GNU Screen: create or attach to a session AND source a file - gnu-screen

Using "screen -D -R -S foo", one can attach to an existing session named "foo", or if said session doesn't exist, create it.
How does one also source a file that contains screen commands?
I thought that this would work:
screen -D -R -S foo -X source file
Unfortunately, that fails with this message:
No screen session found.
EDIT: As zebediah49 pointed out in a comment, I left out the "source" in "-X source file" by mistake. Updated now.

OK, from a close reading of the man page I note:
-X Send the specified command to a running screen session. You can
use the -d or -r option to tell screen to look only for attached
or detached screen sessions. Note that this command doesn't work
if the session is password protected.
running screen session. In other words, I don't believe you can do what you're looking for like that, with only one command. However, you can
create the window if it does not exist
send the command to the window
connect to the window:
screen -ls | grep "$NAME" || screen -d -m -S "$NAME"
screen -r "$NAME" -X stuff "source file$NL"
screen -D -R -S "$NAME"
(Clarification of how -X works, from Send commands to a GNU screen )


how to create a GNU screen session with multi windows in it?

I alway work in a screen session with some windows, one for shell, one for mysql, one for music player, one for irc, and so on...
The problem is, when you create a screen session, it only creates one window by default. So I have to do Ctrl-a c then issue commands, again and again.
So I wrote a bash function to do this.
local i=workspace
screen -qls $i
if [ "$?" -ne 11 ];then
screen -dmS $i
screen -S $i -X screen mysql -uroot -p
screen -S $i -X screen irssi
screen -S $i -X screen nvlc $music -Z
screen -r $i -p0
screen -r $i
My question is, is there a way to start a new screen session with some windows? By this question, I mean new session, NOT for existing sessions using '-X'. And, screen built-in feature, I mean, no shell scripting involved.
I didn't consider .screenrc file at first, because commands in it will be invoked every time you call screen, but sometimes I need to create a new screen session with different things.
One thing I forgot is that, I can choose configuration file.
So I think answer is:
screen -d -R -S workspace -c ~/.workspace
and content of ~/.workspace should be:
screen mysql -uroot -p
screen irssi
screen nvlc
select 0

How to list tabs within a screen session from command line while detatched

I am trying to figure out a way to list all of the tabs in a specific screen session from command line. Specifically, I just want to figure out if a tab exists of some particular name.
I have a script which creates a new tab in a session and runs a script there for a list of tab names. For some reason, there are occasionally one or two tabs that don't get created and this throws off the top level script. I want to add an acknowledgement in my top level script that checks if the particular tab was created and, if not, have a log that tells me this when I go back and look at the data.
Here is my top level code snippet, in case you may have any pointers on why a particular tab would not get created. My guess is that the tabs get created too quickly and this potentially causes an error. There are definitely no name conflicts
for f in $PWD/*; do
if [ -d $f ]; then
CMD="cd $f; bash cmd"
# Creates a new screen window with title '$f' in existing screen session
screen -S $SESSION_NAME -X screen -t $f
# Switch terminal to bash
screen -S $SESSION_NAME -p $f -X stuff "bash$(printf \\r)"
# Launch $CMD in newly created screen window
screen -S $SESSION_NAME -p $f -X stuff "$CMD$(printf \\r)"
Thanks for the help!
You can use the -Q parameter with the command windows
-Q Some commands now can be queried from a remote session using this flag, e.g. "screen -Q windows". The commands will send the response to the
stdout of the querying process. If there was an error in the command, then the querying process will exit with a non-zero status.

How do you get the size of a non-interactive tmux pane?

