Error Handling on external Macro - vba

I am just wondering if it would be possible to do error handling on an external macro. Basically what I want to achieve is I have have thousands of excel workbooks that come in daily and I want to open each of them and run the macro from them (easily done just use the feature )
Application.Run ("'" & ActiveWorkbook & "'!Export")
What I want to achieve is I want to run error resolving function if that external macro incurs an error.
This is what I have so far
Dim str_SearchFile, str_FileName, str_SearchPath As String
Dim wb_WorkBook As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
str_ThisBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name 'Set the current workbook for later reference
str_SearchPath = Sheets("Control Panel").Range("E2")
str_SearchFile = Sheets("Control Panel").Range("E2") & "\*.xls*" 'Sets the file type to search for
str_NextFile = Dir(str_SearchFile, vbDirectory) 'Sets the amount of files in the directory matching the criterea (.xls)
Do While Len(str_NextFile) > 0
On Error Resume Next
Set wb_WorkBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=str_SearchPath & "\" & str_NextFile, Password:="")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
Application.Run ("'" & str_NextFile & "'!Export")
str_FileName = str_SearchPath & "\Done" & "\" & str_NextFile
FileCopy (str_SearchPath & "\" & str_NextFile), str_FileName
Kill (str_SearchPath & "\" & str_NextFile)
End If
str_NextFile = Dir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Any Advise is very welcome!
Thank you in advance

You won't be able to get this to work the way you are trying.
The MSDN on On Error Statement indicates that it (emphasis added):
Enables an error-handling routine and specifies the location of the
routine within a procedure; can also be used to disable an
error-handling routine.
The VBE Glossary defines a procedure as:
A named sequence of statements executed as a unit. For example,
Function, Property, and Sub are types of procedures. A procedure name
is always defined at module level. All executable code must be
contained in a procedure. Procedures can't be nested within other
This means that calling error handling before calling the macro in the other book, will be ignored in the called macro (confirmed through testing).
The only way that you would be able to enable error handling would be to actually modify the code in the workbook prior to calling the macro... which is very complicated. For your reference, here is a webpage giving an example of editing project code from VBA.

The easiest way I would deal with this is to change your external workbook's "Export" sub into a function that returns a value - Say an integer.
What you can then do is put error trapping into that function and, based upon the outcome of the procedure it can return, say:
0 = All Went Well
1 = Failed to do XXX
2 = Failed to do YYY
You could then change your code to something like this:
Select Case Application.Run ("'" & str_NextFile & "'!Export")
Case 0
MsgBox "All Went Well"
Case 1
MsgBox "Failed to do XXX"
Case 2
MsgBox "Failed to do YYY"
End Select
This will allow you to put the error trapping where it belongs and know how the procedure ran.
hope this helps


