Is there a query analyzer in SQL Server 2005 Express edition? - sql-server-2005

I have downloaded the SQL Server 2005 Express edition and I was not able to fine query analyzer to run the queries or design the database.

You need to download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 (Or the 2008 version). It is also possible to design the database and run queries inside Visual Studio.


Cannot manage SQL Server Express 2014 with SQL Server Management Studio 2012

A client has upgraded a database from SQL Server Express 2008 to SQL Server Express 2014.
I have lost the ability to edit data, or open tables in design mode for the 2014 database. I can still write stored procedures to do these tasks.
I was successfully using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 to edit data and make changes to the SQL Server Express 2008 database, and still can to an archived copy.
Can anyone advise if SQL Server Management Studio 2012 can be used to edit data and make changes to an SQL Server Express 2014 database?
The answer is yes.
However in case you want to work with this new database you have on a sql server express 2014, i suggest installing sql server management studio 2014.

Updating version of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

I am currently running SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (version 10.0.1600.22) and I want to update due to a bug in this version.
All the documentation I have found so far has been for updating to SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express which I believe are different. Is that right?
I have also found links for updating SQL Server which I once again believe isn't what I'm looking for as I only want to update the client side.
Is there a way (or link) where I can update SQL Server 2008 Management Studio without having to reinstall it?
I believe the management tools for SQL Server 2008 R2 is backwards compatible with SQL Server 2008.
If you want to keep your database instance SQL Server 2008, just run the setup on the installation DVD and choose Maintenance -> Repair. At the screen to select the instance, there is an option to select "Repair shared features only". I don't have SQL Server 2008 DVD, only 2008 R2 DVD, but I believe the 2008 version works the same way.
Or if your computer doesn't have SQL Server database instance, you can do a fresh installation and choose only management tools. Example screen shots (for 2008 R2):
Good luck!

SQL server version 655

what update i need to install for version 655 in vs studio 2010 for the sql server.
Can anyone tell me what i need on my computer when creating a database using sql on vs studio 2010? I need to use version 655 cos thats the version being used on Uni Computers
SQL Server 2008 (655) and SQL Server 2008 R2 (661) are not the same thing (though it is a common misconception - a lot of people think they're the same because Microsoft made a terrible, terrible, terrible naming decision, making 2008 R2 sound like a service pack).
You can't attach/restore a 2008 R2 database to a 2008 instance, period. Though there are several workarounds (that also apply for attaching 2012 -> 2008, 2008 -> 2005, 2008 R2 -> 2005, etc). You can either upgrade the engine you're trying to connect to up to 2008 R2, or you can extract the schema / data from the database using generate scripts wizard, import/export data wizard, SSIS, or 3rd party tools like Red Gate SQL Compare (for a full list of alternatives see this blog post).
This comes up extremely often, did you search for "sql server version 661 655"? I came up with a whole bunch of hits using this search term and some slight variations, all on this site and dba.SE:
Failure attaching SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server 2005
Cannot attach 2008 R2 database to 2008 instance
Database restore error
Create Database in SQL Server 2012, Script and Use in 2008?
Cannot restore backup on SQL Server Express
How to automatically restore a SQL Server 2008 R2 backup file
Database "cannot be opened because it is version 661" when attaching .mdf file
Use database 661 version with SQL Server 2008
SQL Server: Attach incorrect version 661
If you are developing .NET based apps in visual studio 2010, then they will typically support all versions of Microsoft SQL Server. That does not mean you install SQL server INSIDE of visual studio, just that you can connect to a SQL Server instance running somewhere.
If you are asking "Where can I get a copy of SQL Server that my university is using?", that depends. For development, you can use a SQL Express installation on your local machine that matches the major release of SQL (2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012), or you can request the university (or someone else) grant you access to an existing SQL instance.

SQL server 2005 - compact edition and express edition

I have a database program developed in Visual Studios 2005. It uses SQL Express in creating and connecting to the database. I have created a deployment package with SQL Express. Can this be installed on a PC that has SQL 2005 Compact Edition installed?
SQL Express and SQL Compact are two different versions. You will need to install SQL Express on the PC as well.

How can I manage SQL CE databases in SQL Server Management Studio?

I have Sqlserver 2005 Express Edition only. and VS 2005. How to i create my .sdf file. and how to create tables in that file...
I am developing a SmartDevice Application. if any possible to access the Sql server 2000 DataBase without using .SDF file.
Note: in my system i have VS 2005, SQL SERVER 2000, SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition. And aslo i installed MS-SQL SERVER 2005 Compact Edition Developer SDK[ENU].
In my Sql server 2005 Studio, there is no any sqlserver compact edition in the EngineType Combo.
what are the things i need to do.. to perfectly run my application with Data Base.
Thanks, Thanks for previous one also.
To manage your SQL Compact 3.1 database file from Management Studio Express, you must install Management Studio Express 2005 SP2.