Copy subfolders to another folder in VB.NET without overwriting -

I have this code which I am using to copy a directory:
Private Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal sourcePath As String, ByVal destPath As String)
If Not Directory.Exists(destPath) Then
End If
For Each file1 As String In Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath)
Dim dest As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(file1))
File.Copy(file1, dest)
For Each dir1 As String In Directory.GetDirectories(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
Dim destdir As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(dir1))
CopyDirectory(dir1, destdir)
End Sub
And this is how I call CopyDirectory method:
Dim sourcepath As String = "E:\Crazy\"
Dim DestPath As String = "D:\Snippets\"
CopyDirectory(sourcepath, DestPath,)
The problem is that it continously copies the folder again and again. How do I stop this? And how do I copy the subfolder a single time? I have used recursion.

Your problem lies here:
For Each dir1 As String In Directory.GetDirectories(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
This will get the parent folder of the destPath, not the correct path to copy from.
Also, you have a problem with File.Copy. If the file already exist in the destination path, calling File.Copy without an explict request to overwrite the destination will throw an exception.
Private Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal sourcePath As String, ByVal destPath As String)
If Not Directory.Exists(destPath) Then
End If
For Each file1 As String In Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath)
Dim dest As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(file1))
File.Copy(file1, dest, True) ' Added True here to force the an overwrite
' Use directly the sourcePath passed in, not the parent of that path
For Each dir1 As String In Directory.GetDirectories(sourcePath)
Dim destdir As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(dir1))
CopyDirectory(dir1, destdir)
End Sub


Copying a file from a directory to another one

I have a an application which is supposed to copy a selected file whose directory is written in txtbox1 to a folder of director written in txtbox2 as follows :
code :
Dim sourcepath As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim DestPath As String = TextBox2.Text
CopyDirectory(sourcepath, DestPath)
Called sub:
Private Shared Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal sourcePath As String, ByVal destPath As String)
If Not Directory.Exists(destPath) Then
End If
For Each file__1 As String In Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
Dim dest As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(file__1))
File.Copy(file__1, dest)
For Each folder As String In Directory.GetDirectories(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
Dim dest As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(folder))
CopyDirectory(folder, dest)
End Sub
This code copies all the files, not the specified one only. Can someone please tell me how to make this sub copy only the selected file not all the files in the folder?
You're taking the entire path as an argument (something like this: C:/someDirectory/filename.txt) and aren't comparing the filename to the other filenames in that directory.
Instead of using:
For Each file__1 As String In Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
Dim dest As String = Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(file__1))
File.Copy(file__1, dest)
Dim sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(sourcePath)
For Each filePath As String in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath))
Dim filename As String = Path.GetFileName(filePath)
If sourceFileName = filename
'Do your copy code here
End If

Need to strip numbers out of a filename string to change save location

I'm having an issue where I need to strip a filename from a path but can't quite figure out the code.
An example filename would be C:\Checked out parts\001-1099-01.slddrw. I need to extract the "001-1099-01." portion. The file location to the left could be anything and the only constants in the file name are the "001-" portion (which I should point out, could repeat if the filename was 001-1001-03) and the ".slddrw". Other than that the filename could be named "001-10999-03-02-01".
I have stripped out the slddrw portion easily, I tried using Right and InStr functions to strip the rest off but I think that InStr only works with letters (couldn't find any number examples anyways)
I believe this is what you are looking for:
Public Sub test()
Dim strFileName As String
'Your sample file name
strFileName = "C:\Checked out parts\001-1099-01.slddrw"
'Search for the first occurance of \ in the reversed (!) file name
' if you substract this result from the length of the string
' you know where to start (+ 2 to avoid the \ itself)
strFileName = Mid(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - InStr(1, StrReverse(strFileName), "\") + 2)
'Remove the .slddrw portion from the end
strFileName = Replace(strFileName, ".slddrw", "")
Debug.Print strFileName
End Sub
Note the comments in the code for more information.
You can use a sub in which you define the path and extension of your file and it will give you the filename.
Sub getFileName()
Dim myString() As String
Dim path As String, extension As String
Dim fileName As String
path = "C:\Checked out parts\"
extension = ".slddrw"
'Say your string is in cell A1
myString = Split(Range("A1"), path)
fileName = Split(myString(1), extension)(0)
MsgBox fileName 'fileName can be used elsewhere after
End Sub
You could also do it as a function:
Function getFileName(cel As Range, path As String, extension As String)
Dim myString() As String
myString = Split(cel, path)
getFileName = Split(myString(1), extension)(0)
End Function
If you have the path and extensions stored in cells, you can use this function:
Function getFileName2(cel As Range, path As Range, extension As Range)
Dim myString() As String
myString = Split(cel, path)
getFileName2 = Split(myString(1), extension)(0)
End Function
Those are the options I can think of, hope it helps.
If you don't know the path nor the extension, you can use this instead:
myString = Split(Range("A1"), "\")
fileName = Split(myString(UBound(myString)), ".")(0)