Excel 2016 VBA - Compare 2 PivotTables fields for matching values

Hi please can someone help, Excel 2016 VBA PivotTable objects. I rarely develop in Excel VBA.
Overall goal:
Compare a single column [P_ID] value list from PivotTable2 against PivotTable1 if they exist or not to enable filtering on those valid values in PivotTable1.
I have some Excel 2016 VBA code which I have adapted from a previous answer from a different internet source.
Logic is: gather data from PivotTable2 from the ComparisonTable dataset (in PowerPivot model), field [P_ID] list of values. Generate a test line as input into function to test for existence of field and value in PivotTable1 against the Mastertable dataset, if true add the line as valid if not skip the line.
Finally filter PivotTable1 with the VALID P_ID values.
It works to a point until it gets to the bFieldItemExists function which generates an error:
Run-time error '1004'
Unable to get the PivotItems property of the PivotField class
Can someone please correct the way of this not working?
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim MyArray As Variant, _
ar As Variant, _
x As String, _
y As String, _
str As Variant
MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("[ComparisonTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").DataRange
For Each ar In MyArray
x = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
If ar <> "" And bFieldItemExists(x) = True Then
If str = "" Then
str = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = str & "," & "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
End If
End If
Next ar
Dim str2() As String
str2 = Split(str, ",")
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function bFieldItemExists(strName As String) As Boolean
Dim strTemp As Variant
' This line does not work!?
strTemp = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").PivotItems(strName)
If Err = 0 Then bFieldItemExists = True Else bFieldItemExists = False
End Function
The 1004 error occurred due to the use of square brackets [ ]. Remove those.
You also need to use the key word Set when you set an object equal to something. For example Set MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("ComparisonTable.P_ID.[P_ID").DataRange.
If you don't use Set you will get a VBA run-time error dialog that says Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
I cannot guarantee that my edits will completely solve your problem since I don't have your data set and cannot fully test your code. You will need to use the Debug mode in the VBA editor and single step through the code. To this set a breakpoint on the Set mDataRange = Active.... To set a breakpoint go to the Debug menu and choose the "Toggle Breakpoint" sub-menu item or you can press F9 to set the breakpoint.
Now when you make a change to the Pivot table, the Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate event will fire and the code will top execution at that point.
After the code stops executing due to the breakpoint, you can press the F8 key to single step through your code. If you want to resume execution to the next breakpoint you can press F5. Also when you get the VBA error dialog box, you can hit Debug and then use the F8 key to single step or use the debug windows to see what your variables and objects contain. I'm sure there are some good youtube videos on VBA debugging.
As you single step through the code, you can observe what each variable/object contains using the Immediate window, the Watches window and the Locals window. To open these windows, go to the menu item View and click on each of these sub-menu items.
Here's how you need to edit your code before debugging.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
'Better practice is to not use the underscore character to
'continue a Dim declaration line
Dim mDataRange As Range
Dim ar As Range
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Dim str As Variant
'Use Set to assign the object mDataRange a reference to the the right
'hand side of the equation. Remove the square brackets
'MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("[ComparisonTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").DataRange
Set mDataRange = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("ComparisonTable.P_ID.P_ID").DataRange
For Each ar In mDataRange
'You need to specify what proprerty from ar you
'want to assign to x. Assuming the value stored in
'ar.Value2 is a string, this should work.
'We use value2 because it is the unformmated value
'and is slightly quicker to access than the Text or Value
'x = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
x = "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
'Once again specify the Value2 property as containing
'what value you want to test
If ar.Value2 <> "" And bFieldItemExists(x) = True Then
If str = "" Then
'Remove the square brackets and use the specific property
'str = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
'Remove the square brackets and use the specific property
'str = str & "," & "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = str & "," & "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
End If
End If
Next ar
Dim str2() As String
str2 = Split(str, ",")
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Remove square brackets
'ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("MasterTable.P_ID.P_ID").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function bFieldItemExists(strName As String) As Boolean
'Declare a PivotItem to accept the return value
Dim pvItem As PivotItem
'Since you want to trap for an error, you'll need to let the VBA runtime know
'The following code is a pseudo Try/Catch. This tells the VBA runtime to skip
'the fact an error occured and continue on to the next statement.
'Your next statement should deal with the error condition
On Error Resume Next
'Use Set whenever assigning an object it's "value" or reference in reality
Set pvItem = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("MasterTable.P_ID.P_ID").PivotItems(strName)
'Assuming that an error gets thrown when strName is not found in the pivot
'Err is the error object. You should access the property you wish to test
If Err.Number = 0 Then
bFieldItemExists = True
bFieldItemExists = False
End If
'Return to normal error functioning
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Finally, I realize that some of this should be in the comments section, but there was too much I needed to explain to help Learner74. BUT most importantly, I hope I helped him. I have used so many suggestions, recommendations and explanations from the VBA Stack Overflow exchange through the years, I just want to pay it back by paying it forward.
Additional USEFUL Links:
Chip Pearson is the go to site and person for all things VBA
Paul Kelly's Excel Macro Mastery is another go to site for Excel and VBA questions.
Microsoft Excel Object Model which is sometimes useful, but needs improvement. Too many of the objects lack examples, but can at least point you in the right direction.

Can you interrupt the vba code to make a sheet selection?