I have several tmux panes running in a window that have been started with syntax like:
tmux split-window -h -l {dynamic value} tail -f somefile.txt
tmux split-window -v -l {dynamic value} tail -f someotherfile.txt
tmux split-window -h -l {dynamic value} nc -l -p {random port}
As I use this script to create new panes and I need to update an array in my script with the sizes of each "window" (pane).
If the tmux panes contained interactive shells, I could just run tput cols and tput rows in them to get the size. I checked the tmux man page, but didn't see the commands I'm looking for.
If you know a pane’s id (e.g. %24) or its name (e.g. session_name:win_idx.pane_idx; see target-pane in the man page), then you can use display-message -p to query the dimensions:
tmux display-message -pt "$pane" -F '#{pane_width}x#{pane_height}'
If you do not already have a way to name to panes, then you can collect the pane ids as you split them off by using the -P option along with the -F option:
pane_a=$(tmux split-window -PF '#{pane_id}' -hl "$dynamic_value" 'tail -f somefile.txt')
⋮ # create other panes
pane_a_width=$(tmux display-message -pt "$pane_a" -F '#{pane_width}')
If you want to know about all the panes in a window, then you can use list-panes with the window’s id (e.g. #5) or name (e.g. session_name.win_idx; see target-window in the man page):
tmux list-panes -t "$window" -F '#{pane_id} #{pane_width}x#{pane_height} #{session_name}:#{window_index}.#{pane_index}'
Some of these options and format specifiers are not available on old versions of tmux, but there are usually workarounds (depending on just how old your version is).

How to create a screen executing given command?

i'm fairly new in *nix. Is there a way to create a screen, which will immediately execute a given command sequence (with their own arguments)? Two hours of googling yields nothing - perhaps because I can't
clearly state the question.
I hope for something like
screen -dmS new_screen exec "cd /dir && java -version"
I am using screen v4.00.03 and CentOS 5.5 (kernel ver. 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5.028stab079.2)
You create a screen with a name and in detached mode:
screen -S "mylittlescreen" -d -m
Then you send the command to be executed on your screen:
screen -r "mylittlescreen" -X stuff $'ls\n'
The stuff command is to send keystrokes inside the screen. The $ before the string command is to make the shell parse the \n inside the quotes, and the newline is required to execute the command (like when you press enter).
This is working for me on this screen version:
$ screen -v
Screen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-06
Please see man screen for details about the commands.
The problem is that using the 'exec' screen command does not start a shell. 'cd' is a shell builtin, so you need a shell for it. Also, you need a shell that remains running so that screen does not terminate.
You can use the -X option to screen to send commands to a running screen session, and the 'stuff' command to send keystrokes to the current window. Try this:
screen -dmS new_screen sh
screen -S new_screen -X stuff "cd /dir
screen -S new_screen -X stuff "java -version
Yes, you need to put the quotes on the next line in order for the commands to be executed.
screen -dmS screen_name bash -c 'sleep 100'
This will create new screen named screen_name. And inside the screen it will sleep for 100 seconds.
Note that if you type some command in place of sleep 100 which terminates immediately upon execution, the screen will terminate as well. So you wont be able to see the screen you just created
I wanted to launch remote screens from within a bash script with some variables defined inside the bash script and available inside screen. So what worked for me was
# quit existing if there is one running already, be careful
screen -D -RR test1 -X quit || true
screen -dmS test1
screen -r test1 -p 0 -X stuff $"echo ${SOMEVAR1} ^M"
Where the return character, ^M, you need to enter using vim as
Another approach
First line cd to the your directory.
Second line start a new screen session named new_screen with bash.
Third line executing java -version
cd /dir
screen -dmS new_screen bash
screen -S new_screen -p 0 -X exec java -version
I think that you can use this
function exec_in_screen() {
screen -dmS $name sh; screen -S $name -X stuff "$command\n";
exec_in_screen "test" "ls"
Yes, what you want is the "stuff" command
for example
screen -dmS new_screen -X stuff "cd /dir && java -version
the second quote is on the next line so that it executes when sent

Automatically (or more easily) reconnect to a screen session after network interruption

