FactoryGirl attributes_for and associations - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to test associations in my Rspec controller tests. Problem is that Factory doesn't produce associations for the attributes_for command. So, following the suggestion in this post I defined my validate attributes in my controller spec like so:
def valid_attributes
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
country = FactoryGirl.create(:country)
valid_attributes = FactoryGirl.build(:entitlement, user_id: user.id, country_id: country.id, client: true).attributes.symbolize_keys
puts valid_attributes
However, when the controller test runs I still get the following errors:
EntitlementsController PUT update with valid params assigns the requested entitlement as #entitlement
Failure/Error: entitlement = Entitlement.create! valid_attributes
Validation failed: User can't be blank, Country can't be blank, Client & expert are both FALSE. Please specify either a client or expert relationship, not both
Yet the the valid_attributes output in the terminal clearly shows that each valid_attribute has a user_id, country_id and expert is set to true:
{:id=>nil, :user_id=>2, :country_id=>1, :client=>true, :expert=>false, :created_at=>nil, :updated_at=>nil}

It looks like you have a puts as the last line in your valid_attributes method, which returns nil. That's why when you pass it to Entitlement.create! you get an error about user and country being blank, etc.
Try removing that puts line, so you have just:
def valid_attributes
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
country = FactoryGirl.create(:country)
FactoryGirl.build(:entitlement, user_id: user.id, country_id: country.id, client: true).attributes.symbolize_keys
Incidentally, you shouldn't really be creating users and countries and then passing their ids to build, you can do that in the factory itself just by including lines with user and country in the entitlement factory. When you run FactoryGirl.build(:entitlement) it will then automatically create them (but not actually save the entitlement record).


New to Rails 4 Testing - Need help getting started (rSpec and Devise)

I'm relatively new to testing and very new to Rails 4 and rSpec. I am trying to test a controller that uses Devise for authentication and I am stuck. All of the examples I can find are for Rails 3.
I'm using Rails 4.0.3, Devise 3.2.3, rSpec 2.14.1 and FactoryGirl 4.4.0.
class LessonPlansController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
# GET /lesson_plans
def index
#lesson_plans = current_user.lesson_plans.to_a
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_lesson_plan
#lesson_plan = LessonPlan.find(params[:id])
# Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.
def lesson_plan_params
def lesson_plan_params
params.require(:lesson_plan).permit(:title, :synopsis)
Here are my factory definitions: (Maybe I don't need to define user_id in the lesson_plan factory?)
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
sequence( :username ) { |n| "user#{n}" }
sequence( :email ) { |n| "foo#{n}#example.com" }
password 'foobarbaz'
password_confirmation 'foobarbaz'
created_at Time.now
updated_at Time.now
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :lesson_plan do
user_id 1
title "The French Revolution"
synopsis "Background and events leading up to the French Revolution"
And the test part is where I get stuck.
describe LessonPlansController do
let(:valid_attributes) { { } }
let(:valid_session) { {} }
# describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all lesson_plans as #lesson_plans" do
sign_in user
lesson_plan = LessonPlan.create! valid_attributes
get :index, {}, valid_session
assigns(:lesson_plans).should eq([lesson_plan])
I'm not sure what to put in valid_attributes and valid_session (or if I even need them). The test will get as far as signing in the user, but will fail on creation of the lesson_plan. Admittedly this is the default/generated test for rSpec, but I am not sure how to proceed.
Examples I have seen use a before block to set up the user. I haven't been able to find anything on the Devise wiki page covering how to write basic rSpec tests for a controller that requires the user to be logged in. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
"I'm not sure what to put in valid_attributes and valid_session (or if I even need them)."
Well that depends what you're testing for.. Say you're testing validations & want to ensure that a record not be created if x column is set to null... then you could try to specifically create a record with invalid attributes (e.g. column: nil) and expect the result to not return true; maybe you want to ensure that it IS created with valid attributes.
You can btw, use `attributes_for(:factory_name)`` since you're using FactoryGirl. And no you don't necessarily need to specify the user's id in your lesson plan factory; unless you always want it to reference user 1. You can simply reference user with no value. Check out http://everydayrails.com/2012/03/12/testing-series-intro.html and especially parts 3-5 for an introduction to testing with RSPec.. I found this a pretty easy to follow guide when I was getting started.