I will try to be as clear as possible in the description, so here goes nothing:
I have created a code in which the user selects his excel file and then the macro copies the Sheet from that file into my macro Workbook.
MyFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Workbooks.Open (MyFile)
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=wbook.Sheets(1)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Selected file"
Workbooks.Open (MyFile)
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
This is working, but what I realized is, that there might be cases where the selected file has multiple Sheets.
Is there a way to write the macro in which if my selected file has 1 sheet it runs the above code and if it has more than one sheet to let me select the sheet I want and then run the rest of the code?
I thought of another way to handle this — perhaps closer to what you were looking for . . .
It's just an expansion of the basic pause routine that I use occasionally.
This is my "regular" Pause routine (using the Timer function):
Sub Pause(seconds As Single)
Dim startTime As Single
startTime = Timer 'get current timer count
DoEvents 'let Windows "catch up"
Loop Until Timer > startTime + seconds 'repeat until time's up
End Sub, it gave me an idea.
Honestly, I was a little surprised to discover that this works, since it's basically running two sections of code simultaneously.
Code for WaitForUserActivity :
Here's the code I used in the demo above:
Option Explicit
Public isPaused As Boolean
Sub WaitForUserActivity() 'THE 'RUN DEMO' BUTTON runs this sub.
Dim origSheet As String
isPaused = True 'flag "pause mode" as "on"
origSheet = ActiveSheet.Name 'remember current worksheet name
MsgBox "This will 'pause' code execution until you" & vbLf & _
"click the 'Continue' button, or select a different a worksheet."
Application.StatusBar = "PAUSED: Click ""Continue"", or select a worksheet."
Do 'wait for button click or ws change
DoEvents 'yield execution so that the OS can process other events
Loop Until (Not isPaused) Or (ActiveSheet.Name <> origSheet)
If isPaused Then 'the active worksheet was changed
MsgBox "Worksheet '" & ActiveSheet.Name & "' was selected." _
& vbLf & vbLf & "Now the program can continue..."
Else 'the button was clicked
MsgBox "The 'Continue' button was clicked." _
& vbLf & vbLf & "Now the program can continue..."
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Ready"
End Sub
Sub btnContinue() 'THE 'CONTINUE' BUTTON runs this sub.
isPaused = False 'flag "pause mode" as "off"
End Sub
To run the demo:
place the above code in a regular module
make sure the workbook has at least two worksheets
create two command buttons:
one for the "Run Demo" button, assign macro: WaitForUserActivity
one for the "Continue" button, assign macro: btnContinue
click the "Run Demo" button
The key command in the code is the DoEvents Function, which "yields execution so that the operating system can process other events."
DoEvents passes control to the operating system. Control is returned after the operating system has finished processing the events in its queue and all keys in the SendKeys queue have been sent.
DoEvents is most useful for simple things like allowing a user to cancel a process after it has started, for example a search for a file. For long-running processes, yielding the processor is better accomplished by using a Timer or delegating the task to an ActiveX EXE component - and the operating system takes care of multitasking and time slicing.
Any time you temporarily yield the processor within an event procedure, make sure the procedure is not executed again from a different part of your code before the first call returns; this could cause unpredictable results.
Further details (and warnings) at the source.
Original Answer:
Some suggested solutions:
Instead of "stopping" the code you could prompt the user to specify which worksheet.
The easiest way would be with an InputBox where the user would enter an ID number or otherwise identify the worksheet.
More complicated but more robust and professional-looking would be a custom dialog box with the help of a userform. There are several examples and tutorials online such as this one.
You could "pause" execution to give the user a set amount of time to select a worksheet, with a simple timer loop, ad you could even check the worksheet name to see if the user picked a new one, something like this:
Dim startTime As Single, shtName As String
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "There is only one worksheet in this workbook."
shtName = ActiveSheet.Name 'get name of active sheet
MsgBox "You have 5 seconds to select a worksheet after clicking OK.", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Select a worksheet... fast!"
startTime = Timer
Loop Until Timer > startTime + 5
'check if user picked a new worksheet
If ActiveSheet.Name = shtName Then
MsgBox "You didn't select a new worksheet!"
MsgBox "Thanks for selecting a new worksheet!"
End If
End If
It's a little hoakey but could work, especially if proper checks to make sure you've got the correct worksheet now.
I suppose you could create an worksheet event procedure that would run when a worksheet is activated, and checked a global variable to see if your "import procedure" was running, and if so, resume your code... but that would be messy and confusing and would require the code to exist in the workbook you're "importing".
Or, better than any of those would be to programmatically/logically determine which worksheet you need based on the contents of the worksheet. Is there a title? A certain date? Maybe the newest worksheet? Something in a certain cell? There must be something that differentiates it from the others.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas towards a non-linear solution. 😉
As in whole, I would recommend ashleedawg's solution, but if you
insisted on maintaining your code structure, your code could look
something like this:
You can distinguish between amount of Sheets a Workbook has using .Count property of the Sheets object (or Worksheets if you do not want to include Charts) and use InputBox to check for the sheet you want to look for.
MyFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Workbooks.Open (MyFile)
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count = 1 Then
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Copy After:=wbook.Sheets(1)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = "Selected File"
Dim checkfor As String
checkfor = InputBox("What Sheet should I execute the code for?")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count
If Trim(LCase(checkfor)) = Trim(LCase(Sheets(i).Name))) Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(i).Copy After := wbook.Sheets(1)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name = "Selected file"
End If
Next i
End If
Workbooks.Open (MyFile)
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
Might need some further tweaking, because I was unsure what exactly you wanted to achieve.