ADDED: This question is now, I believe, subsumed by this one:
Using GNU Screen completely transparently and automatically
See also this related question:
Original question:
It would be nice if there were a way to ssh to a machine and immediately reconnect to a specific screen session. You can do this:
laptop> ssh screen -ls
and it will show a list of screens available on like so [1]:
And then you might try to do this:
laptop> ssh screen -dr pts-2
but that fails, saying "Must be connected to a terminal."
You have to ssh in first and then do the "screen -dr pts-2" on which is no good if you have a flaky connection and get disconnected a lot. You want to be able to resume with a simple "up-arrow enter" on the laptop. (Or perhaps make it even more automatic.)
I have a rihackulous solution to this problem which I'll post as an answer and hope it gets downvoted to oblivion in favor of the Right Way to deal with this.
[1] Or, better, if you created the screen sessions with names like "screen -S foo" and "screen -S bar" then you'll get a friendlier list like:
and can reconnect with, eg, "screen -dr foo".
Mini screen tutorial, incorporating the answer to this question:
Login in to and do
screen -S foo
and then never log out of that session again.
To reconnect to it from elsewhere, do
ssh -t screen -dr foo
To list available screens to reconect to:
screen -ls
or, of course,
ssh screen -ls
to check on's available screens remotely.
I now use the following alias (tcsh), based on Jason's answer below, to connect to a named screen if it exists or create and connect otherwise:
alias ssc 'ssh -t \!:1 "screen -S \!:2 -dr || screen -S \!:2"'
Does the -t option do what you want?
-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbi-
trary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be
very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t
options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.
laptop> ssh -t screen -dr pts-2
This seems to work in my installation.
This is now subsumed by this: Using GNU Screen completely transparently and automatically
Here's a script, ssc, that works just like ssh but takes a third argument to specify the screen to reconnect to, or the name of a new screen.
I believe this script subsumes everything in the original question.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Use 'ssc' (this script) instead of 'ssh' to log into a remote machine.
# Without a 3rd argument it will list available screens.
# Give it a 3rd argument to attach to an existing screen or specify a new
# screen. Eg, ssc foo
# The numbers in front of the screen tag can usually be ignored.
# Screen is a little too clever though in that if there's an existing screen "bar"
# and you say "ssc b" it will reconnect you to "bar" instead of making
# a new screen "b". It's like invisible and silent tab-completion.
if(scalar(#ARGV)==0 || scalar(#ARGV) > 2) {
print "USAGE: ssc [screen name]\n";
} elsif (scalar(#ARGV) == 1) {
$machine = shift;
#screens = split("\n", `ssh $machine screen -ls`);
for(#screens) {
if(/^\s*(\d+)\.(\S+)\s+\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
($num, $tag, $status) = ($1, $2, $3);
if($status =~ /attached/i) { $att{"$num.$tag"} = 1; }
elsif($status =~ /detached/i) { $att{"$num.$tag"} = 0; }
else { print "Couldn't parse this: $_\n"; }
print "ATTACHED screens:\n";
for(keys(%att)) { print " $_\n" if $att{$_}; }
print "DETACHED screens:\n";
for(keys(%att)) { print " $_\n" unless $att{$_}; }
} else {
$machine = shift;
$tag = shift;
system("ssh -t $machine \"screen -S $tag -dr || screen -S $tag\"");
Use the -t option to ssh to allocate a terminal while directly running a command.
laptop> ssh -t screen -dr pts-2
I've been working on something similar but not quite got there, your solutions have solved my problem so here's my suggestion:
ssh -t "screen -S foo -rd || screen -S foo"
This just tries to open the existing screen named foo and if it doesnt exist, creates it.
I'll put this in a launcher on my laptop, so when the wireless network goes I can just open where I left off.
Just noticed that the default screen shell is a bit weak, so an improvement which sets up your home environment a little better is:
ssh -t "screen -S foo -rd || screen -S foo bash -l"
I converted this to work on OS X .bash_profile with one addition: If no 2nd parameter is given, it will start a session "default".
function ssc() {
if [[ -z $2 ]]; then
ssh -t $1 "screen -S $screen -dr || screen -S $screen"
If you like to connect to the same session always even it is active, detached or not exists yet:
ssh -t user#server screen -xR screenName
The same but create a new session if it is already active on some other pty:
ssh -t user#server screen -rR screenName