ssh on remote server to kill process, pushd script folder and execute the script is not wor - ssh

I have a requirement to kill remote process of specific patter, pushd the path to startup and execute the script.
I tried so far with
pid=$(ssh -q username#virt ps -ef|grep $APP|grep $PORT|awk '{print $2}')
ssh -q username#virt kill -9 $pid
ssh -q username#virt "find /shared/local/path1/app -name "start_app*" -exec grep -nl "9122" {} \;| xargs -0 -I '{}' bash -c 'pushd $(dirname {});bash {};'"
When I execute above command kill processing is working fine. The final step to find for scriptfile and execute script by pushing the folder to the path is not working.
For some reason the pushd is not working fine.
The command on the local server do work fie with
find /shared/local/path1/app -name "start_app*" -exec grep -nl "9122" {} \;| xarg -0 -I '{}' bash -c 'pushd $(dirname {});bash {};'
Please help a more effective solution to accomplish this task.

You have an error in the quotes here:
ssh -q username#virt "find /shared/local/path1/app -name "start_app*" -exec grep -nl "9122" {} \;| xargs -0 -I '{}' bash -c 'pushd $(dirname {});bash {};'"
Try this in stead:
ssh -q username#virt "find /shared/local/path1/app -name 'start_app*' -exec grep -nl '9122' {} \;| xargs -0 -I '{}' bash -c 'pushd \$(dirname {});bash {};'"


Streaming stdout from remote shell call

I have a read-only remote filesystem that stores logs.
I use ssh -t to run grep queries on these logs. Sometimes, the queries can take too long and cause the ssh to timeout.
Is there some way to stream the stdout back and keep ssh connection alive?
Example command:
ssh -t "cd /path/to/my/folder ; find ./ -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P8 zgrep -B 5 -H 'My search string'" > search_result.txt

How can I send password safely to tmux?

The following is my code in create_tmux.zsh
tmux has-session -t $SESSIONNAME &> /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
tmux new-session -d -s $SESSIONNAME -n emacs
tmux new-window -t $SESSIONNAME:1 -n a
tmux send-keys -t $SESSIONNAME:1 'ssh -Y;$2' C-m
tmux attach -t $SESSIONNAME
It's simple if I run
create_tmux.zsh ab $%^^&av1#
But in this way, it not only shows in the terminal of my password but also recorded in history.
How can I solve this?
Thank you

How to locate code in PHP inside a directory and edit it

I've been having problems with multiple hidden infected PHP files which are encrypted (ClamAV can't see them) in my server.
I would like to know how can you run an SSH command that can search all the infected files and edit them.
Up until now I have located them by the file contents like this:
find /home/***/public_html/ -exec grep -l '$tnawdjmoxr' {} \;
Note: $tnawdjmoxr is a piece of the code
How do you locate and remove this code inside all PHP files in the directory /public_html/?
You can add xargs and sed:
find /home/***/public_html/ -exec grep -l '$tnawdjmoxr' {} \; | xargs -d '\n' -n 100 sed -i 's|\$tnawdjmoxr||g' --
You may also use sed immediately than using grep -but- it can alter the modification time of that file and may also give some unexpected modifications like perhaps some line endings, etc.
-d '\n' makes it sure that every argument is read line by line. It's helpful if filenames has spaces on it.
-n 100 limits the number of files that sed would process in one instance.
-- makes sed recognize filenames starting with a dash. It's also commendable that grep would have it: grep -l -e '$tnawdjmoxr' -- {} \;
File searching may be faster with grep -F.
sed -i enables inline editing.
Besides using xargs it would also be possible to use Bash:
find /home/***/public_html/ -exec grep -l '$tnawdjmoxr' {} \; | while IFS= read -r FILE; do sed -i 's|\$tnawdjmoxr||g' -- "$FILE"; done
while IFS= read -r FILE; do sed -i 's|\$tnawdjmoxr||g' -- "$FILE"; done < <(exec find /home/***/public_html/ -exec grep -l '$tnawdjmoxr' {} \;)
readarray -t FILES < <(exec find /home/***/public_html/ -exec grep -l '$tnawdjmoxr' {} \;)
sed -i 's|\$tnawdjmoxr||g' -- "${FILES[#]}"

background xargs/wget not adhering to -P and -n limits

I'm having a problem with xargs and Wget when run as shell scripts in an Applescript app. I want Wget to run 4 parallel processes in the background. The problem: basically, when I try to run the process in the background with
cat urls.txt | xargs -P 4 -n 1 /usr/local/bin/wget -q -E -b 1> NUL 2> NUL
a Wget process is apparently started for each URL passed in from the .txt file. This is too burdensome on the user's memory. When I run it in the foreground, however, with something like:
cat urls.txt | xargs -P 4 -n 1 /usr/local/bin/wget -q -E
I seem to get the four parallel Wget processes I need. Does anybody know how to get this script to run in the background with only 4 processes? I'm a bit of a novice, and I'm afraid I can't figure out why backgrounding the process causes this change.
You might run xargs on the background instead:
cat urls.txt | xargs -P4 -n1 wget -q &
Or if you want to return control to the AppleScript, disown the xargs process:
do shell script "cat urls.txt | xargs -P4 -n1 /usr/local/bin/wget -q & disown $!"
As far as I can tell, I have solved the problem with
cat urls.txt| (xargs -P4 -n1 wget -q -E >/dev/null 2>&1) &
There may well be a better solution, though...

Ask the compiler to ignore #pragma message

As said in the title, I want the compiler to ignore pragma message for the time being, so it's easier for me to read and fix actual warnings. I've done some searching, but there doesn't seem to be any information on it.
No it isn't possible, so the best thing to do would be to mass-edit all the #pragmas out:
$ cd MySourceFolder
$ find . -name \*.m -exec perl -p -i -n -e 's/^#pragma/\/\/#pragma/' {} \;
When you want the #pragma's back again:
$ cd MySourceFolder
$ find . -name \*.m -exec perl -p -i -n -e 's/^\/\/#pragma/#pragma/' {} \;
If you do this kind of thing alot, I would wrap that in a script, and put it into your ~/bin directory.