Excel Macro VB Run-time error: Automation Error [duplicate]

I know I've seen references to this issue before, but I have tried several of the suggestions and I am still getting the error. I have a workbook that assembles data from another book and generates a report. I then want to make a new workbook, copy the report information into the new book, save the new book and close it, and then move on to the next report. It should do this around 10 times. In the part of my code where I am copying and pasting the sheets, I am getting an error
Error -2147417848 Automation error The object invoked has
disconnected from its clients
I have checked other postings about this error, and tried the suggested solutions without any results. the interesting thing is that sometimes it will make it through 5 cycles of code before breaking, sometimes only 2. The only consistency is that it always breaks in the same place
fromBook.Sheets("Report").Copy Before:=newBook.Sheets("Sheet1")
I have option Explicit at the top of the module, and I have checked to make sure that there are not any globals inside of the sub it is breaking in. That being said, It's entirely possible I have overlooked something. I also put a "timer" in at one point to make sure that the excel sheets were not walking over each other.
I could really use the help!
Here is my sub's code:
Sub CreateAndSave(ByRef Reg As Integer, ByVal j As Integer)
Dim fromBook As Workbook
Dim fromSheet As Worksheet
Dim newBook As Workbook
Dim fileExists As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim Holder As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set fromBook = Application.Workbooks("Region_Audit_Report")
Set newBook = Workbooks.Add
With newBook
.SaveAs Filename:="G:\DataTeam\ExcelDev\Audit Report\Region Workbooks\Region" & Reg & " " & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & "-" & Year(Date) & ".xlsx" _
, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
End With
Set newBook = Application.Workbooks("Region" & Reg & " " & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & "-" & Year(Date) & ".xlsx")
fromBook.Sheets("Report").Copy Before:=newBook.Sheets("Sheet1")
fromBook.Sheets("MonthData").Copy After:=newBook.Sheets("Report")
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("A1") = "Month"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("B1") = "Store#"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("C1") = "District"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("D1") = "Region"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("E1") = "Due Date"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("F1") = "Comp Date"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("G1") = "# of Errors"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("H1") = "Late?"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("I1") = "Complete?"
newBook.Sheets("MonthData").Range("A1:I1").Interior.ColorIndex = 43
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
I have had this problem on multiple projects converting Excel 2000 to 2010. Here is what I found which seems to be working. I made two changes, but not sure which caused the success:
1) I changed how I closed and saved the file (from close & save = true to save as the same file name and close the file:
Dim oFile As Object ' File being processed
[Where the error happens - where aArray(i) is just the name of an Excel.xlsb file]
Set oFile = GetObject(aArray(i))
'oFile.Close SaveChanges:=True - OLD CODE WHICH ERROR'D
'New Code
oFile.SaveAs Filename:=oFile.Name
oFile.Close SaveChanges:=False
2) I went back and looked for all of the .range in the code and made sure it was the full construct..
Application.Workbooks("workbook name").Worksheets("worksheet name").Range("G19").Value
or (not 100% sure if this is correct syntax, but this is the 'effort' i made)
I have just met this problem today: I migrated my Excel project from Office 2007 to 2010. At a certain point, when my macro tried to Insert a new line (e.g. Range("5:5").Insert ), the same error message came. It happens only when previously another sheet has been edited (my macro switches to another sheet).
Thanks to Google, and your discussion, I found the following solution (based on the answer given by "red" at answered Jul 30 '13 at 0:27): after switching to the sheet a Cell has to be edited before inserting a new row. I have added the following code:
'=== Excel bugfix workaround - 2014.08.17
vCellValue = Range("B1").Value
Range("B1").Value = vCellValue
"B1" can be replaced by any cell on the sheet.
You must have used the object, released it ("disconnect"), and used it again. Release object only after you're finished with it, or when calling Form_Closing.
I had this same problem in a large Excel 2000 spreadsheet with hundreds of lines of code. My solution was to make the Worksheet active at the beginning of the Class. I.E. ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WorkSheetName").Activate
This was finally discovered when I noticed that if "WorkSheetName" was active when starting the operation (the code) the error didn't occur. Drove me crazy for quite awhile.
Couple of things to try...
Comment out the second "Set NewBook" line of code...
You already have an object reference to the workbook.
Do your SaveAs after copying the sheets.
The error in the below line of code (as mentioned by the requestor-William) is due to the following reason:
fromBook.Sheets("Report").Copy Before:=newBook.Sheets("Sheet1")
The destination sheet you are trying to copy to is closed. (Here newbook.Sheets("Sheet1")).
Add the below statement just before copying to destination.
Application.Workbooks.Open ("YOUR SHEET NAME")
This will solve the problem!!