Renaming all files in a folder

I'm wondering if it's possible to rename all the files in a folder with a simple program, using vb.NET
I'm quite green and not sure if this is even possible.
Lets say there is a folder containing the files:
Text_Space_aliens.txt, fishing_and_hunting_racoons.txt and mapple.txt.
Using a few credentials:
Dim outPut as String = "TextFile_"
Dim fileType as String = ".txt"
Dim numberOfFiles = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(LocationFolder.Text)
Dim filesTotal As Integer = CStr(numberOfFiles.Count)
Will it be possible to rename these, regardless of previous name, example:
TextFile_1.txt, TextFile_2.txt & TextFile_3.txt
in one operation?
I think this should do the trick. Use Directory.GetFiles(..) to look for specific files. Enumerate results with a for..each and move (aka rename) files to new name. You will have to adjust sourcePath and searchPattern to work for you.
Private Sub renameFilesInFolder()
Dim sourcePath As String = "e:\temp\demo"
Dim searchPattern As String = "*.txt"
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each fileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
File.Move(Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName), Path.Combine(sourcePath, "txtFile_" & i & ".txt"))
i += 1
End Sub
In your title you state something about chronologically, but within your question you never mentioned it again. So I did another example ordering files by creationTime.
Private Sub renameFilesInFolderChronologically()
Dim sourcePath As String = "e:\temp\demo"
Dim searchPattern As String = "*.txt"
Dim curDir As New DirectoryInfo(sourcePath)
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each fi As FileInfo In curDir.GetFiles(searchPattern).OrderBy(Function(num) num.CreationTime)
File.Move(fi.FullName, Path.Combine(fi.Directory.FullName, "txtFile_" & i & ".txt"))
i += 1
End Sub
I've never done Lambdas in but tested my code and it worked as intended. If anything goes wrong please let me know.

cant call batch file over network

I am trying to call a bat file that is within a network drive. I think that this line of code is causing the issue:
Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c \\filepath\hello.bat", vbNormalFocus)
This runs fine on my own machine, but as soon as I go onto the network it does not work. Is it something to do with the /c bit?
Are the network paths are defined in your shell environment? You need to might need to use full UNC paths.
with this code you can get the unc path information from drives in your system.
Sub SampleUNC()
Dim uncPaths As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim infoUnc As String = String.Empty
'Get Unc Drives info in your system
uncPaths = GetUncDrivePaths()
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In uncPaths
'X: \\MyServer\Software\
'Y: \\MyServer\Documents\
Debug.WriteLine(kvp.Key & " " & kvp.Value)
'get the Unc path from the mapped drive \\MyServer\Documents\
infoUnc = GetUncPath("Y:")
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetUncDrivePaths() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim uncDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim dis As DriveInfo() = DriveInfo.GetDrives()
For Each di As DriveInfo In dis
If di.DriveType = DriveType.Network Then
Dim dir As DirectoryInfo = di.RootDirectory
Dim name As String = dir.FullName.Substring(0, 2)
Dim realPath As String = GetUNCPath(name)
uncDictionary.Add(name, realPath)
' "x:"
'MessageBox.Show(GetUNCPath(dir.FullName.Substring(0, 2)))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return uncDictionary
End Function
Public Shared Function GetUncPath(ByVal path As String) As String
If path.StartsWith("\\") Then
Return path
End If
Dim mo As New ManagementObject()
mo.Path = New ManagementPath(String.Format("Win32_LogicalDisk='{0}'", path))
'DriveType 4 = Network Drive
If Convert.ToUInt32(mo("DriveType")) = 4 Then
Return Convert.ToString(mo("ProviderName"))
Return path
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function

Searching By File Extensions VB.NET [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?
(27 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Hi all i have been trying to search a specified directory and all sub directories for all files that have the specified file extension. However the inbuilt command is useless as it errors up and dies if you dont have access to a directory. So here's what i have at the moment:
Private Function dirSearch(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal searchpattern As String = ".exe") As String()
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim filelist() As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each fi In di.GetFiles
If System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fi.FullName).ToLower = searchpattern Then
filelist(i) = fi.FullName
i += 1
End If
Return filelist
End Function
However i get an "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i try to access the data stored inside the filelist string array.
Any idea's on what im doing wrong?
You didn't instantiate the Dim filelist() As String array. Try di.GetFiles(searchPattern)
Dim files() as FileInfo = di.GetFiles(searchPattern)
Use static method Directory.GetFiles that returns an array string
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(Path,searchPattern,searchOption)
Dim files() As String
files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.exe", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
For Each FileName As String In files
Recursive directory traversal:
Sub Main()
Dim path = "c:\jam"
Dim fileList As New List(Of String)
GetAllAccessibleFiles(path, fileList)
'Convert List<T> to string array if you want
Dim files As String() = fileList.ToArray
For Each s As String In fileList
End Sub
Sub GetAllAccessibleFiles(path As String, filelist As List(Of String))
For Each file As String In Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*")
For Each dir As String In Directory.GetDirectories(path)
GetAllAccessibleFiles(dir, filelist)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Use System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles method and pass SearchOption.AllDirectories in to traverse the tree using a specific search pattern. Here is an example:
foreach (var e in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\windows", "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories))