I am simply trying to compute its power spectrum, which is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation of the signal, and is also a purely real and positive quantity in this case. To do this, I simply write:
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft, arange, rfftfreq, rfft
from pylab import *
lags1, c1, line1, b1 = acorr(((Y_DATA)), usevlines=False, normed=True, maxlags=3998, lw=2)
Power_spectrum = (fft(np.real(c1)))
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(c1), dx)
plt.xlabel('f (Hz)')
But the output gives:
which has negative-valued output. Although if I simply take the absolute value of the data on the y-axis and plot it (i.e. np.abs(Power_spectrum)), then the output is:
which is exactly what I expect. Although why is this only fixed by taking the absolute value of my power spectrum? I checked my autocorrelation and plotted it—it seems to be working as expected and matches what others have computed.
Although what appears odd is the next step when I take the FFT. The FFT function outputs negative values which is contrary to the theory discussed in the link above and I don't quite understand why. Any thoughts on what is going wrong?
The power spectrum is the FFT of the autocorrelation, but that's not an efficient way to calculate it.
The autocorrelation is probably calculated with an FFT and iFFT, anyway.
The power spectrum is also just the squared magnitude of the FFT coefficients.
Do that instead so that the total work will be one FFT instead of 3.
An fft produces a complex result (real and imaginary components to represent both magnitude and phase of the spectrum). You have to take the (squared) magnitude of the complex vector to get the power spectrum.

Bad result plotting windowing FFT

im playing with python and scipy to understand windowing, i made a plot to see how windowing behave under FFT, but the result is not what i was specting.
the plot is:
the middle plots are pure FFT plot, here is where i get weird things.
Then i changed the trig. function to get leak, putting a 1 straight for the 300 first items of the array, the result:
the code:
#wave data:
while i<1000:
#wave fft:
#wave Linear Spectrum (Rms)
#window data:
#window fft:
#window fft Linear Spectrum:
#window + sin
#window + sin fft:
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(431)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(432)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(433)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(434)
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(435)
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(436)
ax7 = fig.add_subplot(413)
ax8 = fig.add_subplot(414)
EDIT: as asked in the comments, i plotted the functions in dB scale, obtaining much clearer plots. Thanks a lot #SleuthEye !
It appears the plot which is problematic is the one generated by:
resulting in the graph:
instead of the expected graph from Wikipedia.
There are a number of issues with the way the plot is constructed. The first is that this command essentially attempts to plot a complex-valued array (fft_hann). You may in fact be getting the warning ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part as a result. To generate a graph which looks like the one from Wikipedia, you would have to take the magnitude (instead of the real part) with:
Then we notice that there is still a line striking through our plot. Looking at np.fft.fft's documentation:
The values in the result follow so-called “standard” order: If A = fft(a, n), then A[0] contains the zero-frequency term (the sum of the signal), which is always purely real for real inputs. Then A[1:n/2] contains the positive-frequency terms, and A[n/2+1:] contains the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency.
The routine np.fft.fftfreq(n) returns an array giving the frequencies of corresponding elements in the output.
Indeed, if we print the fft_freq_axis we can see that the result is:
[ 0. 1. 2. ..., -3. -2. -1.]
To get around this problem we simply need to swap the lower and upper parts of the arrays with np.fft.fftshift:
Then you should note that the graph on Wikipedia is actually shown with amplitudes in decibels. You would then need to do the same with:
We should then be getting closer, but the result is not quite the same as can be seen from the following figure:
This is due to the fact that the plot on Wikipedia actually has a higher frequency resolution and captures the value of the frequency spectrum as its oscillates, whereas your plot samples the spectrum at fewer points and a lot of those points have near zero amplitudes. To resolve this problem, we need to get the frequency spectrum of the window at more frequency points.
This can be done by zero padding the input to the FFT, or more simply setting the parameter n (desired length of the output) to a value much larger than the input size:
N = 8*len(num)
fft_hann=np.fft.fft(hann, N)
ax5.set_xlim([-40, 40])
ax5.set_ylim([-50, 80])

Put pcolormesh and contour onto same grid?

I'm trying to display 2D data with axis labels using both contour and pcolormesh. As has been noted on the matplotlib user list, these functions obey different conventions: pcolormesh expects the x and y values to specify the corners of the individual pixels, while contour expects the centers of the pixels.
What is the best way to make these behave consistently?
One option I've considered is to make a "centers-to-edges" function, assuming evenly spaced data:
def centers_to_edges(arr):
dx = arr[1]-arr[0]
newarr = np.linspace(arr.min()-dx/2,arr.max()+dx/2,arr.size+1)
return newarr
Another option is to use imshow with the extent keyword set.
The first approach doesn't play nicely with 2D axes (e.g., as created by meshgrid or indices) and the second discards the axis numbers entirely
Your data is a regular mesh? If it doesn't, you can use griddata() to obtain it. I think that if your data is too big, a sub-sampling or regularization always is possible. If the data is too big, maybe your output image always will be small compared with it and you can exploit this.
If you use imshow() with "extent" and "interpolation='nearest'", you will see that the data is cell-centered, and extent provided the lower edges of cells (corners). On the other hand, contour assumes that the data is cell-centered, and X,Y must be the center of cells. So, you need to be care about the input domain for contour. The trivial example is:
x = np.arange(-10,10,1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,x)
P = X**2+Y**2
My tests told me that pcolormesh() is a very slow routine, and I always try to avoid it. griddata and imshow() always is a good choose for me.

Numpy sum over planes of 3d array, return a scalar

I'm making the transition from MATLAB to Numpy and feeling some growing pains.
I have a 3D array, lets say it's 3x3x3 and I want the scalar sum of each plane.
In matlab, I would use:
sum_vec = sum(3dArray,3);
EDIT: I was wrong about my matlab code. Matlab only vectorizes in one dim, so a loop wold be required. So numpy turns out to be more
for i = 1:3
sum_vec(i) = sum(sum(3dArray(:,:,i));
You can do
sum_vec = np.array([plane.sum() for plane in cube])
or simply
sum_vec = cube.sum(-1).sum(-1)
where cube is your 3d array. You can specify 0 or 1 instead of -1 (or 2) depending on the orientation of the planes. The latter version is also better because it doesn't use a Python loop, which usually helps to improve performance when using numpy.
You should use the axis keyword in np.sum. Like in many other numpy functions, axis lets you perform the operation along a specific axis. For example, if you want to sum along the last dimension of the array, you would do:
import numpy as np
sum_vec = np.sum(3dArray, axis=-1)
And you'll get a resulting 2D array which corresponds to the sum along the last dimension to all the array slices 3dArray[i, k, :].
I didn't understand exactly what you wanted. You want to sum over two dimensions (a plane). In this case you can do two sums. For example, summing over the first two dimensions:
sum_vec = np.sum(np.sum(3dArray, axis=0), axis=0)
Instead of applying the same sum function twice, you may perform the sum on the reshaped array:
a = np.random.rand(10, 10, 10) # 3D array
b = a.view()
b.shape = (a.shape[0], -1)
c = np.sum(b, axis=1)
The above should be faster because you only sum once.
sumvec= np.sum(3DArray, axis=2)
or this works as well
Remember Python starts with 0 so axis=2 represent the 3rd dimension.
If you're trying to sum over a plane (and avoid loops, which is always a good idea) you can use np.sum and pass two axes as a tuple for your argument.
For example, if you have an (nx3x3) array then using
np.sum(a, (1,2))
Will give an (nx1x1), summing over a plane, not a single axis.