Is there VBA Code to see if Enterprise Project 2013 file is checked out before opening?

Trying to help our Project 2013 Users out with some VBA code, and we have come to a point where we can't seem to find an answer for finding if a Project 2013 file is checked out on our PWA server using VBA. They basically have a list of Projects set as tasks in a single Project file, and the VBA code loops through the list of tasks to run FileOpenEx, do some changes, and then closes it. However, the need is to be able to check to see if the Project File is checked out prior to running FileOpenEx on each Project in the list. Here is a sample of what I'm going for that doesn't quite do what I want it to.
While ActiveCell.CellColor <> pjBlack
fname = "<>\" & ActiveCell.Task.Name
justname = ActiveCell.Task.Name
On Error Resume Next
If Application.Projects.CanCheckOut(fname) Then '<--This does not work correctly, not checking Enterprise Projects?
FileOpenEx Name:=fname, ReadOnly=false
'Do Some stuff
FileCloseEx Save:=pjSave, CheckIn:=True
MsgBox (justname & " can not be checked out")
End If
SelectCell Row:=1
If anyone has a better solution, an easy way to check this, or another workaround to finding out if an Enterprise Project is checked out through VBA code, please let me know. Thanks!
We created a workaround that works for the planners, but we do have to open the file either way. What this will do is open the file in Read Only mode, then attempt to check it out without alerts. Afterwards, if I have it checked out (which means no one else had it checked out), it'll set j=0 and save, then move on to the next project. If someone else has it checked out, then it'll go to 'errorhandler' which tells the project to close without saving, and save the filename in a string to be returned later.
While ActiveCell.CellColor <> pjBlack
fname = "<>\" & ActiveCell.Task.Name
justname = ActiveCell.Task.Name
FileOpenEx Name:=fname, ReadOnly=true
Set ProjToOpen = Application.Projects.Application.ActiveProject
j = 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ProjToOpen.Checkout Project
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
If Not Application.IsCheckedOut(ProjToOpen.Name) Then
GoTo errorhandler
End If
'Perform actions here
j = 0
FileCloseEx Save:=pjSave, CheckIn:=True
If Not j = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve skippedfiles(0 to skipped) As String
skippedfiles(skipped) = justname
skipped = skipped + 1
ProjToOpen.Application.FileCloseEx Save:=pjDoNotSave
GoTo GoToNextProj
End If
SelectCell Row:=1
msgstring = Join(skippedfiles(), vbCr)
MsgBox "Here are the files that were already checked out and therefore not changed: " & vbCr & msgstring

