Delete all files and folder -

I want to delete all files and folders inside one folder.
If Not Directory.Exists(txtTXT.Text) Then
End If
Dim files() As String
files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(txtTXT.Text)
For Each element As String In files
If (Not Directory.Exists(element)) Then
File.Delete(Path.Combine(txtTXT.Text, Path.GetFileName(element)))
End If
My code only deletes the files, but not the folders... How can I delete all?

I revised my program, so I used this code..
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory( _
My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop + "\epubcount", _

Turn this code into a function. Make a recursive call to the function when you encounter a directory, passing the directory name to it. The function should also delete the directory that was passed in.


Merge pdf files with VBA and Foxit

I use Foxit Phantompdf, the complete version and ACCESS.
In our program, we have to save multiple pdf files, some of them should be merged in single files when saved.
Here is the code I use;
Dim phApp As PhantomPDF.Application
Dim n1 As String
Dim n2 As String
n1 = "c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf"
n2 = "c:\Temp\f3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN- facture.pdf"
Set phApp = CreateObject("PhantomPDF.Application")
Dim phCreator As PhantomPDF.Creator
Set phCreator = phApp.Creator
***'Call phCreator.CombineFiles("c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf|c:\Temp\f3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN- facture.pdf", "c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)***
Call phCreator.CombineFiles("""c:\Temp\" & n1 & "|'" & n2 & """" & ", " & """c:\Temp\F3769-190136-GROUPE OCÉAN.pdf"""" &", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)
When I try it with the complete files names (in bold) the code works perfectly.
However, when I try to use variables, I get a
"Argument not optional"
Can somebody help me ?
Your string definitions in call line is incorrect.
You have defined n1 and n2 with the c:\temp already, and in your string conversion you add this again. I do not know if this is the route cause to your issue.
Furthermore I do not know the actual needed syntax for this phcreator.combine()
But is it not possible using only:
call pHcreator.combine(n1 & "|" & n2, …
The 'Argument not option' might imply you should add another input to your pHcreator, I would guess it could have something to do with FOXIT's combine function page settings. Try adding a input variable integer at the end of the function maybe?
But the fact that it works when writing strings in clear text would maybe suggest that the string manipulations is not correct?
I'm not a vba professional, but interested in the outcome, working myself with Foxit and also want to combine with vba. I'm currently not using version 9 som I seem to be out of luck, and only upgrading it I know what I want to do is possible.
I tried it, but got the same error message. So I took advantage of the fact that the function works when the file names are in plain text. I copied the files to be merged in a temporary folder and rename them. The renamed files are the then used in the merge function. It works perfectly, but Foxit adds a table of content page, and I don't know, yet, how to remove it. Here is my solution:
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim addi As String 'file to be merged to main file
Dim princi As String 'main file
Dim phApp As PhantomPDF.Application
'A temporary folder, in this case c:\t2, should be present
'In this example c:\Temp is the working folder
addi = "c:\Temp\filetomerge.pdf" 'full path of file to be merged
princi = "c:\Temp\mainfile.pdf" 'full path of main file
'fadd,pdf and fmain.pdf are the temporay files used in Foxit's function
FileCopy addi, "c:\t2\fadd.pdf" 'temporary file to be merged in temporary folder
FileCopy princi, "c:\t2\fmain.pdf" 'temporary main file in temporary folder
'Merge action
Set phApp = CreateObject("PhantomPDF.Application")
Dim phCreator As PhantomPDF.Creator
Set phCreator = phApp.Creator
Call phCreator.CombineFiles("c:\t2\fmain.pdf|c:\t2\fadd.pdf", "c:\t2\fmain.pdf", COMBINE_ADD_CONTENTS)
'Save merged file in working folder under main file name
Kill princi
FileCopy "c:\t2\fmain.pdf", princi
'delete temporary files
Kill "c:\t2\fadd.pdf"
Kill "c:\t2\fmain.pdf"
End Sub

Folder handle not released after Dir checks for existence

The following code checks to see if a folder exists and, if not, creates it. The code works, but a handle that points to the folder is left open if it already exists, which prevents the folder from being deleted or renamed until Outlook.exe closes. I do not understand why this is happening or what to do about it, but a handle should not be open after the folder is checked and potentially created.
Sub Test()
Folder = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\NewFolder\"
Result = Dir(Folder, vbDirectory)
If Result = vbNullString Then
MkDir Folder
End If
End Sub
The first time through the code, the folder is successfully created and no file handles are open:
However, the second time through the code, the folder already exists. MkDir does not execute, but a file handle is left open presumably after Dir executes:
I have tried everything I could find to close all open file handles, but nothing has worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Based on the comments from braX, I was able to prove that the Dir call was somehow responsible for the leftover handle. Calling Dir again on a non-existent folder caused the handle to be released, which solved my problem.
A better solution, which was also suggested by braX, is to use a File System Object. Here is a working solution:
Sub Test()
Dim FSO As FileSystemObject
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Folder = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\NewFolder\"
If Not FSO.FolderExists(Folder) Then
MkDir Folder
End If
End Sub
Thanks, braX!

How to extract a zip file to directory and overwrite?