Rspec controller spec

I am new to Rspec please tell me what would be the controller Spec for the following two methods In index method only login page is seen by entering the username control goes to login method and find the name of person. If person is find then control goes to people path otherwise it goes back to root path that is index page it self.
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
def login
#person = Person.find(:all, :conditions => ['people.name =?', params[:person][:name]] )
if #person.blank?
redirect_to root_path
redirect_to people_path
Please help me.
Your rspec controller tests could be like this:
describe HomeController do
it "Logs in Person with non-blank name" do
person = Factory(:Person, name: "non-blank name")
get :login
response.should redirect_to(people_path)
it "does not log in Person with blank name" do
person = Factory(:Person, name: "") # blank name
get :login
response.should redirect_to(root_path)
Refer to rails controller specs for details.
Factory: the code that creates objects (test objects in this case). This is a preferred method for creating test objects because you can customize your code to create objects with varying attributes with least duplication.
Fixtures: If you are not using factories, you can specify the attributes for each of the objects you are going to create. For more than 2-3 object, this data quickly becomes unmanageable to maintain (for example, when you add an attribute, you need to make changes for each of these objects).
Stubs: If you prefer not to create database records while creating model objects, you can stub the model code white testing controllers.
For more information, refer:
1. testing guide
2. asciicast (Note: this code refers to an older version of FactoryGirl gem. Refer below for up-to-date API of FactoryGirl)
3. FactoryGirl Readme

FactoryGirl sequence generating same email in database repeatedly

I am using the following code to generate an email address:
sequence :email do |n|
Then to generate a user, I use the following code:
factory :user do
sequence(:username) {|n| "person#{n}"}
email { generate :email }
password 'password'
password_confirmation { |u| u.password }
However, when I run the test, it always generates "person1#example.com". It never increases to '2'.
I get the error message "person1#example.com" already exists in the database.
How do I get FactoryGirl to increment up?
If you get this message when generating users within single test, then yes, it's the problem with generating unique emails. But you can receive that kind of error message because of test database not being clean (user left over from a former test). If in doubt, check test log.

working on rails 3 tutorial by hartl and stuck on 12.3.4 - New Status Feed

I'm stuck on the last exercise in the Hartlt book 12.3.4 where you define the status feed for yourself and the users you are following. I'm a Rails newbie so just let me know if I need to post additional information.
When I tail the development log I can see will_paginate fire the SQL to gather the initial records, and the initial page looks fine when it is served up. When I click a link to go to any another page, it appears will_paginate doesn't fire the SQL to get retrieve more data from the database as the next page is server up fine, but there is no data.
There are also no new entries in the development log and maybe I'm wrong, but I think this indicates will_paginate didn't hit the database.
I tried to include all the relevant code snippits below. Happy to send anything that's missing.
Here is my pages_controller.rb
def home
#title = "Home"
if signed_in?
#micropost = Micropost.new
#feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate(:page => params[:page])
Here is my user.rb
def feed
Here is my microposts.rb
scope :from_users_followed_by, lambda { |user| followed_by(user) }
def self.followed_by(user)
following_ids = %(SELECT followed_id FROM relationships
WHERE follower_id = :user_id)
where("user_id IN (#{following_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id",
:user_id => user)
NOTE: In the video tutorial (chapter 12, time = 02:06:00) and the book (page 517, listing 12.44) Harlt uses the variable "followed_ids" instead of "following_ids". In the virgin sample code you can download from his site the variable name is "following_ids", and I have tried it both ways - but it fails.
Bottom line - the dev log shows will_paginate retrieving the first batch of data, but it never goes back to the database for additional data.
Can anyone suggest what I can take a look at to resolve my problem?
Many thanks.
do you have more records than will fit on one page?
If not, it may be that will_paginate is doing a count first.
Then deciding not to load any records.
Get into the console and try it out.
$ rails console
user = User.find(23)
# the same user you're logged in as
# is it more than one page?
user.feed.paginate(:page => 1)
# 20 records?
user.feed.paginate(:page => 2)
# nothing?
in your example scope :from_users_followed_by, lambda { |user| followed_by(user) } is redundant.
You may as well just say;
def feed

Rails: Avoiding duplication errors in Factory Girl...am I doing it wrong?