How can I pick values from an Excel workbook and return them by function on active workbook

My goal is to implement some of functions where I give them parameters of power, frequency and speed of an electric motor, and look in another workbook (in which I have motor data) and return the size, shaft diameter and other motor details.
As I have not mastered much VBA I tried to implement a function that simply goes to a cell in another workbook and returns the value:
Function Test() As String
Dim name As String
With Workbooks.Open("D:\ExcelTest\WbSource.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1")
name = .Cells(2, 3)
End With
Test= name
End Function
The problem is that it gives me a #VALUE! error, but each variable used is defined as a string and the cells has general format (if I change cells format to text it gives me the same message).
Try as I might, I could not get to work in a function, even if the function calls a sub. You could open the catalogue file in the workbook open event, and close it again in the before close event.
In the VProject Explorer, right click on "ThisWorkBook," and "View code".
In the pick list at the top, select Workbook, and the sub Workbook_open() procedure should be created. If not, select "Open" in the right pick list. Put in the following:
Application.Workbooks.Open ("D:\ExcelTest\WbSource.xlsm")
ThisWorkbook.Activate 'restores the "focus" to your worksheet
Then click the right pick list and select "beforeClose" and put in
On Error Resume Next 'this keeps it from crashing if the catalogue is closed first
As long as the worksheet opens the wbsource file first, the function will work.
Here is an approach with scheduling UDF execution in queue, and processing outside UDF that allows to get rid of UDF limitations. So the value from the closed workbook got via ExecuteExcel4Macro() by a link.
Put the following code into one of the VBAProject Modules:
Public Queue, QueueingAllowed, UDFRetValue
Function UDF(ParamArray Args())
If IsEmpty(Queue) Then
Set Queue = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
UDFRetValue = ""
QueueingAllowed = True
End If
If QueueingAllowed Then Queue.Add Application.Caller, (Args)
UDF = UDFRetValue
End Function
Function Process(Args)
If UBound(Args) <> 4 Then
Process = "Wrong args number"
' Args(0) - path to the workbook
' Args(1) - filename
' Args(2) - sheetname
' Args(3) - row
' Args(4) - column
On Error Resume Next
Process = ExecuteExcel4Macro("'" & Args(0) & "[" & Args(1) & "]" & Args(2) & "'!R" & Args(3) & "C" & Args(4))
End If
End Function
Put the following code into ThisWorkbook section of VBAProject Excel Objects:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim Item, TempFormula
If Not IsEmpty(Queue) Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
QueueingAllowed = False
For Each Item In Queue
TempFormula = Item.FormulaR1C1
UDFRetValue = Process(Queue(Item))
Item.FormulaR1C1 = TempFormula
Queue.Remove Item
Application.EnableEvents = True
UDFRetValue = ""
QueueingAllowed = True
End If
End Sub
After that you can get the values from closed workbook via worksheet formula using UDF:
Anyway you can add Workbooks.Open() or any other stuff into Function Process(Args) to make it to work the way you want. The code above is just an example.
I've answered the similar questions here and here, so that descriptions might be helpful.
I suggest:
open WbSource.xlsm either manually or via VBA outside the UDF.
pass the parameters to the UDF
have the UDF search down the columns of the newly opened workbook to find the correct record
have the UDF pass the row number back to the worksheet
in the worksheet, use Match()/Index() formulas to retrieve other data.