I made a little program that downloads a .zip file from my website and then later it installs in a specific directory. It works fine unless a file with the same name already exists, then I get an error. This is the code I have.
If Form1.CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
Label4.Text = "Downloading Test File!"
wc.DownloadFileAsync(New Uri(""), Directory + "\")
While wc.IsBusy = True
End While
ListBox1.Items.Add("Test File")
End If
If Form1.CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(Directory + "\", Directory_Select.TextBox1.Text)
ListBox2.Items.Add("Test File")
End If
So for example, if the files inside "" have the same name as Install location, it will give me following error:
The file 'filePath` already exists.
It doesn't finish extracting because a file with the same name already exists. Deleting the file beforehand is not a good solution because there will be multiple files with the same name.
How can I replace while extracting?
Also is there a way to pause the program till the file finishes extracting since some files are large and it takes some time before they are extracted.
Thanks in advance for helping me out, I am new and still learning. Appreciate your help.
Although the ExtractToDirectory method doesn't support overwriting files by default, the ExtractToFile method has an overload which takes a second boolean variable that allows you to overwrite the file being extracted. What you can do is to iterate over the files inside the archive and extract them one by one using ExtractToFile(filePath, True).
I have created an extension method which does just that and have been using it for a while. Hope you find it useful!
Add the following module to your project:
Module ZipArchiveExtensions
Public Sub ExtractToDirectory(archive As ZipArchive,
destinationDirPath As String, overwrite As Boolean)
If Not overwrite Then
' Use the original method.
Exit Sub
End If
For Each entry As ZipArchiveEntry In archive.Entries
Dim fullPath As String = Path.Combine(destinationDirPath, entry.FullName)
' If it's a directory, it doesn't have a "Name".
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Name) Then
entry.ExtractToFile(fullPath, True)
End If
Next entry
End Sub
End Module
Using archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(archiveFilePath)
archive.ExtractToDirectory(destPath, True)
End Using
Side note: Don't concatenate strings to form a path out of its parts; use Path.Combine() instead.

How to Auto Copy text file from one folder to another folder in vb 2010 console or windows application

I want to create a program that auto copy text file from one folder to another folder . is it possible to make in windows form in ? if not what about in console apps ? i tried to search but i didn't find an answer for both. please help me i'm new to to this. I want to copy all the text file that is being save to c:folder1\test1.text copy to c:folder2\test1.text then test2.text,test3.text all the text file that are being put in folder1. i want to copy in folder2.
now i only have this code:
it will only copy 1 specific textfile with file name test.txt.
enter code here
Of course! First of all we need a function that search for files.
Public Sub SearchFiles(ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Path As String, ByVal FilesFound As ArrayList)
FilesFound.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(Path, Pattern))
End Sub
But where we should save the list of files? We can use a Array for it. Also we should define our output and input folder
Dim files As New ArrayList
Dim inDir As String = "input path"
Dim outDir As String = "output path"
We can now call this function like this:
SearchFiles("*.txt", inDir, files)
All .txt files in the folder are now saved in our Array List. But how we can work with it? We can now work with it like this:
For Each file As String In files
Dim fName As String = Path.GetFileName(file)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(file , outDir & "\" & fName, overwrite:=False)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
This will copy every .txt file that where found in our inDir to our outDir. If something goes wrong then you will see this in the console. Try it out and understand how it works :)

Read File name and put it into Variable

I am trying to find a way to read a specific file name in a directory and then put the file name into a variable. In my program I have a batch file that zips a folder called logs and then changes the name of zip to
So basically if the filename was I would want the entire file name but not the path stored into a variable. The file starts off on the user's local machine. It is then uploaded into a network share.
The network path will be uploaded to a database for others to view. I want to just add the unique file name to the end of a pre set path. Here is the code I am using.
Dim filePath As String = "c:\temp\logs\"
If (System.IO.Directory.Exists(filePath)) Then
For Each file As String In filePath
If file.Contains(".zip") Then
Dim zip As String = file
testbox.Text = zip
Exit For
End If
End If
You can enumerate all files using the GetFiles() method of the static (shared in VB) Directory class, see msdn.
Assuming you have more then 1 file I add the files to a listbox control. But you could change that if you wish. I get the filename using the Path class. You will find a lot other helpful functions in this class.
Dim searchPath = "C:\temp\logs"
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.zip")
For Each file In files
This should do it.
Your loop doesn't read anything. The string variable filePath is just the name of the directory, not a list of the files in that directory. Calling For Each over a string simply enumerates each character contained in the string
To get a list of files contained in that folder you need Directory.EnumerateFiles() and pass the filePath variable and the extension required.
It seems that you are interested only to find if that folder contains at least one file with zip extension. If this is the case then you could remove the explicit loop and write simply
Dim file = Directory.EnumerateFiles(filePath, "*.zip").FirstOrDefault()
If file IsNot Nothing Then
testbox.Text = Path.GetFileName(file)
End If
Using Path.GetFileName will return just the file without the path part
Try this code :
Dim FilePath As String = "c:\temp\logs\"
If (System.IO.Directory.Exists(FilePath)) Then
For Each File As String In System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(FilePath)
If File.Contains(".zip") Then
Dim info As New System.IO.FileInfo(File)
zip = info.Name
testbox.Text = zip
Exit For
End If
End If