Suppose I have a model user, which has a uniqueness constraint on the email field
If I call Factory(:user) once all is well, but if I call it a second time it'll fail with an "entry already exists" error.
I'm currently using a simple helper to search for an existing entry in the DB before creating the factory...and calling any factory I make through that helper.
It works, but it's not entirely elegant, and considering how common I assume this problem must be, I'm guessing there's a better solution. So, is there an inbuilt way in factory girl to return_or_create a factory, instead of just charging ahead with create()? If not, how do most folk avoid duplicate entries with their factories?
Simple answer: use factory.sequence
If you have a field that needs to be unique you can add a sequence in factory_girl to ensure that it is never the same:
Factory.define :user do |user|
sequence(:email){|n| "user#{n}#factory.com" }
user.password{ "secret" }
This will increment n each time in order to produce a unique email address such as user52#factory.com. (See https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/wiki/Usage for more info)
However this isn't always great in Rails.env.development...
Over time I have found that this is not actually the most useful way to create unique email addresses. The reason is that while the factory is always unique for your test environment it's not always unique for your development environment and n resets itself as you start the environment up and down. In :test this isn't a problem because the database is wiped but in :development you tend to keep the same data for a while.
You then get collisions and find yourself having to manually override the email to something you know is unique which is annoying.
Often more useful: use a random number
Since I call u = Factory :user from the console on a regular basis I go instead with generating a random number. You're not guaranteed to avoid collisions but in practice it hardly ever happens:
Factory.define :user do |user|
user.email {"user_#{Random.rand(1000).to_s}#factory.com" }
user.password{ "secret" }
N.B. You have to use Random.rand rather than rand() because of a collision (bug?) in FactoryGirl [https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/issues/219](see here).
This frees you to create users at will from the command line regardless of whether there are already factory generated users in the database.
Optional extra for making email testing easier
When you get into email testing you often want to verify that an action by a particular user triggered an email to another user.
You log in as Robin Hood, send an email to Maid Marion and then go to your inbox to verify it. What you see in your inbox is something from user_842#factory.com. Who the hell is that?
You need to go back to your database to check whether the email was sent / received by whomever you expected it to be. Again this is a bit of a pain.
What I like to do instead is to generate the email using the name of the Factory user combined with a random number. This makes it far easier to check who things are coming from (and also makes collisions vanishingly unlikely). Using the Faker gem (http://faker.rubyforge.org/) to create the names we get:
Factory.define :user do |user|
user.first_name { Faker::Name::first_name }
user.last_name { Faker::Name::last_name }
user.email {|u| "#{u.first_name}_#{u.last_name}_#{Random.rand(1000).to_s}#factory.com" }
finally, since Faker sometimes generates names that aren't email-friendly (Mike O'Donnell) we need to whitelist acceptable characters: .gsub(/[^a-zA-Z1-10]/, '')
Factory.define :user do |user|
user.first_name { Faker::Name::first_name }
user.last_name { Faker::Name::last_name }
user.email {|u| "#{u.first_name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z1-10]/, '')}_#{u.last_name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z1-10]/, '')}_#{Random.rand(1000).to_s}#factory.com" }
This gives us personable but unique emails such as robin_hood_341#factory.com and maid_marion_10#factory.com
Here's what I do to force the 'n' in my factory girl sequence to be the same as that object's id, and thereby avoid collisions:
First, I define a method that finds what the next id should be in app/models/user.rb:
def self.next_id
self.last.nil? ? 1 : self.last.id + 1
Then I call User.next_id from spec/factories.rb to start the sequence:
factory :user do
password "password"
sequence(:email, User.next_id) {|n| "darth_#{n}#sunni.ru" }
I found this a nice way to be sure the tests will always pass.
Otherwise you can not be sure the 100% of the times you will create a unique email.
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
name { Faker::Company.name }
email { generate(:email) }
sequence(:email) do
gen = "user_#{rand(1000)}#factory.com"
while User.where(email: gen).exists?
gen = "user_#{rand(1000)}#factory.com"
If you only need to generate a few values for attributes, you can also add a method to String, which keeps track of the prior strings used for an attribute. You could then do something like this:
factory :user do
fullname { Faker::Name.name.unique('user_fullname') }
I use this approach for seeding. I wanted to avoid sequence numbers, because they do not look realistic.
Here the String extension which makes this happen:
class String
# Makes sure that the current string instance is unique for the given id.
# If you call unique multiple times on equivalent strings, this method will suffix it with a upcounting number.
# Example:
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc"
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc-1"
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc-2"
# puts "abc".unique("other") #=> "abc"
# Internal:
# We keep a data structure of the following format:
# ##unique_values = {
# "some_for_id" => { "used_string_1" : 1, "used_string_2": 2 } # the numbers represent the counter to be used as suffix for the next item
# }
def unique(for_id)
##unique_values ||= {} # initialize structure in case this method was never called before
##unique_values[for_id] ||= {} # initialize structure in case we have not seen this id yet
counter = ##unique_values[for_id][self] || 0
result = (counter == 0) ? self : "#{self}-#{counter}"
counter += 1
##unique_values[for_id][self] = counter
return result
Caution: This should not be used for lots of attributes, since we track all prior strings (optimizations possible).